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Directly Download the Files in Google Classroom using Ctrl Click
// ==UserScript==// @name Direct File for Google Classroom// @namespace @version 0.4.1// @description Directly Download the Files in Google Classroom using Ctrl Click// @author You// @match*// @icon @grant none// @license MIT// ==/UserScript==(function () {'use strict';// Your code here...const M_HREF = ""const linkElmOnClick = function (evt) {// const linkElm = this;evt.stopPropagation();evt.stopImmediatePropagation();};let pageChangedFlag = false;const onPageChanged = () => {if (!pageChangedFlag) return;const linkSelector = `[href*="${M_HREF}"]:not([data-ozhref])`;if (!document.querySelector(linkSelector)) return;const links = document.querySelectorAll(linkSelector);for (const linkElm of links) {const orhref = linkElm.href;linkElm.dataset.ozhref = orhref;const mres = orhref.match(/https:\/\/drive\.google\.com\/file\/d\/([0-9a-zA-Z\-_+.·]+)\/\w+/);// id should be /[0-9a-zA-Z\-_+]+/ in generalif (!mres) continue;const dfileId = `${mres[1]}`;// let newHref=`${mres[1]}&export=download`;let uo = null;try {uo = new URL(orhref);} catch (e) { }if (!uo) continue;const uo2 = new URL(`${dfileId}`);uo.searchParams.forEach((value, key) => {if (key === 'export' || key === 'id') return;uo2.searchParams.set(key, value);});const newHref = uo2.toString();if (!newHref || typeof newHref !== 'string') continue;// console.log(orhref, newHref)// linkElm.setAttribute('href',newHref)// let newHref = `${dfileId}&usp=drive_web&authuser=2`linkElm.setAttribute('href', newHref);linkElm.setAttribute('target', '_blank');linkElm.addEventListener('click', linkElmOnClick, true);}};new MutationObserver(() => {pageChangedFlag = true;Promise.resolve().then(onPageChanged);}).observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true });try {// trigger onPageChangeddocument.documentElement.appendChild(document.createElement('noscript'));} catch (e) { }})();