Greasy Fork is available in English.
only hookFetch
Ce script ne doit pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie destinée à être incluse dans d'autres scripts avec la méta-directive // @require
English: Please note that whether you are a grease monkey script or any form of Js code injectionplease uniformly get the window of the web page context, not the window in the grease monkey scriptOnly by supporting Fetch中文: 请注意无论您是油猴脚本还是任何形式的 Js 代码注入形式请统一获取到网页上下文的window,而非在油猴脚本中的window仅支持 Fetch
var win = window.unsafeWindow || document.defaultView || window;
FetchCallback : { add , del }add: (pathname, callback) -> return index... pathname...... English: Path Of Webpage, Does Not Need To Contain The Domain NameDoes Not Need To Contain The Get Parameters, Must Start With /...... Chinese: 网页路径 无需包含域名 无需包含Get参数 必须以 / 开头... callback : (_object, period)...... _object -> (args,text)...... period -> preRequest / donedel: (pathname, index) -> return true / false
let index = win['__hookRequest__'].FetchCallback.add('/api/auth/session', (_object, period) => {if (period === 'preRequest') {// 中文: 读取请求参数或尝试修改请求参数 _object.args// English: Read the request parameters or try to modify the request parameters _object.args}else if(period === 'done'){// 中文: 读取响应体或尝试修改响应体 _object.text// English: Read the response body or try to modify the response body _object.text}// 中文: 如果有修改请返回修改后的 _object// 否则可不写 return 或 return null// English: If there is a modification, please return the modified _object,// otherwise you can not write return or return nullreturn _object;});
win['__hookRequest__'].FetchCallback.del('/api/auth/session', index);
中文:使用到的脚本English: Scripts Used