Greasy Fork is available in English.
A simple script that helps you to make better
/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */ // ==UserScript== // @name // @name:zh-CN // @name:en // @namespace generals.io_plus // @version // @description A simple script that helps you to make better // @description:zh-CN 一个简单的generals.io增强脚本 // @description:en A simple script that helps you to make better // @author PY-DNG // @license MIT // @match* // @icon 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// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant unsafeWindow // @require // @resource alertify-css // @resource alertify-theme // ==/UserScript== (function __MAIN__() { 'use strict'; // Polyfills const script_name = ''; const script_version = ''; const NMonkey_Info = { GM_info: { script: { name: script_name, author: 'PY-DNG', version: script_version } }, requires: [ { src: '', loaded: () => (typeof(alertify) === 'object'), execmode: 'function' } ], resources: [ { src: '', name: 'alertify-css' }, { src: '', name: 'alertify-theme' } ], mainFunc: __MAIN__ }; const NMonkey_Ready = NMonkey(NMonkey_Info); if (!NMonkey_Ready) {return false;} polyfill_replaceAll(); // Constances const CONST = { Number: { Interval: 100 }, Storage: { Key: { CustomColor: 'User-Preferred-Color' } }, Colors: ['red', 'green', 'lightblue', 'purple', 'teal', 'blue', 'orange', 'maroon', 'yellow', 'pink', 'brown', 'lightgreen', 'purple-blue', 'white'], Color: {}, Css: { alertify: '.ajs-content>p {color: black;}', CustomColor: '.{MC} {background-color: {UCV} !important;} .{UC} {background-color: {MCV} !important;}' }, Text: { 'zh-CN': { CustomColor: '自定义颜色', EnterColor: '请输入你想要的颜色的英文名称,</br>可用的颜色为{AC},</br>留空即使用服务器提供的颜色:', ColorTitle: '自定义颜色', DefaultColor: '', InvalidColor: '颜色 "{C}" 不受支持!' }, 'en': { CustomColor: 'Custom Preferred Color', EnterColor: 'Enter your preferred color name,</br>Available colors are {AC},</br>Leave it blank if you don\'t want to custom your color: ', ColorTitle: 'Custom Preferred Color', DefaultColor: '', InvalidColor: 'Color "{C}" is not supported!' }, 'default': { CustomColor: 'Custom Preferred Color', EnterColor: 'Enter your preferred color name,</br>Available colors are {AC},</br>Leave it blank if you don\'t want to custom your color: ', ColorTitle: 'Custom Preferred Color', DefaultColor: '', InvalidColor: 'Color "{C}" is not supported!' } } } for (const color of CONST.Colors) { CONST.Color[color] = getColorValue(color); } // Init language let i18n = navigator.language; if (!Object.keys(CONST.Text).includes(i18n)) {i18n = 'default';} // Arguments: level=LogLevel.Info, logContent, asObject=false // Needs one call "DoLog();" to get it initialized before using it! function DoLog() { // Get window const win = (typeof(unsafeWindow) === 'object' && unsafeWindow !== null) ? unsafeWindow : window ; // Global log levels set win.LogLevel = { None: 0, Error: 1, Success: 2, Warning: 3, Info: 4, } win.LogLevelMap = {}; win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.None] = {prefix: '' , color: 'color:#ffffff'} win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Error] = {prefix: '[Error]' , color: 'color:#ff0000'} win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Success] = {prefix: '[Success]' , color: 'color:#00aa00'} win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Warning] = {prefix: '[Warning]' , color: 'color:#ffa500'} win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Info] = {prefix: '[Info]' , color: 'color:#888888'} win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Elements] = {prefix: '[Elements]', color: 'color:#000000'} // Current log level DoLog.logLevel = win.isPY_DNG ? LogLevel.Info : LogLevel.Warning; // Info Warning Success Error // Log counter DoLog.logCount === undefined && (DoLog.logCount = 0); // Get args let level, logContent, asObject; switch (arguments.length) { case 1: level = LogLevel.Info; logContent = arguments[0]; asObject = false; break; case 2: level = arguments[0]; logContent = arguments[1]; asObject = false; break; case 3: level = arguments[0]; logContent = arguments[1]; asObject = arguments[2]; break; default: level = LogLevel.Info; logContent = 'DoLog initialized.'; asObject = false; break; } // Log when log level permits if (level <= DoLog.logLevel) { let msg = '%c' + LogLevelMap[level].prefix; let subst = LogLevelMap[level].color; if (asObject) { msg += ' %o'; } else { switch(typeof(logContent)) { case 'string': msg += ' %s'; break; case 'number': msg += ' %d'; break; case 'object': msg += ' %o'; break; } } if (++DoLog.logCount > 512) { console.clear(); DoLog.logCount = 0; } console.log(msg, subst, logContent); } } DoLog(); let EB; main(); function main() { // Common actions loadinResourceCSS(); myCss(); // Event-based actions EB = new EventBroadcast(); EB.time = CONST.Number.Interval; =; initEvents(); EB.start(); // Clear advertisements EB.addEventListener('nogame', clearAds); // Gaming improvements EB.addEventListener('gamestart', mapEnhance); // Custom your preferred color const cfuncs = colorCustom(); EB.addEventListener('gamestart', cfuncs.apply); EB.addEventListener('gameover', cfuncs.remove); EB.addEventListener('colorpanelopen', cfuncs.enable); EB.addEventListener('colorpanel', cfuncs.correct); function initEvents() { // Game status events EB.setEventTrigger('game', gaming); EB.setEventTrigger('nogame', () => (!gaming())); // Game status change events let game_on = gaming(); EB.setEventTrigger('gamestart', function() { if (!game_on && gaming()) { game_on = gaming(); return true; } return false; }); EB.setEventTrigger('gameover', function() { if (game_on && !gaming()) { game_on = gaming(); return true; } return false; }); // Color-select panel displayed const display = () => ($('center>div>.supporter-circle') ? true : false); let display_on = false; EB.setEventTrigger('colorpanelopen', function() { const returnValue = (!display_on && display()) ? true : false; display_on = display(); return returnValue; }); EB.setEventTrigger('colorpanel', display); } } function myCss() { addStyle(CONST.Css.alertify); } function clearAds() { const adsSelectors = ['#main-menu-upsell-banner', '#custom-queue-ad', '#custom-queue-ad-skyscraper', '#custom-queue-ad-top', 'center>', '#replay-ad-container']; $('#custom-queue-content') && ($('#custom-queue-content').style.marginLeft = '0px'); for (const ad of adsSelectors) { $H(ad); } } function mapEnhance() { const elmMap = $('#gameMap'); const capital = $('.general'); markForever(); // Once a grid had been visible, keep its type visible forever function markForever() { // Data const grids = elmMap.querySelectorAll('td'); const fields = []; const mounts = []; const cities = []; const capitals = []; // Launch const interval = setInterval(mark, CONST.Number.Interval*3); EB.addEventListener('gameover', () => (clearInterval(interval))); mark(); function mark() { if (!$('#gameMap')) { clearInterval(interval); mapEnhance(); return false; } for (const grid of grids) { const classes = grid.className.split(' '); if (classes.includes('city') && !cities.includes(grid)) { cities.push(grid); keepBgImage(grid); DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'Marked a city.'); } else if (classes.includes('general') && !capitals.includes(grid)) { capitals.push(grid); keepBgImage(grid); DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'Marked a capital.'); } else if (classes.includes('mountain') && !mounts.includes(grid)) { mounts.push(grid); keepBgImage(grid); DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'Marked a Mountain.'); } else if (!classes.includes('obstacle') && !fields.includes(grid)) { fields.push(grid); } } for (const visible_grid of mounts.concat(cities).concat(capitals)) { markVisible(visible_grid); } } function keepBgImage(grid) { const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(grid); = computedStyle.backgroundImage; = computedStyle.backgroundRepeat; = computedStyle.backgroundPosition; } function markVisible(grid) { grid.classList.remove('fog'); } } } // Custom preferred Color without premium account function colorCustom() { GM_registerMenuCommand(CONST.Text[i18n].CustomColor, custom); const cssid = 'User-Preferred-Color'; function custom() { const box = alertify.prompt(CONST.Text[i18n].ColorTitle, CONST.Text[i18n].EnterColor.replace('{AC}', CONST.Colors.join(', ')), CONST.Text[i18n].DefaultColor, colorGot, cancel); function colorGot(e, color) { if (!CONST.Colors.includes(color)) { alertify.alert(CONST.Text[i18n].InvalidColor); } GM_setValue(CONST.Storage.Key.CustomColor, color); apply(); } function cancel() {} } function apply() { // Get color provided by server const elmMap = $('#gameMap'); const capital = $('.general'); const myColor = getColor(capital); const myValue = getColorValue(myColor); const color = GM_getValue(CONST.Storage.Key.CustomColor, ''); color && loadColor(color); // Apply user preferred color function loadColor(color) { const userColor = color; const userValue = getColorValue(userColor); addStyle(CONST.Css.CustomColor.replace('{MC}', myColor).replace('{MCV}', myValue).replace('{UC}', userColor).replace('{UCV}', userValue), cssid); } } function remove() { $R('#'+cssid); } function enable() { const div = $('center>div>.supporter-circle').parentElement; = 'auto'; let selected; for (const span of div.children) { // Transmition effect = '0.3s'; // Display current preferred color const color =\(\d+, \d+, \d+\)/)[0]; if (isSameColor(color, getColorValue(GM_getValue(CONST.Storage.Key.CustomColor)))) { ='0px 0px 0px 15px inset', '0px 0px 0px 3px inset'); selected = span; } else { ='0px 0px 0px 3px inset', '0px 0px 0px 15px inset'); } // Save when clicked span.addEventListener('click', circleClick); } function circleClick(e) { const span =; const color =\(\d+, \d+, \d+\)/)[0]; GM_setValue(CONST.Storage.Key.CustomColor, getColorName(color)); // Display ='0px 0px 0px 15px inset', '0px 0px 0px 3px inset'); ='0px 0px 0px 3px inset', '0px 0px 0px 15px inset'); selected = span; } } function correct() { const div = $('center>div>.supporter-circle').parentElement; = 'auto'; for (const span of div.children) { // Transmition effect = '0.3s'; // unselect not preferred color const color =\(\d+, \d+, \d+\)/)[0]; if (!isSameColor(color, getColorValue(GM_getValue(CONST.Storage.Key.CustomColor)))) { ='0px 0px 0px 3px inset', '0px 0px 0px 15px inset'); } } } return { custom: custom, apply: apply, remove: remove, enable: enable, correct: correct } } // Whether gameboard exists function gaming() { const API = getAPI(); return $('#gameMap .general') && (!API || !['replays', 'mapcreator'].includes(API[0])) ? true : false; } // Get the color of a grid function getColor(grid) { for (const cls of grid.classList) { if (CONST.Colors.includes(cls)) { return cls; } } } // Get the value of color name function getColorValue(color) { const elm = document.createElement('td'); elm.classList.add(color); document.body.appendChild(elm); const value = getComputedStyle(elm).backgroundColor; document.body.removeChild(elm); return value; } // Get the name of color value function getColorName(color) { for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(CONST.Color)) { if (isSameColor(color, value)) { return name; } } } // Whether two given color is the same function isSameColor(c1, c2) { const rgb = /^rgb/; c1 = c1.trim().toLowerCase(); c2 = c2.trim().toLowerCase(); !rgb.test(c1) && (c1 = CONST.Color[c1]); !rgb.test(c2) && (c2 = CONST.Color[c2]); c1 = c1.replaceAll(', ', ',').replaceAll(' ', ','); c2 = c2.replaceAll(', ', ',').replaceAll(' ', ','); return c1 === c2; } // Basic functions function $(e) {return document.querySelector(e);} function $R(e) {const el = $(e); return el && el.parentElement.removeChild(el);} function $H(e) {const el = $(e); return el && ( = 'none');} function loadinResourceCSS() { for (const res of NMonkey_Info.resources) { const css = GM_getResourceText(; css && addStyle(css); } } function EventBroadcast() { const EB = this; const _EB = {}; // Init _EB.event = {}; _EB.time = 500; _EB.interval = null; _EB.listeners = {}; = null; defineProxy(EB, _EB, 'event', false); defineProxy(EB, _EB, 'time', true); defineProxy(EB, _EB, 'interval', false); defineProxy(EB, _EB, 'name', true); // Start listen-interval setTimeout(EB.start, 0); // Add an event trigger EB.setEventTrigger = function(eventName, trigger) { EB.initEvent(eventName); _EB.event[eventName].trigger = trigger; } // Add an event listener EB.addEventListener = function(eventName, eventFunc, once=false) { const id = makeid(); const listenerObj = { eventName: eventName, eventFunc: eventFunc, once: once } // Add to event.listeners EB.initEvent(eventName); _EB.event[eventName].listeners[id] = listenerObj; // Add to _EB.listeners _EB.listeners[id] = listenerObj; } // Remove an event listener EB.removeEventListener = function(id) { if (_EB.listeners[id]) { const listenerObj = _EB.listeners[id]; // Remove from event.listeners delete _EB.event[listenerObj.eventName].listeners[id]; // Remove from _EB.listeners delete _EB.listeners[id]; } } // Init an event obj EB.initEvent = function(eventName=null) { const event = _EB.event[eventName] || {trigger: null, listeners: {}}; !_EB.event[eventName] && Object.defineProperty(event.listeners, 'length', { configurable: false, enumerable: false, get: function() {return Object.keys(event.listeners).length;} }); eventName && !_EB.event[eventName] && (_EB.event[eventName] = event); return event; } // Get all listeners of an event or all events EB.getEventListeners = function(eventName) { const event = _EB.event[eventName] || EB.initEvent(); return event.listeners; } // Remove all event listeners EB.removeAllListeners = function(eventName=null) { if (eventName) { const event = _EB.event[eventName] || EB.initEvent(); for (const [id, listenerObj] of Object.entries(event.listeners)) { EB.removeEventListener(id); } } else { for (const [id, listenerObj] of Object.entries(_EB.listeners)) { EB.removeEventListener(id); } } } // Start listening EB.start = function() { //_EB.interval = setInterval(EB.listen, _EB.time); next(); function next() { _EB.interval = setTimeout(next, _EB.time); EB.listen(); } } // Stop listening EB.stop = function() { clearInterval(_EB.interval); _EB.interval = null; } EB.listen = function() { for (const [eventName, event] of Object.entries(_EB.event)) { if (event.trigger()) { //DoLog(( ? + ': ' : '') + 'Dispatching {} event'.replace('{}', eventName)); for (const [id, listenerObj] of Object.entries(event.listeners)) { listenerObj.eventFunc(); listenerObj.once && EB.removeEventListener(id); } } } } const makeid = (function() { let cur = 0; return function() { return ++cur; } }) (); function defineProxy(outerObj, innerObj, propName, writable) { Object.defineProperty(outerObj, propName, { configurable: false, enumerable: true, get: function() { return innerObj[propName]; }, set: function(newValue) { writable && (innerObj[propName] = newValue); } }) } } // Just stopPropagation and preventDefault function destroyEvent(e) { if (!e) {return false;}; if (!e instanceof Event) {return false;}; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } // GM_XHR HOOK: The number of running GM_XHRs in a time must under maxXHR // Returns the abort function to stop the request anyway(no matter it's still waiting, or requesting) // (If the request is invalid, such as url === '', will return false and will NOT make this request) // If the abort function called on a request that is not running(still waiting or finished), there will be NO onabort event // Requires: function delItem(){...} & function uniqueIDMaker(){...} function GMXHRHook(maxXHR=5) { const GM_XHR = GM_xmlhttpRequest; const getID = uniqueIDMaker(); let todoList = [], ongoingList = []; GM_xmlhttpRequest = safeGMxhr; function safeGMxhr() { // Get an id for this request, arrange a request object for it. const id = getID(); const request = {id: id, args: arguments, aborter: null}; // Deal onload function first dealEndingEvents(request); /* DO NOT DO THIS! KEEP ITS ORIGINAL PROPERTIES! // Stop invalid requests if (!validCheck(request)) { return false; } */ // Judge if we could start the request now or later? todoList.push(request); checkXHR(); return makeAbortFunc(id); // Decrease activeXHRCount while GM_XHR onload; function dealEndingEvents(request) { const e = request.args[0]; // onload event const oriOnload = e.onload; e.onload = function() { reqFinish(; checkXHR(); oriOnload ? oriOnload.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } // onerror event const oriOnerror = e.onerror; e.onerror = function() { reqFinish(; checkXHR(); oriOnerror ? oriOnerror.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } // ontimeout event const oriOntimeout = e.ontimeout; e.ontimeout = function() { reqFinish(; checkXHR(); oriOntimeout ? oriOntimeout.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } // onabort event const oriOnabort = e.onabort; e.onabort = function() { reqFinish(; checkXHR(); oriOnabort ? oriOnabort.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } } // Check if the request is invalid function validCheck(request) { const e = request.args[0]; if (!e.url) { return false; } return true; } // Call a XHR from todoList and push the request object to ongoingList if called function checkXHR() { if (ongoingList.length >= maxXHR) {return false;}; if (todoList.length === 0) {return false;}; const req = todoList.shift(); const reqArgs = req.args; const aborter = GM_XHR.apply(null, reqArgs); req.aborter = aborter; ongoingList.push(req); return req; } // Make a function that aborts a certain request function makeAbortFunc(id) { return function() { let i; // Check if the request haven't been called for (i = 0; i < todoList.length; i++) { const req = todoList[i]; if ( === id) { // found this request: haven't been called delItem(todoList, i); return true; } } // Check if the request is running now for (i = 0; i < ongoingList.length; i++) { const req = todoList[i]; if ( === id) { // found this request: running now req.aborter(); reqFinish(id); checkXHR(); } } // Oh no, this request is already finished... return false; } } // Remove a certain request from ongoingList function reqFinish(id) { let i; for (i = 0; i < ongoingList.length; i++) { const req = ongoingList[i]; if ( === id) { ongoingList = delItem(ongoingList, i); return true; } } return false; } } } // Get a url argument from lacation.href // also recieve a function to deal the matched string // returns defaultValue if name not found // Args: name, dealFunc=(function(a) {return a;}), defaultValue=null function getUrlArgv(details) { typeof(details) === 'string' && (details = {name: details}); typeof(details) === 'undefined' && (details = {}); if (! {return null;}; const url = details.url ? details.url : location.href; const name = ? : ''; const dealFunc = details.dealFunc ? details.dealFunc : ((a)=>{return a;}); const defaultValue = details.defaultValue ? details.defaultValue : null; const matcher = new RegExp(name + '=([^&]+)'); const r###lt = url.match(matcher); const argv = r###lt ? dealFunc(r###lt[1]) : defaultValue; return argv; } // Append a style text to document(<head>) with a <style> element function addStyle(css, id) { const style = document.createElement("style"); id && ( = id); style.textContent = css; for (const elm of document.querySelectorAll('#'+id)) { elm.parentElement && elm.parentElement.removeChild(elm); } document.head.appendChild(style); } // File download function // details looks like the detail of GM_xmlhttpRequest // onload function will be called after file saved to disk function downloadFile(details) { if (!details.url || ! {return false;}; // Configure request object const requestObj = { url: details.url, responseType: 'blob', onload: function(e) { // Save file saveFile(URL.createObjectURL(e.response),; // onload callback details.onload ? details.onload(e) : function() {}; } } if (details.onloadstart ) {requestObj.onloadstart = details.onloadstart;}; if (details.onprogress ) {requestObj.onprogress = details.onprogress;}; if (details.onerror ) {requestObj.onerror = details.onerror;}; if (details.onabort ) {requestObj.onabort = details.onabort;}; if (details.onreadystatechange) {requestObj.onreadystatechange = details.onreadystatechange;}; if (details.ontimeout ) {requestObj.ontimeout = details.ontimeout;}; // Send request GM_xmlhttpRequest(requestObj); } // get '/' splited API array from a url function getAPI(url=location.href) { return url.replace(/https?:\/\/(.*?\.){1,2}.*?\//, '').replace(/\?.*/, '').match(/[^\/]+?(?=(\/|$))/g); } // get host part from a url(includes '^https://', '/$') function getHost(url=location.href) { const match = location.href.match(/https?:\/\/[^\/]+\//); return match ? match[0] : match; } function AsyncManager() { const AM = this; // Ongoing xhr count this.taskCount = 0; // Whether generate finish events let finishEvent = false; Object.defineProperty(this, 'finishEvent', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: () => (finishEvent), set: (b) => { finishEvent = b; b && AM.taskCount === 0 && AM.onfinish && AM.onfinish(); } }); // Add one task this.add = () => (++AM.taskCount); // Finish one task this.finish = () => ((--AM.taskCount === 0 && AM.finishEvent && AM.onfinish && AM.onfinish(), AM.taskCount)); } // NMonkey By PY-DNG, 2021.07.18 - 2022.02.18, License GPL-3 // NMonkey: Provides GM_Polyfills and make your userscript compatible with non-script-manager environment // Description: /* Simulates a script-manager environment("NMonkey Environment") for non-script-manager browser, load @require & @resource, provides some GM_functions(listed below), and also compatible with script-manager environment. Provides GM_setValue, GM_getValue, GM_deleteValue, GM_listValues, GM_xmlhttpRequest, GM_openInTab, GM_setClipboard, GM_getResourceText, GM_getResourceURL, GM_addStyle, GM_addElement, GM_log, unsafeWindow(object), GM_info(object) Also provides an object called GM_POLYFILLED which has the following properties that shows you which GM_functions are actually polyfilled. Returns true if polyfilled is environment is ready, false for not. Don't worry, just follow the usage below. */ // Note: DO NOT DEFINE GM-FUNCTION-NAMES IN YOUR CODE. DO NOT DEFINE GM_POLYFILLED AS WELL. // Note: NMonkey is an advanced version of GM_PolyFill (and BypassXB), it includes more functions than GM_PolyFill, and provides better stability and compatibility. Do NOT use NMonkey and GM_PolyFill (and BypassXB) together in one script. // Usage: /* // ==UserScript== // @name xxx // @namespace xxx // @version 1.0 // ... // @require https://.../xxx.js // @require ... // ... // @resource https://.../xxx // @resource ... // ... // ==/UserScript== // Use a closure to wrap your code. Make sure you have it a name. (function YOUR_MAIN_FUNCTION() { 'use strict'; // Strict mode is optional. You can use strict mode or not as you want. // Polyfill first. Do NOT do anything before Polyfill. var NMonkey_Ready = NMonkey({ mainFunc: YOUR_MAIN_FUNCTION, name: "script-storage-key, aims to separate different scripts' storage area. Use your script's @namespace value if you don't how to fill this field.", requires: [ { src: "https://.../xxx.js", loaded: function() {return boolean_value_shows_whether_this_js_has_already_loaded;} execmode: "'eval' for eval code in current scope or 'function' for Function(code)() in global scope or 'script' for inserting a <script> element to document.head" }, ... ], resources: [ { src: "https://.../xxx" name: "@resource name. Will try to get it from @resource using this name before fetch it from src", }, ... ], GM_info: { // You can get GM_info object, if you provide this argument(and there is no GM_info provided by the script-manager). // You can provide any object here, what you provide will be what you get. // Additionally, two property of NMonkey itself will be attached to GM_info if polyfilled: // { // scriptHandler: "NMonkey" // version: "NMonkey's version, it should look like '0.1'" // } // The following is just an example. script: { name: 'my first userscript for non-scriptmanager browsers!', description: 'this script works well both in my PC and my mobile!', version: '1.0', released: true, version_num: 1, authors: ['Johnson', 'Leecy', 'War Mars'] update_history: { '0.9': 'First beta version', '1.0': 'Finally released!' } } surprise: 'if you check GM_info.surprise and you will read this!' // And property "scriptHandler" & "version" will be attached here } }); if (!NMonkey_Ready) { // Stop executing of polyfilled environment not ready. // Don't worry, during polyfill progress YOUR_MAIN_FUNCTION will be called twice, and on the second call the polyfilled environment will be ready. return; } // Your code here... // Make sure your code is written after NMonkey be called if // ... // Just place NMonkey function code here function NMonkey(details) { ... } }) (); // Oh you want to write something here? Fine. But code you write here cannot get into the simulated script-manager-environment. */ function NMonkey(details) { // Init DoLog DoLog(); // Get argument const mainFunc = details.mainFunc; const name = || 'default'; const requires = details.requires || []; const resources = details.resources || []; details.GM_info = details.GM_info || {}; details.GM_info.scriptHandler = 'NMonkey'; details.GM_info.version = '1.0'; // Run in variable-name-polifilled environment if (InNPEnvironment()) { // Already in polifilled environment === polyfill has alredy done, just return return true; } // Not in polifilled environment, then polyfill functions and create & move into the environment // Bypass xbrowser's useless GM_functions bypassXB(); // Start polyfill const GM_POLYFILL_KEY_STORAGE = 'GM_STORAGE_POLYFILL'; let GM_POLYFILL_storage; const Supports = { GetStorage: function() { let gstorage = localStorage.getItem(GM_POLYFILL_KEY_STORAGE); gstorage = gstorage ? JSON.parse(gstorage) : {}; let storage = gstorage[name] ? gstorage[name] : {}; return storage; }, SaveStorage: function() { let gstorage = localStorage.getItem(GM_POLYFILL_KEY_STORAGE); gstorage = gstorage ? JSON.parse(gstorage) : {}; gstorage[name] = GM_POLYFILL_storage; localStorage.setItem(GM_POLYFILL_KEY_STORAGE, JSON.stringify(gstorage)); }, }; const Provides = { // GM_setValue GM_setValue: function(name, value) { GM_POLYFILL_storage = Supports.GetStorage(); name = String(name); GM_POLYFILL_storage[name] = value; Supports.SaveStorage(); }, // GM_getValue GM_getValue: function(name, defaultValue) { GM_POLYFILL_storage = Supports.GetStorage(); name = String(name); if (GM_POLYFILL_storage.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return GM_POLYFILL_storage[name]; } else { return defaultValue; } }, // GM_deleteValue GM_deleteValue: function(name) { GM_POLYFILL_storage = Supports.GetStorage(); name = String(name); if (GM_POLYFILL_storage.hasOwnProperty(name)) { delete GM_POLYFILL_storage[name]; Supports.SaveStorage(); } }, // GM_listValues GM_listValues: function() { GM_POLYFILL_storage = Supports.GetStorage(); return Object.keys(GM_POLYFILL_storage); }, // unsafeWindow unsafeWindow: window, // GM_xmlhttpRequest // not supported properties of details: synchronous binary nocache revalidate context fetch // not supported properties of response(onload arguments[0]): finalUrl // ---!IMPORTANT!--- DOES NOT SUPPORT CROSS-ORIGIN REQUESTS!!!!! ---!IMPORTANT!--- // details.synchronous is not supported as Tampermonkey GM_xmlhttpRequest: function(details) { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // open request const openArgs = [details.method, details.url, true]; if (details.user && details.password) { openArgs.push(details.user); openArgs.push(details.password); }, openArgs); // set headers if (details.headers) { for (const key of Object.keys(details.headers)) { xhr.setRequestHeader(key, details.headers[key]); } } details.cookie ? xhr.setRequestHeader('cookie', details.cookie) : function () {}; details.anonymous ? xhr.setRequestHeader('cookie', '') : function () {}; // properties xhr.timeout = details.timeout; xhr.responseType = details.responseType; details.overrideMimeType ? xhr.overrideMimeType(details.overrideMimeType) : function () {}; // events xhr.onabort = details.onabort; xhr.onerror = details.onerror; xhr.onloadstart = details.onloadstart; xhr.onprogress = details.onprogress; xhr.onreadystatechange = details.onreadystatechange; xhr.ontimeout = details.ontimeout; xhr.onload = function (e) { const response = { readyState: xhr.readyState, status: xhr.status, statusText: xhr.statusText, responseHeaders: xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(), response: xhr.response }; (details.responseType === '' || details.responseType === 'text') ? (response.responseText = xhr.responseText) : function () {}; (details.responseType === '' || details.responseType === 'document') ? (response.responseXML = xhr.responseXML) : function () {}; details.onload(response); } // send request ? xhr.send( : xhr.send(); return { abort: xhr.abort }; }, // NOTE: options(arg2) is NOT SUPPORTED! if provided, then will just be skipped. GM_openInTab: function(url) {; }, // NOTE: needs to be called in an event handler function, and info(arg2) is NOT SUPPORTED! GM_setClipboard: function(text) { // Create a new textarea for copying const newInput = document.createElement('textarea'); document.body.appendChild(newInput); newInput.value = text;; document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(newInput); }, GM_getResourceText: function(name) { const _get = typeof(GM_getResourceText) === 'function' ? GM_getResourceText : () => (null); let text = _get(name); if (text) {return text;} for (const resource of resources) { if ( === name) { return resource.content ? resource.content : null; } } return null; }, GM_getResourceURL: function(name) { const _get = typeof(GM_getResourceURL) === 'function' ? GM_getResourceURL : () => (null); let url = _get(name); if (url) {return url;} for (const resource of resources) { if ( === name) { return resource.src ? btoa(resource.src) : null; } } return null; }, GM_addStyle: function(css) { const style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = css; document.head.appendChild(style) }, GM_addElement: function() { let parent_node, tag_name, attributes; const head_elements = ['title', 'base', 'link', 'style', 'meta', 'script', 'noscript'/*, 'template'*/]; if (arguments.length === 2) { tag_name = arguments[0]; attributes = arguments[1]; parent_node = head_elements.includes(tag_name.toLowerCase()) ? document.head : document.body; } else if (arguments.length === 3) { parent_node = arguments[0]; tag_name = arguments[1]; attributes = arguments[2]; } const element = document.createElement(tag_name); for (const [prop, value] of Object.entries(attributes)) { element[prop] = value; } parent_node.appendChild(element); }, GM_log: function() { const args = [] for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } console.log.apply(null, args); }, GM_info: details.GM_info, GM: {info: details.GM_info} }; const _GM_POLYFILLED = Provides.GM_POLYFILLED = {}; for (const pname of Object.keys(Provides)) { _GM_POLYFILLED[pname] = true; } // Create & move into polifilled environment ExecInNPEnv(); return false; // Bypass xbrowser's useless GM_functions function bypassXB() { if (typeof(mbrowser) === 'object' || (typeof(GM_info) === 'object' && GM_info.scriptHandler === 'XMonkey')) { // Useless functions in XMonkey 1.0 const GM_funcs = [ 'unsafeWindow', 'GM_getValue', 'GM_setValue', 'GM_listValues', 'GM_deleteValue', 'GM_xmlhttpRequest' ]; for (const GM_func of GM_funcs) { window[GM_func] = undefined; eval('typeof({F}) === "function" && ({F} = undefined);'.replaceAll('{F}', GM_func)); } // Delete dirty data saved by these stupid functions before for (let i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) { const key = localStorage.key(i); const value = localStorage.getItem(key); value === '[object Object]' && localStorage.removeItem(key); } } } // Check if already in name-predefined environment // I think there won't be anyone else wants to use this ####ing variable name... function InNPEnvironment() { return (typeof(GM_POLYFILLED) === 'object' && GM_POLYFILLED !== null) ? true : false; } function ExecInNPEnv() { const NG = new NameGenerator(); // Init names const tnames = ['context', 'fapply', 'CDATA', 'uneval', 'define', 'module', 'exports', 'window', 'globalThis', 'console', 'cloneInto', 'exportFunction', 'createObjectIn', 'GM', 'GM_info']; const pnames = Object.keys(Provides); const fnames = tnames.slice(); const argvlist = []; const argvs = []; // Add provides for (const pname of pnames) { !fnames.includes(pname) && fnames.push(pname); } // Add grants if (typeof(GM_info) === 'object' && GM_info.script && GM_info.script.grant) { for (const gname of GM_info.script.grant) { !fnames.includes(gname) && fnames.push(gname); } } // Make name code for (let i = 0; i < fnames.length; i++) { const fname = fnames[i]; const exist = eval('typeof ' + fname) !== 'undefined' ? true : false; argvlist[i] = exist ? fname : (Provides.hasOwnProperty(fname) ? 'Provides.'+fname : ''); argvs[i] = exist ? eval(fname) : (Provides.hasOwnProperty(fname) ? Provides[name] : undefined); pnames.includes(fname) && (_GM_POLYFILLED[fname] = !exist); } // Load all @require and @resource loadRequires(requires, resources, function(requires, resources) { // Join requirecode let requirecode = ''; for (const require of requires) { const mode = require.execmode ? require.execmode : 'eval'; const content = require.content; if (!content) {continue;} switch(mode) { case 'eval': requirecode += content + '\n'; break; case 'function': { const func = Function.apply(null, fnames.concat(content)); func.apply(null, argvs); break; } case 'script': { const s = document.createElement('script'); s.innerHTML = content; document.head.appendChild(s); break; } } } // Make final code & eval const varnames = ['NG', 'tnames', 'pnames', 'fnames', 'argvist', 'argvs', 'code', 'finalcode', 'wrapper', 'ExecInNPEnv', 'GM_POLYFILL_KEY_STORAGE', 'GM_POLYFILL_storage', 'InNPEnvironment', 'NameGenerator', 'LocalCDN', 'loadRequires', 'requestText', 'Provides', 'Supports', 'bypassXB', 'details', 'mainFunc', 'name', 'requires', 'resources', '_GM_POLYFILLED', 'NMonkey', 'polyfill_status']; const code = requirecode + 'let ' + varnames.join(', ') + ';\n(' + mainFunc.toString() + ') ();'; const wrapper = Function.apply(null, fnames.concat(code)); const finalcode = '(' + wrapper.toString() + ').apply(this, [' + argvlist.join(', ') + ']);'; eval(finalcode); }); function NameGenerator() { const NG = this; const letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; let index = [0]; NG.generate = function() { const chars = []; indexIncrease(); for (let i = 0; i < index.length; i++) { chars[i] = letters.charAt(index[i]); } return chars.join(''); } NG.randtext = function(len=32) { const chars = []; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { chars[i] = letters[randint(0, letter.length-1)]; } return chars.join(''); } function indexIncrease(i=0) { index[i] === undefined && (index[i] = -1); ++index[i] >= letters.length && (index[i] = 0, indexIncrease(i+1)); } function randint(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } } } // Load all @require and @resource for non-GM/TM environments (such as Alook javascript extension) // Requirements: function AsyncManager(){...}, function LocalCDN(){...} function loadRequires(requires, resoures, callback, args=[]) { // LocalCDN const LCDN = new LocalCDN(); // AsyncManager const AM = new AsyncManager(); AM.onfinish = function() { callback.apply(null, [requires, resoures].concat(args)); } // Load js for (const js of requires) { !js.loaded() && loadinJs(js); } // Load resource for (const resource of resoures) { loadinResource(resource); } AM.finishEvent = true; function loadinJs(js) { AM.add(); LCDN.get(js.src, function(content) { js.content = content; AM.finish(); }); } function loadinResource(resource) { let content; if (typeof(GM_getResourceText) === 'function' && (content = GM_getResourceText( { resource.content = content; } else { AM.add(); LCDN.get(resource.src, function(content) { resource.content = content; AM.finish(); }); } } } // Loads web resources and saves them to GM-storage // Tries to load web resources from GM-storage in subsequent calls // Updates resources every $(this.expire) hours, or use $(this.refresh) function to update all resources instantly // Dependencies: GM_getValue(), GM_setValue(), requestText(), AsyncManager(), KEY_LOCALCDN function LocalCDN() { const LC = this; const GM_getValue = Provides.GM_getValue, GM_setValue = Provides.GM_setValue; const KEY_LOCALCDN = 'LOCAL-CDN'; const KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION = 'version'; const VALUE_LOCALCDN_VERSION = '0.2'; // Default expire time (by hour) LC.expire = 72; // Try to get resource content from loaclCDN first, if failed/timeout, request from web && save to LocalCDN // Accepts callback only // Returns true if got from LocalCDN, false if got from web LC.get = function(url, callback, args=[]) { const CDN = GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {}); const resource = CDN[url]; const time = (new Date()).getTime(); if (resource && !expired(time, resource.time)) { callback.apply(null, [resource.content].concat(args)); return true; } else { LC.request(url, function(content) { callback.apply(null, [content].concat(args)); }); return false; } } // Generate resource obj and set to CDN[url] // Returns resource obj LC.set = function(url, content) { const CDN = GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {}); const time = (new Date()).getTime(); const resource = { url: url, time: time, content: content } CDN[url] = resource; GM_setValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, CDN); return resource; } // Delete one resource from LocalCDN LC.delete = function(url) { const CDN = GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {}); if (!CDN[url]) { return false; } else { delete CDN[url]; GM_setValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, CDN); return true; } } // Delete all resources in LocalCDN LC.clear = function() { GM_setValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {}); upgradeConfig(); } // List all resource saved in LocalCDN LC.list = function() { const CDN = GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {}); const urls = LC.listurls(); const resources = []; for (const url of urls) { resources.push(CDN[url]); } return resources; } // List all resource's url saved in LocalCDN LC.listurls = function() { const CDN = GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {}); const keys = Object.keys(CDN); const urls = []; for (const key of keys) { if (key === KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION) {continue;} urls.push(key); } return urls; } // Request content from web and save it to CDN[url] // Accepts callback only LC.request = function(url, callback, args=[]) { const CDN = GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {}); requestText(url, function(content) { LC.set(url, content); callback.apply(null, [content].concat(args)); }); } // Re-request all resources in CDN instantly, ignoring LC.expire LC.refresh = function(callback, args=[]) { const urls = LC.listurls(); const AM = new AsyncManager(); AM.onfinish = function() { callback.apply(null, [].concat(args)) }; for (const url of urls) { AM.add(); LC.request(url, function() { AM.finish(); }); } AM.finishEvent = true; } function upgradeConfig() { const CDN = GM_getValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, {}); switch(CDN[KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION]) { case undefined: init(); break; case '0.1': v01_To_v02(); logUpgrade(); break; case VALUE_LOCALCDN_VERSION: DoLog('LocalCDN is in latest version.'); break; default: DoLog(LogLevel.Error, 'LocalCDN.upgradeConfig: Invalid config version({V}) for LocalCDN. '.replace('{V}', CDN[KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION])); } CDN[KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION] = VALUE_LOCALCDN_VERSION; GM_setValue(KEY_LOCALCDN, CDN); function logUpgrade() { DoLog(LogLevel.Success, 'LocalCDN successfully upgraded From v{V1} to v{V2}. '.replaceAll('{V1}', CDN[KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION]).replaceAll('{V2}', VALUE_LOCALCDN_VERSION)); } function init() { // Nothing to do here } function v01_To_v02() { const urls = LC.listurls(); for (const url of urls) { if (url === KEY_LOCALCDN_VERSION) {continue;} CDN[url] = { url: url, time: 0, content: CDN[url] }; } } } function clearExpired() { const resources = LC.list(); const time = (new Date()).getTime(); for (const resource of resources) { expired(resource.time, time) && LC.delete(resource.url); } } function expired(t1, t2) { return (t2 - t1) > (LC.expire * 60 * 60 * 1000); } upgradeConfig(); clearExpired(); } function requestText(url, callback, args=[]) { Provides.GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: url, responseType: 'text', onload: function(response) { const text = response.responseText; const argvs = [text].concat(args); callback.apply(null, argvs); } }) } function AsyncManager() { const AM = this; // Ongoing xhr count this.taskCount = 0; // Whether generate finish events let finishEvent = false; Object.defineProperty(this, 'finishEvent', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: () => (finishEvent), set: (b) => { finishEvent = b; b && AM.taskCount === 0 && AM.onfinish && AM.onfinish(); } }); // Add one task this.add = () => (++AM.taskCount); // Finish one task this.finish = () => ((--AM.taskCount === 0 && AM.finishEvent && AM.onfinish && AM.onfinish(), AM.taskCount)); } // Arguments: level=LogLevel.Info, logContent, asObject=false // Needs one call "DoLog();" to get it initialized before using it! function DoLog() { const win = typeof(unsafeWindow) !== 'undefined' ? unsafeWindow : window; // Global log levels set win.LogLevel = { None: 0, Error: 1, Success: 2, Warning: 3, Info: 4, } win.LogLevelMap = {}; win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.None] = {prefix: '' , color: 'color:#ffffff'} win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Error] = {prefix: '[Error]' , color: 'color:#ff0000'} win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Success] = {prefix: '[Success]' , color: 'color:#00aa00'} win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Warning] = {prefix: '[Warning]' , color: 'color:#ffa500'} win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Info] = {prefix: '[Info]' , color: 'color:#888888'} win.LogLevelMap[LogLevel.Elements] = {prefix: '[Elements]', color: 'color:#000000'} // Current log level DoLog.logLevel = win.isPY_DNG ? LogLevel.Info : LogLevel.Warning; // Info Warning Success Error // Log counter DoLog.logCount === undefined && (DoLog.logCount = 0); if (++DoLog.logCount > 512) { console.clear(); DoLog.logCount = 0; } // Get args let level, logContent, asObject; switch (arguments.length) { case 1: level = LogLevel.Info; logContent = arguments[0]; asObject = false; break; case 2: level = arguments[0]; logContent = arguments[1]; asObject = false; break; case 3: level = arguments[0]; logContent = arguments[1]; asObject = arguments[2]; break; default: level = LogLevel.Info; logContent = 'DoLog initialized.'; asObject = false; break; } // Log when log level permits if (level <= DoLog.logLevel) { let msg = '%c' + LogLevelMap[level].prefix; let subst = LogLevelMap[level].color; if (asObject) { msg += ' %o'; } else { switch(typeof(logContent)) { case 'string': msg += ' %s'; break; case 'number': msg += ' %d'; break; case 'object': msg += ' %o'; break; } } console.log(msg, subst, logContent); } } } // Polyfill String.prototype.replaceAll // replaceValue does NOT support regexp match groups($1, $2, etc.) function polyfill_replaceAll() { String.prototype.replaceAll = String.prototype.replaceAll ? String.prototype.replaceAll : PF_replaceAll; function PF_replaceAll(searchValue, replaceValue) { const str = String(this); if (searchValue instanceof RegExp) { const global = RegExp(searchValue, 'g'); if (/\$/.test(replaceValue)) {console.error('Error: Polyfilled String.protopype.replaceAll does support regexp groups');}; return str.replace(global, replaceValue); } else { return str.split(searchValue).join(replaceValue); } } } function randint(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } // Del a item from an array using its index. Returns the array but can NOT modify the original array directly!! function delItem(arr, delIndex) { arr = arr.slice(0, delIndex).concat(arr.slice(delIndex+1)); return arr; } })();