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Twitter cleanup

Remove user and topics to follow suggestions from Twitter

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// ==UserScript==
// @name Twitter cleanup
// @version 1.9.12
// @grant Sly_North
// @description Remove user and topics to follow suggestions from Twitter
// @author Sly_North
// @match https://x.com/*
// @match https://twitter.com/*
// @match https://mobile.twitter.com/*
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/en/users/759669-sly-north
// @icon https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1711354492925378560/mWYEK97t_400x400.jpg
// old icon https://abs.twimg.com/responsive-web/client-web/icon-svg.168b89d8.svg
// @license MIT
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
function RemoveFollowingThinElements(e, removeWithoutFollowButton) {
console.log('- TWcleanup removing H=', e.getBoundingClientRect().height, ' ', e.innerText);
let next = e.nextSibling;
if (next) {
let nextH = next.getBoundingClientRect().height;
if (nextH < 200) {
if (removeWithoutFollowButton || next.innerText.match(/Follow/) || next.innerText.match(/Subscribe/) || next.innerText.match(/Show more/))
RemoveFollowingThinElements(next, removeWithoutFollowButton);
else {
console.log('- TWcleanup stops at H=', nextH, ' "' + next.innerText + '"');
if (next.innerText === 'Show more') {
next.innerHTML = "";
e.innerHTML = "";
// Tool to remove the "X follows Y" tweets and "See more" suggested topics.
function Remov###ggestedTweets(name, regex) {
let elts = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('article')).filter(e => e.innerText.match(regex));
if (elts.length > 0) {
console.log('- TWcleanup Found ', name, ' count=', elts.length);
for (let e of elts) {
console.log('  - TWcleanup remove suggestion: ', e.innerText.substring(0, 40));
e.innerHTML = "";
function Remov###ggestions() {
// Remove suggested people to follow
let elts = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('H2')).filter(
// Needs to be in screen for nextSibling to be defined.
e => e.getBoundingClientRect().top < window.innerHeight &&
(e.innerText === 'Who to follow') || e.innerText === 'Creators for you');
if (elts.length > 0) {
console.log('TWcleanup found "Who to follow"');
for (let e of elts) {
e = e.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
RemoveFollowingThinElements(e, false);
// Remove suggested topics
elts = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('SPAN')).filter(
e => // e.getBoundingClientRect().top < window.innerHeight &&
(e.innerText === 'Topics to follow' || e.innerText === 'Expand your timeline with Topics'));
if (elts.length > 0) {
console.log('TWcleanup found "', elts[0].innerText, '"');
for (let e of elts) {
e = e.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
// Remove topics and offset bar
RemoveFollowingThinElements(e.nextSibling, true);
// Remove title
e.innerHTML = "";
console.log('TWcleanup removed "', title, '"');
const isTwitterHomePage = document.location.href === 'https://x.com/home';
if (isTwitterHomePage) {
// Remove "Subscribe" elements
for (let e of Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('span')).filter(e => e.innerText == 'Subscribe' && e.getBoundingClientRect().width > 0)) {
e = e.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
const height = e.getBoundingClientRect().height;
if (height > 0 && height < 100) {
console.log('  - Remove TW Subscribe: H=', height, ' ', e.innerText.substring(0, 40));
e.innerHTML = ''
// Remove tweets of people followed by one we follow
Remov###ggestedTweets('X follows Y', / follows*\n/);
// Remove "See more" suggestions
Remov###ggestedTweets('See more', /\nSee more\n/);
// Remove Premium ads
for (let e of Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('h1'))
.filter(e => e.innerText.match(/ad.*Premium/))) {
e.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.innerHTML = "";
// Unfreeze scrolling (ie: in incognito after scrolling a bit)
if (document.documentElement.style.overflow) document.documentElement.style.overflow = "scroll";
let eltCred = document.getElementById('credential_picker_container');
if (eltCred && eltCred.getBoundingClientRect().width < 400) eltCred.style.display = "none";
// If the window is very small (like when watching a video in a small secondary window),
// remove the Twitter left column and top banner.
let elts = document.getElementsByTagName('header');
if (elts.length > 0) {
let widthLimit = isTwitterHomePage ? 800 : 900;
let smallWindow = window.innerWidth < widthLimit;
elts[0].style.display = smallWindow ? "none" : "";
let primaryCol = document.querySelector('[data-testid="primaryColumn"]');
if (primaryCol) {
primaryCol.style.maxWidth = smallWindow ? null : '600px';
primaryCol.style.minWidth = smallWindow ? '100vw' : null;
var elt = document.querySelector('[aria-label="Home timeline"]');
if (elt) elt.firstChild.style.display = (window.innerHeight < 700) ? "none" : "";
setTimeout(Remov###ggestions, 1000);
// Remove credential banner (in incognito windows)
let bottomBanners = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('div'))
.filter(e => e.dataset.testid === 'BottomBar' );
if (bottomBanners.length > 0) bottomBanners[0].innerHTML = '';
let elt = document.getElementById('credential_picker_container');
if (elt) elt.innerHTML = "";
setTimeout(Remov###ggestions, 1000);
// Change logo to Twitter
const twitterIcon = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1711354492925378560/mWYEK97t_400x400.jpg";
setTimeout(() => {
let logo = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('svg')).filter(e => e.getBoundingClientRect().top < 15)[0];
logo.parentElement.innerHTML = '<img src="' + twitterIcon + '" width=32 height=32>'
}, 500);
// Change favicon
var link = document.querySelector("link[rel~='icon']");
if (!link) {
link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'icon';
link.href = twitterIcon;
// Switch to the Following tab
if (isTwitterHomePage) {
setTimeout(() => {
for (let e of document.getElementsByTagName('span')) {
if (e.innerText === 'Following') { e.click(); break;}
}, 500);