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Black Belt

Find and display links inside a bar; Type of links: chat, contact, email, geo, magnet, media documents, metalinks, podcasts, syndication feeds, torrents and userscripts and wallets.

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// ==UserScript==// @name        Black Belt// @author      Schimon Jehudah, Adv.// @namespace   i2p.schimon.blackbelt// @homepageURL @supportURL @copyright   2023 - 2024, Schimon Jehudah (http://schimon.i2p)// @license     MIT; @description Find and display links inside a bar; Type of links: chat, contact, email, geo, magnet, media documents, metalinks, podcasts, syndication feeds, torrents and userscripts and wallets.// @match       file:///*// @match       *://*/*// @version     24.03.20// @grant       GM.registerMenuCommand// @run-at      document-end// @noframes// @icon         ==/UserScript==// NOTE// Robe icons (Sauna pack) created by Freepik// TODO//// 0) Bar like 0) Decode string for magnet links// 0) Tooltip//    or DIV on the middle or center of screen// 1) Brand: Access Bar, Alt Bar, Black Bar, Black Robe, Distribar, Distributed Bar, Distribution Bar, Easy Access Bar, Free Bar, Freenet Bar, Handler Bar, Harvest Bar, IETF Bar, IETF Black Bar, IETF ToolBar, Instant Media Bar, Media Bar, Power Bar, Power Download Bar, Reaping Bar, Simple Access Bar, Simple Bar, Super Bar//// 2) Recognize btih of 32 and convert it to 40//// 3) Check cache links for none 200 code// 4) FIXME feedx// 5) Case insensitive (XPath)//    String.prototype.toLowerCase()//    See 'Magnet:' heperlink at    See getPathTo()//// 6) Fetch button (guess on demand) instead of auto-guess//    Find file by Hash or ID (Hint: find duplicate chars/strings)//// 7) Display software for IPFS, GPS, Monero, RSS, SIP, Tribler, XMPP//// 8) Market diaspora*, Linux, Mastodon, ownCloud, RetroShare//// 9) TODO cancel *:after "open in new tab" blackberry nokia palm// weixin://dl/chat?// VK vkontakt// 'pge,✉️,contact,Contact'const types = {"feed" : {"name" : "📰 Follow", // 🗞️ 🔔 索 參"description" : "Subscribe to News Feed","alternate" : ["atom", "rss", "rdf", "stream", "feed", "feed+json"],"extension" : ["atom", "atom.php", "atom.xml","rss", "rss.php", "rss.xml","rdf", "rdf.php", "rdf.xml","feed.xml", "rss.json", "feed.json"],"path" : ["/feed", "/feed/", "app.php/feed"],"uri" : ["feed", "news"]},"podcast" : {"name" : "🎙️ Podcast", // 🎧"description" : "Subscribe to Podcast Channel","uri" : ["itpc"]},"asc" : {"name" : "🗝️ Encryption Key", // 🔐"description" : "Additional Sense Code","extension" : ["asc", "asc.txt"]},"gpg" : {"name" : "🗝️ Encryption Key", // 🔐"description" : "OpenPGP","extension" : ["gpg", "gpg.txt"]},"pgp" : {"name" : "🗝️ Encryption Key", // 🔐"description" : "Pretty Good Privacy","extension" : ["pgp", "pgp.txt"]},"mail" : {"name" : "✉️ Email", // 📮"description" : "Send Email Message","uri" : ["mailto"]},"card" : {"name" : "🪪 Card", // 📇"description" : "Virtual Contact File","extension" : ["vcard", "vcf"]},"geo" : {"name" : "📍️ Location", // 🗺️"description" : "Geographic Coordinations","extension" : ["gpx", "geojson", "kml", "kmx"],"uri" : ["geo", "waze"]},"gemini" : {"name" : "💎️ Gemini", // 🔮"description" : "The Gemini Realm","uri" : ["gemini"]},"gopher" : {"name" : "🦦 Gopher", // 🔮"description" : "The Gopher Realm","uri" : ["gopher"]},"telephone" : {"name" : "☎️ Call", // 📞️"description" : "Call Telephone Number","uri" : ["callto", "tel"]},"sms" : {"name" : "💬️ SMS","description" : "Message Telephone Number","uri" : ["sms"]},"voip" : {"name" : "📞️ VoIP","description" : "<span title='Session Initiation Protocol'>Call via SIP</span>","uri" : ["sip"]},"chat-cabal" : {"name" : "🔽 Cabal", // ︾ // 🔽 // ⧩ // ➤"description" : "Cabal Chat Network","uri" : ["cabal"]},"chat-xmpp" : {"name" : "💡️ Jabber/XMPP","description" : "<span title='Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol'>The Private & Decentralized Chat Network</span>","web" : [// /i/#// #converse/room?jid="","","","","","","",""],// TODO handle ?join and ?message"uri" : ["xmpp"]},"chat-irc" : {"name" : "🗨️ IRC","description" : "Internet Relay Chat","uri" : ["irc", "ircs"],"web" : [""]},"chat-briar" : {"name" : "👁 Briar","description" : "Briar Chat Network","warning" : "This is a messaging system of which its developers have received grants from the CIA.","origin" : "🇺🇸 USA","uri" : ["briar"]},"chat-di" : {"name" : "👁 Discord","description" : "Centralized Messaging Platform","warning" : "This chat service logs your activities and conversations to its records and discloses them to ###ernments legally and illegally.","origin" : "🇺🇸 USA","web" : ["",""]},"chat-fa" : {"name" : "👁 Facebook","description" : "Centralized Publishing Platform","warning" : "This publishing service logs your activities and conversations to its records and discloses them to ###ernments legally and illegally.","origin" : "🇺🇸 USA","web" : [""]},"chat-matrix" : {"name" : "👁 matrix", // #️⃣️ // # // ⌗ // 濫 // #️ // 🔯//"description" : "Matrix Chat Network (<a href='' style='color:#000' title='Metadata Disaster'>Read This Warning</a>)","description" : "Non-Private & Pseudo-Decentralized Messaging Platform","warning" : "This is a <u><a href='' style='color:#fff'>compromised</a></u> messaging system which exposes private metadata to everyone and is connected to middle eastern intelligence agencies.","origin" : "🇮🇱 Israel","uri" : ["element", "matrix"],"web" : [""]},"chat-sk" : {"name" : "👁 Skype","description" : "Centralized Messaging Platform","warning" : "This chat service logs your activities and conversations to its records and discloses them to ###ernments legally and illegally.","origin" : "🇺🇸 USA","uri" : ["skype"]},"chat-tg" : {"name" : "👁 Telegram", // 🇶🇦"description" : "Centralized Messaging Platform","warning" : "This chat service logs your activities and conversations to its records and discloses them to ###ernments legally and illegally.","origin" : "🇷🇺 Russia","web" : ["",""],"uri" : ["tg"]},"chat-te" : {"name" : "👁 Tencent","description" : "Centralized Messaging Platform","warning" : "This chat service logs your activities and conversations to its records and discloses them to ###ernments legally and illegally.","origin" : "🇨🇳 #####","uri" : ["tencent"]},"chat-vi" : {"name" : "👁 Viber","description" : "Centralized Messaging Platform","warning" : "This chat service logs your activities and conversations to its records and discloses them to ###ernments legally and illegally.","origin" : "🇯🇵 Japan","uri" : ["viber"]},"chat-we" : {"name" : "👁 WeChat","description" : "Centralized Messaging Platform","warning" : "This chat service logs your activities and conversations to its records and discloses them to ###ernments legally and illegally.","origin" : "🇨🇳 #####","uri" : ["weixin"]},"chat-wh" : {"name" : "👁 Whatsapp","description" : "Centralized Messaging Platform","warning" : "This chat service logs your activities and conversations to its records and discloses them to ###ernments legally and illegally.","origin" : "🇺🇸 USA","web" : ["","","",""],"uri" : ["whatsapp"]},"tracker" : {"name" : "📶 Tracker","description" : "🧲 BitTorrent Tracker","uri" : ["udp"]},"ftl-adc" : {"name" : "🫐️ DC", // Advanced Direct Connect"description" : "File Transfer / Magnet Link","urn" : ['tree:tiger'],"uri" : ["adc", "adcs", "dchub"]},"ftl-bitprint" : {"name" : "🪩 Gnutella2","description" : "File Transfer / Magnet Link","urn" : ["bitprint"]},"ftl-bittorrent" : {"name" : "🌊️ BitTorrent", //💧️ ⛲️"description" : "File Transfer / Magnet Link","urn" : ["btih", "btmh"]},"ftl-torrent" : {"name" : "📦️ Torrent", // ⛲️ 🧧️"description" : "BitTorrent Metadata File","extension" : ["torrent"]},"ftl-torrent-cache" : {"name" : "🎁️ Torrent", // ⛲️"description" : "BitTorrent Metadata File"},"ftl-ed2k" : {"name" : "♈ eDonkey","description" : "File Transfer / Magnet Link", // eDonkey2000"uri" : ["ed2k"],"urn" : ["aich","ed2k","ed2khash"]},"ftl-frostwire" : {"name" : "❄️ Frostwire", // 🍋️ LimeWire"description" : "File Transfer / Magnet Link","urn" : ["sha1"]},"ftl-kazzaa" : {"name" : "⏭️ Fasttrack","description" : "File Transfer / Magnet Link","urn" : ["kzhash"]},"ftl-metalink" : {"name" : "♾️ Metalink","description" : "♾️ Metalink File","extension" : ["meta4", "metalink"]},"ftl-shareaza" : {"name" : "❤️‍🔥️ Shareaza","description" : "File Transfer / Magnet Link","urn" : ["md5"]},"wallet-monero" : {"name" : "🪙️ Monero", // 👛"description" : "Cryptocurrency Wallet","uri" : ["monero"]},"wallet-litecoin" : {"name" : "🪙️ Litecoin","description" : "Cryptocurrency Wallet","uri" : ["litecoin"]},"wallet-ethereum" : {"name" : "🪙️ Ethereum","description" : "Cryptocurrency Wallet","uri" : ["ethereum"]},"wallet-bitcoin" : {"name" : "🪙️ Bitcoin","description" : "Cryptocurrency Wallet","uri" : ["bitcoin"]},"pkg-apk" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // 📦️"description" : "Android Package","condition" : ["android"],"extension" : ["apk"],"web" : ["","","","acruexirfkgcqhwxyu75v7dtahr3a44hmbfygngsvubmkrbd6axa.b32.i2p/fdroid/","","","","","",""]},"pkg-appstream" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // 🛍️"description" : "AppStream Package","condition" : ["linux"],"uri" : ["appstream"]},"pkg-debian" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // 🐧️"description" : "Debian Package","condition" : ["debian", "ubuntu"],"extension" : ["deb"]},"pkg-fedora" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // 🐧️"description" : "Linux Package","condition" : ["fedora", "redhat"],"extension" : ["rpm"]},"pkg-flatpak" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // 🧊"description" : "Flatpak Package","condition" : ["linux"],"extension" : ["flatpakref"],"web" : [""]},"ios-pkg" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // 📦️"description" : "iOS Package","condition" : ["ios", "iphone", "ipad"],"web" : ["","",""]},"pkg-kaios" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // 💠"description" : "<a href='' style='color:#000'>Gerda</a> (Kai OS) Package","condition" : ["kai"],"web" : ["",""]},"pkg-kde" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // 🐲️"description" : "KDE Linux Package","condition" : ["linux", "react", "windows"],"web" : [""]},"pkg-mac" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // 🍎️"description" : "Macintosh Package","condition" : ["mac"],"extension" : ["dmg", "pkg"]},// NOTE WineHQ"pkg-reactos" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // ⚛"description" : "<a href='' style='color:#000'>React OS</a> (Windows) Package","condition" : ["windows", "react"],"extension" : ["exe", "msi"],"web" : ["",""]},// TODO ask snapcraft for path /app/// TODO Dismiss path root /"pkg-snapcraft" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // 📥️ 🛍️ 🪶️"description" : "Snapcraft Package","web" : [""]},"pkg-ubports" : {"name" : "💿 Package", // 📦️"description" : "Ubuntu Touch Package","condition" : ["ubuntu"],"uri" : ["openstore"],"web" : [""]},"ext-userjs" : {"name" : "🐵 Userscript", // 🐒 📜"description" : "User.JS Script","extension" : ["user.js"]},"ext-usercss" : {"name" : "🎨 Userstyle", // 📃"description" : "User.CSS Stylesheet","extension" : ["user.css"]},"ext-blink" : {"name" : "🧩 Extension", // 🧩"description" : "Web Browser Extension","condition" : ["brave", "chrome", "chromium", "crios", "sleipnir", "vivaldi"],"extension" : ["crx", "", ""],"web" : [""]},"ext-edge" : {"name" : "🧩 Extension", // 🧩"description" : "Web Browser Extension","condition" : ["edge"],"web" : [""]},"ext-falkon" : {"name" : "🧩 Extension", // 🦅️"description" : "Web Browser Extension","condition" : ["falkon"],"web" : [""]},"ext-maxthon" : {"name" : "🧩 Extension","description" : "Web Browser Extension","condition" : ["maxthon"],"web" : [""]},"ext-xpi" : {"name" : "🧩 Extension", //🐺️ //🦊️ //🦎️"description" : "Web Browser Extension","condition" : ["firefox", "fxios", "librewolf", "waterfox"],"extension" : ["xpi", ""],"web" : [""]},"ext-xul" : {"name" : "🧩 Extension", // 🌕"description" : "Web Browser Extension","condition" : ["basilisk", "goanna", "palemoon"],"web" : ["","","",""]},"ipfs" : {"name" : "💠 IPFS", // 🔮 📁 📂 ⚛️ 🕸️ 🗃️"description" : "Interplanetary File System","uri" : ["ipfs", "ipns", "dweb"],"web" : ["","","","","","",""]},"tor" : {"name" : "🧅️ Tor", // 🔮"description" : "The Tor Realm","url" : ["onion", "onion:"]},"i2p" : {"name" : "㊙️ I2P", //㊣ 🔮"description" : "The I2P Realm", //⚛️"url" : ["i2p", "i2p:"]}};const namespace = 'i2p-schimon-blackbelt';const objectKeys = Object.keys(types);// Check whether HTML; otherwise, exit.//if (!document.contentType == 'text/html')// if (!document.doctype) return;// if (document.doctype == null) return; // Uncaught SyntaxError: Illegal return statement(function() {let links = [], accept;for (let i = 0; i < objectKeys.length; i++) {let agent = types[objectKeys[i]].condition, accept = true;if (agent) {accept = false;for (let j = 0; j < agent.length; j++) {if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().includes(agent[j])) {accept = true;}}}//if (reject) continue;letr###lt,name = types[objectKeys[i]].name,info = types[objectKeys[i]].description,warn = types[objectKeys[i]].warning,array = types[objectKeys[i]];if (array.alternate) {r###lt = extractRel(array.alternate);}if (!r###lt && array.extension) {r###lt = extractFile(array.extension);}if (!r###lt && array.uri) {r###lt = extractURI(array.uri);}if (!r###lt && array.url) {r###lt = extractURL(array.url);}if (!r###lt && array.urn) {r###lt = extractURN(array.urn);}if (!r###lt && array.web) {r###lt = extractWeb(array.web);}if (accept && r###lt) {links.push(createLink(r###lt, name, info, warn, objectKeys[i]));GM.registerMenuCommand(name, () => openUrl(r###lt));}}if (links.length) {buildBar(links);}//* document.addEventListener ("scroll", function() {if (window.pageYOffset > 10) { // TODO when first bar is out of focusdocument.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-bar').style.setProperty('position', 'fixed', 'important');} else {document.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-bar').style.setProperty('position', 'absolute', 'important');}}) */})();function openUrl(url) {//, '_blank');, '_self');}function buildBar(links) {let barElement = document.createElement(namespace); = namespace + '-bar'; = 'unset'; = '100%'; = 0.5; // = '#000'; //'#2c3e50'; = '#eee';//"color", "#eee", "!important") = 'small-caps'; = 0; = 0; = 0; = 2147483647; = 'fit-content';// = '100vw'; = '12px'; //13px //15px //11px //9px //6px //3px // = 'fixed'; = 'block'; = 'center'; = 'ltr'; = 'none';// = 'hidden';// = 'all 1s ease 0.1s';barElement.onclick = () => { barElement.remove(); }barElement.onmouseover = () => { = 0.9; }barElement.onmouseleave = () => {var secs = 5;function timeOut() {secs -= 1;if (secs > 0) {setTimeout(timeOut, 1000);}if (secs == 0) {barElement.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-info-square') &&barElement.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-info-square').remove();barElement.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-warn-square') &&barElement.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-warn-square').remove();}} timeOut();}barElement.onmouseout = () => {var secs = 20;function timeOut() {barElement.onmouseout = () => { secs = 20; }secs -= 1;if (secs == 15) {// FIXME Not working due to !important we have set below//'opacity', 'unset', 'important'); = 0.3;setTimeout(timeOut, 1000);} else if (secs == 5) {//'opacity', 'unset', 'important'); = 0;setTimeout(timeOut, 1000);} else if (secs == 0) {barElement.remove();return;} else {setTimeout(timeOut, 1000);}} timeOut();}// Set !importantfor (let i = 0; i <; i++) {[i],[i]),'important');}document.body.prepend(barElement);//barElement.append(closeButton(barElement));links.forEach(link => barElement.append(link));//console.log("eles.forEach(ele => barElement.append(ele));")//console.log(eles)if (// NOTE Not working '#i2p.schimon.blackbelt.bittorrent'barElement.querySelector('*[id$=bittorrent]') &&!barElement.querySelector('*[id$=-torrent]')) {// TODO Add after BitTorrent// TODO place this in the tooltipbarElement.prepend(createLink(generateTorrentUrl(barElement),'🎁️ Torrent','⛲️ Bittorrent Metadata File',null,'ftl-torrent-cache'))}// Timer from secs = 33;function timeOut() {secs -= 1;if (secs == 0) {// = 'none'; = 0.2;return;}else {setTimeout(timeOut, 1000);}}timeOut();}function warningBox(node, id) {//  "description" : "<b>WARNING</b><br/>This chat service logs your activities and conversations to its records and discloses them to ###ernments legally and illegally.<br/><br/><i>Use <u><a href='' style='color:#000' title='Jabber'>XMPP</a></u> for true privacy.</i>",node.addEventListener ("mouseover", function() {//if ( {//  this.setAttribute('warn',;//  this.removeAttribute('name');//}//if (document.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-warn-square')) {//  document.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-warn-square').remove();//}let infoSquare = document.createElement('warn-square'); = namespace + '-warn-square';//infoSquare.innerHTML = this.getAttribute('warn');infoSquare.innerHTML = '<b>WARNING</b></br>' + types[id].warning + '<br/><br/><b>Get XMPP</b></br>Communicate with <u><a href="" style="color:#fff">XMPP</a></u> (aka Jabber) for private and secure chat.'; = 'unset'; = 'SlateGrey'; = '3px solid #000'; = '5px'; = 'White'; = 'block'; = 'system-ui'; = '22px'; = 'none'; = '25%'; = 'auto'; = '10px'; = 'fixed'; = '25%'; = '180px'; // 15% // = `drop-shadow(2px 4px 6px grey)`;/* = 50%; = 70%;*/// = 'center';// = 'center'; = 'center';/* white-space = pre; in case we have html tags *///infoSquare.textContent = text; = 2147483647;document.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-bar').append(infoSquare);});}function infoBox(node, id) {node.addEventListener ("mouseover", function() {//if (this.title) {//  this.setAttribute('info', this.title);//  this.removeAttribute('title');//}if (document.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-info-square')) {document.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-info-square').remove();}if (document.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-warn-square')) {document.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-warn-square').remove();}let infoSquare = document.createElement('info-square'); = namespace + '-info-square';//infoSquare.innerHTML = this.getAttribute('info');infoSquare.innerHTML = types[id].description; = 'unset'; = 'WhiteSmoke'; = '3px solid #000'; = '5px'; = '#000'; = 'block'; = 'system-ui'; = '22px'; = 'none'; = '25%'; = 'auto'; = '10px'; = 'fixed'; = '25%'; = '80px'; // 15% // = `drop-shadow(2px 4px 6px grey)`;/* = 50%; = 70%;*/// = 'center';// = 'center'; = 'center';/* white-space = pre; in case we have html tags *///infoSquare.textContent = text; = 2147483647;document.querySelector('#' + namespace + '-bar').append(infoSquare);});}// NOTE TODO semi-recursive callback// NOTE TODO typeoffunction extractFile(array) {let i = 0;do {// FIXME Mainstream to support ends-with// fn:ends-with appears to be missing in some enginesquery = [`//a[contains(@href, ".${array[i]}")]/@href`,`//a[contains(@download, ".${array[i]}")]/@download`];//      `//a[ends-with(@href, ".${array[i]}")]/@href`//      `//a[ends-with(text(), ".${array[i]}")]/@href`r###lt = executeQuery(query, 'xpath');i = i + 1;} while (!r###lt && i < array.length);if (r###lt) {protocol = location.protocolhostname = location.hostname//console.log(r###lt)switch (true) {case (r###lt.startsWith('/')):r###lt = protocol + '//' + hostname + r###lt;break;case (!r###lt.includes(':')):r###lt = protocol + '//' + hostname + '/' + r###lt;break;//case (r###lt.startsWith('http'))://break;}//console.log(r###lt)let url = new URL(r###lt);let bol = url.pathname.endsWith(array[i-1]);if (bol) { return r###lt; };}}function extractRel(array) {let i = 0;do {query = [// Also rel="feed". See`//link[@rel="alternate"\and contains(@type, "${array[i]}")\]/@href`];r###lt = executeQuery(query, 'xpath');i = i + 1;} while (!r###lt && i < array.length);if (r###lt) { return r###lt; };}function extractURI(array) {let i = 0;do {query = [`//a[starts-with(@href, "${array[i]}:")\and not(starts-with(@href, "tg://msg_url?"))\and not(starts-with(@href, "mailto:?"))\and not(contains(@href, "/send?"))\]/@href`];r###lt = executeQuery(query, 'xpath');i = i + 1;} while (!r###lt && i < array.length);if (r###lt) {let url = new URL(r###lt);let bol = url.protocol.match(array[i-1]);if (bol) { return r###lt; };}}function extractURL(array) {let i = 0;do {query = [`//a[starts-with(@href, "http")and contains(@href, ".${array[i]}")]/@href`];// FIXME mainstream//'//a[starts-with(@href, "http") and ends-with(@href, "' + array[i] + '")]/@href'r###lt = executeQuery(query, 'xpath');i = i + 1;} while (!r###lt && i < array.length);if (r###lt) {let url = new URL(r###lt);let bol = url.hostname.endsWith(array[i-1]);if (bol) { return r###lt };//if (!url) {//  url =[i] + ':');//}}}function extractURN(array) {let i = 0;do {query = [`//a[starts-with(@href, "magnet")\and contains(@href, "${array[i]}")\]/@href`];r###lt = executeQuery(query, 'xpath');i = i + 1;} while (!r###lt && i < array.length);if (r###lt) {let url = new URL(r###lt);url.searchParams.delete('tr');r###lt = url.protocol +;r###lt = decodeURIComponent(r###lt);return r###lt;//let bol = url.hostname.startsWith(array[i-1]);//if (bol) { createLink(r###lt, type) };}}function extractWeb(array) {let i = 0;do {query = [`//a[starts-with(@href, "http")\and contains(@href, "://${array[i]}")\and not(starts-with(@href, ""))\and not(starts-with(@href, ""))\and not(starts-with(@href, ""))\and not(contains(@href, ""))\and not(contains(@href, "1477376905"))\]/@href`];r###lt = executeQuery(query, 'xpath');i = i + 1;} while (!r###lt && i < array.length);if (r###lt) { return r###lt; };}// TODO// String.prototype.toLowerCase()// href Magnet: (magnet:) is not detected, or// Set document MIMEType to plain/textfunction executeQuery(queries, method) {let i = 0;do {switch(method) {case 'css':r###lt = document.querySelector(queries[i]);//if (r###lt) {r###lt = r###lt.href};if (r###lt) {return r###lt.href};break;case 'xpath':// NOTE This may cause 404 error.// Use getPathTo()//*xhtmlFile = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(document).toLowerCase()//xhtmlFile = '<html>'+document.documentElement.innerHTML.toLowerCase()+'</html>'domParser = new DOMParser();xhtmlFile = domParser.parseFromString(xhtmlFile, 'text/html');r###lt = document.evaluate(queries[i], xhtmlFile, null, XPathR###lt.STRING_TYPE);*/r###lt = document.evaluate(queries[i], document, null, XPathR###lt.STRING_TYPE);//if (r###lt) {r###lt = r###lt.stringValue};if (r###lt) {return r###lt.stringValue};}} while (!r###lt && i < queries.length);}function createLink(uri, title, info, warn, id) {//if (type[4]) {//let tip = document.createElement('spna');//tip.class = 'tooltip';//tip.append('type[4]');//}//type = type.split(' ');//sym = getUrnProperty(uri, 'sym');//net = getUrnProperty(uri, 'net');let aElement = document.createElement('a'); = namespace + '-' + id;aElement.textContent = title;aElement.href = uri;//aElement.title = info; = warn; = 'unset'; = '#eee'; = 'caption'; = 'system-ui'; = '20px'; // = 'all-small-caps'; = 'none'; = 'default';// = 'bold';// = '3px 9px 3px 9px';// = '0 9px 0 9px'; = '2% 9px 2% 9px';// = 'black';// = '9px';// = '9px';// (style => style + '!important');for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {[i],[i]),'important');}infoBox(aElement, id);if (warn) {warningBox(aElement, id);}//aElement.append(tip);//console.log(aElement)//console.log(aElements)return aElement;}function generateTorrentUrl(node) {// TODO generate link else-if onclick// 404 = node.querySelector('*[id*=bittorrent]').href;let url = new URL(href);name = url.searchParams.get('dn');if (!name) {name = document.title};//xt = url.searchParams.get('xt');let hash = url.searchParams.get('xt').slice(9);//if (ha.length === 40 && xt.startsWith('urn:btih'))if (hash.length === 40 || hash.length === 32) {if (hash.length === 32) {hash = convertBase32IntoHashSHA1Sum(hash);}let links = ['' + hash + '/' + name,'' + hash + '.torrent?title=' + name,'' + hash + '/' + name,'http://fcache63sakpihd44kxdduy6kgpdhgejgp323wci435zwy6kiylcnfad.onion/get/' + hash + '/' + name,];return links[1];//return links[Math.floor(Math.random()*links.length)];}}// Torrent V1// TODO handle compressed sha1 TODO convert base32 to hash// 32/40 convertBase32IntoHashSHA1Sum(hash) {// Input your Base32 hashlet base32_hash = hash;// Add missing paddingbase32_hash = base32_hash + '='.repeat((8 - base32_hash.length % 8) % 8);// Lowercase and convert to binaryconst alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567';let bits = '';for(let i = 0; i < base32_hash.length; i++) {const value = alphabet.indexOf(base32_hash[i]);bits += value.toString(2).padStart(5, '0');}// Convert bits to bytesconst byteCount = bits.length / 8;const byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteCount);for(let i = 0; i < byteCount; i++) {byteArray[i] = parseInt(bits.substr(i * 8, 8), 2);}// Convert binary hash into a hexadecimal stringlet hex_hash = '';for(let i = 0; i < byteArray.byteLength; i++) {hex_hash += ('0' + byteArray[i].toString(16)).substr(-2);}return hex_hash;}function closeButton(barElement) {let spanElement = document.createElement('span');spanElement.textContent = 'X'; = 'unset'; = '#eee'; = 'caption'; = 'system-ui'; = '15px'; // = 'all-small-caps'; = 'none'; = 'bold'; = '3px 9px 3px 9px';// = '0 9px 0 9px'; = 'black'; = '9px'; = '9px';// (style => style + '!important');for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {[i],[i]),'important');}spanElement.onclick = () => { barElement.remove(); }return spanElement;}