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Prime Video Ad Blocker [ESP]

Skip Ads and self Promotionals in Prime Video.

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Vous pourriez également aimer Prime Video - Afficher uniquement le contenu Prime.

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// ==UserScript==// @name            Prime Video Ad Blocker [ESP]// @name:es         Prime Video Ad Blocker [ESP]// @namespace       https://greasyfork.org/en/users/5102-jeau// @version         0.3.1// @description     Skip Ads and self Promotionals in Prime Video.// @description:es  Bloquea los anuncios y promociones en Prime Video.// @author          Jeau// @license         MIT// @match           https://*.amazon.co.jp/Amazon-Video/*// @match           https://*.amazon.co.uk/Amazon-Video/*// @match           https://*.amazon.com/Amazon-Video/*// @match           https://*.amazon.de/Amazon-Video/*// @match           https://*.amazon.com/*instant-video*// @match           https://*.primevideo.com/*// @icon            https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/digital/video/DVUI/favicons/favicon-32x32.png// @grant           none// ==/UserScript==/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Adapted for Amazon Prime Video Spain site. It might also work on other countries.Based on RawMeatEater's script:https://greasyfork.org/es/scripts/446723-amazon-video-ad-blocker-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/(function() {'use strict';// This value when true shows that the Ad has been skippedvar adSkipped = false;// Time patternvar adTimeRegExp = /(\d?\d:){0,2}\d?\d/;setInterval(function() {var video;var adTime;// In case of multiple video elements look for the one which is currently playingvar renderers = document.getElementsByClassName("rendererContainer");if (renderers.length) {for (let i = renderers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {video = renderers[i].querySelector('video');if (video && video.currentTime) break;}}var promoTimeElement = document.getElementsByClassName("atvwebplayersdk-adtimeindicator-text")[0];var adTimeElement = document.getElementsByClassName("atvwebplayersdk-ad-timer-remaining-time")[0];// When detected stores the ad time in adTimeif (adTimeElement && adTimeRegExp.test(adTimeElement.innerHTML)) adTime = adTimeElement;if (promoTimeElement && adTimeRegExp.test(promoTimeElement.innerHTML)) adTime = promoTimeElement;// If video started playing and a 'Time to Skip' element is detectedif (video && video.currentTime && adTime) {// Has it been skipped aready? (To be sure that you don't skip forward twice)if (adSkipped == false) {// Grab the Ad timer in HH:MM:SS format and split it into an array as soon as it is detectedvar currentAdTime = adTime.innerHTML.match(adTimeRegExp)[0].split(':');// Calculate the Ad time in secondsvar adTimeInSecs = 0;for (let i = 0; i < currentAdTime.length; i++) {adTimeInSecs += parseInt(currentAdTime[i]) * Math.pow(60, currentAdTime.length - 1 - i);}// Forward the video by how much Ad time the timer showsvideo.currentTime += adTimeInSecs;// Mark the Ad as skippedadSkipped = true;// DEBUGconsole.log('=====================');console.log('.');console.log('PRIME VIDEO AD SKIPPED !!!');console.log('.');console.log('=====================');}} else {// When Ad timer disappers, reset the Ad skip valueadSkipped = false;}}, 200);})();