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show duration for livestreams and present time for archives
// ==UserScript== // @name Youtube Live Clock // @name:zh-TW Youtube Live Clock // @namespace // @version 1.7.3 // @description show duration for livestreams and present time for archives // @description:zh-TW 顯示直播及直播存檔當下的時間 // @author Derek // @match *://* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== //you can choose your ideal date format by changing the FORMAT's value below const FORMAT = 1 /* 1: 2022/10/31 06:37:10 (default) 2: 10/31/2022 06:37:10 3: 31/10/2022 06:37:10 4: Mon 31/10/2022 06:37:10 5: Monday 31/10/2022 06:37:10 6: Monday 31 October 2022 06:37:10 */ const $ = (element) => document.querySelector(element) const abbr = { week: { Sun: 'Sunday', Mon: 'Monday', Tue: 'Tuesday', Wed: 'Wednesday', Thu: 'Thursday', Fri: 'Friday', Sat: 'Saturday' }, monthFull: { Jan: 'January', Feb: 'February', Mar: 'March', Apr: 'April', May: 'May', Jun: 'June', Jul: 'July', Aug: 'August', Sep: 'September', Oct: 'October', Nov: 'November', Dec: 'December' }, month: { Jan: '01', Feb: '02', Mar: '03', Apr: '04', May: '05', Jun: '06', Jul: '07', Aug: '08', Sep: '09', Oct: '10', Nov: '11', Dec: '12' } } const twoDigit = (num) => num.toString().padStart(2, '0') const timeFormat = (time) => { const second = time % 60 const minute = Math.floor((time / 60) % 60) const hour = Math.floor(time / 3600) return hour > 0 ? `${hour}:${twoDigit(minute)}:${twoDigit(second)}` : `${minute}:${twoDigit(second)}` } const dateFormat = (presentTime) => { const [week, month, day, year, time] = presentTime.toString().split(' ') return { 1: ` (${year}/${abbr.month[month]}/${day} ${time})`, 2: ` (${abbr.month[month]}/${day}/${year} ${time})`, 3: ` (${day}/${abbr.month[month]}/${year} ${time})`, 4: ` (${week} ${day}/${abbr.month[month]}/${year} ${time})`, 5: ` (${abbr.week[week]} ${day}/${abbr.month[month]}/${year} ${time})`, 6: ` (${abbr.week[week]} ${day} ${abbr.monthFull[month]} ${year} ${time})` } [FORMAT] } let videoId, liveBadge, timeDisplay, progressBar, liveData, publication, observer let videoData = null const waitElements = () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { const observer = new MutationObserver(() => { liveBadge = $('.ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-live-badge') timeDisplay = $('.ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-time-display') progressBar = $('.ytp-chrome-bottom .ytp-progress-bar') if (liveBadge && timeDisplay && progressBar) { if (videoData !== $('#microformat script')) { videoData = $('#microformat script') observer.disconnect() resolve() } } }) observer.observe(document.body, { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true }) }) } const getLiveClock = () => { let clockElement = $('#present-time') if (!clockElement) { clockElement = document.createElement('span') clockElement.setAttribute('id', 'present-time') timeDisplay.insertBefore(clockElement, timeDisplay.childNodes[1]) } return clockElement } const updateLiveTime = () => { const progressTime = progressBar.getAttribute('aria-valuenow') return publication.endDate ? dateFormat(new Date(Date.parse(publication.startDate) + progressTime * 1000)) : timeFormat(progressTime) } const main = async (vid) => { if (videoId === vid) return videoId = vid if (observer) observer.disconnect() await waitElements() liveData = JSON.parse(videoData.textContent) if (!liveData.publication) { if ($('#present-time')) $('#present-time').remove() return } publication = liveData.publication[0] = 'margin-left: 10px' let liveClock = getLiveClock() liveClock.textContent = updateLiveTime() observer = new MutationObserver(() => { liveClock.textContent = updateLiveTime() }) observer.observe(progressBar, { characterData: true, attributeFilter: ['aria-valuenow'] }) } document.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', (event) => { const url = event.detail.endpoint.commandMetadata.webCommandMetadata.url if (url.startsWith('/watch?v=') || url.startsWith('/live/')) main(url.match(/[A-z0-9_-]{11}/)[0]) })