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ConfigManager: Manage(Get, set and update) your config with config path simply with a ruleset!

Ce script ne doit pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie destinée à être incluse dans d'autres scripts avec la méta-directive // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/449583/1334125/ConfigManager.js

/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */
// ==UserScript==
// @name               ConfigManager
// @namespace          ConfigManager
// @version            0.8.2
// @description        ConfigManager: Manage(Get, set and update) your config with config path simply with a ruleset!
// @author             PY-DNG
// @license            GPL-v3
// @grant              GM_setValue
// @grant              GM_getValue
// @grant              GM_listValues
// @grant              GM_deleteValue
// ==/UserScript==
function ConfigManager(Ruleset, storage={}) {
const CM = this;
const _GM_setValue = storage?.GM_setValue || GM_setValue || Err('ConfigManager: could not find GM_setValue');
const _GM_getValue = storage?.GM_getValue || GM_getValue || Err('ConfigManager: could not find GM_getValue');
const _GM_listValues = storage?.GM_listValues || GM_listValues || Err('ConfigManager: could not find GM_listValues');
const _GM_deleteValue = storage?.GM_deleteValue || GM_deleteValue || Err('ConfigManager: could not find GM_deleteValue');
const ConfigBase = new Proxy({}, {
get: function(target, property, reciever) {
return _GM_getValue(property);
set: function(target, property, value, reciever) {
return (_GM_setValue(property, value), true);
has: function(target, property) {
return _GM_listValues().includes(property);
CM.getConfig = getConfig;
CM.setConfig = setConfig;
CM.updateConfig = updateConfig;
CM.updateAllConfigs = updateAllConfigs;
CM.updateGlobal = updateGlobal;
CM.getConfigVersion = getConfigVersion;
CM.setDefaults = setDefaults;
CM.readPath = readPath;
CM.pathExists = pathExists;
CM.mergePath = mergePath;
CM.getBaseName = getBaseName;
CM.mak###bStorage = mak###bStorage;
CM.Config = new Proxy({}, {
get: function(target, property, reciever) {
return makeProxy(getConfig(property), [property]);
function makeProxy(config, path, base) {
return isObject(config) ? new Proxy(config, {
get: function(target, property, reciever) {
const newPath = [...path, property];
return makeProxy(inProto(target, property) ? target[property] : getConfig(newPath), [...path, property]);
set: function(target, property, value, reciever) {
return (setConfig([...path, property], value), true);
deleteProperty: function(target, property) {
const parent = getConfig(path);
delete parent[property];
setConfig(path, parent);
return true;
}) : config;
function inProto(obj, prop) {
return prop in obj && !obj.hasOwnProperty(prop);
set: function(target, property, value, reciever) {
return (_GM_setValue(property, value), true);
has: function(target, property) {
return _GM_listValues().includes(property);
deleteProperty: function(target, property) {
return (_GM_deleteValue(property), true);
// Get config value from path (e.g. 'Users/username/' or ['Users', 12345])
function getConfig(path) {
// Split path
path = arrPath(path);
// Init config if need
if (!(path[0] in ConfigBase)) {
ConfigBase[path[0]] = Ruleset.defaultValues[path[0]];
// Get config by path
const target = path.pop();
const config = readPath(ConfigBase, path);
return config[target];
// Set config value to path
function setConfig(path, value) {
path = arrPath(path);
const target = path.pop();
// Init config if need
if (path.length && !(path[0] in ConfigBase)) {
ConfigBase[path[0]] = Ruleset.defaultValues[path[0]];
if (path.length > 0) {
const basekey = path.shift();
const baseobj = ConfigBase[basekey];
let config = readPath(baseobj, path);
if (isObject(config)) {
config[target] = value;
ConfigBase[basekey] = baseobj;
} else {
Err('Attempt to set a property to a non-object value');
} else {
const verKey = Ruleset['version-key'];
const oldConfig = ConfigBase[target];
if (isObject(value)) {
hasProp(value, verKey) && (hasProp(oldConfig, verKey) ? value[verKey] !== oldConfig[verKey] : true) &&
Err('Shouldn\'t manually set config version to a version number differs from current version number');
value[verKey] = ConfigBase[target][verKey];
ConfigBase[target] = value;
function updateConfig(basename) {
let updated = false;
// Get updaters and config
const updaters = Ruleset.updaters.hasOwnProperty(basename) ? Ruleset.updaters[basename] : [];
const verKey = Ruleset['version-key'];
let config = getConfig(basename);
// Valid check
if ([verKey, ...(Ruleset.ignores || [])].includes(basename)) {
return false;
if (!updaters.length) {
return save();
// Update
for (let i = (config[verKey] || 0); i < updaters.length; i++) {
const updater = updaters[i];
config = updater.call(CM, config);
updated = true;
// Set version and save
return save();
function save() {
isObject(config) && (config[verKey] = updaters.length);
ConfigBase[basename] = config;
return updated;
function updateAllConfigs() {
const keys = _GM_listValues();
keys.forEach((key) => (updateConfig(key)));
function updateGlobal() {
let updated = false;
const updaters = Ruleset.globalUpdaters || [];
const verKey = Ruleset['version-key'];
if (!updaters.length) {
return save();
const config = _GM_listValues().reduce((obj, key) => Object.assign(obj, { [key]: _GM_getValue(key) }), {});
// Update
for (let i = (config[verKey] || 0); i < updaters.length; i++) {
const updater = updaters[i];
config = updater.call(CM, config);
updated = true;
// Set version and save
return save();
function save() {
config[verKey] = updaters.length;
Object.keys(config).forEach(key => _GM_setValue(key, config[key]));
return updated;
function getConfigVersion(basename=null) {
const verKey = Ruleset['version-key'];
return (basename ? ConfigBase[basename] : ConfigBase)[verKey] || 0;
function setDefaults() {
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(Ruleset.defaultValues)) {
!(key in ConfigBase) && (ConfigBase[key] = val);
function mak###bStorage(path) {
path = arrPath(path);
return {
GM_setValue: function(key, value) {
setConfig([...path, key], value);
GM_getValue: function(key, defaultValue) {
const val = getConfig([...path, key]);
return typeof val === 'undefined' ? defaultValue : val;
GM_listValues: function() {
return Object.keys(getConfig(path));
GM_deleteValue: function(key) {
const parent = getConfig(path);
delete parent[key];
setConfig(path, parent);
function readPath(obj, path) {
path = arrPath(path);
while (path.length > 0) {
const key = path.shift();
if (isObject(obj) && hasProp(obj, key)) {
obj = obj[key];
} else {
Err('Attempt to read a property that is not exist (reading "' + key + '" in path "' + path + '")');
return obj;
function pathExists(obj, path) {
path = arrPath(path);
while (path.length > 0) {
const key = path.shift();
if (isObject(obj) && hasProp(obj, key)) {
obj = obj[key];
} else {
return false;
return true;
function mergePath() {
return Array.from(arguments).join('/');
function getBaseName(path) {
return arrPath(path)[0];
function getPathWithoutBase(path) {
const p = arrPath(path);
return p;
function arrPath(strpath) {
return Array.isArray(strpath) ? [...strpath] : strpath.replace(/^\//, '').replace(/\/$/, '').split('/');
function isObject(obj) {
return typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null;
function hasProp(obj, prop) {
return obj === ConfigBase ? prop in obj : obj.hasOwnProperty(prop);
// type: [Error, TypeError]
function Err(msg, type=0) {
throw new [Error, TypeError][type](msg);