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Roll20 Sandbox Restarter

Restarts your API sandbox if it crashes. Leave open your Mod (API) Scripts page while you play and this will automatically restart it if there are errors.

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// ==UserScript==// @name        Roll20 Sandbox Restarter// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts// @match       https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/scripts/*// @grant       none// @version     1.0// @author      Lexaire// @description Restarts your API sandbox if it crashes. Leave open your Mod (API) Scripts page while you play and this will automatically restart it if there are errors.// @license MIT// ==/UserScript==function hasErrors() {return $("#errorlock:visible").length !== 0;}function restartSandbox() {$(".restartsandbox")[0].click();}function showStopWatch() {$("#sandboxstopicon").show();}function hideStopWatch() {$("#sandboxstopicon").hide();}function checkForErrors() {showStopWatch();console.log("Sandbox Restarter: Checking for errors");if (hasErrors()) {console.log("Restarting sandbox...");restartSandbox();setTimeout(checkForErrors, 5000);} else {setTimeout(checkForErrors, 2000);}setTimeout(hideStopWatch, 300);}$('.preview').after("<div style='color:red; font-weight:bold'>Sandbox Restarter is watching for errors.<span id='sandboxstopicon'>⏱️</div></div>");checkForErrors();