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Makes GM_xmlhttpRequest and GM_download queued
Ce script ne doit pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie destinée à être incluse dans d'autres scripts avec la méta-directive // @require
/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */ /* eslint-disable no-native-reassign */ /* eslint-disable no-redeclare */ // ==UserScript== // @name GM web hooks // @namespace GM-web-hooks // @version 0.1.2 // @description Makes GM_xmlhttpRequest and GM_download queued // @author PY-DNG // @license GPL-v3 // ==/UserScript== /* global LogLevel DoLog Err $ $All $CrE $AEL addStyle destroyEvent copyProp copyProps parseArgs escJsStr replaceText getUrlArgv dl_browser dl_GM AsyncManager */ /* global GM_xmlhttpRequest GM_download */ let [GMXHRHook, GMDLHook] = (function __MAIN__() { 'use strict'; return [GMXHRHook, GMDLHook]; // GM_XHR HOOK: The number of running GM_XHRs in a time must under maxXHR // Returns the abort function to stop the request anyway(no matter it's still waiting, or requesting) // (If the request is invalid, such as url === '', will return false and will NOT make this request) // If the abort function called on a request that is not running(still waiting or finished), there will be NO onabort event // Requires: function delItem(){...} & function uniqueIDMaker(){...} function GMXHRHook(maxXHR=5) { const GM_XHR = GM_xmlhttpRequest; const getID = function() { let id = 0; return () => id++; }(); let todoList = [], ongoingList = []; GM_xmlhttpRequest = safeGMxhr; function safeGMxhr() { // Get an id for this request, arrange a request object for it. const id = getID(); const request = {id: id, args: arguments, aborter: null}; // Deal onload function first dealEndingEvents(request); /* DO NOT DO THIS! KEEP ITS ORIGINAL PROPERTIES! // Stop invalid requests if (!validCheck(request)) { return false; } */ // Judge if we could start the request now or later? todoList.push(request); checkXHR(); return makeAbortFunc(id); // Decrease activeXHRCount while GM_XHR onload; function dealEndingEvents(request) { const e = request.args[0]; // onload event const oriOnload = e.onload; e.onload = function() { reqFinish(; checkXHR(); oriOnload ? oriOnload.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } // onerror event const oriOnerror = e.onerror; e.onerror = function() { reqFinish(; checkXHR(); oriOnerror ? oriOnerror.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } // ontimeout event const oriOntimeout = e.ontimeout; e.ontimeout = function() { reqFinish(; checkXHR(); oriOntimeout ? oriOntimeout.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } // onabort event const oriOnabort = e.onabort; e.onabort = function() { reqFinish(; checkXHR(); oriOnabort ? oriOnabort.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } } // Check if the request is invalid function validCheck(request) { const e = request.args[0]; if (!e.url) { return false; } return true; } // Call a XHR from todoList and push the request object to ongoingList if called function checkXHR() { if (ongoingList.length >= maxXHR) {return false;}; if (todoList.length === 0) {return false;}; const req = todoList.shift(); const reqArgs = req.args; const aborter = GM_XHR.apply(null, reqArgs); req.aborter = aborter; ongoingList.push(req); return req; } // Make a function that aborts a certain request function makeAbortFunc(id) { return function() { let i; // Check if the request haven't been called for (i = 0; i < todoList.length; i++) { const req = todoList[i]; if ( === id) { // found this request: haven't been called todoList.splice(i, 1); return true; } } // Check if the request is running now for (i = 0; i < ongoingList.length; i++) { const req = todoList[i]; if ( === id) { // found this request: running now req.aborter(); reqFinish(id); checkXHR(); } } // Oh no, this request is already finished... return false; } } // Remove a certain request from ongoingList function reqFinish(id) { let i; for (i = 0; i < ongoingList.length; i++) { const req = ongoingList[i]; if ( === id) { ongoingList = ongoingList.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; } } } // GM_DL HOOK: The number of running GM_download in a time must under maxDL // Returns the abort function to stop the request anyway(no matter it's still waiting, or requesting) // (If the request is invalid, such as url === '', will return false and will NOT make this request) // If the abort function called on a request that is not running(still waiting or finished), there will be NO onabort event // Requires: function delItem(){...} & function uniqueIDMaker(){...} function GMDLHook(maxDL=5) { const GM_DL = GM_download; const getID = function() { let id = 0; return () => id++; }(); let todoList = [], ongoingList = []; GM_download = safeGMdl; function safeGMdl() { // Get an id for this request, arrange a request object for it. const id = getID(); const request = {id: id, args: arguments, aborter: null}; // Deal onload function first dealEndingEvents(request); /* DO NOT DO THIS! KEEP ITS ORIGINAL PROPERTIES! // Stop invalid requests if (!validCheck(request)) { return false; } */ // Judge if we could start the request now or later? todoList.push(request); checkDL(); return makeAbortFunc(id); // Decrease activeXHRCount while GM_DL onload; function dealEndingEvents(request) { const e = request.args[0]; // onload event const oriOnload = e.onload; e.onload = function() { reqFinish(; checkDL(); oriOnload ? oriOnload.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } // onerror event const oriOnerror = e.onerror; e.onerror = function() { reqFinish(; checkDL(); oriOnerror ? oriOnerror.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } // ontimeout event const oriOntimeout = e.ontimeout; e.ontimeout = function() { reqFinish(; checkDL(); oriOntimeout ? oriOntimeout.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } // onabort event const oriOnabort = e.onabort; e.onabort = function() { reqFinish(; checkDL(); oriOnabort ? oriOnabort.apply(null, arguments) : function() {}; } } // Check if the request is invalid function validCheck(request) { const e = request.args[0]; if (!e.url) { return false; } return true; } // Call a XHR from todoList and push the request object to ongoingList if called function checkDL() { if (ongoingList.length >= maxDL) {return false;}; if (todoList.length === 0) {return false;}; const req = todoList.shift(); const reqArgs = req.args; const aborter = GM_DL.apply(null, reqArgs); req.aborter = aborter; ongoingList.push(req); return req; } // Make a function that aborts a certain request function makeAbortFunc(id) { return function() { let i; // Check if the request haven't been called for (i = 0; i < todoList.length; i++) { const req = todoList[i]; if ( === id) { // found this request: haven't been called todoList.splice(i, 1); return true; } } // Check if the request is running now for (i = 0; i < ongoingList.length; i++) { const req = todoList[i]; if ( === id) { // found this request: running now req.aborter(); reqFinish(id); checkDL(); } } // Oh no, this request is already finished... return false; } } // Remove a certain request from ongoingList function reqFinish(id) { let i; for (i = 0; i < ongoingList.length; i++) { const req = ongoingList[i]; if ( === id) { ongoingList = ongoingList.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; } } } })();