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Visualisation des gares TGV sous MountyHall
// ==UserScript== // @name Visualisation des gares TGV // @namespace MH // @include */mountyhall/MH_Lieux/Lieu_Portail.php* // @version 1.6 // @description Visualisation des gares TGV sous MountyHall // @injectframes 1 // ==/UserScript== // variables globales (c'est laid) let VTGV_origine; let VTGV_canevas; let VTGV_listeDestination=[]; let VTGV_fixToolTip=false; let VTGV_destinationCourante = {"x":0,"y":0,"n":0}; let VTGV_maxXY = 110; let VTGV_multiplicateur = 3; function VTGV_isPage(url) { return 0 <= window.location.href.indexOf(url); } function VTGV_recupListe(destination = VTGV_destinationCourante){ // récupération de liste des gares dans le tableau let trList = document.getElementById("portail").getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0].getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (let tr of trList) { var objDestination = {}; objDestination.nom = tr.childNodes[1].textContent; objDestination.x = tr.childNodes[3].textContent; objDestination.y = tr.childNodes[5].textContent; objDestination.n = tr.childNodes[7].textContent; objDestination.prix = tr.childNodes[9].textContent; //objDestination.distance = Math.max(Math.abs(objDestination.x - destination.x), Math.abs(objDestination.y - destination.y),Math.abs(objDestination.n - destination.n)) + Math.abs(objDestination.n - destination.n); objDestination.urlEmbarquer = tr.childNodes[13].innerHTML; VTGV_listeDestination.push(objDestination); } return VTGV_listeDestination; } function VTGV_updateDestinationEvent(e){ VTGV_updateDestination(true); } function VTGV_updateDestination(refreshLimites=false){ let destinationString = document.getElementById("destination").value; if(destinationString.length > 0) { let destinationArray = destinationString.match(/-?\d+/g); if (!destinationArray || destinationArray.length < 3) { alert('Il faut donner X, Y et N comme "Destination"'); } else { VTGV_destinationCourante.x = destinationArray[0]; VTGV_destinationCourante.y = destinationArray[1]; VTGV_destinationCourante.n = destinationArray[2]; VTGV_canevas.getContext('2d').clearRect(VTGV_multiplicateur * (parseInt(VTGV_maxXY)+1+parseInt(VTGV_destinationCourante.x)), VTGV_multiplicateur * (parseInt(VTGV_maxXY) + 1 - parseInt(VTGV_destinationCourante.y)), VTGV_multiplicateur, VTGV_multiplicateur); for (let gare of VTGV_listeDestination) { gare.distance = Math.max(Math.abs(gare.x - VTGV_destinationCourante.x), Math.abs(gare.y - VTGV_destinationCourante.y),(Math.abs(gare.n - VTGV_destinationCourante.n))) + Math.abs(gare.n - VTGV_destinationCourante.n); } VTGV_addGare(VTGV_destinationCourante, "green", "Triangle", false); VTGV_addGare(VTGV_origine, "red", "Cercle", true); } } if(refreshLimites) { VTGV_updateLimites(); } } function VTGV_updateLimitesEvent(e){ VTGV_updateLimites(true); } function VTGV_updateLimites(refreshDestination=false) { VTGV_canevas.getContext('2d').clearRect( 0 ,0 ,VTGV_multiplicateur * (VTGV_maxXY * 2 + 1),VTGV_multiplicateur * (VTGV_maxXY * 2 + 1)); let destinationString = document.getElementById("destination").value; for (let gare of VTGV_listeDestination) { if((destinationString.length <=0 || parseInt(gare.distance,10) <= parseInt(document.getElementById("limitePA").value)) && parseInt(gare.prix) <= parseInt(document.getElementById("limiteGG").value)) { VTGV_addGare(gare, "blue", "Rectangle", false); } else { VTGV_addGare(gare, "black", "Rectangle", true); } } VTGV_addGare(VTGV_origine, "red", "Cercle", true); VTGV_addGare(VTGV_destinationCourante, "green", "Triangle", false); if(refreshDestination) { VTGV_updateDestination(); } VTGV_majDivListeDestinationOK(); } function VTGV_majDivListeDestinationOK() { let divCible = document.getElementById("destinationCriteresOK"); let destinationString = document.getElementById("destination").value; let cibleTexte = ""; cibleTexte = '<table border="5px solid" bordercolor="green">'; for (let gare of VTGV_listeDestination) { if((destinationString.length <=0 || parseInt(gare.distance,10) <= parseInt(document.getElementById("limitePA").value)) && parseInt(gare.prix) <= parseInt(document.getElementById("limiteGG").value)) { cibleTexte += '<tr class="mh_tdpage"><td style="column-span:3">' + gare.nom + '</td><td>' + gare.urlEmbarquer + '</td></tr>'; cibleTexte += '<tr class="mh_tdpage">'; cibleTexte += '<td>X = ' + gare.x + ' | Y = ' + gare.y + ' | N = ' + gare.n; if(gare.hasOwnProperty('distance')) { cibleTexte += ' (dist : ' + gare.distance + ' pa)</td>'}; cibleTexte += '<td>Prix = ' + gare.prix + '</td>'; cibleTexte += '</tr>'; } } cibleTexte += "</table>"; divCible.innerHTML = cibleTexte; } function VTGV_compareGG (gare1, gare2) { if (parseInt(gare1.prix) < parseInt(gare2.prix)) {return -1;} if (parseInt(gare1.prix) > parseInt(gare2.prix)) {return 1;} return 0; } function VTGV_comparePA (gare1, gare2) { if (parseInt(gare1.distance) < parseInt(gare2.distance)) {return -1;} if (parseInt(gare1.distance) > parseInt(gare2.distance)) {return 1;} return 0; } function VTGV_trierListe(e){ let destinationString = document.getElementById("destination").value; if( == "triPA" && destinationString.length <= 0) { return;} if( == "triPA") {VTGV_listeDestination.sort(VTGV_comparePA);} else if ( == "triGG") {VTGV_listeDestination.sort(VTGV_compareGG);} VTGV_majDivListeDestinationOK(); } function VTGV_insertionTableau(){ // insertion des différents hamps utilisés // point d'insertion (juste avant le tableau) let insertPoint = document.getElementById("portail"); // insertion des champs X / Y / N de destination + du bouton MAJ let tableDestination = document.createElement("table"); trDestination = tableDestination.insertRow(); trDestination.class = "mh_tdpage"; tdDestinationLabel = trDestination.insertCell(); tdDestinationLabel.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Destination : ")); tdDestination = trDestination.insertCell(); inputDestination = document.createElement("input"); inputDestination.type="text";"destination"; inputDestination.size=30; inputDestination.value=""; tdDestination.appendChild(inputDestination); // insertion des champs max du voyage (GG/PA) tdLimitesLabel = trDestination.insertCell(); tdLimitesLabel.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Valeurs Max : ")); tdlimitePA = trDestination.insertCell(); tdlimitePA.appendChild(document.createTextNode("PA restant : ")); inputPA = document.createElement("input"); inputPA.type="text";"limitePA"; inputPA.size=5; inputPA.value=25; tdlimitePA.appendChild(inputPA); tdlimitePA.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" GG : ")); inputGG = document.createElement("input"); inputGG.type="text";"limiteGG"; inputGG.size=5; inputGG.value=500; tdlimitePA.appendChild(inputGG); tdDestinationValid = trDestination.insertCell(); submitDestinationInput = document.createElement("button");"submitDestination"; submitDestinationInput.innerHTML="Valider"; submitDestinationInput.onclick=VTGV_updateDestination; tdDestinationValid.appendChild(submitDestinationInput); tableDestination = insertPoint.parentNode.insertBefore(tableDestination,insertPoint); // critères de tris tdBoutonsTris = trDestination.insertCell(); let triGG = document.createElement("button");"triGG"; triGG.innerHTML="Trier par coût"; triGG.onclick=VTGV_trierListe; tdBoutonsTris.appendChild(triGG); let triPA = document.createElement("button");"triPA"; triPA.innerHTML="Trier par PA"; triPA.onclick=VTGV_trierListe; tdBoutonsTris.appendChild(triPA); // insertion du div globale let scriptDiv = document.createElement("div");"scriptDiv"; scriptDiv = insertPoint.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptDiv,insertPoint); // insertion de la zone d'affichage des infos des gares let infoDiv = document.createElement("div");"infoDiv"; = "inline-block";"left";"visible";"20px"; infoDiv = scriptDiv.insertBefore(infoDiv,scriptDiv.firstChild); // insertion du div pour les gares correspondant aux critères let destinationCriteres = document.createElement("div");"destinationCriteresOK";"visible"; destinationCriteres = infoDiv.insertBefore(destinationCriteres,infoDiv.firstChild); // les tooltips let toolTip = document.createElement("div");"gareToolTip";"visible"; toolTip = infoDiv.insertBefore(toolTip,destinationCriteres); // affichage du canevas avec la carte du hall let canevasDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "canevasDiv"; = "inline-block"; = "left"; canevasDiv = scriptDiv.insertBefore(canevasDiv,scriptDiv.firstChild); VTGV_canevas = document.createElement("canvas"); = "VTGV_canevas"; VTGV_canevas.width = VTGV_multiplicateur * (VTGV_maxXY * 2 + 1); VTGV_canevas.height = VTGV_multiplicateur * (VTGV_maxXY * 2 + 1); = "1px solid #000"; = "inline-block"; = "20px"; VTGV_canevas = canevasDiv.insertBefore(VTGV_canevas,canevasDiv.firstChild); VTGV_canevas.addEventListener("mousemove", VTGV_gererToolTip); VTGV_canevas.addEventListener("click", VTGV_gererToolTip); } function VTGV_addGare(objetGare, couleurPoint, formePoint, rempli){ let contextTGV = VTGV_canevas.getContext('2d'); contextTGV.fillStyle = couleurPoint; contextTGV.strokeStyle = couleurPoint; contextTGV.lineWidth = 1; contextTGV.beginPath(); if(formePoint == "Rectangle" && rempli ){ contextTGV.rect(VTGV_multiplicateur * (parseInt(VTGV_maxXY)+1+parseInt(objetGare.x)), VTGV_multiplicateur * (parseInt(VTGV_maxXY) + 1 - parseInt(objetGare.y)), VTGV_multiplicateur, VTGV_multiplicateur); } else if (formePoint == "Rectangle" && !rempli) { contextTGV.strokeRect(VTGV_multiplicateur * (parseInt(VTGV_maxXY)+1+parseInt(objetGare.x)), VTGV_multiplicateur * (parseInt(VTGV_maxXY) + 1 - parseInt(objetGare.y)), VTGV_multiplicateur, VTGV_multiplicateur); } else if (formePoint == "Cercle") { centreX = VTGV_multiplicateur * (parseInt(VTGV_maxXY,10) + 1 + parseInt(objetGare.x,10)) + VTGV_multiplicateur / 2; centreY = VTGV_multiplicateur * (parseInt(VTGV_maxXY,10) + 1 - parseInt(objetGare.y,10)) + VTGV_multiplicateur / 2; contextTGV.arc(centreX, centreY, VTGV_multiplicateur/2, 0, 2 * Math.PI); } else if (formePoint == "Triangle") { xPoint1 = VTGV_multiplicateur * ( parseInt(VTGV_maxXY,10) + parseInt(objetGare.x,10) + 0 ) + 1 ; yPoint1 = VTGV_multiplicateur * ( parseInt(VTGV_maxXY,10) - parseInt(objetGare.y,10) + 2 ) + 1 ; xPoint2 = VTGV_multiplicateur * ( parseInt(VTGV_maxXY,10) + parseInt(objetGare.x,10) + 2 ) + 1 ; yPoint2 = VTGV_multiplicateur * ( parseInt(VTGV_maxXY,10) - parseInt(objetGare.y,10) + 2 ) + 1 ; xPoint3 = VTGV_multiplicateur * ( parseInt(VTGV_maxXY,10) + parseInt(objetGare.x,10) + 1 ) + 1 ; yPoint3 = VTGV_multiplicateur * ( parseInt(VTGV_maxXY,10) - parseInt(objetGare.y,10) + 0 ) + 1 ; contextTGV.moveTo(xPoint1,yPoint1); contextTGV.lineTo(xPoint2,yPoint2); contextTGV.lineTo(xPoint3,yPoint3); contextTGV.closePath(); } contextTGV.stroke(); if(rempli) { contextTGV.fill(); } } function VTGV_gererToolTip(e) { let toolTip = document.getElementById("gareToolTip"); let eventType = e.type; let coordonnesCanevas = VTGV_canevas.getBoundingClientRect(); let coordonneesObjet = {"x" : Math.floor((e.clientX - coordonnesCanevas.left)/VTGV_multiplicateur - parseInt(VTGV_maxXY) -1), "y" : Math.floor(-((e.clientY - - parseInt(VTGV_maxXY) -2 ))}; listeGares = VTGV_recupGareParCoordonneesXY(coordonneesObjet.x,coordonneesObjet.y); document.getElementById("canevasDiv").title = "X = " + coordonneesObjet.x + " | Y = " + coordonneesObjet.y ; if(eventType=="click") { if(listeGares.length == 0 ) { document.getElementById("destination").value = "X = " + coordonneesObjet.x + " | Y = " + coordonneesObjet.y + " | N = " + VTGV_destinationCourante.n ; document.getElementById("submitDestination").click(); } if( toolTip.innerHTML != "" && !VTGV_fixToolTip) { VTGV_fixToolTip = true; return; } else { if (toolTip.innerHTML != "" && VTGV_fixToolTip) { toolTip.innerHTML = "";VTGV_fixToolTip = false; return; } } } else if(eventType=="mousemove" && !VTGV_fixToolTip ) { if(listeGares.length > 0) { let tooTipText = ""; tooTipText = '<table border="5px solid" bordercolor="red">'; for (let gare of listeGares) { tooTipText += '<tr class="mh_tdpage"><td style="column-span:3">' + gare.nom + '</td><td>' + gare.urlEmbarquer + '</td></tr>'; tooTipText += '<tr class="mh_tdpage">'; tooTipText += '<td>X = ' + gare.x + ' | Y = ' + gare.y + ' | N = ' + gare.n; if(gare.hasOwnProperty('distance')) { tooTipText += ' (dist : ' + gare.distance + ' pa)</td>'}; tooTipText += '<td>Prix = ' + gare.prix + '</td>'; tooTipText += '</tr>'; } tooTipText += "</table>"; toolTip.innerHTML = tooTipText; } else { toolTip.innerHTML = ""; } } } function VTGV_recupGareParCoordonneesXY(x,y){ let listeGares = []; for (let destination of VTGV_listeDestination) { if (destination.x == x && destination.y == y) listeGares.push(destination); } return listeGares; } if(VTGV_isPage("mountyhall/MH_Lieux/Lieu_Portail.php")){ let trollCourant = localStorage.getItem("NUM_TROLL"); let clePositionX = trollCourant+".position.X"; let clePositionY = trollCourant+".position.Y"; VTGV_origine = {"x":localStorage.getItem(clePositionX), "y":localStorage.getItem(clePositionY), "n" : localStorage.getItem(trollCourant+".position.N")}; VTGV_recupListe(); VTGV_insertionTableau(); VTGV_listeDestination.sort(VTGV_compareGG); VTGV_updateDestination(true); }