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XP automatique sur le jeu Silver-World
// ==UserScript== // @name Silver-Pexer 2 // @namespace // @version 1.3 // @description XP automatique sur le jeu Silver-World // @author Goodq // @match* // @icon // @grant none // @license GNU GPLv3 // ==/UserScript== "use strict"; // src/utils/doThenWait.ts function doThenWait(action, until) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { action(); } catch (e) { reject(e); } const interval = setInterval(() => { if (until()) { clearInterval(interval); resolve(); } }, config.waitInterval); setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(interval); reject(new Error("waitUntilTextUpdated timeout")); }, config.waitTimeout); }); } // src/utils/silverPexerSettings.ts var Skills = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Skills2) => { Skills2["constitution"] = "constitution"; Skills2["force"] = "force"; Skills2["agilite"] = "agilite"; Skills2["intelligence"] = "intelligence"; return Skills2; })(Skills || {}); var Shortcuts = { first: "0", second: "1", third: "2" }; var SILVER_PEXER_SETTINGS_KEY = "silver-pexer-settings"; function setItem(key, value) { const settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(SILVER_PEXER_SETTINGS_KEY) ?? "{}"); const newSettings = { ...settings }; newSettings[key] = value; localStorage.setItem(SILVER_PEXER_SETTINGS_KEY, JSON.stringify(newSettings)); } function getItem(key) { const existingSettings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("silver-pexer-settings") ?? "{}"); return existingSettings[key]; } function setLevelUp(skill, value) { const levelUp = getItem("levelUp"); const newLevelUp = { ...levelUp }; newLevelUp[skill] = value; const sum = Object.values(newLevelUp).reduce((partialSum, s) => partialSum + +s, 0); if (sum > 5) { throw new Error("sum cannot be over 5"); } setItem("levelUp", newLevelUp); } function getLevelUp(skill) { const levelUp = getItem("levelUp"); return levelUp?.[skill]; } function addMonsterOption(monsterOption) { const monsterOptions = getItem("monsterOptions") ?? []; const newMonsterOptions = [...monsterOptions.filter((mo) => !==, monsterOption]; setItem("monsterOptions", newMonsterOptions); } var SilverPexerSettings = { setItem, getItem, setLevelUp, getLevelUp, addMonsterOption }; // src/plugins/autoAttack.ts async function apply() { const monsterToAttack = SilverPexerSettings.getItem("monster"); const attackWith = SilverPexerSettings.getItem("attack"); if (!monsterToAttack || !attackWith) { return; } const paElement = document.querySelector(".label-pa"); const paMatches = paElement.innerText.match(/[0-9]+/); if (paMatches) { const minPa = SilverPexerSettings.getItem("minPa") ?? config.minPa; if (+paMatches[0] <= +minPa) { return; } } const monsters = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".monster-card") ?? []); const monster = monsters.find((m) => m.innerHTML.includes(monsterToAttack)); if (monster) { const rapidAttackButton = monster.querySelector(`img[src$="${attackWith}"]`); const initialHtml = monster.innerHTML; const monsterKilledOrInjured = () => !document.body.contains(monster) || initialHtml !== monster.innerHTML; = "0.8"; await doThenWait(() =>, () => monsterKilledOrInjured()); = "1"; } } var autoAttack = { name: "auto-attack", apply, loop: true }; // src/utils/sleep.ts function sleep(milliseconds) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds)); } // src/plugins/autoHeal.ts async function apply2() { const lifeGauge = document.querySelector(".carac-gauge > .life"); if (!lifeGauge) { return; } const lifePercentText =; const groups = lifePercentText.match(/^([0-9]+)(.[0-9]+)?%$/); if (!groups) { return; } const lifePercent = +groups[1]; if (lifePercent < 100) { const healIndex = +(SilverPexerSettings.getItem("heal") ?? NaN); if (isNaN(healIndex)) { return; } const quickShortcuts = document.querySelectorAll(".character-details .label-name a > img"); const healShortcut = quickShortcuts[healIndex];; await sleep(100); } } var autoHeal = { name: "auto-heal", apply: apply2, loop: true }; // src/plugins/autoLevelUp.ts var skillsMap = { ["constitution" /* constitution */]: "constitution" /* constitution */, ["force" /* force */]: "puissance", ["agilite" /* agilite */]: "agilite" /* agilite */, ["intelligence" /* intelligence */]: "intelligence" /* intelligence */ }; function apply3() { const levelUp = SilverPexerSettings.getItem("levelUp"); if (!levelUp) { return; } let count = 0; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(levelUp)) { const increaseButton = document.querySelector(`input.btn-success[onclick*="${skillsMap[key]}"]`); if (increaseButton) { for (let i = 0; i < +value; i++) {; count++; } } } if (count === 5) { setTimeout(() => { const submitButton = document.querySelector('input[type="submit"].btn-action');; }, config.levelUpTimeout); } } var autoLevelUp = { name: "auto-levelup", apply: apply3 }; // src/plugins/autoLoot.ts async function apply4() { const itemsOnGround = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".element_on_floor > img") ?? []).reverse(); for (const item of itemsOnGround) { const parent = item.parentElement; if (!parent) { return; } const initialText = parent.innerText; const itemUpdated = () => initialText !== parent.innerText || !document.body.contains(item); await doThenWait(() =>, itemUpdated); } } var autoLoot = { name: "auto-loot", apply: apply4, loop: true }; // src/plugins/disableNotificationAnimation.ts function apply5() { var style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = `.marquee-text-text { -webkit-animation: none !important; -moz-animation: none !important; -o-animation: none !important; -ms-animation: none !important; animation: none !important; }`; document.head.appendChild(style); } var disableNotificationAnimation = { name: "disable-notification-animation", apply: apply5 }; // src/plugins/fixCharacter.ts function apply6() { var style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = ` /* remove tabs scrolling */ .items-container { overflow: visible !important; height: auto !important; } .item-description { overflow: visible !important; max-height: unset !important; min-height: 100px !important; } /* remove challenges scrolling */ #tab-challenges > div { overflow: visible !important; height: auto !important; } `; document.head.appendChild(style); } var fixChallenges = { name: "fix-challenges", apply: apply6 }; // src/plugins/fixImagesSize.ts function apply7() { var style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = ` img[src^="/storage/members/"] { max-width: 80px; max-height: 80px; } img[src^="/storage/items/"] { max-width: 70px; max-height: 70px; } `; document.head.appendChild(style); } var fixImagesSize = { name: "fix-images-size", apply: apply7 }; // src/plugins/fixShop.ts function apply8() { var style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = ` #shopElements, #characterElements { overflow-y: visible !important; height: auto !important; } `; document.head.appendChild(style); } var fixShop = { name: "fix-shop", apply: apply8 }; // src/plugins/privatePlugins.ts var privatePlugins = { map: [autoHeal, autoLoot, autoAttack], levelup: [autoLevelUp], guild: [], castle: [], shop: [fixImagesSize, fixShop], character: [fixChallenges], default: [disableNotificationAnimation] }; // src/config.ts var config = { minPa: "50", levelUpTimeout: 1500, loopInterval: 100, waitInterval: 10, waitTimeout: 2500, plugins: privatePlugins }; // src/silverHtml.ts var attacks = { attaque: "sword3.png", berserk: "sword4.png", sort1: "magic.png", sort2: "magic2.png" }; // src/options/buildSelect.ts function buildSelect(options, settingKey) { const select = document.createElement("select"); = "120px"; const emptyOption = document.createElement("option"); emptyOption.innerText = "-"; emptyOption.value = `disable-auto-${settingKey}`; select.appendChild(emptyOption); const entries = Object.entries(options).sort(); for (const [key, value] of entries) { const option = document.createElement("option"); option.innerText = key; option.value = `${value}`; option.selected = value === SilverPexerSettings.getItem(settingKey); select.appendChild(option); } select.addEventListener("change", () => { SilverPexerSettings.setItem(settingKey, select.value); }); return select; } // src/options/pickMonster.ts function pickMonster() { let picking = true; const previousCursor =; = "crosshair"; const monsters = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".monster")); for (const monster of monsters) { const bg =; monster.addEventListener("mouseover", () => { if (!picking) return; = "rgba(255, 255, 255, .3)"; }); monster.addEventListener("mouseout", () => { if (!picking) return; = bg; }); monster.addEventListener("click", (e) => { if (!picking) return; = bg; const name = monster.innerText; const image = monster.querySelector("a > .img_container > img")?.getAttribute("src"); if (!image) { alert(`Error monster without image: ${name}`); } else { SilverPexerSettings.addMonsterOption({ name, image }); refreshAutoAttack(); } picking = false; = previousCursor; e.preventDefault(); }); } } // src/options/autoAttack.ts function buildAutoAttackTable() { const autoAttackTable = document.createElement("table"); autoAttackTable.innerHTML = ` <tr> <td><label for="swp-monster-select">Monstre XP</label> </td> <td id="swp-monster"></td> <td> <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="monsters-pick">ajouter</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="swp-attack-select">Attaque</label> </td> <td id="swp-attack"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="swp-heal-select">Heal</label> </td> <td id="swp-heal"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="swp-minpa-input">Min PA</label> </td> <td><input id="swp-minpa-input" type="number" style="max-width: 10ch" /></td> <td></td> </tr> `; const monsterOptions = (SilverPexerSettings.getItem("monsterOptions") ?? []).reduce((accumulator, monster) => { return { ...accumulator, []: monster.image }; }, {}); const monsterSelect = buildSelect(monsterOptions, "monster"); = "swp-monster-select"; autoAttackTable.querySelector("#swp-monster")?.appendChild(monsterSelect); const attackSelect = buildSelect(attacks, "attack"); = "swp-attack-select"; autoAttackTable.querySelector("#swp-attack")?.appendChild(attackSelect); const healSelect = buildSelect(Shortcuts, "heal"); = "swp-heal-select"; autoAttackTable.querySelector("#swp-heal")?.appendChild(healSelect); const monsterPick = autoAttackTable.querySelector("#monsters-pick"); monsterPick.addEventListener("click", pickMonster); const minPaInput = autoAttackTable.querySelector("#swp-minpa-input"); if (minPaInput) { minPaInput.value = SilverPexerSettings.getItem("minPa") ?? config.minPa; minPaInput?.addEventListener("change", () => { SilverPexerSettings.setItem("minPa", minPaInput.value); }); } return autoAttackTable; } function refreshAutoAttack() { const autoAttackTable = buildAutoAttackTable(); document.querySelector("#swp-autoattack")?.replaceChildren(autoAttackTable); } // src/options/buildLevelUp.ts function buildLevelUpTable() { const skills = Object.values(Skills); const table = document.createElement("table"); for (const skill of skills) { const line = document.createElement("tr"); line.innerHTML = ` <td><label for="swp-level-up-${skill}-input">${skill} </label></td> <td id="swp-level-up-${skill}"></td> `; const input = document.createElement("input"); = `swp-level-up-${skill}-input`; input.type = "number"; input.min = "0"; input.max = "5"; = "10ch"; input.value = SilverPexerSettings.getLevelUp(skill) ?? "0"; input.addEventListener("change", () => { try { SilverPexerSettings.setLevelUp(skill, input.value); } catch (e) { input.value = (+input.value - 1).toString(); } }); line.querySelector(`td#swp-level-up-${skill}`)?.appendChild(input); table.appendChild(line); } return table; } // src/options/buildSettings.ts function buildSettings() { const settingsDiv = document.createElement("div"); settingsDiv.className = "card"; = "absolute"; = "57px"; = "10px"; = "none"; = "270px"; const settingsBody = document.createElement("div"); settingsBody.className = "card-body"; settingsBody.innerHTML = ` <h5>SilverPexer Settings</h5> <h6 style="margin-top: 1em;">Auto Attack</h6> <div id="swp-autoattack"></div> <h6 style="margin-top: 1em;">Level Up</h6> <div id="swp-levelup"></div> <h6 style="margin-top: 1em;">Autres</h6> <ul> <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" id="monsters-empty">Reset liste monstres</a></li> </ul> `; const autoAttackTable = buildAutoAttackTable(); settingsBody.querySelector("#swp-autoattack")?.appendChild(autoAttackTable); const levelUpTable = buildLevelUpTable(); settingsBody.querySelector("#swp-levelup")?.appendChild(levelUpTable); settingsBody.querySelector("#monsters-empty")?.addEventListener("click", () => { const ok = confirm("Voulez-vous enlever tous les monstres ajout\xE9s ?"); if (ok) { SilverPexerSettings.setItem("monsterOptions", void 0); SilverPexerSettings.setItem("monster", void 0); refreshAutoAttack(); } }); settingsDiv.appendChild(settingsBody); return settingsDiv; } // src/options/addOptions.ts function addOptions() { const messengerFixed = document.querySelector("#MessengerFixedController"); if (!messengerFixed) { return; } const settingsDiv = buildSettings(); const settingsImage = document.createElement("img"); settingsImage.src = ""; settingsImage.className = "img-fluid"; = "24px"; = "24px"; settingsImage.alt = "SilverPexer Settings"; settingsImage.addEventListener("click", () => { if ( === "none") { = "block"; } else { = "none"; } }); const optionsDiv = document.createElement("div"); optionsDiv.appendChild(settingsImage); const optionsListItem = document.createElement("li"); optionsListItem.appendChild(optionsDiv); messengerFixed?.appendChild(settingsDiv); messengerFixed?.querySelector("ul")?.appendChild(optionsListItem); } // src/utils/loop.ts async function loop(action, interval) { while (true) { try { await action(); } catch (e) { console.error("loop error:", e); } await sleep(interval); } } // src/index.ts (async function() { "use strict"; addOptions(); const groups = window.location.pathname.match(/^\/([^\/]+)(?:\/)?([^\/]+)?/); if (!groups) { console.warn("Could not parse pathname: ", window.location.pathname); return; } const [_path, page, _subPage] = groups; const plugins = [...config.plugins.default ?? [], ...config.plugins[page] ?? []]; const oncePlugins = plugins.filter((p) => !p.loop); for (const plugin of oncePlugins) { await plugin.apply(); } const loopPlugins = plugins.filter((p) => p.loop); await loop(async () => { for (const plugin of loopPlugins) { await plugin.apply(); } }, config.loopInterval); })().catch(console.error);