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Show name from in fritz box caller list. Set your local area code in the source
// ==UserScript== // @name Fritz box name in call list // @name:DE Fritz box Name in der Anruferliste // @namespace // @version 1.2 // @description Show name from in fritz box caller list. Set your local area code in the source // @description:DE Zeigt den Anrufernamen von in the Anruferliste. Ändere deine Vorwahl im Sourcecode // @author cvzi // @license MIT // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @icon // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @connect // ==/UserScript== /* global GM */ /* jshint asi: true, esversion: 8 */ (function () { 'use strict' const areaCode = '06241' // Set to your local area code or empty string '' if you don't use one const dastelefonbuchUrl = '' function getCallerName (number) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { const cached = window.localStorage.getItem(number) if (cached) { if (cached !== 'NOT_FOUND') { return resolve(cached) } else { return reject(new Error(cached + '+FROM_CACHE')) } } const url = dastelefonbuchUrl + encodeURIComponent(number) GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url, onerror: function (response) { console.error(`Error xmlHttpRequest "${url}"`, response) reject(new Error('ONERROR:xmlHttpRequest')) }, onload: function (response) { const parts = response.responseText.split('<div class="vcard">') if (parts.length < 2) { console.debug('No r###lts for number ' + number) window.localStorage.setItem(number, 'NOT_FOUND') return reject(new Error('NOT_FOUND')) } let s = parts[1] if (s.indexOf('</address>')) { s = s.split('</address>')[0] + '</address></div></div>' } else { s = s.split('</div>')[0] + '</div></div>' } s = s.replace(/<a[^>]+>/gim, '<span style="color:#888">').replace('</a>', '</span>') window.localStorage.setItem(number, s) resolve(s) } }) }) } function getCallerNameTryAreaCode (number, displayR###lt) { getCallerName(number).then(function (html) { displayR###lt(html) }).catch(function () { if (areaCode && !number.startsWith('0') && !number.startsWith('+')) { getCallerName(`${areaCode}${number}`).then(function (html) { displayR###lt(html) }).catch(function () { // no name found even with area code }) } else { // no name found } }) } function addNameToUnknownCalls () { // Full caller list document.querySelectorAll('#uiCalls tr a[href*="number="]').forEach(function (a) { if ('asked' in a.dataset) { return } a.dataset.asked = 1 const m = a.href.match(/number=(\d+)/) if (!m) { return } const number = m[1] const displayR###lt = function (html) { a.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('td')[2].innerHTML += html } getCallerNameTryAreaCode(number, displayR###lt) }) // Small caller list on home page document.querySelectorAll('.info-table--phonecalls .grid-row--phonecall>div:first-of-type').forEach(function (div) { if ('asked' in div.dataset) { return } div.dataset.asked = 1 let m = div.textContent.trim().match(/^(\d+)$/) if (!m) { // Active calls: m = div.textContent.trim().match(/ — (\d+)/) if (!m) { return } } const number = m[1] const displayR###lt = function (html) { div.innerHTML += html } getCallerNameTryAreaCode(number, displayR###lt) }) } window.setInterval(addNameToUnknownCalls, 1000) })()