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[PATCHED]Black Rainbow

Private hack

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// ==UserScript==// @name         [PATCHED]Black Rainbow// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/// @description  Private hack// @version      2v// @author       Cloudy// @match        *://*.moomoo.io/*// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/msgpack-lite@0.1.26/dist/msgpack.min.js// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/423602-msgpack/code/msgpack.js// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/456235-moomoo-js/code/MooMoojs.js?version=1144738// @require      https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/socket.io/1.4.5/socket.io.min.js// @require      http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js// @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/msgpack-lite@0.1.26/dist/msgpack.min.js// @require      https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/socket.io/1.4.5/socket.io.min.js// @require      https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js// @require      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"lime"},ENEMY: {render: true,color: "#f76363"}};const MARKER_SIZE = 10;const log = console.log;const createRecursiveHook = (target, prop, condition, callback) => {(function recursiveHook() {Object.defineProperty(target, prop, {set(value) {delete target[prop];this[prop] = value;if (condition(this, value) &&callback(this, value)) return;recursiveHook();},configurable: true})})();}function createHook(target, prop, setter, getter) {const symbol = Symbol(prop);Object.defineProperty(target, prop, {get() {getter(this, this[symbol]);return this[symbol];},set(value) {setter(this, symbol, value);},configurable: true})}let item = null;createHook(Object.prototype, "isItem", function(that, symbol, value) {that[symbol] = value;}, function(that, value) {if (value === true) {item = that;}});const myPlayer = { id: null };const teammates = [];// myPlayer spawnedfunction setupPlayer(temp) {myPlayer.id = temp[1];}function createDeleteClan(temp) {if (!temp[1]) {teammates.splice(0, teammates.length);}}function updateClanList(temp) {teammates.splice(0, teammates.length);for (let i=0;i<temp[1].length;i+=2) {const [ id, name ] = temp[1].slice(i, i+2);teammates.push(id);}}function getItemColor(id) {if (id === myPlayer.id) return MARKER_COLOR.MY_PLAYER;if (teammates.includes(id)) return MARKER_COLOR.TEAMMATE;return MARKER_COLOR.ENEMY;}function drawMarker(ctx) {if (!item || !item.owner || myPlayer.id === null) return;const type = getItemColor(item.owner.sid);if (!type.render) return;ctx.fillStyle = type.color;ctx.beginPath();ctx.arc(0, 0, MARKER_SIZE, 0, 2 * Math.PI);ctx.fill();item = null;}// This method is called when item was drawnCanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.restore = new Proxy(CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.restore, {apply(target, _this, args) {drawMarker(_this);return target.apply(_this, args);}});document.msgpack = {Encoder: null,Decoder: null};// Intercept msgpack encodercreateRecursiveHook(Object.prototype, "initialBufferSize",(_this) => (typeof 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Uint8Array(event.data));const temp = [data[0], ...data[1]];PACKETS[temp[0]](temp);} catch(err){}}// Intercept WebSocketwindow.WebSocket = new Proxy(WebSocket, {construct(target, args) {const socket = new target(...args);socket.addEventListener("message", message);return socket;}});// old intercept ws method/*const set = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(WebSocket.prototype, "onmessage").set;Object.defineProperty(WebSocket.prototype, "onmessage", {set(callback) {return set.call(this, new Proxy(callback, {apply(target, _this, args) {message(args[0]);return target.apply(_this, args);}}))}})*/})();{const a=document.createElement('div');a.setAttribute('onclick',`"use strict";function string_to_chat_packet(s){var l=s.length;var buf=new ArrayBuffer(6+l);var view=new Uint8Array(buf);view[0]=146;view[1]=162;view[2]=99;view[3]=104;view[4]=145;view[5]=160+l;while(l--)view[6+l]=s.charCodeAt(l);return buf;}var anim=['.','-','+','_'].map(s=>string_to_chat_packet('Messaging '+s));var 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x : null;this.startY = data.fixedSpawn ? y : null;this.xVel = 0;this.yVel = 0;this.zIndex = 0;this.dir = dir;this.dirPlus = 0;this.lastBleed = {amount: 0,time: 0,};this.index = index;this.src = data.src;if (data.name) this.name = data.name;this.weightM = data.weightM;this.speed = data.speed;this.killScore = data.killScore;this.turnSpeed = data.turnSpeed;this.scale = data.scale;this.maxHealth = data.health;this.leapForce = data.leapForce;this.health = this.maxHealth;this.chargePlayer = data.chargePlayer;this.viewRange = data.viewRange;this.drop = data.drop;this.dmg = data.dmg;this.hostile = data.hostile;this.dontRun = data.dontRun;this.hitRange = data.hitRange;this.hitDelay = data.hitDelay;this.hitScare = data.hitScare;this.spriteMlt = data.spriteMlt;this.nameScale = data.nameScale;this.colDmg = data.colDmg;this.noTrap = data.noTrap;this.spawnDelay = data.spawnDelay;this.hitWait = 0;this.waitCount = 1000;this.moveCount = 0;this.targetDir = 0;this.active = true;this.alive = true;this.runFrom = null;this.chargeTarget = null;this.dm###erTime = {};};// UPDATE:var timerCount = 0;this.update = function(delta) {if (this.active) {// SPAWN DELAY:if (this.spawnCounter) {this.spawnCounter -= delta;if (this.spawnCounter <= 0) {this.spawnCounter = 0;}return;}// REGENS AND AUTO:timerCount -= delta;if (timerCount <= 0) {if (this.dm###erTime.dmg) {this.changeHealth(-this.dm###erTime.dmg, this.dm###erTime.doer);this.dm###erTime.time -= 1;if (this.dm###erTime.time <= 0) this.dm###erTime.dmg = 0;}timerCount = 1000;}// BEHAVIOUR:var charging = false;var slowMlt = 1;if (!this.zIndex && !this.lockMove && this.y2 >= (config.mapScale / 2) - (config.riverWidth / 2) &&this.y <= (config.mapScale / 2) + (config.riverWidth / 2)) {slowMlt = 0.33;this.xVel += config.waterCurrent * delta;}if (this.lockMove) {this.xVel = 0;this.yVel = 0;} else if (this.waitCount > 0) {this.waitCount -= delta;if (this.waitCount <= 0) {if (this.chargePlayer) {var tmpPlayer, bestDst, tmpDist;for (var i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) {if (players[i].alive && !(players[i].skin && players[i].skin.bullRepel)) {tmpDist = UTILS.getDistance(this.x2, this.y2, players[i].x2, players[i].y2);if (tmpDist <= this.viewRange && (!tmpPlayer || tmpDist < bestDst)) {bestDst = tmpDist;tmpPlayer = players[i];}}}if (tmpPlayer) {this.chargeTarget = tmpPlayer;this.moveCount = UTILS.randInt(8000, 12000);} else {this.moveCount = UTILS.randInt(1000, 2000);this.targetDir = UTILS.randFloat(-Math.PI, Math.PI);}} else {this.moveCount = UTILS.randInt(4000, 10000);this.targetDir = UTILS.randFloat(-Math.PI, Math.PI);}}} else if (this.moveCount > 0) {var tmpSpd = this.speed * slowMlt;if (this.runFrom && this.runFrom.active && !(this.runFrom.isPlayer && !this.runFrom.alive)) {this.targetDir = UTILS.getDirection(this.x2, this.y2, this.runFrom.x, this.runFrom.y);tmpSpd *= 1.42;} else if (this.chargeTarget && this.chargeTarget.alive) {this.targetDir = UTILS.getDirection(this.chargeTarget.x, this.chargeTarget.y, this.x2, this.y2);tmpSpd *= 1.75;charging = true;}if (this.hitWait) {tmpSpd *= 0.3;}this.moveCount -= delta;if (this.moveCount <= 0) {this.runFrom = null;this.chargeTarget = null;this.waitCount = this.hostile ? 1500 : UTILS.randInt(1500, 6000);}}// OBJECT COLL:this.zIndex = 0;this.lockMove = false;let tmpList = objectManager.getObjects(this.x2, this.y2, this.scale);for (let tmpObj of tmpList) {objectManager.checkCollision(this, tmpObj);}// HITTING:let hitting = false;if (this.hitWait > 0) {this.hitWait -= delta;if (this.hitWait <= 0) {hitting = true;this.hitWait = 0;let tmpList = objectManager.getObjects(this.x2, this.y2, this.hitRange);let tmpDst;for (let tmpObj of tmpList) {if (tmpObj.health) {tmpDst = UTILS.getDistance(this.x2, this.y2, tmpObj.x2, tmpObj.y2);if (tmpDst < tmpObj.scale + this.hitRange) {if (tmpObj.changeHealth(-this.dmg * 5)) { }}}}}}// PLAYER COLLISIONS:if (charging || hitting) {var tmpObj, tmpDst, tmpDir;for (let i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) {tmpObj = players[i];if (tmpObj && tmpObj.alive) {tmpDst = UTILS.getDistance(this.x2, this.y2, tmpObj.x2, tmpObj.y2);if (this.hitRange) {if (!this.hitWait && tmpDst <= this.hitRange + tmpObj.scale) {if (hitting) {tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(tmpObj.x2, tmpObj.y2, this.x2, this.y2);this.runFrom = null;this.chargeTarget = null;this.waitCount = 3000;this.hitWait = (!UTILS.randInt(0, 2) ? 600 : 0);} else this.hitWait = this.hitDelay;}} else if (tmpDst <= this.scale + tmpObj.scale) {tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(tmpObj.x2, tmpObj.y2, this.x2, this.y2);}}}}}}// CAN SEE:this.canSee = function(other) {if (!other) return false;if (other.skin && other.skin.invisTimer && other.noMovTimer >= other.skin.invisTimer) return false;var dx = Math.abs(other[other.isPlayer || other.isAI ? "x2" : "x"] - this.x2) - other.scale;var dy = Math.abs(other[other.isPlayer || other.isAI ? "y2" : "y"] - this.y2) - other.scale;return dx <= (config.maxScreenWidth / 2) * 1.3 && dy <= (config.maxScreenHeight / 2) * 1.3;};var tmpRatio = 0;var animIndex = 0;this.animate = function(delta) {if (this.animTime > 0) {this.animTime -= delta;if (this.animTime <= 0) {this.animTime = 0;this.dirPlus = 0;tmpRatio = 0;animIndex = 0;} else {if (animIndex == 0) {tmpRatio += delta / (this.animSpeed * config.hitReturnRatio);this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.min(1, tmpRatio));if (tmpRatio >= 1) {tmpRatio = 1;animIndex = 1;}} else {tmpRatio -= delta / (this.animSpeed * (1 - config.hitReturnRatio));this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.max(0, tmpRatio));}}}};// ANIMATION:this.startAnim = function() {this.animTime = this.animSpeed = 600;this.targetAngle = Math.PI * 0.8;tmpRatio = 0;animIndex = 0;};// CHANGE HEALTH:this.changeHealth = function(val, doer, runFrom) {if (this.active) {this.health += val;if (runFrom) {if (this.hitScare && !UTILS.randInt(0, this.hitScare)) {this.runFrom = runFrom;this.waitCount = 0;this.moveCount = 2000;} else if (this.hostile && this.chargePlayer && runFrom.isPlayer) {this.chargeTarget = runFrom;this.waitCount = 0;this.moveCount = 8000;} else if (!this.dontRun) {this.runFrom = runFrom;this.waitCount = 0;this.moveCount = 2000;}}if (val < 0 && this.hitRange && UTILS.randInt(0, 1)) this.hitWait = 500;if (this.health <= 0) {if (this.spawnDelay) {this.spawnCounter = this.spawnDelay;}this.health = this.maxHealth;this.runFrom = null;}}};};};}),"./script/src/js/data/aiManager.js": (function(module) {// AI MANAGER:module.exports = class {constructor(ais, AI, players, items, objectManager, config, UTILS, scoreCallback, server) {// AI TYPES:this.aiTypes = [{id: 0,src: "cow_1",killScore: 150,health: 500,weightM: 0.8,speed: 0.00095,turnSpeed: 0.001,scale: 72,drop: ["food", 50]}, {id: 1,src: "pig_1",killScore: 200,health: 800,weightM: 0.6,speed: 0.00085,turnSpeed: 0.001,scale: 72,drop: ["food", 80]}, {id: 2,name: "Bull",src: "bull_2",hostile: true,dmg: 20,killScore: 1000,health: 1800,weightM: 0.5,speed: 0.00094,turnSpeed: 0.00074,scale: 78,viewRange: 800,chargePlayer: true,drop: ["food", 100]}, {id: 3,name: "Bully",src: "bull_1",hostile: true,dmg: 20,killScore: 2000,health: 2800,weightM: 0.45,speed: 0.001,turnSpeed: 0.0008,scale: 90,viewRange: 900,chargePlayer: true,drop: ["food", 400]}, {id: 4,name: "Wolf",src: "wolf_1",hostile: true,dmg: 8,killScore: 500,health: 300,weightM: 0.45,speed: 0.001,turnSpeed: 0.002,scale: 84,viewRange: 800,chargePlayer: true,drop: ["food", 200]}, {id: 5,name: "Quack",src: "chicken_1",dmg: 8,killScore: 2000,noTrap: true,health: 300,weightM: 0.2,speed: 0.0018,turnSpeed: 0.006,scale: 70,drop: ["food", 100]}, {id: 6,name: "MOOSTAFA",nameScale: 50,src: "enemy",hostile: true,dontRun: true,fixedSpawn: true,spawnDelay: 60000,noTrap: true,colDmg: 100,dmg: 40,killScore: 8000,health: 18000,weightM: 0.4,speed: 0.0007,turnSpeed: 0.01,scale: 80,spriteMlt: 1.8,leapForce: 0.9,viewRange: 1000,hitRange: 210,hitDelay: 1000,chargePlayer: true,drop: ["food", 100]}, {id: 7,name: "Treasure",hostile: true,nameScale: 35,src: "crate_1",fixedSpawn: true,spawnDelay: 120000,colDmg: 200,killScore: 5000,health: 20000,weightM: 0.1,speed: 0.0,turnSpeed: 0.0,scale: 70,spriteMlt: 1.0}, {id: 8,name: "MOOFIE",src: "wolf_2",hostile: true,fixedSpawn: true,dontRun: true,hitScare: 4,spawnDelay: 30000,noTrap: true,nameScale: 35,dmg: 10,colDmg: 100,killScore: 3000,health: 7000,weightM: 0.45,speed: 0.0015,turnSpeed: 0.002,scale: 90,viewRange: 800,chargePlayer: true,drop: ["food", 1000]}];// SPAWN AI:this.spawn = function(x, y, dir, index) {var tmpObj;for (var i = 0; i < ais.length; ++i) {if (!ais[i].active) {tmpObj = ais[i];break;}}if (!tmpObj) {tmpObj = new AI(ais.length, objectManager, players, items, UTILS, config, scoreCallback, server);ais.push(tmpObj);}tmpObj.init(x, y, dir, index, this.aiTypes[index]);return tmpObj;};};};}),"./script/src/js/data/gameObject.js": (function(module) {module.exports = class {constructor(sid) {this.sid = sid;// INIT:this.init = function(x, y, dir, scale, type, data, owner) {data = data || {};this.isObject = true;this.sentTo = {};this.gridLocations = [];this.active = true;this.doUpdate = data.doUpdate;this.x = x;this.y = y;this.dir = dir;this.lastWiggle = 0;this.xWiggle = 0;this.yWiggle = 0;this.scale = scale;this.type = type;this.id = data.id;this.owner = owner;this.name = data.name;this.isItem = (this.id != undefined);this.group = data.group;this.health = data.health;this.layer = 2;if (this.group != undefined) {this.layer = this.group.layer;} else if (this.type == 0) {this.layer = 3;} else if (this.type == 2) {this.layer = 0;} else if (this.type == 4) {this.layer = -1;}this.colDiv = data.colDiv || 1;this.blocker = data.blocker;this.ignoreCollision = data.ignoreCollision;this.dontGather = data.dontGather;this.hideFromEnemy = data.hideFromEnemy;this.friction = data.friction;this.projDmg = data.projDmg;this.dmg = data.dmg;this.pDmg = data.pDmg;this.pps = data.pps;this.zIndex = data.zIndex || 0;this.turnSpeed = data.turnSpeed;this.req = data.req;this.trap = data.trap;this.healCol = data.healCol;this.teleport = data.teleport;this.boostSpeed = data.boostSpeed;this.projectile = data.projectile;this.shootRange = data.shootRange;this.shootRate = data.shootRate;this.shootCount = this.shootRate;this.spawnPoint = data.spawnPoint;};// GET HIT:this.changeHealth = function(amount, doer) {this.health += amount;return (this.health <= 0);};// GET SCALE:this.getScale = function(sM, ig) {sM = sM || 1;return this.scale * ((this.isItem || this.type == 2 || this.type == 3 || this.type == 4) ?1 : (0.6 * sM)) * (ig ? 1 : this.colDiv);};// VISIBLE TO PLAYER:this.visibleToPlayer = function(player) {return this.trap ? !this.hideFromEnemy || (this.owner.sid == player.sid) : true;};// UPDATE:this.update = function(delta) {if (this.active) {if (this.xWiggle) {this.xWiggle *= Math.pow(0.99, delta);}if (this.yWiggle) {this.yWiggle *= Math.pow(0.99, delta);}if (this.turnSpeed) {this.dir += this.turnSpeed * delta;}}};};}}),"./script/src/js/data/items.js": (function(module) {// ITEM GROUPS:module.exports.groups = [{id: 0,name: "food",layer: 0}, {id: 1,name: "walls",place: true,limit: 30,layer: 0}, {id: 2,name: "spikes",place: true,limit: 15,layer: 0}, {id: 3,name: "mill",place: true,limit: 7,layer: 1}, {id: 4,name: "mine",place: true,limit: 1,layer: 0}, {id: 5,name: "trap",place: true,limit: 6,layer: -1}, {id: 6,name: "booster",place: true,limit: 12,layer: -1}, {id: 7,name: "turret",place: true,limit: 2,layer: 1}, {id: 8,name: "watchtower",place: true,limit: 12,layer: 1}, {id: 9,name: "buff",place: true,limit: 4,layer: -1}, {id: 10,name: "spawn",place: true,limit: 1,layer: -1}, {id: 11,name: "sapling",place: true,limit: 2,layer: 0}, {id: 12,name: "blocker",place: true,limit: 3,layer: -1}, {id: 13,name: "teleporter",place: true,limit: 2,layer: -1}];// PROJECTILES:module.exports.projectiles = [{indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "arrow_1",dmg: 25,speed: 1.6,scale: 103,range: 1000}, {indx: 1,layer: 1,dmg: 25,scale: 20,range: 700,}, {indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "arrow_1",dmg: 35,speed: 2.5,scale: 103,range: 1200}, {indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "arrow_1",dmg: 30,speed: 2,scale: 103,range: 1200}, {indx: 1,layer: 1,dmg: 16,scale: 20}, {indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "bullet_1",dmg: 50,speed: 3.6,scale: 160,range: 1400}];// WEAPONS:module.exports.weapons = [{id: 0,type: 0,name: "tool hammer",desc: "tool for gathering all resources",src: "hammer_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: -3,yOff: 18,dmg: 25,range: 65,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 1,type: 0,age: 2,name: "hand axe",desc: "gathers resources at a higher rate",src: "axe_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: 3,yOff: 24,dmg: 30,spdMult: 1,range: 70,gather: 2,speed: 400}, {id: 2,type: 0,age: 8,pre: 1,name: "great axe",desc: "deal more damage and gather more resources",src: "great_axe_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: -8,yOff: 25,dmg: 35,spdMult: 1,range: 75,gather: 4,speed: 400}, {id: 3,type: 0,age: 2,name: "short sword",desc: "increased attack power but slower move speed",src: "sword_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 46,dmg: 35,spdMult: 0.85,range: 110,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 4,type: 0,age: 8,pre: 3,name: "katana",desc: "greater range and damage",src: "samurai_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 59,dmg: 40,spdMult: 0.8,range: 118,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 5,type: 0,age: 2,name: "polearm",desc: "long range melee weapon",src: "spear_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 53,dmg: 45,knock: 0.2,spdMult: 0.82,range: 142,gather: 1,speed: 700}, {id: 6,type: 0,age: 2,name: "bat",desc: "fast long range melee weapon",src: "bat_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 110,width: 180,xOff: -8,yOff: 53,dmg: 20,knock: 0.7,range: 110,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 7,type: 0,age: 2,name: "daggers",desc: "really fast short range weapon",src: "dagger_1",iPad: 0.8,length: 110,width: 110,xOff: 18,yOff: 0,dmg: 20,knock: 0.1,range: 65,gather: 1,hitSlow: 0.1,spdMult: 1.13,speed: 100}, {id: 8,type: 0,age: 2,name: "stick",desc: "great for gathering but very weak",src: "stick_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: 3,yOff: 24,dmg: 1,spdMult: 1,range: 70,gather: 7,speed: 400}, {id: 9,type: 1,age: 6,name: "hunting bow",desc: "bow used for ranged combat and hunting",src: "bow_1",req: ["wood", 4],length: 120,width: 120,xOff: -6,yOff: 0,projectile: 0,spdMult: 0.75,speed: 600}, {id: 10,type: 1,age: 6,name: "great hammer",desc: "hammer used for destroying structures",src: "great_hammer_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: -9,yOff: 25,dmg: 10,spdMult: 0.88,range: 75,sDmg: 7.5,gather: 1,speed: 400}, {id: 11,type: 1,age: 6,name: "wooden shield",desc: "blocks projectiles and reduces melee damage",src: "shield_1",length: 120,width: 120,shield: 0.2,xOff: 6,yOff: 0,spdMult: 0.7}, {id: 12,type: 1,age: 8,pre: 9,name: "crossbow",desc: "deals more damage and has greater range",src: "crossbow_1",req: ["wood", 5],aboveHand: true,armS: 0.75,length: 120,width: 120,xOff: -4,yOff: 0,projectile: 2,spdMult: 0.7,speed: 700}, {id: 13,type: 1,age: 9,pre: 12,name: "repeater crossbow",desc: "high firerate crossbow with reduced damage",src: "crossbow_2",req: ["wood", 10],aboveHand: true,armS: 0.75,length: 120,width: 120,xOff: -4,yOff: 0,projectile: 3,spdMult: 0.7,speed: 230}, {id: 14,type: 1,age: 6,name: "mc grabby",desc: "steals resources from enemies",src: "grab_1",length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 53,dmg: 0,steal: 250,knock: 0.2,spdMult: 1.05,range: 125,gather: 0,speed: 700}, {id: 15,type: 1,age: 9,pre: 12,name: "musket",desc: "slow firerate but high damage and range",src: "musket_1",req: ["stone", 10],aboveHand: true,rec: 0.35,armS: 0.6,hndS: 0.3,hndD: 1.6,length: 205,width: 205,xOff: 25,yOff: 0,projectile: 5,hideProjectile: true,spdMult: 0.6,speed: 1500}];// ITEMS:module.exports.list = [{group: module.exports.groups[0],name: "apple",desc: "restores 20 health when consumed",req: ["food", 10],consume: 20,scale: 22,holdOffset: 15}, {age: 3,group: module.exports.groups[0],name: "cookie",desc: "restores 40 health when consumed",req: ["food", 15],consume: 40,scale: 27,holdOffset: 15}, {age: 7,group: module.exports.groups[0],name: "cheese",desc: "restores 30 health and another 50 over 5 seconds",req: ["food", 25],consume: 30,scale: 27,holdOffset: 15}, {group: module.exports.groups[1],name: "wood wall",desc: "provides protection for your village",req: ["wood", 10],projDmg: true,health: 380,scale: 50,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 3,group: module.exports.groups[1],name: "stone wall",desc: "provides improved protection for your village",req: ["stone", 25],health: 900,scale: 50,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,pre: 1,group: module.exports.groups[1],name: "castle wall",desc: "provides powerful protection for your village",req: ["stone", 35],health: 1500,scale: 52,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {group: module.exports.groups[2],name: "spikes",desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 20, "stone", 5],health: 400,dmg: 20,scale: 49,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 5,group: module.exports.groups[2],name: "greater spikes",desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 10],health: 500,dmg: 35,scale: 52,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 9,pre: 1,group: module.exports.groups[2],name: "poison spikes",desc: "poisons enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 35, "stone", 15],health: 600,dmg: 30,pDmg: 5,scale: 52,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 9,pre: 2,group: module.exports.groups[2],name: "spinning spikes",desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 20],health: 500,dmg: 45,turnSpeed: 0.003,scale: 52,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5}, {group: module.exports.groups[3],name: "windmill",desc: "generates gold over time",req: ["wood", 50, "stone", 10],health: 400,pps: 1,turnSpeed: 0.0016,spritePadding: 25,iconLineMult: 12,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 5}, {age: 5,pre: 1,group: module.exports.groups[3],name: "faster windmill",desc: "generates more gold over time",req: ["wood", 60, "stone", 20],health: 500,pps: 1.5,turnSpeed: 0.0025,spritePadding: 25,iconLineMult: 12,scale: 47,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 5}, {age: 8,pre: 1,group: module.exports.groups[3],name: "power mill",desc: "generates more gold over time",req: ["wood", 100, "stone", 50],health: 800,pps: 2,turnSpeed: 0.005,spritePadding: 25,iconLineMult: 12,scale: 47,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 5}, {age: 5,group: module.exports.groups[4],type: 2,name: "mine",desc: "allows you to mine stone",req: ["wood", 20, "stone", 100],iconLineMult: 12,scale: 65,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 0}, {age: 5,group: module.exports.groups[11],type: 0,name: "sapling",desc: "allows you to farm wood",req: ["wood", 150],iconLineMult: 12,colDiv: 0.5,scale: 110,holdOffset: 50,placeOffset: -15}, {age: 4,group: module.exports.groups[5],name: "pit trap",desc: "pit that traps enemies if they walk over it",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 30],trap: true,ignoreCollision: true,hideFromEnemy: true,health: 500,colDiv: 0.2,scale: 50,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 4,group: module.exports.groups[6],name: "boost pad",desc: "provides boost when stepped on",req: ["stone", 20, "wood", 5],ignoreCollision: true,boostSpeed: 1.5,health: 150,colDiv: 0.7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,group: module.exports.groups[7],doUpdate: true,name: "turret",desc: "defensive structure that shoots at enemies",req: ["wood", 200, "stone", 150],health: 800,projectile: 1,shootRange: 700,shootRate: 2200,scale: 43,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,group: module.exports.groups[8],name: "platform",desc: "platform to shoot over walls and cross over water",req: ["wood", 20],ignoreCollision: true,zIndex: 1,health: 300,scale: 43,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,group: module.exports.groups[9],name: "healing pad",desc: "standing on it will slowly heal you",req: ["wood", 30, "food", 10],ignoreCollision: true,healCol: 15,health: 400,colDiv: 0.7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 9,group: module.exports.groups[10],name: "spawn pad",desc: "you will spawn here when you die but it will dissapear",req: ["wood", 100, "stone", 100],health: 400,ignoreCollision: true,spawnPoint: true,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,group: module.exports.groups[12],name: "blocker",desc: "blocks building in radius",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 25],ignoreCollision: true,blocker: 300,health: 400,colDiv: 0.7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,group: module.exports.groups[13],name: "teleporter",desc: "teleports you to a random point on the map",req: ["wood", 60, "stone", 60],ignoreCollision: true,teleport: true,health: 200,colDiv: 0.7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}];// ASSIGN IDS:for (var i = 0; i < module.exports.list.length; ++i) {module.exports.list[i].id = i;if (module.exports.list[i].pre) module.exports.list[i].pre = i - module.exports.list[i].pre;}}),"./script/src/js/data/objectManager.js": (function(module) {var mathFloor = Math.floor;var mathABS = Math.abs;var mathCOS = Math.cos;var mathSIN = Math.sin;var mathPOW = Math.pow;var mathSQRT = Math.sqrt;module.exports = class {constructor(GameObject, gameObjects, UTILS, config, items, Projectile, players, server) {this.objects = gameObjects;this.updateObjects = [];// ADD NEW:var tmpObj;this.add = function(sid, x, y, dir, s, type, data, setSID, owner) {tmpObj = null;for (var i = 0; i < gameObjects.length; ++i) {if (gameObjects[i].sid == sid) {tmpObj = gameObjects[i];break;}}if (!tmpObj) {for (let i = 0; i < gameObjects.length; ++i) {if (!gameObjects[i].active) {tmpObj = gameObjects[i];break;}}}if (!tmpObj) {tmpObj = new GameObject(sid);gameObjects.push(tmpObj);}if (setSID) tmpObj.sid = sid;tmpObj.init(x, y, dir, s, type, data, owner);if (tmpObj.doUpdate) this.updateObjects.push(tmpObj);};// DISABLE BY SID:this.disableBySid = function(sid) {for (var i = 0; i < gameObjects.length; ++i) {if (gameObjects[i].sid == sid) {this.disableObj(gameObjects[i]);break;}}};// DISABLE OBJ:this.disableObj = function(obj) {obj.active = false;if (obj.owner && obj.pps) obj.owner.pps -= obj.pps;var tmpIndx = this.updateObjects.indexOf(obj);if (tmpIndx >= 0) {this.updateObjects.splice(tmpIndx, 1);}};// REMOVE ALL FROM PLAYER:this.removeAllItems = function(sid, server) {for (var i = 0; i < gameObjects.length; ++i) {if (gameObjects[i].active && gameObjects[i].owner && gameObjects[i].owner.sid == sid) {this.disableObj(gameObjects[i]);}}};// GET OBJECT ARRAY:this.getObjects = function(xPos, yPos, s) {return gameObjects.filter(e => e.active && UTILS.getDistance(xPos, yPos, e.x, e.y) <= e.scale + s);};// CHECK IF PLACABLE:this.checkItemLocation = function(x, y, s, sM, indx, ignoreWater, placer) {for (let tmpObj of gameObjects) {var blockS = (tmpObj.blocker || tmpObj.getScale(sM, tmpObj.isItem));if (UTILS.getDistance(x, y, tmpObj.x, tmpObj.y) < (s + blockS)) return tmpObj;}if (!ignoreWater && indx != 18 && y >= (config.mapScale / 2) - (config.riverWidth / 2) && y <= (config.mapScale / 2) + (config.riverWidth / 2)) {return false;}return true;};// CHECK PLAYER COLLISION:this.checkCollision = function(player, other, delta) {delta = delta || 1;let tmpLen = player.scale + (other.getScale ? other.getScale() : other.scale);if (UTILS.getDistance(player.x2, player.y2, other.x, other.y) <= tmpLen) {if (!other.ignoreCollision) {var tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(player.x2, player.y2, other.x, other.y);var tmpDist = UTILS.getDistance(player.x2, player.y2, other.x, other.y);if (other.dmg && other.owner.sid != player.sid) {if (other.pDmg && !(player.skin && player.skin.poisonRes)) {player.dm###erTime.dmg = other.pDmg;player.dm###erTime.time = 5;player.dm###erTime.doer = other.owner;}}} else if (other.trap && !player.noTrap && other.owner.sid != player.sid) {player.lockMove = true;other.hideFromEnemy = false;} else if (other.boostSpeed) { } else if (other.healCol) {player.healCol = other.healCol;} else if (other.teleport) { }if (other.zIndex > player.zIndex) player.zIndex = other.zIndex;return true;}return false;};};};}),"./script/src/js/data/player.js": (function(module) {var mathABS = Math.abs;var mathCOS = Math.cos;var mathSIN = Math.sin;var mathPOW = Math.pow;var mathSQRT = Math.sqrt;module.exports = class {constructor(id, sid, config, UTILS, projectileManager,objectManager, players, ais, items, hats, accessories, server, scoreCallback, iconCallback) {this.id = id;this.sid = sid;this.tmpScore = 0;this.team = null;this.skinIndex = 0;this.tailIndex = 0;this.lastBleed = {amount: 0,time: 0,healed: true,};this.lastHeal = {amount: 0,time: 0,};this.tails = {};for (var i = 0; i < accessories.length; ++i) {if (accessories[i].price <= 0) this.tails[accessories[i].id] = 1;}this.skins = {};for (let i = 0; i < hats.length; ++i) {if (hats[i].price <= 0) this.skins[hats[i].id] = 1;}this.points = 0;this.dt = 0;this.hidden = false;this.itemCounts = {};this.isPlayer = true;this.pps = 0;this.moveDir = undefined;this.skinRot = 0;this.lastPing = 0;this.iconIndex = 0;this.skinColor = 0;this.lastHit = 0;// SPAWN:this.spawn = function(moofoll) {this.active = true;this.alive = true;this.lockMove = false;this.lockDir = false;this.minimapCounter = 0;this.chatCountdown = 0;this.shameCount = 0;this.shameTimer = 0;this.sentTo = {};this.gathering = 0;this.autoGather = 0;this.animTime = 0;this.animSpeed = 0;this.mouseState = 0;this.buildIndex = -1;this.weaponIndex = 0;this.dm###erTime = {};this.noMovTimer = 0;this.maxXP = 300;this.XP = 0;this.age = 1;this.kills = 0;this.upgrAge = 2;this.upgradePoints = 0;this.x = 0;this.y = 0;this.zIndex = 0;this.slowMult = 1;this.dir = 0;this.dirPlus = 0;this.targetDir = 0;this.targetAngle = 0;this.maxHealth = 100;this.health = this.maxHealth;this.scale = config.playerScale;this.speed = config.playerSpeed;this.resetMoveDir();this.resetResources(moofoll);this.items = [0, 3, 6, 10];this.weapons = [0];this.variants = [];this.shootCount = 0;this.weaponXP = [];this.reloads = [];for (let i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {this.reloads.push(0);this.weaponXP.push(0);this.variants.push(0);}};// RESET MOVE DIR:this.resetMoveDir = function() {this.moveDir = undefined;};// RESET RESOURCES:this.resetResources = function(moofoll) {for (var i = 0; i < config.resourceTypes.length; ++i) {this[config.resourceTypes[i]] = moofoll ? 100 : 0;}};// ADD ITEM:this.addItem = function(id) {var tmpItem = items.list[id];if (tmpItem) {for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i) {if (items.list[this.items[i]].group == tmpItem.group) {if (this.buildIndex == this.items[i]) this.buildIndex = id;this.items[i] = id;return true;}}this.items.push(id);return true;}return false;};// GET DATA TO SEND:this.getData = function() {return [this.id,this.sid,this.name,UTILS.fixTo(this.x, 2),UTILS.fixTo(this.y, 2),UTILS.fixTo(this.dir, 3),this.health,this.maxHealth,this.scale,this.skinColor];};// SET DATA:this.setData = function(data) {this.id = data[0];this.sid = data[1];this.name = data[2];this.x = data[3];this.y = data[4];this.dir = data[5];this.health = data[6];this.maxHealth = data[7];this.scale = data[8];this.skinColor = data[9];};// UPDATE:var timerCount = 0;this.update = function(delta) {if (!this.alive) return;// UPDATE DATASthis.moveDir = UTILS.getDirection(this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2);this.weapons[Number(this.weaponIndex > 8)] = this.weaponIndex;if (this.buildIndex == -1) {this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] = Math.max(0, this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] - 1e3 / 9);}this.shootCount = Math.max(0, this.shootCount - 1e3 / 9);this.variants[this.weaponIndex] = config.weaponVariants[this.weaponVariant];this.skin = hats.find(e => e.id == this.skinIndex);this.tail = accessories.find(e => e.id == this.tailIndex);// SHAME SHAME SHAME:if (this.shameTimer > 0) {this.shameTimer -= delta;if (this.shameTimer <= 0) {this.shameTimer = 0;this.shameCount = 0;}}// REGENS AND AUTO:this.timerCount -= delta;if (this.timerCount <= 0) {timerCount = 0;}// SLOWER:if (this.slowMult < 1) {this.slowMult += 0.0008 * delta;if (this.slowMult > 1) this.slowMult = 1;}// MOVE:if (UTILS.getDistance(this.x3, this.y3, this.x2, this.y2) <= 0 || this.lockMove) {this.noMovTimer += delta;} else this.noMovTimer = 0;// OBJECT COLL:this.zIndex = 0;this.lockMove = false;this.healCol = 0;let tmpList = objectManager.getObjects(this.x2, this.y2, this.scale);for (let tmpObj of tmpList) {objectManager.checkCollision(this, tmpObj);}};// ADD WEAPON XP:this.addWeaponXP = function(amount) {if (!this.weaponXP[this.weaponIndex]) this.weaponXP[this.weaponIndex] = 0;this.weaponXP[this.weaponIndex] += amount;};// EARN XP:this.earnXP = function(value) {if (value) {let amount = value - this.XP;if (this.age < config.maxAge) {this.XP += amount;}} else {this.age++;this.XP = 0;this.maxXP *= 1.2;this.upgradePoints++;this.upgradeAge++;}};// CHANGE HEALTH:this.changeHealth = function(value) {let amount = value - this.health;this.health += amount;if (this.health) {if (amount > 0) {if (!this.lastBleed.healed) {if (Date.now() - window.pingTime - this.lastBleed.time <= 120) {this.shameCount = Math.min(7, this.shameCount + 1);} else {this.shameCount = Math.max(0, this.shameCount - 2);}this.lastBleed.healed = true;}this.lastHeal.amount = amount;this.lastHeal.time = Date.now() - window.pingTime;} else {this.lastBleed.amount = amount;this.lastBleed.time = Date.now() - window.pingTime;this.lastBleed.healed = false;}} else {this.kill();}};// KILL:this.kill = function() {console.log(this.name + " dead");this.alive = false;};// ADD RESOURCE:this.addResource = function(index, value) {let amount = value - this[index];this[index] += amount;this.addWeaponXP(amount);};// CHANGE ITEM COUNT:this.changeItemCount = function(index, value) {this.itemCounts[index] = this.itemCounts[index] || 0;let amount = value - this.itemCounts[index];this.itemCounts[index] += amount;};this.buildPosition = function(item, dir) {var tmpS = (this.scale + item.scale + (item.placeOffset || 0));var x = this.x2 + (tmpS * mathCOS(dir));var y = this.y2 + (tmpS * mathSIN(dir));return {x,y};}// BUILD:this.buildItem = function(item, dir) {var tmpS = (this.scale + item.scale + (item.placeOffset || 0));var tmpX = this.x2 + (tmpS * mathCOS(dir));var tmpY = this.y2 + (tmpS * mathSIN(dir));return this.canBuild(item) && (item.consume || objectManager.checkItemLocation(tmpX, tmpY, item.scale, 0.6, item.id, false, this));};// HAS RESOURCES:this.hasRes = function(item, mult) {if (config.inSandbox) return true;for (var i = 0; i < item.req.length;) {if (this[item.req[i]] < Math.round(item.req[i + 1] * (mult || 1))) return false;i += 2;}return true;};// USE RESOURCES:this.useRes = function(item, mult) {if (config.inSandbox) return;for (var i = 0; i < item.req.length;) {this.addResource(config.resourceTypes.indexOf(item.req[i]), -Math.round(item.req[i + 1] * (mult || 1)));i += 2;}};// CAN BUILD:this.canBuild = function(item) {if (item.group.limit && this.itemCounts[item.group.id] >= (config.inSandbox ? 99 : item.group.limit))return false;return this.hasRes(item);};// GATHER:this.gather = function(index, didHit) {this.weapons[Number(index > 8)] = index;// SHOW:this.noMovTimer = 0;// SLOW MOVEMENT:this.slowMult -= (items.weapons[this.weaponIndex].hitSlow || 0.3);if (this.slowMult < 0) this.slowMult = 0;pushToTick.push({packet: "33",action: function(sid, index, didHit) {// DEFINE USERlet _this = players.find(e => e.sid == sid);_this.lastHit = Date.now() - window.pingTime;// RESET RELOAD_this.reloads[index] = items.weapons[index].speed;// VARIANT DMG:var tmpVariant = _this.variants[index];var applyPoison = tmpVariant.poison;var variantDmg = tmpVariant.val;// WEAPON DAMAGEvar damage = items.weapons[index].dmg;var weaponSDmg = (items.weapons[index].sDmg || 1);// HAT DMG MULTvar bDmg = (_this.skin?.bDmg || 1);var hatDmgMultO = (_this.skin?.dmgMultO || 1);// TAIL DMG MULTvar tailDmgMultO = (_this.tail?.dmgMultO || 1);// CHECK IF HIT GAME OBJECT:var hitObjs = [];var tmpDist, tmpDir;var tmpList = objectManager.getObjects(_this.x2, _this.y2, items.weapons[index].range);if (didHit) {for (let tmpObj of tmpList) {if (tmpObj.active && Date.now() - window.pingTime - tmpObj.lastWiggle <= 100 && !tmpObj.dontGather && !hitObjs[tmpObj.sid]) {tmpDist = UTILS.getDistance(_this.x2, _this.y2, tmpObj.x, tmpObj.y) - tmpObj.scale;if (tmpDist <= items.weapons[index].range) {tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(tmpObj.x, tmpObj.y, _this.x2, _this.y2);if (UTILS.getAngleDist(tmpDir, _this.d2) <= config.gatherAngle) {hitObjs[tmpObj.sid] = 1;if (tmpObj.health) {if (tmpObj.changeHealth(-damage * variantDmg * weaponSDmg * bDmg,_this)) { }} else {var count = items.weapons[index].gather + (tmpObj.type == 3 ? 4 :0);}}}}}}/*// CHECK IF HIT PLAYER/AI:for (let i = 0; i < players.length + ais.length; ++i) {let tmpObj = players[i] || ais[i - players.length];if (tmpObj != _this && tmpObj.alive && Date.now() - window.pingTime - tmpObj.lastBleed.time <= 100 && !(tmpObj.team && tmpObj.team == _this.team)) {tmpDist = UTILS.getDistance(_this.x2, _this.y2, tmpObj.x2, tmpObj.y2) - (tmpObj.scale * 1.8);if (tmpDist <= items.weapons[index].range) {tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(tmpObj.x2, tmpObj.y2, _this.x2, _this.y2);if (UTILS.getAngleDist(tmpDir, _this.d2) <= config.gatherAngle) {// STEAL RESOURCES:var stealCount = items.weapons[index].steal;if (stealCount && tmpObj.addResource) {stealCount = Math.min((tmpObj.points || 0), stealCount);}// MELEE HIT PLAYER:var dmgMlt = variantDmg;if (tmpObj.weaponIndex != undefined && items.weapons[tmpObj.weaponIndex].shield &&UTILS.getAngleDist(tmpDir + Math.PI, tmpObj.dir) <= config.shieldAngle) {dmgMlt = items.weapons[tmpObj.weaponIndex].shield;}var dmgVal = damage * hatDmgMultO * tailDmgMultO;var tmpSpd = (0.3 * (tmpObj.weightM || 1)) + (items.weapons[index].knock || 0);if (tmpObj.dm###erTime && _this.skin && _this.skin.poisonDmg && !(tmpObj.skin?.poisonRes)) {tmpObj.dm###erTime.dmg = _this.skin.poisonDmg;tmpObj.dm###erTime.time = _this.skin.poisonTime || 1;tmpObj.dm###erTime.doer = _this;}if (tmpObj.dm###erTime && applyPoison && !(tmpObj.skin?.poisonRes)) {tmpObj.dm###erTime.dmg = 5;tmpObj.dm###erTime.time = 5;tmpObj.dm###erTime.doer = this;}}}}}*/return true;},datas: [this.sid, index, didHit],})// SEND FOR ANIMATION:this.startAnim(index, didHit);};// GATHER ANIMATION:this.startAnim = function(didHit, index) {this.animTime = this.animSpeed = items.weapons[index].speed;this.targetAngle = (didHit ? -config.hitAngle : -Math.PI);tmpRatio = 0;animIndex = 0;};// ANIMATE:var tmpRatio = 0;var animIndex = 0;this.animate = function(delta) {if (this.animTime > 0) {this.animTime -= delta;if (this.animTime <= 0) {this.animTime = 0;this.dirPlus = 0;tmpRatio = 0;animIndex = 0;} else {if (animIndex == 0) {tmpRatio += delta / (this.animSpeed * config.hitReturnRatio);this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.min(1, tmpRatio));if (tmpRatio >= 1) {tmpRatio = 1;animIndex = 1;}} else {tmpRatio -= delta / (this.animSpeed * (1 - config.hitReturnRatio));this.dirPlus = UTILS.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.max(0, tmpRatio));}}}};// CAN SHOT:this.canShot = function(other, indx) {if (!other) return false;if (indx == 1 && !this.skins[53] && this.points <= 1e4) return false;let dist = UTILS.getDistance(this.x2, this.y2, other.x2, other.y2);let dir = UTILS.getDirection(other.x2, other.y2, this.x2, this.y2);let projectile = items.projectiles[indx];if (!projectile || projectile.range < dist) return false;let tmpList = objectManager.getObjects(this.x2, this.y2, dist).filter(e =>UTILS.getAngleDist(dir, UTILS.getDirection(e.x, e.y, this.x2, this.y2)) <= UTILS.toRad(e.getScale()) &&(indx == 1 && e.id ? e.group.id == 3 || e.id == 17 : true) &&!e.ignoreCollision);let tmpList2 = players.filter(e =>e.sid != this.sid &&e.sid != other.sid &&UTILS.getAngleDist(dir, UTILS.getDirection(e.x2, e.y2, this.x2, this.y2)) <= UTILS.toRad(e.scale));let tmpList3 = ais.filter(e =>UTILS.getAngleDist(dir, UTILS.getDirection(e.x2, e.y2, this.x2, this.y2)) <= UTILS.toRad(e.scale));tmpList = [...tmpList, ...tmpList2, ...tmpList3];// HIT OBJECTS:if (tmpList.length > 0) {for (let tmpObj of tmpList) {let x2 = tmpObj[tmpObj.isObject ? "x" : "x2"], y2 = tmpObj[tmpObj.isObject ? "y" : "y2"];let tmpDist = UTILS.getDistance(this.x2, this.y2, x2, y2);let tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(x2, y2, this.x2, this.y2);let x = this.x2 + Math.cos(dir) * tmpDist,y = this.y2 + Math.sin(dir) * tmpDist;if (UTILS.lineInRect(x2 - tmpObj.scale,y2 - tmpObj.scale,x2 + tmpObj.scale,y2 + tmpObj.scale,x, y, x, y)) {return tmpObj;}}}return true;};// CAN SEE:this.canSee = function(other) {if (!other) return false;if (other.skin && other.skin.invisTimer && other.noMovTimer >= other.skin.invisTimer) return false;var dx = Math.abs(other[other.isPlayer || other.isAI ? "x2" : "x"] - this.x2) - other.scale;var dy = Math.abs(other[other.isPlayer || other.isAI ? "y2" : "y"] - this.y2) - other.scale;return dx <= (config.maxScreenWidth / 2) * 1.3 && dy <= (config.maxScreenHeight / 2) * 1.3;};};};}),"./script/src/js/data/projectile.js": (function(module) {module.exports = class {constructor(players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS, server) {// INIT:this.init = function(indx, x, y, dir, spd, dmg, rng, scl, owner) {this.active = true;this.indx = indx;this.x = x;this.y = y;this.dir = dir;this.skipMov = true;this.speed = spd;this.dmg = dmg;this.scale = scl;this.range = rng;this.owner = owner;};// UPDATE:var objectsHit = [];var tmpObj;this.update = function(delta) {if (this.active) {var tmpSpeed = this.speed * delta;var tmpScale;if (!this.skipMov) {this.x += tmpSpeed * Math.cos(this.dir);this.y += tmpSpeed * Math.sin(this.dir);this.range -= tmpSpeed;if (this.range <= 0) {this.x += this.range * Math.cos(this.dir);this.y += this.range * Math.sin(this.dir);tmpSpeed = 1;this.range = 0;this.active = false;}} else {this.skipMov = false;}objectsHit.length = 0;for (let i = 0; i < players.length + ais.length; ++i) {tmpObj = players[i] || ais[i - players.length];if (tmpObj.alive && tmpObj.sid != this.owner.sid) {if (UTILS.lineInRect(tmpObj.x2 - tmpObj.scale,tmpObj.y2 - tmpObj.scale,tmpObj.x2 + tmpObj.scale,tmpObj.y2 + tmpObj.scale,this.x,this.y,this.x + (tmpSpeed * Math.cos(this.dir)),this.y + (tmpSpeed * Math.sin(this.dir)),)) {objectsHit.push(tmpObj);}}}var tmpList = objectManager.getObjects(this.x, this.y, this.scale);for (var x = 0; x < tmpList.length; ++x) {for (var y = 0; y < tmpList[x].length; ++y) {tmpObj = tmpList[x][y];tmpScale = tmpObj.getScale();if (tmpObj.active && !(this.ignoreObj == tmpObj.sid) && (this.layer <= tmpObj.layer) &&objectsHit.indexOf(tmpObj) < 0 && !tmpObj.ignoreCollision && UTILS.lineInRect(tmpObj.x -tmpScale,tmpObj.y - tmpScale,tmpObj.x + tmpScale,tmpObj.y + tmpScale,this.x,this.y,this.x + (tmpSpeed * Math.cos(this.dir)),this.y + (tmpSpeed * Math.sin(this.dir)),)) {objectsHit.push(tmpObj);}}}// HIT OBJECTS:if (objectsHit.length > 0) {var hitObj = null;var shortDist = null;var tmpDist = null;for (let i = 0; i < objectsHit.length; ++i) {tmpDist = UTILS.getDistance(this.x, this.y, objectsHit[i].x, objectsHit[i].y);if (shortDist == null || tmpDist < shortDist) {shortDist = tmpDist;hitObj = objectsHit[i];}}if (hitObj.isPlayer || hitObj.isAI) {/*var tmpSd = 0.3 * (hitObj.weightM || 1);if (hitObj.weaponIndex == undefined || (!(items.weapons[hitObj.weaponIndex].shield &&UTILS.getAngleDist(this.dir + Math.PI, hitObj.dir) <= config.shieldAngle))) {hitObj.changeHealth(-this.dmg, this.owner, this.owner);}*/} else {if (hitObj.projDmg && hitObj.health && hitObj.changeHealth(-this.dmg)) { }for (let i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) {if (players[i].active) {if (hitObj.sentTo[players[i].id]) {if (hitObj.active) { } else { }}if (!hitObj.active && hitObj.owner == players[i]) { }}}}this.active = false;}}};};};}),"./script/src/js/data/projectileManager.js": (function(module) {module.exports = class {constructor(Projectile, projectiles, players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS, server) {this.addProjectile = function(x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, owner, ignoreObj, layer, sid) {var projOffset = 70;var tmpData = items.projectiles[indx];var tmpProj;for (var i = 0; i < projectiles.length; ++i) {if (!projectiles[i].active) {tmpProj = projectiles[i];break;}}pushToTick.push({packet: "33",action: function(x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, owner, ignoreObj, layer, sid, tmpData, tmpProj) {let x2 = x - Math.cos(dir) * 70;let y2 = y - Math.sin(dir) * 70;if (!tmpProj) {tmpProj = new Projectile(players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS, server);tmpProj.sid = sid;projectiles.push(tmpProj);}owner = players.find(e => e.visible && (indx == 1 ? e.skinIndex == 53 : items.weapons[e.weaponIndex].projectile == indx) && UTILS.getDistance(e.x2, e.y2, x2, y2) <=35 + (indx == 5 ? 42.5 : 35));owner && (indx == 1 ? owner.shootCount = 25e2 : owner.reloads[owner.weaponIndex] = items.weapons[owner.weaponIndex].speed);tmpProj.init(indx, x, y, dir, speed, tmpData.dmg, range, tmpData.scale, owner ? owner.sid :null);tmpProj.ignoreObj = ignoreObj;tmpProj.layer = layer || tmpData.layer;tmpProj.src = tmpData.src;return true;},datas: [x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, owner, ignoreObj, layer, sid, tmpData, tmpProj],});};};};}),"./script/src/js/data/store.js": (function(module) {// STORE HATS:module.exports.hats = [{id: 45,name: "Shame!",dontSell: true,price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "hacks are for losers"}, {id: 51,name: "Moo Cap",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "coolest mooer around"}, {id: 50,name: "Apple Cap",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "apple farms remembers"}, {id: 28,name: "Moo Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 29,name: "Pig Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 30,name: "Fluff Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 36,name: "Pandou Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 37,name: "Bear Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 38,name: "Monkey Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 44,name: "Polar Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 35,name: "Fez Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 42,name: "Enigma Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "join the enigma army"}, {id: 43,name: "Blitz Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "hey everybody i'm blitz"}, {id: 49,name: "Bob XIII Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "like and subscribe"}, {id: 57,name: "Pumpkin",price: 50,scale: 120,desc: "Spooooky"}, {id: 8,name: "Bummle Hat",price: 100,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 2,name: "Straw Hat",price: 500,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 15,name: "Winter Cap",price: 600,scale: 120,desc: "allows you to move at normal speed in snow",coldM: 1}, {id: 5,name: "Cowboy Hat",price: 1000,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 4,name: "Ranger Hat",price: 2000,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 18,name: "Explorer Hat",price: 2000,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 31,name: "Flipper Hat",price: 2500,scale: 120,desc: "have more control while in water",watrImm: true}, {id: 1,name: "Marksman Cap",price: 3000,scale: 120,desc: "increases arrow speed and range",aMlt: 1.3}, {id: 10,name: "Bush Gear",price: 3000,scale: 160,desc: "allows you to disguise yourself as a bush"}, {id: 48,name: "Halo",price: 3000,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 6,name: "Soldier Helmet",price: 4000,scale: 120,desc: "reduces damage taken but slows movement",spdMult: 0.94,dmgMult: 0.75}, {id: 23,name: "Anti Venom Gear",price: 4000,scale: 120,desc: "makes you immune to poison",poisonRes: 1}, {id: 13,name: "Medic Gear",price: 5000,scale: 110,desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",healthRegen: 3}, {id: 9,name: "Miners Helmet",price: 5000,scale: 120,desc: "earn 1 extra gold per resource",extraGold: 1}, {id: 32,name: "Musketeer Hat",price: 5000,scale: 120,desc: "reduces cost of projectiles",projCost: 0.5}, {id: 7,name: "Bull Helmet",price: 6000,scale: 120,desc: "increases damage done but drains health",healthRegen: -5,dmgMultO: 1.5,spdMult: 0.96}, {id: 22,name: "Emp Helmet",price: 6000,scale: 120,desc: "turrets won't attack but you move slower",antiTurret: 1,spdMult: 0.7}, {id: 12,name: "Booster Hat",price: 6000,scale: 120,desc: "increases your movement speed",spdMult: 1.16}, {id: 26,name: "Barbarian Armor",price: 8000,scale: 120,desc: "knocks back enemies that attack you",dmgK: 0.6}, {id: 21,name: "Plague Mask",price: 10000,scale: 120,desc: "melee attacks deal poison damage",poisonDmg: 5,poisonTime: 6}, {id: 46,name: "Bull Mask",price: 10000,scale: 120,desc: "bulls won't target you unless you attack them",bullRepel: 1}, {id: 14,name: "Windmill Hat",topSprite: true,price: 10000,scale: 120,desc: "generates points while worn",pps: 1.5}, {id: 11,name: "Spike Gear",topSprite: true,price: 10000,scale: 120,desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",dmg: 0.45}, {id: 53,name: "Turret Gear",topSprite: true,price: 10000,scale: 120,desc: "you become a walking turret",turret: {proj: 1,range: 700,rate: 2500},spdMult: 0.7}, {id: 20,name: "Samurai Armor",price: 12000,scale: 120,desc: "increased attack speed and fire rate",atkSpd: 0.78}, {id: 58,name: "Dark Knight",price: 12000,scale: 120,desc: "restores health when you deal damage",healD: 0.4}, {id: 27,name: "Scavenger Gear",price: 15000,scale: 120,desc: "earn double points for each kill",kScrM: 2}, {id: 40,name: "#### Gear",price: 15000,scale: 120,desc: "increased damage to buildings but slower movement",spdMult: 0.3,bDmg: 3.3}, {id: 52,name: "Thief Gear",price: 15000,scale: 120,desc: "steal half of a players gold when you kill them",goldSteal: 0.5}, {id: 55,name: "Bloodthirster",price: 20000,scale: 120,desc: "Restore Health when dealing damage. And increased damage",healD: 0.25,dmgMultO: 1.2,}, {id: 56,name: "Assassin Gear",price: 20000,scale: 120,desc: "Go invisible when not moving. Can't eat. Increased speed",noEat: true,spdMult: 1.1,invisTimer: 1000}];// STORE ACCESSORIES:module.exports.accessories = [{id: 12,name: "Snowball",price: 1000,scale: 105,xOff: 18,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 9,name: "Tree Cape",price: 1000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 10,name: "Stone Cape",price: 1000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 3,name: "Cookie Cape",price: 1500,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 8,name: "Cow Cape",price: 2000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 11,name: "Monkey Tail",price: 2000,scale: 97,xOff: 25,desc: "Super speed but reduced damage",spdMult: 1.35,dmgMultO: 0.2}, {id: 17,name: "Apple Basket",price: 3000,scale: 80,xOff: 12,desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",healthRegen: 1}, {id: 6,name: "Winter Cape",price: 3000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 4,name: "Skull Cape",price: 4000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 5,name: "Dash Cape",price: 5000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 2,name: "Dragon Cape",price: 6000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 1,name: "Super Cape",price: 8000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 7,name: "Troll Cape",price: 8000,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 14,name: "Thorns",price: 10000,scale: 115,xOff: 20,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 15,name: "Blockades",price: 10000,scale: 95,xOff: 15,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 20,name: "Devils Tail",price: 10000,scale: 95,xOff: 20,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 16,name: "Sawblade",price: 12000,scale: 90,spin: true,xOff: 0,desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",dmg: 0.15}, {id: 13,name: "Angel Wings",price: 15000,scale: 138,xOff: 22,desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",healthRegen: 3}, {id: 19,name: "Shadow Wings",price: 15000,scale: 138,xOff: 22,desc: "increased movement speed",spdMult: 1.1}, {id: 18,name: "Blood Wings",price: 20000,scale: 178,xOff: 26,desc: "restores health when you deal damage",healD: 0.2}, {id: 21,name: "Corrupt X Wings",price: 20000,scale: 178,xOff: 26,desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",dmg: 0.25}];}),"./script/src/js/libs/io-client.js": (function(module) {module.exports = {socket: null,connected: false,socketId: -1,connect: function(socket, callback, events, aCC) {if (this.socket) return;// CREATE SOCKET:var _this = this;try {var socketError = false;this.socket = socket;this.socket.binaryType = "arraybuffer";this.socket.addEventListener("message", function(message) {// PARSE MESSAGE:let [packet, datas] = msgpack.decode(new Uint8Array(message.data));// CALL EVENT:if (packet == "io-init") {_this.socketId = datas[0];}packet == "33" && aCC.resetCalculator();events[packet](...datas);});this.socket.onopen = function() {_this.connected = true;};this.socket.onclose = function(event) {_this.connected = false;if (event.code == 4001) {console.error("Invalid Connection");} else if (!socketError) {console.error("disconnected");}};this.socket.onerror = function(error) {if (this.socket && this.socket.readyState != WebSocket.OPEN) {socketError = true;console.error("Socket error", arguments);}};} catch (e) {console.warn("Socket connection error:", e);}},send: function(type) {// EXTRACT DATA ARRAY:var data = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);// SEND MESSAGE:var binary = msgpack.encode([type, data, true]);this.socket.send(binary);},socketReady: function() {return (this.socket && this.connected);},close: function() {this.socket && this.socket.close();}};}),"./script/src/js/app.js": (function(module) {module.exports.run = function() {let informationMenu = Object.assign(document.createElement("div"), {id: "informationMenu",borderRadius: "4px",textAlign: "left",});Object.assign(informationMenu.style, {position: "absolute",color: "white",width: "200px",height: "326px",top: "20px",right: "20px"});document.getElementById("gameUI").appendChild(informationMenu);informationMenu.style.display = "block";setInterval(() => {let songName = singing.name?.split(" - ")[1];let newName = "";if (songName?.length) {for (let i = 0; i < songName.length; i++) {if (i > 15) {newName += "...";break;} else {newName += songName[i];}}}informationMenu.innerHTML = `<div style="font-size: 14px;">Ping: ${window.pingTime}<br>Auto-Insta: ${instakill?.toggle ? "ON" : "OFF"}<br>Auto-Mill: ${autoMill?.toggle ? "ON" : "OFF"}<br>İntrap: ${autoTrapBreaker}<br>Damage Prediction: ${player.health}<br>Clan IDs: []<br>Music: ${singing?.toggle ? "ON" : "OFF"}<br>Turrets that can hit you: ${turrets.length}<br>${singing?.toggle ? `.singer: ${singing.name.split(" - ")[0]}<br>.name: ${newName}<br>.currentTime: ${Math.ceil(singing?.audio?.currentTime || 0)}<br>` : ""}</div>`;});var autoTrapBreakervar canAB = false, lastNearestDist = 0, nearestDist = 0, preHit = {amount: [],info: [],}, turrets = [];__webpack_require__("./script/src/js/libs/modernizr.js").run();var isProd = location.hostname !== "" && !location.hostname.startsWith("192.168.");var antiCheatCalculator = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/libs/antiCheatCalculator.js");var io = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/libs/io-client.js");var UTILS = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/libs/utils.js");var config = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/config.js");var GameObject = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/data/gameObject.js");var items = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/data/items.js");var ObjectManager = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/data/objectManager.js");var Player = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/data/player.js");var store = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/data/store.js");var Projectile = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/data/projectile.js");var ProjectileManager = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/data/projectileManager.js");var AiManager = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/data/aiManager.js");var AI = __webpack_require__("./script/src/js/data/ai.js");// VULTR:vultrClient.debugLog = false;var didLoad = false;window._onload = window.onload;window.onload = function() {didLoad = true;//connectSocketIfReady();this._onload();};// URL PARAMS:function getParameterByName(name, url) {if (!url) {url = window.location.href;}name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),r###lts = regex.exec(url);if (!r###lts) return null;if (!r###lts[2]) return '';return decodeURIComponent(r###lts[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));}// SOCKET & CONNECTION:var connected = false;var startedConnecting = false;function connectSocketIfReady() {// MAKE SURE IT'S READY:if (!didLoad) return;startedConnecting = true;// GET TOKEN:if (isProd) {window.grecaptcha.execute("6LevKusUAAAAAAFknhlV8sPtXAk5Z5dGP5T2FYIZ", {action: "homepage"}).then(function(token) {// CONNECT SOCKET:connectSocket(token);});} else {// CONNECT SOCKET:connectSocket(null);}}function connectSocket(ws) {// CONNECT SOCKET:/*vultrClient.start(function(address, port, gameIndex) {// CREATE ADDRESS:var protocol = isProd ? "wss" : "ws";var wsAddress = protocol + "://" + address + ":" + 8008 + "/?gameIndex=" + gameIndex;if (token) wsAddress += "&token=" + encodeURIComponent(token);}, function(error) {console.error("Vultr error:", error);alert("Error:\n" + error);disconnect("disconnected");});*/// CONNECT:io.connect(ws, function(error) {//pingSocket();//setInterval(() => pingSocket(), 2500);if (error) {disconnect(error);} else {//connected = true;//startGame();}}, {"io-init": io_init,"id": setInitData,"d": disconnect,"1": setupGame,"2": addPlayer,"4": removePlayer,"33": updatePlayers,"5": updateLeaderboard,"6": loadGameObject,"a": loadAI,"aa": animateAI,"7": gatherAnimation,"8": wiggleGameObject,"sp": shootTurret,"9": updatePlayerValue,"h": updateHealth,"11": killPlayer,"12": killObject,"13": killObjects,"14": updateItemCounts,"15": updateAge,"16": updateUpgrades,"17": updateItems,"18": addProjectile,"19": removeProjectile,"20": serverShutdownNotice,"ac": addAlliance,"ad": deleteAlliance,"an": allianceNotification,"st": setPlayerTeam,"sa": setAlliancePlayers,"us": updateStoreItems,"ch": receiveChat,"mm": updateMinimap,"t": showText,"p": pingMap,"pp": pingSocketResponse}, antiCheatCalculator);}var useNativeResolution;var showPing;var playSound;var pixelDensity = 1;var delta, now, lastSent;var lastUpdate = Date.now();var keys, attackState;var ais = [];var players = [];var alliances = [];var gameObjects = [];var projectiles = [];var objectManager = new ObjectManager(GameObject, gameObjects, UTILS, config, items, Projectile, players);var projectileManager = new ProjectileManager(Projectile, projectiles, players, ais, objectManager, items, config, UTILS);var aiManager = new AiManager(ais, AI, players, items, objectManager, config, UTILS);var player, playerSID, tmpObj;var waterMult = 1;var waterPlus = 0;var mouseX = 0;var mouseY = 0;var controllingTouch = {id: -1,startX: 0,startY: 0,currentX: 0,currentY: 0};var attackingTouch = {id: -1,startX: 0,startY: 0,currentX: 0,currentY: 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ground","19:855": "shaking underneath","21:346": "Tryna take me alive","24:415": "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh","26:906": "Get ready for the fallout","30:357": "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh","33:26": "Can't stop me now","35:154": "I got no rival","37:463": "I'ma find my way","39:615": "Through the blood and pain","41:162": "Game of survival","43:463": "Any time or place","45:577": "Watch 'em run away","47:337": "I got no-","49:78": "I'll be standing on my own","51:259": "Never gonna take my thrown","53:389": "I got no rival","55:349": "Watch 'em run away","57:320": "I got no, no, no","58:789": "I got no, no, no rival","1:0:227": "No rival","1:11:329": "No rival","1:17:295": "No Rival","1:24:694": "Tell them now what you gon' do","1:27:265": "We can do this face-to-face","1:30:316": "Reckoning is coming real soon","1:33:254": "Doesn't matter what you say","1:36:175": "Tryna tell you","1:37:203": "listen to the moment","1:38:512": "Can't take mine 'cause I own it","1:42:714": "Don't you know that","1:43:869": "I'm locked and I'm loaded?","1:45:389": "You're out of focus","1:48:202": "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh","1:51:61": "Get ready for the fallout","1:54:362": "Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh","1:56:885": "Can't stop me now","1:59:205": "I got no rival","2:1:383": "I'ma find my way","2:3:722": "Through the blood and pain","2:5:242": "Game of survival","2:7:461": "Any time or place","2:9:631": "Watch 'em run away","2:11:210": "I got no-","2:12:959": "I'll be standing on my own","2:15:221": "Never gonna take my throne","2:17:141": "I got no rival","2:19:351": "Watch 'em run away","2:21:221": "I got no, no, no","2:22:770": "I got no, no, no rival","2:24:149": "No rival","2:29:116": "No rival","2:33:194": "I got no, no, no","2:34:695": "I got no, no, no rival","2:41:239": "No rival","2:59:204": "No rival",},}, {name: "Initial D - Don't Stand so Close",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976188754417025144/1074693171419820122/Initial_D_-_Dont_Stand_So_Close_AMV.mp3",sync: {"9:629": "We'll be together","10:847": "'till the morning light","12:877": "Don't stand so","14:400": "Don't stand so","15:928": "Don't stand so close to me","30:895": "Baby you belong to me","34:085": "Yes you do, yes you do","35:377": "You're my affection","37:118": "I can make a woman cry","40:129": "Yes I do, yes I do","41:668": "I will be good","43:380": "You're like a cruel device","45:041": "your blood is cold like ice","46:605": "Posion for my veins","48:205": "I'm breaking my chains","49:710": "One look and you can kill","51:228": "my pain now is your thrill","52:817": "Your love is for me","55:108": "I say, Try me","56:567": "take a chance on emotions","58:829": "For now and ever","1:0:19": "close to your heart","1:1:299": "I say, Try me","1:2:725": "take a chance on my passion","1:5:102": "We'll be together all the time","1:7:383": "I say, Try me","1:8:874": "take a chance on emotions","1:11:142": "For now and ever into my heart","1:13:279": "I say, Try me","1:14:989": "take a chance on my passion","1:17:349": "We'll be together","1:18:429": "'till the morning light","1:20:610": "Don't stand so","1:22:210": "Don't stand so","1:23:639": "Don't stand so close to me","1:38:607": "Baby let me take control","1:41:679": "Yes I do, yes I do","1:43:254": "You are my target","1:44:897": "No one ever made me cry","1:47:969": "What you do, what you do","1:49:406": "Baby's so bad","1:51:134": "You're like a cruel device","1:52:521": "your blood is cold like ice","1:54:293": "Posion for my veins","1:55:754": "I'm breaking my chains","1:57:333": "One look and you can kill","1:58:879": "my pain now is your thrill","2:0:607": "Your love is for me","2:2:690": "I say, Try me","2:4:271": "take a chance on emotions","2:6:599": "For now and ever","2:7:824": "close to your heart","2:8:715": "I say, Try me","2:10:394": "take a chance on my passion","2:12:733": "We'll be together all the time","2:14:993": "I say, Try me","2:16:298": "take a chance on emotions","2:18:900": "For now and ever into my heart","2:21:209": "I say, Try me","2:22:652": "take a chance on my passion","2:24:972": "We'll be together","2:26:129": "'till the morning light","2:28:216": "Don't stand so","2:29:856": "Don't stand so","2:31:296": "Don't stand so close to me","2:58:89": "I say, Try me","2:59:679": "take a chance on emotions","3:1:937": "For now and ever","3:3:47": "close to your heart","3:4:231": "I say, Try me","3:5:820": "take a chance on my passion","3:8:140": "We'll be together all the time","3:10:495": "I say, Try me","3:11:883": "take a chance on emotions","3:14:267": "For now and ever into my heart","3:16:558": "I say, Try me","3:18:67": "take a chance on my passion","3:20:464": "We'll be together","3:21:515": "'till the morning light","3:23:694": "Don't stand so","3:25:176": "Don't stand so","3:26:768": "Don't stand so close to me","3:41:739": "Try me","3:42:830": "take a chance on emotions","3:45:0": "For now and ever","3:46:271": "close to your heart","3:47:296": "I say, Try me","3:48:816": "take a chance on my passion","3:51:163": "We'll be together all the time","3:53:505": "I say, Try me","3:55:28": "take a chance on emotions","3:57:379": "For now and ever into my heart","3:59:667": "I say, Try me","4:1:216": "take a chance on my passion","4:3:507": "We'll be together","4:4:755": "'till the morning light","4:6:783": "Don't stand so","4:8:292": "Don't stand so","4:9:791": "Don't stand so close to me",},}, {name: "Initial D - The Top",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976188754417025144/1074417409626226728/initial_D_MAD_The_Top_1.mp3",sync: {"39:401": "Final lap","40:516": "I'm on top of the world","41:618": "And I will never rest","43:667": "for second again","45:448": "One more time","46:410": "I have beaten them out","47:999": "The scent of gasoline","49:831": "announces the end","51:388": "They all said","52:838": "I'd best give it up","54:137": "What a fool","55:40": "to believe their lies","57:528": "Now they've fall","58:976": "and I'm at the top","1:0:116": "Are you ready now to die?","1:3:151": "I came up from the bottom","1:4:759": "and into the top","1:6:170": "For the first time","1:7:211": "I feel alive","1:9:373": "I can fly like an eagle","1:10:574": "strike like a hawk","1:12:170": "Do you think","1:12:997": "you can survive the top","1:15:328": "the top","1:27:347": "Final turn","1:28:526": "and I'll settle the score","1:30:177": "A rubber fire screams","1:31:392": "into the night","1:33:483": "Crash and burn is","1:34:747": "what you're gonna do","1:36:17": "I am a master","1:37:77": "of the asphalt fight","1:39:517": "They all said","1:40:563": "I'd best give it up","1:42:134": "What a fool","1:42:846": "to believe their lies","1:45:415": "Now they've fall","1:46:775": "and I'm at the top","1:48:175": "Are you ready now to die?","1:51:55": "I came up from the bottom","1:52:745": "and into the top","1:54:225": "For the first time","1:55:9": "I feel alive","1:57:343": "I can fly like an eagle","1:58:907": "strike like a hawk","2:0:153": "Do you think","2:0:794": "you can survive?","2:3:120": "I came up from the bottom","2:4:775": "and into the top","2:6:92": "For the first time","2:7:233": "I feel alive","2:9:212": "I can fly like an eagle","2:10:951": "strike like a hawk","2:12:79": "Do you think","2:12:904": "you can survive the top","2:27:859": "What were you thinking","2:28:721": "telling me to change my game?","2:30:588": "This style wasn't","2:31:247": "going anywhere","2:32:216": "it was kaput!","2:33:227": "You want to see what","2:33:793": "I've done with this place","2:35:39": "this whole thing?","2:36:322": "You want to see that","2:36:850": "I changed the game?","2:37:471": "No, I AM the game!","2:40:117": "Before I knew where","2:40:698": "this was going","2:41:320": "I would've listened to you","2:42:392": "Right now","2:42:992": "I distance myself from","2:43:665": "what you have to say!","2:44:894": "I made this","2:45:650": "something way bigger","2:46:403": "than you're ever gonna be","2:47:926": "I made it this far","2:49:494": "and I'm taking it to the top","2:51:115": "I came up from the bottom","2:52:854": "And into the top","2:54:185": "For the first time","2:55:106": "I feel alive!","2:57:195": "I can fly like an eagle","2:58:857": "And strike like a hawk","3:0:30": "Do you think","3:0:994": "you can survive...","3:3:53": "I came up from the bottom","3:4:751": "And into the top","3:6:141": "For the first time","3:7:211": "I feel alive!","3:9:171": "I can fly like an eagle","3:11:11": "And strike like a hawk","3:12:91": "Do you think","3:12:800": "you can survive... the top?","3:51:44": "I came up from the bottom","3:52:746": "And into the top","3:54:26": "For the first time","3:55:95": "I feel alive!","3:57:135": "I can fly like an eagle","3:58:615": "And strike like a hawk","4:0:153": "Do you think","4:0:776": "you can survive...","4:3:102": "I came up from the bottom","4:4:782": "And into the top","4:6:32": "For the first time","4:7:6": "I feel alive!","4:9:57": "I can fly like an eagle","4:10:876": "And strike like a hawk","4:12:188": "Do you think","4:12:852": "you can survive... the top?",},}, {name: "Initial D - Gas Gas Gas",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976188754417025144/1074417409303269478/Manuel_-_Gas_Gas_Gas_1.mp3",sync: {"16:852": "Ah","20:9": "gas, gas, gas, gas","23:124": "Ah","28:271": "Do you like..","29:853": "my car","31:468": "m y c a r","33:132": "m  y  c  a  r","53:109": "Guess you're ready","54:291": "'cause I'm waiting for you","56:129": "It's gonna be so exciting","59:290": "Got this feeling","1:0:499": "really deep in my soul","1:2:281": "Let's get out","1:3:135": "I wanna go","1:4:48": "come along","1:4:855": "get it on","1:5:993": "Gonna take my car","1:7:562": "gonna sit in","1:9:35": "Gonna drive along","1:10:474": "'til I get you","1:11:823": "'Cause I'm crazy","1:12:562": "hot and ready","1:13:541": "but you like it","1:15:10": "I wanna race for you","1:16:610": "(Shall I go now?)","1:18:109": "Gas, gas, gas","1:19:810": "I'm gonna step on the gas","1:21:642": "Tonight, I'll fly","1:22:962": "(and be your lover)","1:24:370": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","1:26:101": "I'll be so quick as a flash","1:27:884": "And I'll be your hero","1:30:651": "Gas, gas, gas","1:32:379": "I'm gonna run as a flash","1:34:59": "Tonight, I'll fight","1:35:507": "(to be the winner)","1:36:707": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","1:38:547": "I'm gonna step on the gas","1:40:286": "And you'll see the big show","1:55:520": "Don't be lazy","1:56:751": "'cause I'm burning for you","1:58:340": "It's like a hot sensation","2:1:733": "Got this power","2:2:913": "that is taking me out","2:4:681": "Yes, I've got a crush on you","2:6:347": "ready, now","2:7:174": "ready, go","2:8:335": "Gonna take my car","2:9:935": "gonna sit in","2:11:481": "Gonna drive alone","2:12:775": "'til I get you","2:14:244": "'Cause I'm crazy","2:14:975": "hot and ready","2:15:999": "but you like it","2:17:279": "I wanna race for you","2:18:938": "(Shall I go now?)","2:20:455": "Gas, gas, gas","2:22:178": "I'm gonna step on the gas","2:23:999": "Tonight, I'll fly","2:25:311": "(and be your lover)","2:26:738": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","2:28:512": "I'll be so quick as a flash","2:29:975": "And I'll be your hero","2:32:978": "Gas, gas, gas","2:34:668": "I'm gonna run as a flash","2:36:447": "Tonight, I'll fight","2:37:809": "(to be the winner)","2:39:81": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","2:40:931": "I'm gonna step on the gas","2:42:463": "And you'll see the big show","3:10:277": "Guess you're ready","3:11:426": "'cause I'm waiting for you","3:13:215": "It's gonna be so exciting","3:16:471": "Got this feeling","3:17:789": "really deep in my soul","3:19:408": "Let's get out","3:20:224": "I wanna go","3:21:197": "come along","3:22:34": "get it on","3:23:234": "Gonna take my car","3:25:986": "do you like","3:27:605": "my car?","3:29:5": "'Cause I'm crazy","3:29:685": "hot and ready","3:30:823": "but you like it","3:32:133": "I wanna race for you","3:33:653": "(Shall I go now?)","3:36:813": "Gas, gas, gas","3:38:514": "I'm gonna step on the gas","3:40:185": "Tonight, I'll fly","3:41:665": "(and be your lover)","3:43:46": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","3:44:756": "I'll be so quick as a flash","3:46:354": "And I'll be your hero","3:49:245": "Gas, gas, gas","3:51:130": "I'm gonna run as a flash","3:52:840": "Tonight, I'll fight","3:54:90": "(to be the winner)","3:55:448": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","3:57:389": "I'm gonna step on the gas","3:58:866": "And you'll see the big show","4:1:797": "Gas, gas, gas","4:4:805": "Yeah, yeah, yeah","4:7:975": "Gas, gas, gas","4:11:293": "And you'll see the big show","4:28:89": "Ah"},}, {name: "Initial D - Running In The 90's",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976188754417025144/1074691658643415050/Running_In_The_90s_2.mp3",sync: {"37:412": "Modern talking","38:991": "modern walking in the streets","41:601": "New desire","43:481": "Take me higher","45:89": "lift me higher with your speed","47:729": "I need fire","49:220": "Get the satellite","50:892": "if you want to see me","52:225": "Talking on the net","53:699": "I know the way you like it","55:329": "Get your credit card","56:862": "'cause I need no money","58:339": "All I wanna get is you","1:0:480": "baby","1:1:344": "Running in the 90's","1:3:976": "is a new way I like to be","1:6:664": "I'm just running in the 90's","1:10:141": "Come on baby, run to me","1:12:800": "We are running in the 90's","1:16:141": "it's a new way to set me free","1:18:722": "I'm just running in the 90's","1:22:242": "Yes, I wanna know","1:23:850": "yes, I wanna see","1:37:880": "Cyber talking","1:39:613": "cybersex is on the line","1:42:184": "New desire","1:44:150": "Take me higher","1:45:691": "boost me higher with your mind","1:48:203": "Set me on fire","1:49:645": "Get the satellite","1:51:347": "if you want to see me","1:52:769": "Talking on the net","1:54:379": "I know the way you like it","1:55:896": "Get your credit card","1:57:307": "'cause I need no money","1:58:617": "All I wanna get is you","2:1:97": "baby","2:1:814": "Running in the 90's","2:4:582": "is a new way I like to be","2:7:196": "I'm just running in the 90's","2:10:595": "Come on baby, run to me","2:13:233": "We are running in the 90's","2:16:673": "it's a new way to set me free","2:19:225": "I'm just running in the 90's","2:22:868": "Yes, I wanna know","2:24:325": "yes, I wanna see","2:42:690": "New desire","2:48:845": "I need fire","3:2:496": "Running in the 90's","3:5:165": "is a new way I like to be","3:7:744": "I'm just running in the 90's","3:11:424": "Come on, baby, run to me","3:13:885": "We are running in the 90's","3:17:333": "it's a new way to set me free","3:19:971": "I'm just running in the 90's","3:23:451": "Yes, I wanna know","3:24:949": "yes, I wanna see","3:45:179": "Take me higher","3:46:699": "lift me higher with your speed","3:49:356": "I need fire","3:50:937": "Get the satellite","3:53:983": "talking on the net","3:56:922": "Get your credit card","4:0:4": "all I wanna get","4:2:899": "Running in the 90's","4:8:968": "Running in the 90's","4:15:200": "Running in the 90's","4:21:190": "Running in the 90's",},}, {name: "Initial D - No One Sleep In Tokyo",src: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059159650026659842/1075151008910561330/Initial_D_-_No_One_Sleep_In_Tokyo.mp3",sync: {"666": "(4... 3... 2... 1...)","19:197": "no one sleep in Tokyo","22:301": "all right crossing the line","25:392": "no one quit the radio","28:432": "Tokyo is on fire","43:821": "even if you say","45:341": "'I have been the world wide'","47:124": "I'll take you where","48:190": "surely you have never been","50:558": "all right in the fight","52:47": "I'm OK... come on","56:5": "come on","59:374": "hey do you feel","1:0:688": "the night is breathable","1:2:760": "look at this town","1:3:347": "which is unbelievable","1:4:805": "no other places","1:6:21": "like that in the world","1:9:264": "worldddd","1:10:144": "worlddddddddd (1, 2, 3, 4)","1:11:825": "no one sleep in Tokyo","1:14:843": "all right crossing the line","1:18:137": "no one quit the radio","1:21:203": "Tokyo is on fire","1:24:393": "no one sleep in Tokyo","1:27:302": "all right crossing the line","1:30:403": "no one quit the radio","1:33:473": "Tokyo is on fire","1:48:894": "turning to the left","1:50:364": "easy chicks and red lights","1:52:367": "and to the right","1:53:305": "crazy music everywhere","1:55:705": "all right in the fight","1:56:855": "I'm OK... come on","2:0:924": "come on","2:4:448": "hey do you feel","2:5:832": "the night is breathable","2:7:767": "look at this town","2:8:514": "which is unbelievable","2:10:885": "no other places","2:11:984": "like that in the world","2:14:333": "worldddd","2:15:245": "worlddddddddd (1, 2, 3, 4)","2:16:842": "no one sleep in Tokyo","2:20:26": "all right crossing the line","2:23:77": "no one quit the radio","2:26:286": "Tokyo is on fire","2:29:266": "no one sleep in Tokyo","2:32:487": "all right crossing the line","2:35:436": "no one quit the radio","2:38:546": "Tokyo is on fire","3:18:369": "(come on)","3:32:566": "(1, 2, 3, 4)","3:37:328": "all right crossing the line","3:43:658": "Tokyo is on fire","3:59:82": "hey do you feel","4:0:318": "the night is breathable","4:2:486": "look at this town","4:3:515": "which is unbelievable","4:5:525": "no other places","4:6:600": "like that in the world","4:8:992": "worldddd","4:9:680": "worlddddddddd (1, 2, 3, 4)","4:11:454": "no one sleep in Tokyo","4:14:568": "all right crossing the line","4:17:616": "no one quit the radio","4:20:747": "Tokyo is on fire","4:23:779": "no one sleep in Tokyo","4:26:950": "all right crossing the line","4:30:51": "no one quit the radio","4:33:70": "Tokyo is on fire",},}];let converToJSDelay = (time) => {let newTime = time.split(":").reverse();time = 0;let convert = [6e4 * 60, 6e4, 1000, 1].reverse();newTime.forEach((b, c) => {time += b * convert[c];});return 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items.projectiles[items.weapons[player.weapons[1]].projectile].range : 90000;let proDmg = pro ? items.projectiles[items.weapons[player.weapons[1]].projectile].dmg : 0;let noEmpGuy = enemies.find(e => e.skinIndex != 22);let tur = player.canShot(other, 1) && other == noEmpGuy;let turDmg = tur ? 25 * (other.skin?.dmgMult || 1) : 0;let health = other.health - (damage ?? 0);let stop = function() {choose(player.weapons[0], true);autoHit(false);};let checkCondition = function(weapon, ...indxs) {let dist = UTILS.getDistance(other.x2, other.y2, player.x2, player.y2);if (aik) {return dist <= Math.min(ham ? 75 : pro ? proRang : 9999, items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range) +63 && indxs.every(indx => {if (!player.canShot(other, indx)) return false;return true;});} else return true;};if (player.weapons[0]) {if (player.reloads[player.weapons[0]]) return;if (ham && checkCondition(player.weapons[1], 1)) {if (player.reloads[player.weapons[1]]) return;let hat = skinConditions(other.skinIndex == 11 ? 22 : 7, 6, 0);let remBull = player.variants[player.weapons[0]].id > 0;let accessory = tailConditions(player.health < 100 ? 18 : 21, 18, 16, 19, 13, 0);let priDamage = items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg * player.variants[player.weapons[0]].val * (store.hats.find(e => e.id == hat)?.dmgMultO || 1) * (other.skin?.dmgMult || 1);let secDamage = 10 * player.variants[10].val * (other.skin?.dmgMult || 1);if (priDamage + secDamage * 1.5 + turDmg < health) return false;let dir = UTILS.getDirection(other.x2, other.y2, player.x2, player.y2);instakill.toDo = [function() {equips(hat, 21);choose(player.weapons[0], true);watch(dir);}, function() {watch(dir);equips(remBull ? 53 : hat, 21);choose(player.weapons[1], true);autoHit(true);}];let add = [];if (remBull) {add = [stop];} else {add = [stop, function() {equips(53, 21);}];}instakill.toDo.unshift(...add);} else if (pro && checkCondition(player.weapons[0], items.weapons[player.weapons[1]].projectile)) {if (player.reloads[player.weapons[1]]) return;let hat = skinConditions(other.skinIndex == 11 ? 22 : 7, 6, 0);let accessory = tailConditions(player.health < 100 ? 18 : 21, 18, 16, 19, 13, 0);let priDamage = items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg * player.variants[player.weapons[0]].val * (store.hats.find(e => e.id == hat)?.dmgMultO || 1) * (other.skin?.dmgMult || 1);let secDamage = proDmg * (other.skin?.dmgMult || 1);if (priDamage + secDamage + turDmg < health) return false;let dir = UTILS.getDirection(other.x2, other.y2, player.x2, player.y2);instakill.toDo = [stop, function() {equips(priDamage + secDamage >= health ? 6 : 53, 21);choose(player.weapons[1], true);io.send("2", dir);}, function() {watch(dir);equips(hat, 21);choose(player.weapons[0], true);autoHit(true);}];chat(document.getElementById('instachat').value)let add = [];instakill.toDo.unshift(...add);} else if (!player.shootCount && checkCondition(player.weapons[0], 1)) { }}},};var autoKillerHit = {toDo: [],try: function(other, damage) {if (!settings.autoKillerHit) return;if (autoKillerHit.toDo.length) return;if (!other || !other.visible) return;let ham = player.weapons[1] == 10;let noEmpGuy = enemies.find(e => e.skinIndex != 22);let tur = player.canShot(other, 1) && other == noEmpGuy;let turDmg = tur ? 25 * (other.skin?.dmgMult || 1) : 0;let health = other.health - (damage ?? 0);let dist = UTILS.getDistance(other.x2, other.y2, player.x2, player.y2);let stop = function() {choose(player.weapons[0], true);autoHit(false);};let hat = skinConditions(other.skinIndex == 11 ? 22 : 7, 6, 0);let remBull = player.variants[player.weapons[0]].id > 0;let accessory = tailConditions(player.health < 100 ? 18 : 21, 18, 16, 19, 13, 0);let priDamage = items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].dmg * player.variants[player.weapons[0]].val * (store.hats.find(e => e.id == hat)?.dmgMultO || 1) * (other.skin?.dmgMult || 1);let secDamage = 10 * player.variants[10].val * (other.skin?.dmgMult || 1);if (!player.reloads[10] && ham && dist <= 133 && health <= secDamage + turDmg) {let dir = UTILS.getDirection(other.x2, other.y2, player.x2, player.y2);autoKillerHit.toDo = [function() {watch(dir);equips(hat, 21);choose(player.weapons[1], true);autoHit(true);},];let add = [];if (health <= secDamage) {add = [stop];} else {add = [stop, function() {equips(53, 21);}];}autoKillerHit.toDo.unshift(...add);} else if (!player.reloads[player.weapons[0]] && health <= priDamage + turDmg && dist <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + 63) {let dir = UTILS.getDirection(other.x2, other.y2, player.x2, player.y2);autoKillerHit.toDo = [function() {watch(dir);equips(hat, 21);choose(player.weapons[0], true);autoHit(true);},];let add = [];if (health <= priDamage) {add = [stop];} else {add = [stop, function() {equips(53, 21);}];}autoKillerHit.toDo.unshift(...add);} else if ([player.weapons[0], 10].every(indx => {if (player.reloads[indx]) return false;return true;}) && ham && dist <= 133 && health <= priDamage + secDamage + turDmg) {let dir = UTILS.getDirection(other.x2, other.y2, player.x2, player.y2);autoKillerHit.toDo = [function() {choose(player.weapons[0], true);watch(dir);}, function() {watch(dir);equips(hat, 21);choose(player.weapons[1], true);autoHit(true);},];let add = [];if (health <= priDamage + secDamage) {add = [stop];} else {add = [stop, function() {equips(53, 21);}];}autoKillerHit.toDo.unshift(...add);}},};var autoKillerShot = {toDo: [],try: function(other, damage) {if (!settings.autoKillerShot) return;if (autoKillerShot.toDo.length) return;if (!other || !other.visible) return;if (!player.weapons[1] || items.weapons[player.weapons[1]].projectile == undefined || player.reloads[player.weapons[1]]) return;let noEmpGuy = enemies.find(e => e.skinIndex != 22);let tur = player.canShot(other, 1) && other == noEmpGuy;let turDmg = tur ? 25 * (other.skin?.dmgMult || 1) : 0;let proDmg = items.projectiles[items.weapons[player.weapons[1]].projectile].dmg * (other.skin?.dmgMult || 1);let health = other.health - (damage ?? 0);let stop = function() {choose(player.weapons[0], true);autoHit(false);};if (proDmg + turDmg < health) return;let dir = UTILS.getDirection(other.x2, other.y2, player.x2, player.y2);autoKillerShot.toDo = [function() {watch(dir);choose(player.weapons[1], true);autoHit(true);},];let add = [];if (health <= proDmg) {add = [stop];} else {add = [stop, function() {equips(53, 21);}];}autoKillerShot.toDo.unshift(...add);},};var autoKillerSpike = {try: function(other, damage) {if (!settings.autoKillerSpike) return;if (!other || !other.visible) return;let health = other.health - (damage ?? 0);let dir = UTILS.getDirection(other.x2, other.y2, player.x2, player.y2);let angles = new Array(Math.ceil((35 + items.list[player.items[2]].scale) / 20)).map((a, b) => a + b * 20);let negativeAngles = angles.map(a => a + -1);let allAngles = [...angles, ...negativeAngles];let pos;let placedAngle;if ((placedAngle = allAngles.find(angle => health <= items.list[player.items[2]].dmg && UTILS.getDirection(other.x2, other.y2, (pos = player.buildPosition(items.list[player.items[2]], angle)).x2, pos.y2) <=items.list[player.items[2]].scale + 35 && player.buildItem(items.list[player.items[2]], angle)))) {place(player.items[2], placedAngle);}},};var autoPlacer = {last: 0,};var risklyAreas = [];var leaderboardPlayers = [];var teammates = [];var enemies = [];var autos = [autoKillerHit, autoKillerShot, instakill];var anythingWorks = function() {let anyAutoWorking = autos.find(e => e.toDo.length);return anyAutoWorking || auto.equiper.allowCount || auto.watcher.allowCount;};var tickCount = 0;var lastShameReset = 0;var oldChatText = "";var chat = function(text) {if (!player.alive) return;if (oldChatText == text) return false;io.send("ch", text);setTimeout(() => {oldChatText = "";}, 3e3);return true;};var oldMoveAngle = null;var move = function(angle) {if (!player.alive) return;if (oldMoveAngle == angle) return true;io.send("33", angle);return true;};var buy = function(index, isTail) {if (!player.alive) return;if (myPlayer[(isTail ? "tails" : "skins")][index]) return true;let obj = store[(isTail ? "accessories" : "hats")].find(e => e.id == index);if (obj && player.points < obj.price) return false;if (myPlayer.lastTry.buy[(isTail ? "tail" : "skin") + "Index"] == index) return true;io.send("13c", 1, index, isTail);return true;};var buys = function(skin, tail) {if (!player.alive) return;buy(skin);buy(tail, 1);};var equip = function(index, isTail) {if (!player.alive) return;if (!myPlayer[(isTail ? "tails" : "skins")][index] && myPlayer.lastTry.equip[(isTail ? "tail" : "skin") + "Index"] != 0)return io.send("13c", 0, 0, isTail);if (myPlayer.lastTry.equip[(isTail ? "tail" : "skin") + "Index"] == index) return true;io.send("13c", 0, index, isTail);return true;};var equips = function(skin, tail) {if (!player.alive) return;buy(skin);equip(skin);equip(buy(tail, 1) ? tail : 0, 1);};var oldWatchAngle = 0;var watch = function(direction) {if (!player.alive) return;if (UTILS.getAngleDist(oldWatchAngle, direction) < UTILS.toRad(35)) return;io.send("2", direction);};var oldBuild = -1;var oldWeapon = 0;var choose = function(index, isWpn) {if (!player.alive) return;if (!player[isWpn ? "weapons" : "items"].includes(index)) return;if (isWpn) {if (oldBuild == -1 && oldWeapon == index) return;io.send("5", index, true);} else {if (oldBuild == index) return;io.send("5", index);}};var place = function(item, angle = mouseAngle()) {if (!player.alive) return;if (!player.items.includes(item)) return;if (player.buildItem(items.list[item], angle)) {choose(item);io.send("c", 1, angle);choose(oldWeapon, true);anythingWorks() || settings.autoTrapBreaker && player.lockMove && gameObjects.find(e => e.active && e.trap && e.owner.sid != player.sid && !alliancePlayers.includes(e.owner.sid) && UTILS.getDistance(e.x, e.y, player.x2, player.y2) <= 50) || mouse.which == 2 && watch(player.d2);if(item >= 6 && item <= 9){for (let tmpObj of enemies.filter(e => UTILS.getDistance(e.x2, e.y2, ...Object.values(player.buildPosition(items.list[player.items[2]], angle))) <= 35 + items.list[player.items[2]].scale)) {autoKillerHit.try(tmpObj, items.list[player.items[2]].dmg);}}return true;}};var hit = function() { };var autoHitToggle = 0;var autoHit = function(toggle) {if (toggle) {autoHitToggle == 0 && io.send("7", 1);autoHitToggle++;} else {autoHitToggle == 1 && io.send("7", 1);autoHitToggle--;}};var skinConditions = function() {for (let skin of arguments) {if (player.skins[skin] || store.hats.find(e => e.id == skin)?.price <= player.points) return skin;}}var tailConditions = function() {for (let tail of arguments) {if (player.tails[tail] || store.accessories.find(e => e.id == tail)?.price <= player.points) return tail;}}let buttonReLeft = 0;function keysActive() {return (allianceMenu.style.display != "block"&& chatHolder.style.display != "block");}document.addEventListener("keydown", event => {let key = event.key.toLowerCase();if (key == "escape") {buttonReLeft = !buttonReLeft;$("#topInfoHolder").toggle();$("#modMenus").toggle();$("#allianceButton").css("left", buttonReLeft ? "270px" : "425px");$("#storeButton").css("left", buttonReLeft ? "270px" : "425px");}if (keysActive()) {let togglePlacer = function(i) {macro.placer.t = true;macro.placer.i = i;}switch (key) {case settings.autoGrindHotkey:autoGrindHotkey.toggle = !autoGrindHotkey.toggle;autoHit(autoGrindHotkey.toggle);breakcase settings.instakillHotkey:instakill.toggle = !instakill.toggle;breakcase settings.autoMillHotkey:chat("!mills")autoMill.toggle = !autoMill.toggle;breakcase settings.healHotkey:key == "q" && io.send("5", oldWeapon, true);togglePlacer(0);breakcase settings.spikeHotkey:togglePlacer(2);chat("  spike! ")breakcase settings.trapHotkey:togglePlacer(4);breakcase settings.turretHotkey:togglePlacer(5);chat("  turret! ")breakcase "+":chat("ByFloatingCloud")breakcase "c":(() => {singing.toggle = !singing.toggle;chat("sing: "+singing.toggle)timeouts.forEach(e => clearTimeout(e));timeouts = [];let song = songs.find(e => e.name == settings.songChats);singing.name = settings.songChats;if (singing.toggle && singing.audio) {singing.audio.onended = function() {singing.toggle = false;singing.audio.currentTime = 0;singing.audio.pause()};singing.audio.play();for (let time in song.sync) {let message = song.sync[time];timeouts.push(setTimeout(() => {chat(message ?? "");}, time));}} else {singing.audio && (singing.audio.currentTime = 0, singing.audio.pause());}})();break}}});document.addEventListener("keyup", event => {let key = event.key.toLowerCase();if ([settings.healHotkey, settings.spikeHotkey, settings.trapHotkey, settings.turretHotkey].includes(key)) {macro.placer.t = false;}});var commands = {p: "!",u: {changePrefix: function(prefix) {this.prefix = prefix;},sync: function() { },},t: {sync: function() { },},};var myPlayer = {lastTry: {equip: {skin_index: 0,tail_index: 0,},buy: {skin_index: 0,tail_index: 0,},choose: [-1, null],},skins: [],tails: [],};var enemy = {};var teammate = {};var getPlayer = function(sid) {return players.find(e => e.sid == sid);};var getObject = function(sid) {return gameObjects.find(e => e.sid == sid);};var getAI = function(sid) {return ais.find(e => e.sid == sid);};var getProjectile = function(sid) {return projectiles.find(e => e.sid == sid);};var autoImg = {inRisk: {image: "https://icones.pro/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/symbole-cible-rouge.png",target: null,},instaable: {image: "https://icones.pro/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/symbole-cible-noir.png",target: null,},};var manualImg = {enemyRadar: {image: "https://www.onlygfx.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/grunge-triangle-1-####x940.png",}};[autoImg, manualImg].forEach(each => {Object.values(each).forEach(_each => {let image = document.createElement("img");image.src = _each.image;image.loaded = false;image.onload = function() {image.loaded = true;}_each.image = image;})});var smtWorking = false;var auto = {watcher: {allowCount: 0,start: function() {this.allowCount++;},stop: function() {this.allowCount = Math.max(0, this.allowCount - 1);},},equiper: {allowCount: 0,start: function() {this.allowCount++;},stop: function() {this.allowCount = Math.max(0, this.allowCount - 1);},},};var handleMessage = {manage: function(x) {let [packet, data] = msgpack.decode(new Uint8Array(x));handleMessage[packet](...data);},"2": function(direction) {oldWatchAngle = direction;},"33": function(direction) {oldMoveAngle = direction;},"5": function(index, isWpn) {isWpn ? (oldBuild = -1, oldWeapon = index) : oldBuild = index;},"6": function() { },"7": function() { },"8": function() { },"9": function() {alliancePlayers = [];},"10": function() { },"11": function() { },"12": function() { },"13c": function(isBuy, index, isTail) {if (isBuy) {myPlayer.lastTry.buy[(isTail ? "tail" : "skin") + "_index"] = index;myPlayer[isTail ? "tails" : "skins"][index] = true;} else {myPlayer.lastTry.equip[(isTail ? "tail" : "skin") + "_index"] = index;}},"14": function() { },"sp": function() { },"pp": function() { },"c": function(hit, direction) {direction != null && hit && (oldWatchAngle = direction);},"rmd": function() { },"ch": function(message, isMirror) {oldChatText = message;if (isMirror || !message.length) return;let splittedMessage = message.split(commands.p);if (splittedMessage.length < 2) return;splittedMessage = splittedMessage[1].split(" -");let command = splittedMessage[0],values = [];if (splittedMessage.length > 1) {values = splittedMessage.slice(1, splittedMessage.length);}commands.u[command] && commands.u[command](...values);}};WebSocket.prototype._send = WebSocket.prototype.send;WebSocket.prototype.send = function(datas) {if (!connected) {connected = true;connectSocket(this);setTimeout(() => settings.autoSpawn && io.send("sp", {name: nameInput.value,moofoll: 1,skin: 6,}), 1);}this.send = function(datas) {let [packet, data, isMods] = msgpack.decode(new Uint8Array(datas));if (["2", "c"].includes(packet) && !isMods) return;handleMessage.manage(datas);antiCheatCalculator.sentToServer();this._send(datas);};this.send(datas);};function io_init() { }function setInitData(datas) {alliances = datas.teams;}function disconnect(reason) {console.log("web socket closed because of " + reason);}function setupGame(sid) {playerSID = sid;}function addPlayer(datas, isYou) {var tmpPlayer = players.find(e => e.id == datas[0]);if (!tmpPlayer) {tmpPlayer = new Player(datas[0], datas[1], config, UTILS, projectileManager,objectManager, players, ais, items, ...Object.values(store));players.push(tmpPlayer);}tmpPlayer.spawn(isYou ? 1 : null);tmpPlayer.visible = false;tmpPlayer.x2 = undefined;tmpPlayer.y2 = undefined;tmpPlayer.setData(datas);if (isYou) {player = tmpPlayer;camX = player.x;camY = player.y;}}function removePlayer(id) {for (var i = 0; i < players.length; i++) {if (players[i].id == id) {players.splice(i, 1);break;}}}function upgradeDatas(tmpObj) {if (tmpObj != player) {let dists = [UTILS.getDistance(player.x2, player.y2, tmpObj.x2, tmpObj.y2), UTILS.getDistance(player.x2, player.y2,enemies[0]?.x2, enemies[0]?.y2)];if (tmpObj.team && tmpObj.team == player.team) {dists = [UTILS.getDistance(player.x2, player.y2, tmpObj.x2, tmpObj.y2), UTILS.getDistance(player.x2, player.y2,teammates[0]?.x2, teammates[0]?.y2)];if (teammates.length && dists[0] < dists[1]) teammates.unshift(tmpObj);else teammates.push(tmpObj);} else if (enemies.length && dists[0] < dists[1]) enemies.unshift(tmpObj);else enemies.push(tmpObj);}}function updatePlayers(datas) {tickCount++;var tmpTime = Date.now();for (let tmpObj of players) {tmpObj.forcePos = !tmpObj.visible;tmpObj.visible = false;}teammates = [];enemies = [];for (let i = 0; i < datas.length;) {let data = datas.slice(i, i + 13);let tmpObj = getPlayer(data[0]);if (tmpObj) {tmpObj.t1 = (tmpObj.t2 === undefined) ? tmpTime : tmpObj.t2;tmpObj.t2 = tmpTime;tmpObj.x1 = tmpObj.x;tmpObj.y1 = tmpObj.y;tmpObj.x3 = tmpObj.x2;tmpObj.y3 = tmpObj.y2;tmpObj.x2 = data[1];tmpObj.y2 = data[2];tmpObj.d1 = (tmpObj.d2 === undefined) ? data[3] : tmpObj.d2;tmpObj.d2 = data[3];tmpObj.dt = 0;tmpObj.buildIndex = data[4];tmpObj.weaponIndex = data[5];tmpObj.weaponVariant = data[6];tmpObj.team = data[7];tmpObj.isLeader = data[8];tmpObj.skinIndex = data[9];tmpObj.tailIndex = data[10];tmpObj.iconIndex = data[11];tmpObj.zIndex = data[12];tmpObj.visible = true;tmpObj.update(1e3 / 9);upgradeDatas(tmpObj);i += 13;}}enemy = enemies[0];teammate = teammates[0];pushToTick.forEach(e => e.action(...e.datas));pushToTick = [];runScript();}function runScript() {objectManager.getObjects(0, 0, config.mapScale).forEach(e => {e.shootCount = Math.max(0, e.shootCount - 1e3 / 9);});if (!player.team) alliancePlayers = [];macro.placer.t && place(player.items[macro.placer.i]);let trap = gameObjects.find(e => e.active && e.trap && e.owner.sid != player.sid && !alliancePlayers.includes(e.owner.sid) && UTILS.getDistance(e.x, e.y, player.x2, player.y2) <= 50);let autoTrapBreaker = settings.autoTrapBreaker && player.lockMove && trap;if (autoMill.toggle) {if (UTILS.getDistance(player.x2, player.y2, autoMill.x, autoMill.y) > items.list[player.items[3]].scale * 2) {let tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(player.x3, player.y3, player.x2, player.y2);place(player.items[3], tmpDir - UTILS.toRad(72));place(player.items[3], tmpDir);place(player.items[3], tmpDir + UTILS.toRad(72));autoMill.x = player.x2;autoMill.y = player.y2;}} else if(autoGrindHotkey.toggle){if(autoGrindHotkey.last > 3){equips(40, 11);place(player.items[5] || player.items[3], mouseAngle() + UTILS.toRad(50));place(player.items[5] || player.items[3], mouseAngle() - UTILS.toRad(50));} else autoGrindHotkey.last++;} else if (settings.autoPlacer) {if (enemies.length && autoPlacer.last > 4) {autoPlacer.last = 0;let trap = enemy.lockMove && gameObjects.find(e => e.active && e.trap && e.owner.sid != enemy.sid && UTILS.getDistance(e.x, e.y, enemy.x2, enemy.y2) <= 50);let dist = UTILS.getDistance(enemy.x2, enemy.y2, player.x2, player.y2);let dir = UTILS.getDirection(enemy.x2, enemy.y2, player.x2, player.y2);let spikeScale = items.list[player.items[2]].scale;if (autoTrapBreaker) {place(player.items[2], UTILS.getDirection(trap.x, trap.y, player.x2, player.y2) + Math.PI);} else if (trap) {let minRangeForSpike = 35 + 50 + items.list[player.items[2]].scale + (items.list[player.items[2]].placeOffset ||0);let dist2 = UTILS.getDistance(trap.x, trap.y, player.x2, player.y2);let dir2 = UTILS.getDistance(trap.x, trap.y, player.x2, player.y2);if (dist <= minRangeForSpike) {for (let i = dist <= 50 + 35 && player.items[4] == 15 && place(player.items[4], dir2) ? 50 + items.list[player.items[2]].scale : 0; i < 360; i += 30) {let angle = UTILS.toRad(i);place(player.items[2], dir2 + angle) && (i += 45);}} else if (dist <= minRangeForSpike + 35 + items.list[player.items[2]].scale) {for (let i = 0; i < 35; i += 35 / 7) {let angle = UTILS.toRad(spikeScale + i);if (place(player.items[2], dir2 + angle)) break;}for (let i = 0; i < 35; i += 35 / 7) {let angle = UTILS.toRad(spikeScale + i);if (place(player.items[2], dir2 - angle)) break;}place(player.items[2], dir2);}} else if (player.items[4] == 15 && dist < 300) {for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 45) {let angle = UTILS.toRad(i);place(player.items[4], dir + angle) && (i += 50);}}} else autoPlacer.last++;}autos.forEach(e => e.toggle != undefined && e.toDo.length && (e.toggle = false));autos.forEach(e => (e.toggle ?? true) && enemies.forEach(t => {!anythingWorks() && e.try(t);}));enemies.forEach(t => {autoKillerSpike.try(t);})let stopAnothers = false;for (let e of autos) {if (e.toDo.length) {e.toDo.pop()();stopAnothers = true;break;}}if (stopAnothers) { } else {!autoTrapBreaker && mouse.which == null && smtWorking && (smtWorking--, autoHit(false));let usedAntiTrap = false;if ((autoTrapBreaker || mouse.which != null) && !player.reloads[oldWeapon]) {if (!smtWorking) {smtWorking++;if (autoTrapBreaker) {if (settings.antiTrap) {let dir = UTILS.getDirection(trap.x, trap.y, player.x2, player.y2) - Math.PI * 1.5;if (enemies.length) {usedAntiTrap = true;if (UTILS.getDistance(enemy.x2, enemy.y2, player.x2, player.y2) < 300) {for (let i = 0; i < 180; i += 18) {let angle = UTILS.toRad(i);place(player.items[2], dir + angle) && (i += items.list[player.items[2]].scale / 2);}} else if (player.items[4] == 15) {for (let i = 0; i < 180; i += 18) {let angle = UTILS.toRad(i);place(player.items[4], dir + angle) && (i += 25);}}}}}autoHit(true);}if (autoTrapBreaker || mouse.which == 2) {let mode = autoTrapBreaker ? settings.autoTrapBreakerModes : "normal";let activeMode = false;mode == "offensive" ? (activeMode = enemies.find(e => UTILS.getAngleDist(UTILS.getDirection(e.x2, e.y2, player.x2, player.y2),UTILS.getDirection(trap.x, trap.y, player.x2, player.y2)) < Math.PI / 2.6 && UTILS.getDistance(e.x2, e.y2, player.x2, player.y2) <= items.weapons[player.weapons[0]].range + 63)) : activeMode = true;equips(autoTrapBreaker ? (settings.fullSoldierOnAutoTrapBreaker ? 6 : activeMode && mode == "offensive" ? skinConditions(7, 21, 40) : 40) : 40, 21);choose((mode != "offensive" || !activeMode) && player.weapons[1] == 10 ? 10 : player.weapons[0], true);watch(autoTrapBreaker ? UTILS.getDirection(trap.x, trap.y, player.x2, player.y2) : mouseAngle());} else if (mouse.which == 0) {equips(7, 21);choose(player.weapons[0], true);watch(enemies.length ? UTILS.getDirection(enemy.x2, enemy.y2, player.x2, player.y2) : mouseAngle());} else if (mouse.which == 1) {equips(21, 21);choose(player.weapons[0], true);watch(enemies.length ? UTILS.getDirection(enemy.x2, enemy.y2, player.x2, player.y2) : mouseAngle());}} else {settings.autoWeaponCharger && ([player.weapons[1] ?? player.weapons[0], player.weapons[0]].every(e => {if(player.reloads[e]) return choose(e, 1);return false;}));if (auto.equiper.allowCount == 0) {let autoCX = autoTrapBreaker || mouse.which != null;let inRiver = player.y2 > 14400 / 2 - 724 / 2 && player.y2 < 14400 / 2 + 724 / 2;let date;let autoTrapBreakerMode = autoTrapBreaker ? settings.autoTrapBreakerModes : "normal";let activeMode = false;autoTrapBreakerMode == "defensive" && (activeMode = enemies.find(e => UTILS.getDistance(e.x2, e.y2, player.x2, player.y2) <= items.weapons[e.weapons[0]].range + 63));if (settings.autoShameReseter && player.shameCount > 0 && (tickCount - lastShameReset) % 5 == 0) {equips(7, 13);} else if(settings.autoEmp && gameObjects.find(e => e.id == 17 && e.owner.sid != player.sid && !alliancePlayers.includes(e.owner.sid) && UTILS.getDistance(e.x, e.y, player.x2, player.y2) <= 700)){equips(22, autoCX ? 21 : 11);} else if ((settings.autoDamager || autoTrapBreakerMode == "defensive" && activeMode) && enemies.length && enemies.find(e => !e.reloads[e.weaponIndex] &&(date = Date.now() - window.pingTime - e.lastHit) && (!date || date > items.weapons[e.weaponIndex].speed * 2 || date > items.weapons[e.weaponIndex].speed &&date < items.weapons[e.weaponIndex].speed + 1e3 / 9) &&UTILS.getDistance(e.x2, e.y2, player.x2, player.y2) <= items.weapons[e.weaponIndex].range + 63)) {chat(" K bullti " )equips(autoTrapBreakerMode == "defensive" && activeMode ? 26 : 11, 21);} else if (settings.autoSoldier && enemies.length && UTILS.getDistance(enemy.x2, enemy.y2, player.x2, player.y2) < 300 && (!inRiver || settings.autoSoldierInRiver)) {equips(6, autoCX ? 21 : 11);} else if (settings.autoBiomeHat) {if (player.y2 <= 2400) {equips(15, autoCX ? 21 : 11);} else if (inRiver) {equips(31, autoCX ? 21 : 11);} else equips(12, autoCX ? 21 : 11);} else equips(12, autoCX ? 21 : 11);}if (!smtWorking && auto.watcher.allowCount == 0) {watch(mouseAngle());}}}}function updateLeaderboard(datas) {leaderboardPlayers = [];for (let i = 0; i < datas.length;) {let data = datas.slice(i, i + 3);leaderboardPlayers.push({sid: data[0],name: data[1],points: data[2]});i += 3;}}function loadGameObject(datas) {for (var i = 0; i < datas.length;) {let data = datas.slice(i, i + 8);objectManager.add(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], items.list[data[6]], true, (data[7] >= 0 ? {sid: data[7],} : null));i += 8;}}function loadAI(datas) {for (let tmpObj of ais) {tmpObj.forcePos = !tmpObj.visible;tmpObj.visible = false;}if (datas) {let tmpTime = Date.now();for (let i = 0; i < datas.length;) {let data = datas.slice(i, i + 7);let tmpObj = getAI(data[0]);if (tmpObj) {tmpObj.index = data[1];tmpObj.t1 = (tmpObj.t2 === undefined) ? tmpTime : tmpObj.t2;tmpObj.t2 = tmpTime;tmpObj.x1 = tmpObj.x;tmpObj.y1 = tmpObj.y;tmpObj.x2 = data[2];tmpObj.y2 = data[3];tmpObj.d1 = (tmpObj.d2 === undefined) ? data[4] : tmpObj.d2;tmpObj.d2 = data[4];let amount = data[5] - tmpObj.health;tmpObj.lastBleed.amount = amount;tmpObj.lastBleed.time = tmpTime - window.pingTime;tmpObj.health = data[5];tmpObj.dt = 0;tmpObj.visible = true;} else {tmpObj = aiManager.spawn(data[2], data[3], data[4], data[1]);tmpObj.x2 = tmpObj.x;tmpObj.y2 = tmpObj.y;tmpObj.d2 = tmpObj.dir;tmpObj.health = data[5];if (!aiManager.aiTypes[data[1]].name) tmpObj.name = config.cowNames[data[6]];tmpObj.forcePos = true;tmpObj.sid = data[0];tmpObj.visible = true;}tmpObj.update(1e3 / 9);i += 7;}}}function animateAI(sid) {let tmpObj = getAI(sid);}function gatherAnimation(sid, didHit, index) {let tmpObj = getPlayer(sid);tmpObj.gather(index, didHit);}function wiggleGameObject(dir, sid) {let tmpObj = getObject(sid);if (tmpObj) {tmpObj.lastWiggle = Date.now() - window.pingTime;tmpObj.xWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.cos(dir);tmpObj.yWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.sin(dir);}}function shootTurret(sid, dir) {let tmpObj = getObject(sid);if (tmpObj) {tmpObj.shootCount = tmpObj.shootRate;tmpObj.dir = dir;tmpObj.xWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.cos(dir + Math.PI);tmpObj.yWiggle += config.gatherWiggle * Math.sin(dir + Math.PI);}}function updatePlayerValue(index, value, updateView) {if (player) {player.addResource(index, value);}}var autoHeal;function updateHealth(sid, value) {let tmpObj = getPlayer(sid);if (tmpObj) {let amount = value - tmpObj.health;tmpObj.changeHealth(value);if (player == tmpObj && amount == -5 + (tmpObj.tail?.healthRegen ? 3 : 0)) {lastShameReset = tickCount;}if (tmpObj == player && value < 100) {let doMaxHeal = function() {clearInterval(autoHeal);for (let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(Math.min(100 - value, 50) / items.list[player.items[0]].consume); i++) place(player.items[0]);}if (settings.autoHeal) {clearInterval(autoHeal);autoHeal = setInterval(() => {if (player.alive && player.health < 100) {if (Date.now() - window.pingTime - player.lastBleed.time > 120) {doMaxHeal();}} else clearInterval(autoHeal);}, 1);}if (player.shameCount < 6) {let antiInstalet bullDagger = new Array(4).fill(30).map((a, b) => a * config.weaponVariants[b].val);let bullDagger_ai = enemies.filter(e => UTILS.getDistance(e.x2, e.y2, player.x2, player.y2) <= 300&& (e.weapons[1] == undefined || items.weapons[e.weapons[1]].projectile != undefined)&& e.weapons[0] == 7&& [7, e.weapons[1] ?? 7].every(a => {if (e.reloads[a]) return false;return true;}) && !e.shootCount);let sword_both = new Array(8).fill(35).map((a, b) => a * config.weaponVariants[b > 3 ? b - 4 : b].val * (b > 3 ? 1.5 : 1));let sword_ai = enemies.filter(e => UTILS.getDistance(e.x2, e.y2, player.x2, player.y2) <= 300&& (e.weapons[1] == undefined || items.weapons[e.weapons[1]].projectile != undefined)&& e.weapons[0] == 3&& [3, e.weapons[1] ?? 3].every(a => {if (e.reloads[a]) return false;return true;}));let soldierBullSword = new Array(2).fill(35 * 1.5 * 0.75).map((a, b) => a * config.weaponVariants[b + 2].val);let soldierBullSword_ai = sword_ai.filter(e => !e.shootCount);let polearm_both = new Array(8).fill(45).map((a, b) => a * config.weaponVariants[b > 3 ? b - 4 : b].val * (b > 3 ? 1.5 : 1));let polearm_ai = enemies.filter(e => UTILS.getDistance(e.x2, e.y2, player.x2, player.y2) <= 300&& (e.weapons[1] == undefined || items.weapons[e.weapons[1]].projectile != undefined)&& e.weapons[0] == 5&& [5, e.weapons[1] ?? 5].every(a => {if (e.reloads[a]) return false;return true;}));let soldierBullPolearm_both = new Array(4).fill(45 * .75 * 1.5).map((a, b) => a * config.weaponVariants[b].val);let soldierBullPolearm_ai = polearm_ai.filter(e => !e.shootCount);let bullKatana = new Array(4).fill(40 * 1.5).map((a, b) => a * config.weaponVariants[b].val);let hammer_both = new Array(8).fill(10).map((a, b) => a * config.weaponVariants[b > 3 ? b - 4 : b].val * (b > 3 ? 1.5 : 1));let hammer_ai = enemies.filter(e => UTILS.getDistance(e.x2, e.y2, player.x2, player.y2) <= 300&& [undefined, 10].includes(e.weapons[1])&& [0, 4, 5].includes(e.weapons[0])&& [e.weapons[0], 10 ?? e.weapons[0]].every(a => {if (e.reloads[a]) return false;return true;}) && !e.shootCount);let antiInstaWorked = false;if (settings.antiInsta) {if (bullDagger.includes(-amount) && bullDagger_ai.length) {doMaxHeal();chat(" ax!anti ")} else if (sword_both.includes(-amount) && (amount <= -35 * 1.5 ? sword_ai.length : soldierBullSword_ai.length)) {doMaxHeal();chat(" ax!anti ")} else if (soldierBullSword.includes(-amount) && soldierBullSword_ai.length) {doMaxHeal();chat(" ax!anti ")} else if (polearm_both.includes(-amount) && (amount <= -45 * 1.5 ? polearm_ai.length : soldierBullPolearm_ai.length)) {doMaxHeal();chat(" ax!anti ")} else if (soldierBullPolearm_both.includes(-amount) && soldierBullPolearm_ai.length) {doMaxHeal();chat(" ax!anti ")} else if ((bullKatana.includes(-amount) || hammer_both.includes(-amount) || amount == -25) && hammer_ai.length) {doMaxHeal();chat(" ax!anti ")}}if (!antiInstaWorked && value <= 50 && settings.antiLowHealth) {chat(" ax!anti ")doMaxHeal();}}}}}function killPlayer() {player.kill();oldWeapon = 0;oldBuild = -1;smtWorking = 0;autoHitToggle = 0;auto.equiper.allowCount = 0;auto.watcher.allowCount = 0;autoPlacer.last = 0;autoGrindHotkey.toggle = 0;smtWorking = false;clearInterval(autoHeal);}function killObject(sid) {let tmpObj = getObject(sid);if (tmpObj) {if (settings.autoReplacer && enemies.length && UTILS.getDistance(tmpObj.x, tmpObj.y, player.x2, player.y2) <= 200) {let spike = items.list[player.items[2]];let trap = items.list[15];let dist = UTILS.getDistance(enemy.x2, enemy.y2, player.x2, player.y2);let dir = UTILS.getDirection(enemy.x2, enemy.y2, player.x2, player.y2);let ignoreStraight = false;if (dist < 200) {for (let i = 0; i < 90 - spike.scale; i += 5) {let angle = spike.scale + UTILS.toRad(i);if (place(player.items[2], dir + angle)) {break;}}for (let i = 0; i < 90 - spike.scale; i += 5) {let angle = spike.scale + UTILS.toRad(i);if (place(player.items[2], dir - angle)) {break;}}if(place(player.items[2], dir)) {}} else if (dist < 350 && player.items[4] == 15) {for (let i = 0; i < 360; i += 10) {let angle = UTILS.toRad(i);place(player.items[4], angle) && (i += trap.scale);}}}}objectManager.disableBySid(sid);}function killObjects(sid) {if (player) objectManager.removeAllItems(sid);}function updateItemCounts(index, value) {if (player) {player.changeItemCount(index, value);}}function updateAge(xp, maxXP, age) {player.earnXP(xp);}function updateUpgrades(points, age) { }function updateItems(datas, wpn) {if (datas) {if (wpn) player.weapons = datas;else player.items = datas;if (wpn) {oldWeapon = player.weapons[Number(oldWeapon > 8)];oldWeapon == undefined && (oldWeapon = player.weapons[0]);}}}function addProjectile(x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, layer, sid) {projectileManager.addProjectile(x, y, dir, range, speed, indx, null, null, layer, sid);}function removeProjectile(sid, range) {let tmpObj = projectiles.find(e => e.sid == sid);tmpObj && (tmpObj.range = range);}function serverShutdownNotice(countdown) {if (countdown < 0) return;var minutes = Math.floor(countdown / 60);var seconds = countdown % 60;seconds = ("0" + seconds).slice(-2);}function addAlliance(datas) {alliances.push(datas);}function deleteAlliance(sid) {for (var i = alliances.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {if (alliances[i].sid == sid) alliances.splice(i, 1);}}function allianceNotification(sid, name) {allianceNotifications.push({sid: sid,name: name});}function setPlayerTeam(team, isOwner) {if (player) {player.team = team;player.isOwner = isOwner;}}function setAlliancePlayers(datas) {alliancePlayers = datas;}function updateStoreItems(type, id, index) {if (index) {if (!type) player.tails[id] = 1;else player.tailIndex = id;} else {if (!type) player.skins[id] = 1;else player.skinIndex = id;}}function receiveChat(sid, message) {let tmpObj = getPlayer(sid);if (tmpObj != player && settings.mirrorChat) {chat(message);}}let kills = 10;setInterval(getkills, 250);function getkills(){var count = parseInt(document.getElementById("killCounter").innerText);if(count > kills){chat("Bad !")}kills = count;}let lhat, lacc;let startRes = setInterval(() => {window.follmoo && (window.follmoo(), clearInterval(startRes));}, 10);function updateMinimap(datas) {minimapData = datas;}function showText(x, y, value, type) { }function pingMap(x, y) {for (var i = 0; i < mapPings.length; ++i) {if (!mapPings[i].active) {tmpPing = mapPings[i];break;}}if (!tmpPing) {tmpPing = new MapPing();mapPings.push(tmpPing);}tmpPing.init(x, y);}function pingSocketResponse() {console.log("got ping");}// GET ITEM SPRITE:var itemSprites = [];function getItemSprite(obj, asIcon) {var tmpSprite = itemSprites[obj.id];if (!tmpSprite || asIcon) {var tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');tmpCanvas.width = tmpCanvas.height = (obj.scale * 2.5) + outlineWidth +(items.list[obj.id]?.spritePadding || 0);var tmpContext = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d');tmpContext.translate((tmpCanvas.width / 2), (tmpCanvas.height / 2));tmpContext.rotate(asIcon ? 0 : (Math.PI / 2));tmpContext.strokeStyle = outlineColor;tmpContext.lineWidth = outlineWidth * (asIcon ? (tmpCanvas.width / 81) : 1);if (obj.name == "apple") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c15555";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#89a54c";var leafDir = -(Math.PI / 2);renderLeaf(obj.scale * Math.cos(leafDir), obj.scale * Math.sin(leafDir),25, leafDir + Math.PI / 2, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "cookie") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#cca861";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#937c4b";var chips = 4;var rotVal = Math.PI * 2 / chips;var tmpRange;for (var i = 0; i < chips; ++i) {tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(obj.scale / 2.5, obj.scale / 1.7);renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i),UTILS.randInt(4, 5), tmpContext, true);}} else if (obj.name == "cheese") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#f4f3ac";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c3c28b";let chips = 4;let rotVal = Math.PI * 2 / chips;let tmpRange;for (let i = 0; i < chips; ++i) {tmpRange = UTILS.randInt(obj.scale / 2.5, obj.scale / 1.7);renderCircle(tmpRange * Math.cos(rotVal * i), tmpRange * Math.sin(rotVal * i),UTILS.randInt(4, 5), tmpContext, true);}} else if (obj.name == "wood wall" || obj.name == "stone wall" || obj.name == "castle wall") {tmpContext.fillStyle = (obj.name == "castle wall") ? "#83898e" : (obj.name == "wood wall") ?"#a5974c" : "#939393";var sides = (obj.name == "castle wall") ? 4 : 3;renderStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = (obj.name == "castle wall") ? "#9da4aa" : (obj.name == "wood wall") ?"#c9b758" : "#bcbcbc";renderStar(tmpContext, sides, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65);tmpContext.fill();} else if (obj.name == "spikes" || obj.name == "greater spikes" || obj.name == "poison spikes" ||obj.name == "spinning spikes") {tmpContext.fillStyle = (obj.name == "poison spikes") ? "#7b935d" : "#939393";var tmpScale = (obj.scale * 0.6);renderStar(tmpContext, (obj.name == "spikes") ? 5 : 6, obj.scale, tmpScale);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c9b758";renderCircle(0, 0, tmpScale / 2, tmpContext, true);} else if (obj.name == "windmill" || obj.name == "faster windmill" || obj.name == "power mill") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#c9b758";renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 1.5, 29, 4, tmpContext);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.5, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "mine") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#939393";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale, obj.scale);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#bcbcbc";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.55, obj.scale * 0.65);tmpContext.fill();} else if (obj.name == "sapling") {for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {let tmpScale = obj.scale * (!i ? 1 : 0.5);renderStar(tmpContext, 7, tmpScale, tmpScale * 0.7);tmpContext.fillStyle = (!i ? "#9ebf57" : "#b4db62");tmpContext.fill();if (!i) tmpContext.stroke();}} else if (obj.name == "pit trap") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 1.1, obj.scale * 1.1);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = outlineColor;renderStar(tmpContext, 3, obj.scale * 0.65, obj.scale * 0.65);tmpContext.fill();} else if (obj.name == "boost pad") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#dbd97d";renderTriangle(obj.scale * 1, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "turret") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#a5974c";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#939393";var tmpLen = 50;renderRect(0, -tmpLen / 2, obj.scale * 0.9, tmpLen, tmpContext);renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.6, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();} else if (obj.name == "platform") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#cebd5f";var tmpCount = 4;var tmpS = obj.scale * 2;var tmpW = tmpS / tmpCount;var tmpX = -(obj.scale / 2);for (let i = 0; i < tmpCount; ++i) {renderRect(tmpX - (tmpW / 2), 0, tmpW, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpX += tmpS / tmpCount;}} else if (obj.name == "healing pad") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#db6e6e";renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, tmpContext, true);} else if (obj.name == "spawn pad") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderRect(0, 0, obj.scale * 2, obj.scale * 2, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.fillStyle = "#71aad6";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.6, tmpContext);} else if (obj.name == "blocker") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#db6e6e";renderRectCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.65, 20, 4, tmpContext, true);} else if (obj.name == "teleporter") {tmpContext.fillStyle = "#7e7f82";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale, tmpContext);tmpContext.fill();tmpContext.stroke();tmpContext.rotate(Math.PI / 4);tmpContext.fillStyle = "#d76edb";renderCircle(0, 0, obj.scale * 0.5, tmpContext, true);}tmpSprite = tmpCanvas;if (!asIcon) itemSprites[obj.id] = tmpSprite;}return tmpSprite;}// RENDER LEAF:function renderLeaf(x, y, l, r, ctxt) {var endX = x + (l * Math.cos(r));var endY = y + (l * Math.sin(r));var width = l * 0.4;ctxt.moveTo(x, y);ctxt.beginPath();ctxt.quadraticCurveTo(((x + endX) / 2) + (width * Math.cos(r + Math.PI / 2)),((y + endY) / 2) + (width * Math.sin(r + Math.PI / 2)), endX, endY);ctxt.quadraticCurveTo(((x + endX) / 2) - (width * Math.cos(r + Math.PI / 2)),((y + endY) / 2) - (width * Math.sin(r + Math.PI / 2)), x, y);ctxt.closePath();ctxt.fill();ctxt.stroke();}// RENDER CIRCLE:function renderCircle(x, y, scale, tmpContext, dontStroke, dontFill) {tmpContext = tmpContext || mainContext;tmpContext.beginPath();tmpContext.arc(x, y, scale, 0, 2 * Math.PI);if (!dontFill) tmpContext.fill();if (!dontStroke) tmpContext.stroke();}// RENDER STAR SHAPE:function renderStar(ctxt, spikes, outer, inner) {var rot = Math.PI / 2 * 3;var x, y;var step = Math.PI / spikes;ctxt.beginPath();ctxt.moveTo(0, -outer);for (var i = 0; i < spikes; i++) {x = Math.cos(rot) * outer;y = Math.sin(rot) * outer;ctxt.lineTo(x, y);rot += step;x = Math.cos(rot) * inner;y = Math.sin(rot) * inner;ctxt.lineTo(x, y);rot += step;}ctxt.lineTo(0, -outer);ctxt.closePath();}// RENDER RECTANGLE:function renderRect(x, y, w, h, ctxt, stroke) {ctxt.fillRect(x - (w / 2), y - (h / 2), w, h);!stroke && ctxt.strokeRect(x - (w / 2), y - (h / 2), w, h);}// RENDER RECTCIRCLE:function renderRectCircle(x, y, s, sw, seg, ctxt, stroke) {ctxt.save();ctxt.translate(x, y);seg = Math.ceil(seg / 2);for (var i = 0; i < seg; i++) {renderRect(0, 0, s * 2, sw, ctxt, stroke);ctxt.rotate(Math.PI / seg);}ctxt.restore();}// RENDER BLOB:function renderBlob(ctxt, spikes, outer, inner) {var rot = Math.PI / 2 * 3;var x, y;var step = Math.PI / spikes;var tmpOuter;ctxt.beginPath();ctxt.moveTo(0, -inner);for (var i = 0; i < spikes; i++) {tmpOuter = UTILS.randInt(outer + 0.9, outer * 1.2);ctxt.quadraticCurveTo(Math.cos(rot + step) * tmpOuter, Math.sin(rot + step) * tmpOuter,Math.cos(rot + (step * 2)) * inner, Math.sin(rot + (step * 2)) * inner);rot += step * 2;}ctxt.lineTo(0, -inner);ctxt.closePath();}// RENDER TRIANGLE:function renderTriangle(s, ctx) {ctx = ctx || mainContext;var h = s * (Math.sqrt(3) / 2);ctx.beginPath();ctx.moveTo(0, -h / 2);ctx.lineTo(-s / 2, h / 2);ctx.lineTo(s / 2, h / 2);ctx.lineTo(0, -h / 2);ctx.fill();ctx.closePath();}CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawIMG = function(image, x, y, width, height, direction = 0, borderRadius = 0) {let src = document.createElement("img");src.src = image;return (this.save(),this.translate(x, y),this.rotate(direction),this.beginPath(),this.moveTo(-width / 2 + borderRadius, -height / 2),this.lineTo(-width / 2 + width - borderRadius, -height / 2),this.quadraticCurveTo(-width / 2 + width, -height / 2, -width / 2 + width, -height / 2 + borderRadius),this.lineTo(-width / 2 + width, -height / 2 + height - borderRadius),this.quadraticCurveTo(-width / 2 + width, -height / 2 + height, -width / 2 + width - borderRadius, -height / 2 +height),this.lineTo(-width / 2 + borderRadius, -height / 2 + height),this.quadraticCurveTo(-width / 2, -height / 2 + height, -width / 2, -height / 2 + height - borderRadius),this.lineTo(-width / 2, -height / 2 + borderRadius),this.quadraticCurveTo(-width / 2, -height / 2, -width / 2 + borderRadius, -height / 2),this.closePath(),this.clip(),this.drawImage(src, -width / 2, -height / 2, width, height),this.restore())}function updateScript() {if (player) {var tmpDist = UTILS.getDistance(camX, camY, player.x, player.y);var tmpDir = UTILS.getDirection(player.x, player.y, camX, camY);var camSpd = Math.min(tmpDist * 0.01 * delta, tmpDist);if (tmpDist > 0.05) {camX += camSpd * Math.cos(tmpDir);camY += camSpd * Math.sin(tmpDir);} else {camX = player.x;camY = player.y;}} else {camX = config.mapScale / 2;camY = config.mapScale / 2;}// INTERPOLATE PLAYERS AND AI:var lastTime = now - (1000 / config.serverUpdateRate);let tmpDiff;for (var i = 0; i < players.length + ais.length; ++i) {tmpObj = players[i] || ais[i - players.length];if (tmpObj && tmpObj.visible) {if (tmpObj.forcePos) {tmpObj.x = tmpObj.x2;tmpObj.y = tmpObj.y2;tmpObj.dir = tmpObj.d2;} else {var total = tmpObj.t2 - tmpObj.t1;var fraction = lastTime - tmpObj.t1;var ratio = (fraction / total);var rate = 170;tmpObj.dt += delta;var tmpRate = Math.min(1.7, tmpObj.dt / rate);let tmpDiff = (tmpObj.x2 - tmpObj.x1);tmpObj.x = tmpObj.x1 + (tmpDiff * tmpRate);tmpDiff = (tmpObj.y2 - tmpObj.y1);tmpObj.y = tmpObj.y1 + (tmpDiff * tmpRate);tmpObj.dir = Math.lerpAngle(tmpObj.d2, tmpObj.d1, Math.min(1.2, ratio));}}}// RENDER CORDS:var xOffset = camX - (maxScreenWidth / 2);var yOffset = camY - (maxScreenHeight / 2);/*for (let tmpObj of gameObjects) {if (tmpObj.active) {if (tmpObj.health != undefined) {let tmpText = Math.round(tmpObj.health);mainContext.font = "20px Hammersmith One";mainContext.fillStyle = tmpObj.owner.sid == playerSID ? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151";mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";mainContext.lineWidth = 8;mainContext.lineJoin = "round";mainContext.strokeText(tmpText, tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset);mainContext.fillText(tmpText, tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset);if(tmpObj.id == 17){mainContext.save();mainContext.globalAlpha = 0.6;mainContext.beginPath();mainContext.strokeStyle = tmpObj.owner.sid == player.sid ? "#8ecc51" : "#cc5151";mainContext.lineWidth = 3;mainContext.arc(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset, 700, 0, Math.PI*2);mainContext.stroke();mainContext.restore();}}}}*/for (let tmpObj of risklyAreas) {mainContext.save();mainContext.beginPath();mainContext.filter = "blur(2px)";mainContext.fillStyle = "red";mainContext.arc(tmpObj.x - xOffset, tmpObj.y - yOffset, 10, 0, Math.PI * 2);mainContext.fill();mainContext.restore();}for (let tmpObj of players) {if (tmpObj.visible) {let tmpText = (tmpObj.team ? "[" + tmpObj.team + "] " : "") + (tmpObj.name || "");mainContext.font = "32px Hammersmith One";mainContext.fillStyle = "pink";mainContext.beginPath();mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.beginPath();mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";mainContext.lineWidth = 8;mainContext.lineJoin = "round";mainContext.strokeText(tmpObj.shameCount,tmpObj.x - xOffset + mainContext.measureText(tmpText).width / 2 + 32,tmpObj.y - yOffset - config.nameY - tmpObj.scale,);mainContext.fillText(tmpObj.shameCount,tmpObj.x - xOffset + mainContext.measureText(tmpText).width / 2 + 32,tmpObj.y - yOffset - config.nameY - tmpObj.scale,);let tmpWidth = config.healthBarWidth;let tmpPad = config.healthBarPad;// PRIMARY RELOAD PAD:mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - tmpWidth - tmpPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 17 + tmpPad, tmpWidth +tmpPad * 2, 17, 8);mainContext.fill();// PRIMARY RELOAD BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.weapons[0]] ?`hsl(${200 * ((items.weapons[tmpObj.weapons[0]].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.weapons[0]]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.weapons[0]].speed) + 153}, 64%, 68%)` :"#CC8751";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - tmpWidth,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + tmpPad * 2 - 17,tmpWidth - tmpWidth * (tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.weapons[0]] / items.weapons[tmpObj.weapons[0]].speed), 17 -tmpPad * 2, 7);mainContext.fill();// SECONDARY RELOAD PAD:mainContext.fillStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset - tmpPad,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY - 17 + tmpPad, tmpWidth +tmpPad * 2, 17, 8);mainContext.fill();// SECONDARY RELOAD BAR:mainContext.fillStyle = tmpObj.weapons[1] && tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.weapons[1]] ?`hsl(${200 * ((items.weapons[tmpObj.weapons[1]].speed - tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.weapons[1]]) / items.weapons[tmpObj.weapons[1]].speed) + 153}, 64%, 68%)` :"#CC8751";mainContext.roundRect(tmpObj.x - xOffset,(tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + tmpPad * 2 - 17,(tmpObj.weapons[1] ? tmpWidth - tmpWidth * (tmpObj.reloads[tmpObj.weapons[1]] / items.weapons[tmpObj.weapons[1]].speed) : tmpWidth), 17 - tmpPad * 2, 7);mainContext.fill();let underText = `[${Number(tmpObj.shootCount == 0)}]`;mainContext.font = "15px Hammersmith One";mainContext.fillStyle = "#fff";mainContext.strokeStyle = darkOutlineColor;mainContext.textBaseline = "middle";mainContext.textAlign = "center";mainContext.lineWidth = 7;mainContext.lineJoin = "round";mainContext.strokeText(underText, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + 15 *1.5 + 5);mainContext.fillText(underText, tmpObj.x - xOffset, (tmpObj.y - yOffset + tmpObj.scale) + config.nameY + 15 * 1.5 +5);for (let each of Object.values(autoImg)) {if (each.image.loaded && tmpObj.sid == each.target) {mainContext.drawImage(each.image, tmpObj.x - xOffset - 35, tmpObj.y - yOffset - 35, 70, 70);}}if (tmpObj != player && (!tmpObj.team || tmpObj.team != player.team)) {if (manualImg.enemyRadar.image.loaded) {let dir = UTILS.getDirection(tmpObj.x, tmpObj.y, player.x, player.y);let dist = UTILS.getDistance(tmpObj.x, tmpObj.y, player.x, player.y);//1248mainContext.globalAlpha = dist < 70 ? 0 : Math.max(0, 1 - 700 / dist / 2);mainContext.drawIMG(manualImg.enemyRadar.image.src,player.x - xOffset + Math.cos(dir) * dist / 2,player.y - yOffset + Math.sin(dir) * dist / 2,30,30,dir + Math.PI / 2,0);mainContext.globalAlpha = 1;}}}}}function doUpdate() {now = Date.now();delta = now - lastUpdate;lastUpdate = now;updateScript();window.requestAnimFrame(doUpdate);};doUpdate();};}),});document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {__webpack_require__("./script/src/js/app.js").run();}, false);!function(e) {var t = {};function i(n) {if (t[n])return t[n].exports;var s = t[n] = {i: n,l: !1,exports: {}};return e[n].call(s.exports, s, s.exports, i),s.l = !0,s.exports}i.m = e,i.c = t,i.d = function(e, t, n) {i.o(e, t) || Object.defineProperty(e, t, {enumerable: !0,get: n})},i.r = function(e) {"undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, {value: "Module"}),Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {value: !0})},i.t = function(e, t) {if (1 & t && (e = i(e)),8 & t)return e;if (4 & t && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule)return e;var n = Object.create(null);if (i.r(n),Object.defineProperty(n, "default", {enumerable: !0,value: e}),2 & t && "string" != typeof e)for (var s in e)i.d(n, s, function(t) {return e[t]}.bind(null, s));return n},i.n = function(e) {var t = e && e.__esModule ? function() {return e.default}: function() {return e};return i.d(t, "a", t),t},i.o = function(e, t) {return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t)},i.p = "",i(i.s = 2)}([function(e, t, i) {(function(t) {e.exports.maxScreenWidth = 1920,e.exports.maxScreenHeight = 1080,e.exports.serverUpdateRate = 9,e.exports.maxPlayers = t && -1 != t.argv.indexOf("--largeserver") ? 80 : 40,e.exports.maxPlayersHard = e.exports.maxPlayers + 10,e.exports.collisionDepth = 6,e.exports.minimapRate = 3e3,e.exports.colGrid = 10,e.exports.clientSendRate = 5,e.exports.healthBarWidth = 50,e.exports.healthBarPad = 4.5,e.exports.iconPadding = 15,e.exports.iconPad = .9,e.exports.deathFadeout = 3e3,e.exports.crownIconScale = 60,e.exports.crownPad = 35,e.exports.chatCountdown = 3e3,e.exports.chatCooldown = 500,e.exports.inSandbox = t && "mm_exp" === t.env.VULTR_SCHEME,e.exports.maxAge = 100,e.exports.gatherAngle = Math.PI / 2.6,e.exports.gatherWiggle = 10,e.exports.hitReturnRatio = .25,e.exports.hitAngle = Math.PI / 2,e.exports.playerScale = 35,e.exports.playerSpeed = .0016,e.exports.playerDecel = .993,e.exports.nameY = 34,e.exports.skinColors = ["#bf8f54", "#cbb091", "#896c4b", "#fadadc", "#ececec", "#c37373", "#4c4c4c", "#ecaff7", "#738cc3", "#8bc373"],e.exports.animalCount = 7,e.exports.aiTurnRandom = .06,e.exports.cowNames = ["Sid", "Steph", "Bmoe", "Romn", "Jononthecool", "Fiona", "Vince", "Nathan", "Nick", "Flappy", "Ronald", "Otis", "Pepe", "Mc Donald", "Theo", "Fabz", "Oliver", "Jeff", "Jimmy", "Helena", "Reaper", "Ben", "Alan", "Naomi", "XYZ", "Clever", "Jeremy", "Mike", "Destined", "Stallion", "Allison", "Meaty", "Sophia", "Vaja", "Joey", "Pendy", "Murdoch", "Theo", "Jared", "July", "Sonia", "Mel", "Dexter", "Quinn", "Milky"],e.exports.shieldAngle = Math.PI / 3,e.exports.weaponVariants = [{id: 0,src: "",xp: 0,val: 1}, {id: 1,src: "_g",xp: 3e3,val: 1.1}, {id: 2,src: "_d",xp: 7e3,val: 1.18}, {id: 3,src: "_r",poison: !0,xp: 12e3,val: 1.18}],e.exports.fetchVariant = function(t) {for (var i = t.weaponXP[t.weaponIndex] || 0, n = e.exports.weaponVariants.length - 1; n >= 0; --n)if (i >= e.exports.weaponVariants[n].xp)return e.exports.weaponVariants[n]},e.exports.resourceTypes = ["wood", "food", "stone", "points"],e.exports.areaCount = 7,e.exports.treesPerArea = 9,e.exports.bushesPerArea = 3,e.exports.totalRocks = 32,e.exports.goldOres = 7,e.exports.riverWidth = 724,e.exports.riverPadding = 114,e.exports.waterCurrent = .0011,e.exports.waveSpeed = 1e-4,e.exports.waveMax = 1.3,e.exports.treeScales = [150, 160, 165, 175],e.exports.bushScales = [80, 85, 95],e.exports.rockScales = [80, 85, 90],e.exports.snowBiomeTop = 2400,e.exports.snowSpeed = .75,e.exports.maxNameLength = 15,e.exports.mapScale = 14400,e.exports.mapPingScale = 40,e.exports.mapPingTime = 2200}).call(this, i(5))}, function(e, t) {var i = {utf8: {stringToBytes: function(e) {return i.bin.stringToBytes(unescape(encodeURIComponent(e)))},bytesToString: function(e) {return decodeURIComponent(escape(i.bin.bytesToString(e)))}},bin: {stringToBytes: function(e) {for (var t = [], i = 0; i < e.length; i++)t.push(255 & e.charCodeAt(i));return t},bytesToString: function(e) {for (var t = [], i = 0; i < e.length; i++)t.push(String.fromCharCode(e[i]));return t.join("")}}};e.exports = i}, function(e, t, i) {"use strict";window.loadedScript = !0;var n = "" !== location.hostname && !location.hostname.startsWith("192.168.");i(3);var s = i(4), o = i(6), a = i(7), r = i(0), c = i(8), l = i(9), h = (i(10),i(11)), u = i(12), d = i(19), f = i(20), p = i(21), g = i(22).obj, m = new a.TextManager, y = new (i(23))("moomoo.io",3e3,r.maxPlayers,5,!1);y.debugLog = !1;var k = !1;function w() {lt && ht && (k = !0,n ? 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"true" == e : "undefined" != typeof cordova),P = "true" == M("show_ping"),Ie.hidden = !P,M("moo_moosic"),setInterval((function() {window.cordova && (document.getElementById("downloadButtonContainer").classList.add("cordova"),document.getElementById("mobileDownloadButtonContainer").classList.add("cordova"))}), 1e3),Kt(),o.removeAllChildren(Oe);for (var t = 0; t < l.weapons.length + l.list.length; ++t)!function(e) {o.generateElement({id: "actionBarItem" + e,class: "actionBarItem",style: "display:none",onmouseout: function() {wt()},parent: Oe})}(t);for (t = 0; t < l.list.length + l.weapons.length; ++t)!function(e) {var t = document.createElement("canvas");t.width = t.height = 66;var i = t.getContext("2d");if (i.translate(t.width / 2, t.height / 2),i.imageSmoothingEnabled = !1,i.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = !1,i.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = !1,l.weapons[e]) {i.rotate(Math.PI / 4 + Math.PI);var n = new Image;Yi[l.weapons[e].src] = n,n.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = !0;var n = 1 / (this.height / this.width), s = l.weapons[e].iPad || 1;i.drawImage(this, -t.width * s * r.iconPad * n / 2, -t.height * s * r.iconPad / 2, t.width * s * n * r.iconPad, t.height * s * r.iconPad),i.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.1)",i.globalCompositeOperation = "source-atop",i.fillRect(-t.width / 2, -t.height / 2, t.width, t.height),document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + e).style.backgroundImage = "url(" + t.toDataURL() + ")"},n.src = ".././img/weapons/" + l.weapons[e].src + ".png",(s = document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + e)).onmouseover = o.checkTrusted((function() {wt(l.weapons[e], !0)})),s.onclick = o.checkTrusted((function() {yi(e, !0)})),o.hookTouchEvents(s)} else {n = Zi(l.list[e - l.weapons.length], !0);var s, a = Math.min(t.width - r.iconPadding, n.width);i.globalAlpha = 1,i.drawImage(n, -a / 2, -a / 2, a, a),i.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.1)",i.globalCompositeOperation = "source-atop",i.fillRect(-a / 2, -a / 2, a, a),document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + e).style.backgroundImage = "url(" + t.toDataURL() + ")",(s = document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + e)).onmouseover = o.checkTrusted((function() {wt(l.list[e - l.weapons.length])})),s.onclick = o.checkTrusted((function() {yi(e - l.weapons.length)})),o.hookTouchEvents(s)}}(t);Le.ontouchstart = o.checkTrusted((function(e) {e.preventDefault();var t = prompt("enter name", e.currentTarget.value);t && (e.currentTarget.value = t.slice(0, 15))})),xe.checked = C,xe.onchange = o.checkTrusted((function(e) {Yt(e.target.checked)})),Se.checked = P,Se.onchange = o.checkTrusted((function(e) {P = Se.checked,Ie.hidden = !P,T("show_ping", P ? "true" : "false")}))}())}), {id: st,d: ut,1: vi,2: gn,4: mn,33: vn,5: ji,6: on,a: un,aa: hn,7: Fi,8: an,sp: rn,9: kn,h: wn,11: Si,12: Ti,13: Ii,14: yn,15: Bi,16: Oi,17: Nt,18: cn,19: ln,20: Cn,ac: Ct,ad: Ot,an: Tt,st: Pt,sa: Et,us: Vt,ch: si,mm: Ft,t: bi,p: _t,pp: Tn}),ft(),setTimeout(()=>pt(), 3e3)}), (function(e) {console.error("Vultr error:", e),alert("Error:\n" + e),ut("disconnected")}))}var b, x = new g(r,o), S = Math.PI, I = 2 * S;function T(e, t) {b && localStorage.setItem(e, t)}function M(e) {return b ? localStorage.getItem(e) : null}Math.lerpAngle = function(e, t, i) {Math.abs(t - e) > S && (e > t ? t += I : e += I);var n = t + (e - t) * i;return n >= 0 && n <= I ? n : n % I},CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.roundRect = function(e, t, i, n, s) {return i < 2 * s && (s = i / 2),n < 2 * s && (s = n / 2),s < 0 && (s = 0),this.beginPath(),this.moveTo(e + s, t),this.arcTo(e + i, t, e + i, t + n, s),this.arcTo(e + i, t + n, e, t + n, s),this.arcTo(e, t + n, e, t, s),this.arcTo(e, t, e + i, t, s),this.closePath(),this},"undefined" != typeof Storage && (b = !0);var C, P, E, O, B, j, A, D, U, R, L, z, _, F, H = M("moofoll"), V = 1, q = Date.now(), W = [], X = [], G = [], N = [], Y = [], K = new p(f,Y,X,W,tt,l,r,o), J = i(35), Q = i(36), $ = new J(W,Q,X,l,null,r,o), Z = 1, ee = 0, te = 0, ie = 0, ne = {id: -1,startX: 0,startY: 0,currentX: 0,currentY: 0}, se = {id: -1,startX: 0,startY: 0,currentX: 0,currentY: 0}, oe = 0, ae = r.maxScreenWidth, re = r.maxScreenHeight, ce = !1, le = (document.getElementById("ad-container"),document.getElementById("mainMenu")), he = document.getElementById("enterGame"), ue = document.getElementById("promoImg"), de = document.getElementById("partyButton"), fe = document.getElementById("joinPartyButton"), pe = document.getElementById("settingsButton"), ge = pe.getElementsByTagName("span")[0], me = document.getElementById("allianceButton"), ye = document.getElementById("storeButton"), ke = document.getElementById("chatButton"), we = document.getElementById("gameCanvas"), ve = we.getContext("2d"), be = document.getElementById("serverBrowser"), xe = document.getElementById("nativeResolution"), Se = document.getElementById("showPing"), Ie = (document.getElementById("playMusic"),document.getElementById("pingDisplay")), Te = document.getElementById("shutdownDisplay"), Me = document.getElementById("menuCardHolder"), Ce = document.getElementById("guideCard"), Pe = document.getElementById("loadingText"), Ee = document.getElementById("gameUI"), Oe = document.getElementById("actionBar"), Be = document.getElementById("scoreDisplay"), je = document.getElementById("foodDisplay"), Ae = document.getElementById("woodDisplay"), De = document.getElementById("stoneDisplay"), Ue = document.getElementById("killCounter"), Re = document.getElementById("leaderboardData"), Le = document.getElementById("nameInput"), ze = document.getElementById("itemInfoHolder"), _e = document.getElementById("ageText"), Fe = document.getElementById("ageBarBody"), He = document.getElementById("upgradeHolder"), Ve = document.getElementById("upgradeCounter"), qe = document.getElementById("allianceMenu"), We = document.getElementById("allianceHolder"), Xe = document.getElementById("allianceManager"), Ge = document.getElementById("mapDisplay"), Ne = document.getElementById("diedText"), Ye = document.getElementById("skinColorHolder"), Ke = Ge.getContext("2d");Ge.width = 300,Ge.height = 300;var Je = document.getElementById("storeMenu"), Qe = document.getElementById("storeHolder"), $e = document.getElementById("noticationDisplay"), Ze = d.hats, et = d.accessories, tt = new h(c,N,o,r), it = "#525252", nt = "#3d3f42";function st(e) {G = e.teams}var ot = document.getElementById("featuredYoutube"), at = [{name: "Corrupt X",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0UH2LfQvBSeH24bmtbmITw"}, {name: "Tweak Big",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbwvzJ38AndDTkoX8sD9YOw"}, {name: "Arena Closer",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCazucVSJqW-kiHMIhQhD-QQ"}, {name: "Godenot",link: "https://www.youtube.com/user/SirGodenot"}, {name: "RajNoobTV",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVLo9brXBWrCttMaGzvm0-Q"}, {name: "TomNotTom",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7z97RgHFJRcv2niXgArBDw"}, {name: "Nation",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSl-MBn3qzjrIvLNESQRk-g"}, {name: "Pidyohago",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC04p8Mg8nDaDx04A9is2B8Q"}, {name: "Enigma",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5HhLbs3sReHo8Bb9NDdFrg"}, {name: "Bauer",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwU2TbJx3xTSlPqg-Ix3R1g"}, {name: "iStealth",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGrvlEOsQFViZbyFDE6t69A"}, {name: "SICKmania",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvVI98ezn4TpX5wDMZjMa3g"}, {name: "LightThief",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj6C_tiDeATiKd3GX127XoQ"}, {name: "Fortish",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCou6CLU-szZA3Tb340TB9_Q"}, {name: "巧克力",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgL6J6oL8F69vm-GcPScmwg"}, {name: "i Febag",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiU6WZwiKbsnt5xmwr0OFbg"}, {name: "GoneGaming",link: "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOcQthRanYcwYY0XVyVeK0g"}], rt = at[o.randInt(0, at.length - 1)];ot.innerHTML = "<a target='_blank' class='ytLink' href='" + rt.link + "'><i class='material-icons' style='vertical-align: top;'>&#xE064;</i> " + rt.name + "</a>";var ct = !0, lt = !1, ht = !1;function ut(e) {s.close(),dt(e)}function dt(e) {le.style.display = "block",Ee.style.display = "none",Me.style.display = "none",Ne.style.display = "none",Pe.style.display = "block",Pe.innerHTML = e + "<a href='javascript:window.location.href=window.location.href' class='ytLink'>reload</a>"}window.onblur = function() {ct = !1},window.onfocus = function() {ct = !0,A && A.alive && ui()},window.onload = function() {lt = !0,w(),setTimeout((function() {k || (alert("Captcha failed to load"),window.location.reload())}), 2e4)},window.captchaCallback = function() {ht = !0,w()},we.oncontextmenu = function() {return !1};function ft() {var e, t, i = "", n = 0;for (var s in y.servers) {for (var o = y.servers[s], a = 0, c = 0; c < o.length; c++)for (var l = 0; l < o[c].games.length; l++)a += o[c].games[l].playerCount;n += a;var h = y.regionInfo[s].name;i += "<option disabled>" + h + " - " + a + " players</option>";for (var u = 0; u < o.length; u++)for (var d = o[u], f = 0; f < d.games.length; f++) {var p = d.games[f], g = 1 * d.index + f + 1, m = y.server && y.server.region === d.region && y.server.index === d.index && y.gameIndex == f, k = h + " " + g + " [" + Math.min(p.playerCount, r.maxPlayers) + "/" + r.maxPlayers + "]";let e = y.stripRegion(s) + ":" + u + ":" + f;m && (de.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerText = e),i += "<option value='" + e + "' " + (m ? "selected" : "") + ">" + k + "</option>"}i += "<option disabled></option>"}i += "<option disabled>All Servers - " + n + " players</option>",be.innerHTML = i,"sandbox.moomoo.io" == location.hostname ? (e = "Back to MooMoo",t = "//moomoo.io/") : (e = "Try the sandbox",t = "//sandbox.moomoo.io/"),document.getElementById("altServer").innerHTML = "<a href='" + t + "'>" + e + "<i class='material-icons' style='font-size:10px;vertical-align:middle'>arrow_forward_ios</i></a>"}function pt() {var e = new XMLHttpRequest;e.onreadystatechange = function() {4 == this.readyState && (200 == this.status ? (window.vultr = JSON.parse(this.responseText),y.processServers(vultr.servers),ft()) : console.error("Failed to load server data with status code:", this.status))},e.open("GET", "/serverData", !0),e.send()}be.addEventListener("change", o.checkTrusted((function() {let e = be.value.split(":");y.switchServer(e[0], e[1], e[2])})));var gt = 3e5, mt = 0, yt = 0;function kt() {if (!window.adsbygoogle)return console.log("Failed to load video ad API"),void ki();window.adsbygoogle.push({type: "next",adBreakDone: ()=>{ki()}})}function wt(e, t, i) {if (A && e)if (o.removeAllChildren(ze),ze.classList.add("visible"),o.generateElement({id: "itemInfoName",text: o.capitalizeFirst(e.name),parent: ze}),o.generateElement({id: "itemInfoDesc",text: e.desc,parent: ze}),i);else if (t)o.generateElement({class: "itemInfoReq",text: e.type ? 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"#fff" : "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)"),text: It[e + 1],parent: We});A.isOwner && It[e] != A.sid && o.generateElement({class: "joinAlBtn",text: "Kick",onclick: function() {At(It[e])},hookTouch: !0,parent: t})}(e);else if (G.length)for (e = 0; e < G.length; ++e)!function(e) {var t = o.generateElement({class: "allianceItem",style: "color:" + (G[e].sid == A.team ? "#fff" : "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)"),text: G[e].sid,parent: We});o.generateElement({class: "joinAlBtn",text: "Join",onclick: function() {Dt(e)},hookTouch: !0,parent: t})}(e);elseo.generateElement({class: "allianceItem",text: "No Tribes Yet",parent: We});o.removeAllChildren(Xe),A.team ? o.generateElement({class: "allianceButtonM",style: "width: 360px",text: A.isOwner ? "Delete Tribe" : "Leave Tribe",onclick: function() {Rt()},hookTouch: !0,parent: Xe}) : (o.generateElement({tag: "input",type: "text",id: "allianceInput",maxLength: 7,placeholder: "unique name",ontouchstart: function(e) {e.preventDefault();var t = prompt("unique name", e.currentTarget.value);e.currentTarget.value = t.slice(0, 7)},parent: Xe}),o.generateElement({tag: "div",class: "allianceButtonM",style: "width: 140px;",text: "Create",onclick: function() {Ut()},hookTouch: !0,parent: Xe}))}}function jt(e) {s.send("11", St[0].sid, e),St.splice(0, 1),Mt()}function At(e) {s.send("12", e)}function Dt(e) {s.send("10", G[e].sid)}function Ut() {s.send("8", document.getElementById("allianceInput").value)}function Rt() {St = [],Mt(),s.send("9")}var Lt, zt = [];function _t(e, t) {for (var i = 0; i < zt.length; ++i)if (!zt[i].active) {Lt = zt[i];break}Lt || (Lt = new function() {this.init = function(e, t) {this.scale = 0,this.x = e,this.y = t,this.active = !0},this.update = function(e, t) {this.active && (this.scale += .05 * t,this.scale >= r.mapPingScale ? this.active = !1 : (e.globalAlpha = 1 - Math.max(0, this.scale / r.mapPingScale),e.beginPath(),e.arc(this.x / r.mapScale * Ge.width, this.y / r.mapScale * Ge.width, this.scale, 0, 2 * Math.PI),e.stroke()))}},zt.push(Lt)),Lt.init(e, t)}function Ft(e) {bt = e}var Ht = 0;function Vt(e, t, i) {i ? e ? A.tailIndex = t : A.tails[t] = 1 : e ? A.skinIndex = t : A.skins[t] = 1,"block" == Je.style.display && qt()}function qt() {if (A) {o.removeAllChildren(Qe);for (var e = Ht, t = e ? et : Ze, i = 0; i < t.length; ++i)t[i].dontSell || function(i) {var n = o.generateElement({id: "storeDisplay" + i,class: "storeItem",onmouseout: function() {wt()},onmouseover: function() {wt(t[i], !1, !0)},parent: Qe});o.hookTouchEvents(n, !0),o.generateElement({tag: "img",class: "hatPreview",src: "../img/" + (e ? "accessories/access_" : "hats/hat_") + t[i].id + (t[i].topSprite ? "_p" : "") + ".png",parent: n}),o.generateElement({tag: "span",text: t[i].name,parent: n}),(e ? A.tails[t[i].id] : A.skins[t[i].id]) ? (e ? A.tailIndex : A.skinIndex) == t[i].id ? o.generateElement({class: "joinAlBtn",style: "margin-top: 5px",text: "Unequip",onclick: function() {Wt(0, e)},hookTouch: !0,parent: n}) : o.generateElement({class: "joinAlBtn",style: "margin-top: 5px",text: "Equip",onclick: function() {Wt(t[i].id, e)},hookTouch: !0,parent: n}) : (o.generateElement({class: "joinAlBtn",style: "margin-top: 5px",text: "Buy",onclick: function() {Xt(t[i].id, e)},hookTouch: !0,parent: n}),o.generateElement({tag: "span",class: "itemPrice",text: t[i].price,parent: n}))}(i)}}function Wt(e, t) {s.send("13c", 0, e, t)}function Xt(e, t) {s.send("13c", 1, e, t)}function Gt() {Je.style.display = "none",qe.style.display = "none",ei()}function Nt(e, t) {e && (t ? A.weapons = e : A.items = e);for (var i = 0; i < l.list.length; ++i) {var n = l.weapons.length + i;document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + n).style.display = A.items.indexOf(l.list[i].id) >= 0 ? 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"o" : "M";var s = new RegExp(ni[i],"g");e = e.replace(s, t)}return e}(t),i.chatCountdown = r.chatCountdown)}function oi() {_ = window.innerWidth,F = window.innerHeight;var e = Math.max(_ / ae, F / re) * V;we.width = _ * V,we.height = F * V,we.style.width = _ + "px",we.style.height = F + "px",ve.setTransform(e, 0, 0, e, (_ * V - ae * e) / 2, (F * V - re * e) / 2)}function ai(e) {(ti = e) ? Ce.classList.add("touch") : Ce.classList.remove("touch")}function ri(e) {e.preventDefault(),e.stopPropagation(),ai(!0);for (var t = 0; t < e.changedTouches.length; t++) {var i = e.changedTouches[t];i.identifier == ne.id ? (ne.id = -1,gi()) : i.identifier == se.id && (se.id = -1,A.buildIndex >= 0 && (j = 1,fi()),j = 0,fi())}}function ci() {return A ? (-1 != se.id ? ii = Math.atan2(se.currentY - se.startY, se.currentX - se.startX) : A.lockDir || ti || (ii = Math.atan2(ie - F / 2, te - _ / 2)),o.fixTo(ii || 0, 2)) : 0}window.addEventListener("resize", o.checkTrusted(oi)),oi(),ai(!1),window.setUsingTouch = ai,we.addEventListener("touchmove", o.checkTrusted((function(e) {e.preventDefault(),e.stopPropagation(),ai(!0);for (var t = 0; t < e.changedTouches.length; t++) {var i = e.changedTouches[t];i.identifier == ne.id ? (ne.currentX = i.pageX,ne.currentY = i.pageY,gi()) : i.identifier == se.id && (se.currentX = i.pageX,se.currentY = i.pageY,j = 1)}})), !1),we.addEventListener("touchstart", o.checkTrusted((function(e) {if (!ce)return e.preventDefault(),!1;e.preventDefault(),e.stopPropagation(),ai(!0);for (var t = 0; t < e.changedTouches.length; t++) {var i = e.changedTouches[t];i.pageX < document.body.scrollWidth / 2 && -1 == ne.id ? 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(A.lockDir = A.lockDir ? 0 : 1,s.send("7", 0)) : null != A.weapons[t - 49] ? yi(A.weapons[t - 49], !0) : null != A.items[t - 49 - A.weapons.length] ? yi(A.items[t - 49 - A.weapons.length]) : 81 == t ? yi(A.items[0]) : 82 == t ? mi() : hi[t] ? gi() : 32 == t && (j = 1,fi())))}))),window.addEventListener("keyup", o.checkTrusted((function(e) {if (A && A.alive) {var t = e.which || e.keyCode || 0;13 == t ? $t() : di() && li[t] && (li[t] = 0,hi[t] ? gi() : 32 == t && (j = 0,fi()))}})));var pi = void 0;function gi() {var e = function() {var e = 0, t = 0;if (-1 != ne.id)e += ne.currentX - ne.startX,t += ne.currentY - ne.startY;elsefor (var i in hi) {var n = hi[i];e += !!li[i] * n[0],t += !!li[i] * n[1]}return 0 == e && 0 == t ? void 0 : o.fixTo(Math.atan2(t, e), 2)}();(null == pi || null == e || Math.abs(e - pi) > .3) && (s.send("33", e),pi = e)}function mi() {s.send("14", 1)}function yi(e, t) {s.send("5", e, t)}function ki() {window.FRVR && window.FRVR.tracker.levelStart("game_start"),T("moo_name", Le.value),!ce && s.connected && (ce = !0,x.stop("menu"),dt("Loading..."),s.send("sp", {name: "-"+Le.value+"-",moofoll: H,skin: 4})),function() {var e = document.getElementById("ot-sdk-btn-floating");e && (e.style.display = "none")}()}var wi = !0;function vi(e) {Pe.style.display = "none",Me.style.display = "block",le.style.display = "none",li = {},D = e,j = 0,ce = !0,wi && (wi = !1,N.length = 0)}function bi(e, t, i, n) {m.showText(e, t, 50, .18, 500, Math.abs(i), i >= 0 ? "#d90202" : "#a481f0")}var xi = 99999;function Si() {ce = !1,function() {var e = document.getElementById("ot-sdk-btn-floating");e && (e.style.display = "block")}();try {factorem.refreshAds([2], !0)} catch (e) {}Ee.style.display = "none",Gt(),vt = {x: A.x,y: A.y},Pe.style.display = "none",Ne.style.display = "block",Ne.style.fontSize = "0px",xi = 0,setTimeout((function() {Me.style.display = "block",le.style.display = "block",Ne.style.display = "none"}), r.deathFadeout),pt()}function Ii(e) {A && tt.removeAllItems(e)}function Ti(e) {tt.disableBySid(e)}function Mi() {Be.innerText = A.points,je.innerText = A.food,Ae.innerText = A.wood,De.innerText = A.stone,Ue.innerText = A.kills}var Ci = {}, Pi = ["crown", "skull"], Ei = [];function Oi(e, t) {if (A.upgradePoints = e,A.upgrAge = t,e > 0) {Ei.length = 0,o.removeAllChildren(He);for (var i = 0; i < l.weapons.length; ++i)l.weapons[i].age == t && (null == l.weapons[i].pre || A.weapons.indexOf(l.weapons[i].pre) >= 0) && (o.generateElement({id: "upgradeItem" + i,class: "actionBarItem",onmouseout: function() {wt()},parent: He}).style.backgroundImage = document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + i).style.backgroundImage,Ei.push(i));for (i = 0; i < l.list.length; ++i)if (l.list[i].age == t && (null == l.list[i].pre || A.items.indexOf(l.list[i].pre) >= 0)) {var n = l.weapons.length + i;o.generateElement({id: "upgradeItem" + n,class: "actionBarItem",onmouseout: function() {wt()},parent: He}).style.backgroundImage = document.getElementById("actionBarItem" + n).style.backgroundImage,Ei.push(n)}for (i = 0; i < Ei.length; i++)!function(e) {var t = document.getElementById("upgradeItem" + e);t.onmouseover = function() {l.weapons[e] ? wt(l.weapons[e], !0) : wt(l.list[e - l.weapons.length])},t.onclick = o.checkTrusted((function() {s.send("6", e)})),o.hookTouchEvents(t)}(Ei[i]);Ei.length ? (He.style.display = "block",Ve.style.display = "block",Ve.innerHTML = "SELECT ITEMS (" + e + ")") : (He.style.display = "none",Ve.style.display = "none",wt())} elseHe.style.display = "none",Ve.style.display = "none",wt()}function Bi(e, t, i) {null != e && (A.XP = e),null != t && (A.maxXP = t),null != i && (A.age = i),i == r.maxAge ? (_e.innerHTML = "MAX AGE",Fe.style.width = "100%") : (_e.innerHTML = "AGE " + A.age,Fe.style.width = A.XP / A.maxXP * 100 + "%")}function ji(e) {o.removeAllChildren(Re);for (var t = 1, i = 0; i < e.length; i += 3)!function(i) {o.generateElement({class: "leaderHolder",parent: Re,children: [o.generateElement({class: "leaderboardItem",style: "color:" + (e[i] == D ? "#fff" : "rgba(255,255,255,0.6)"),text: t + ". " + ("" != e[i + 1] ? e[i + 1] : "unknown")}), o.generateElement({class: "leaderScore",text: o.kFormat(e[i + 2]) || "0"})]})}(i),t++}let Ai = null;function Di(e, t, i, n) {ve.save(),ve.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),ve.scale(V, V);var s = 50;ve.beginPath(),ve.arc(e, t, s, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1),ve.closePath(),ve.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)",ve.fill(),s = 50;var o = i - e, a = n - t, r = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(o, 2) + Math.pow(a, 2)), c = r > s ? r / s : 1;o /= c,a /= c,ve.beginPath(),ve.arc(e + o, t + a, .5 * s, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1),ve.closePath(),ve.fillStyle = "white",ve.fill(),ve.restore()}function Ui(e, t, i) {for (var n = 0; n < Y.length; ++n)(U = Y[n]).active && U.layer == e && (U.update(E),U.active && pn(U.x - t, U.y - i, U.scale) && (ve.save(),ve.translate(U.x - t, U.y - i),ve.rotate(U.dir),Li(0, 0, U, ve, 1),ve.restore()))}var Ri = {};function Li(e, t, i, n, s) {if (i.src) {var o = l.projectiles[i.indx].src, a = Ri[o];a || ((a = new Image).onload = function() {this.isLoaded = !0},a.src = ".././img/weapons/" + o + ".png",Ri[o] = a),a.isLoaded && n.drawImage(a, e - i.scale / 2, t - i.scale / 2, i.scale, i.scale)} else1 == i.indx && (n.fillStyle = "#939393",en(e, t, i.scale, n))}function zi(e, t, i, n) {var s = r.riverWidth + n, o = r.mapScale / 2 - t - s / 2;o < re && o + s > 0 && i.fillRect(0, o, ae, s)}function _i(e, t, i) {for (var n, s, o, a = 0; a < N.length; ++a)(U = N[a]).active && (s = U.x + U.xWiggle - t,o = U.y + U.yWiggle - i,0 == e && U.update(E),U.layer == e && pn(s, o, U.scale + (U.blocker || 0)) && (ve.globalAlpha = U.hideFromEnemy ? .6 : 1,U.isItem ? (n = Zi(U),ve.save(),ve.translate(s, o),ve.rotate(U.dir),ve.drawImage(n, -n.width / 2, -n.height / 2),U.blocker && (ve.strokeStyle = "#db6e6e",ve.globalAlpha = .3,ve.lineWidth = 6,en(0, 0, U.blocker, ve, !1, !0)),ve.restore()) : (n = Qi(U),ve.drawImage(n, s - n.width / 2, o - n.height / 2))))}function Fi(e, t, i) {(U = bn(e)) && U.startAnim(t, i)}function Hi(e, t, i) {ve.globalAlpha = 1;for (var n = 0; n < X.length; ++n)(U = X[n]).zIndex == i && (U.animate(E),U.visible && (U.skinRot += .002 * E,z = (U == A ? ci() : U.dir) + U.dirPlus,ve.save(),ve.translate(U.x - e, U.y - t),ve.rotate(z),Vi(U, ve),ve.restore()))}function Vi(e, t) {(t = t || ve).lineWidth = 5.5,t.lineJoin = "miter";var i = Math.PI / 4 * (l.weapons[e.weaponIndex].armS || 1), n = e.buildIndex < 0 && l.weapons[e.weaponIndex].hndS || 1, s = e.buildIndex < 0 && l.weapons[e.weaponIndex].hndD || 1;if (e.tailIndex > 0 && function(e, t, i) {if (!(qi = Gi[e])) {var n = new Image;n.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = !0,this.onload = null},n.src = ".././img/accessories/access_" + e + ".png",Gi[e] = n,qi = n}var s = Ni[e];if (!s) {for (var o = 0; o < et.length; ++o)if (et[o].id == e) {s = et[o];break}Ni[e] = s}qi.isLoaded && (t.save(),t.translate(-20 - (s.xOff || 0), 0),s.spin && t.rotate(i.skinRot),t.drawImage(qi, -s.scale / 2, -s.scale / 2, s.scale, s.scale),t.restore())}(e.tailIndex, t, e),e.buildIndex < 0 && !l.weapons[e.weaponIndex].aboveHand && (Ki(l.weapons[e.weaponIndex], r.weaponVariants[e.weaponVariant].src, e.scale, 0, t),null == l.weapons[e.weaponIndex].projectile || l.weapons[e.weaponIndex].hideProjectile || Li(e.scale, 0, l.projectiles[l.weapons[e.weaponIndex].projectile], ve)),t.fillStyle = r.skinColors[e.skinColor],en(e.scale * Math.cos(i), e.scale * Math.sin(i), 14),en(e.scale * s * Math.cos(-i * n), e.scale * s * Math.sin(-i * n), 14),e.buildIndex < 0 && l.weapons[e.weaponIndex].aboveHand && (Ki(l.weapons[e.weaponIndex], r.weaponVariants[e.weaponVariant].src, e.scale, 0, t),null == l.weapons[e.weaponIndex].projectile || l.weapons[e.weaponIndex].hideProjectile || Li(e.scale, 0, l.projectiles[l.weapons[e.weaponIndex].projectile], ve)),e.buildIndex >= 0) {var o = Zi(l.list[e.buildIndex]);t.drawImage(o, e.scale - l.list[e.buildIndex].holdOffset, -o.width / 2)}en(0, 0, e.scale, t),e.skinIndex > 0 && (t.rotate(Math.PI / 2),function e(t, i, n, s) {if (!(qi = Wi[t])) {var o = new Image;o.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = !0,this.onload = null},o.src = ".././img/hats/hat_" + t + ".png",Wi[t] = o,qi = o}var a = n || Xi[t];if (!a) {for (var r = 0; r < Ze.length; ++r)if (Ze[r].id == t) {a = Ze[r];break}Xi[t] = a}qi.isLoaded && i.drawImage(qi, -a.scale / 2, -a.scale / 2, a.scale, a.scale),!n && a.topSprite && (i.save(),i.rotate(s.skinRot),e(t + "_top", i, a, s),i.restore())}(e.skinIndex, t, null, e))}var qi, Wi = {}, Xi = {}, Gi = {}, Ni = {}, Yi = {};function Ki(e, t, i, n, s) {var o = e.src + (t || ""), a = Yi[o];a || ((a = new Image).onload = function() {this.isLoaded = !0},a.src = ".././img/weapons/" + o + ".png",Yi[o] = a),a.isLoaded && s.drawImage(a, i + e.xOff - e.length / 2, n + e.yOff - e.width / 2, e.length, e.width)}var Ji = {};function Qi(e) {var t = e.y >= r.mapScale - r.snowBiomeTop ? 2 : e.y <= r.snowBiomeTop ? 1 : 0, i = e.type + "_" + e.scale + "_" + t, n = Ji[i];if (!n) {var s = document.createElement("canvas");s.width = s.height = 2.1 * e.scale + 5.5;var a = s.getContext("2d");if (a.translate(s.width / 2, s.height / 2),a.rotate(o.randFloat(0, Math.PI)),a.strokeStyle = it,a.lineWidth = 5.5,0 == e.type)for (var c, l = 0; l < 2; ++l)tn(a, 7, c = U.scale * (l ? .5 : 1), .7 * c),a.fillStyle = t ? l ? "#fff" : "#e3f1f4" : l ? "#b4db62" : "#9ebf57",a.fill(),l || a.stroke();else if (1 == e.type)if (2 == t)a.fillStyle = "#606060",tn(a, 6, .3 * e.scale, .71 * e.scale),a.fill(),a.stroke(),a.fillStyle = "#89a54c",en(0, 0, .55 * e.scale, a),a.fillStyle = "#a5c65b",en(0, 0, .3 * e.scale, a, !0);else {var h;!function(e, t, i, n) {var s, a = Math.PI / 2 * 3, r = Math.PI / 6;e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(0, -n);for (var c = 0; c < 6; c++)s = o.randInt(i + .9, 1.2 * i),e.quadraticCurveTo(Math.cos(a + r) * s, Math.sin(a + r) * s, Math.cos(a + 2 * r) * n, Math.sin(a + 2 * r) * n),a += 2 * r;e.lineTo(0, -n),e.closePath()}(a, 0, U.scale, .7 * U.scale),a.fillStyle = t ? "#e3f1f4" : "#89a54c",a.fill(),a.stroke(),a.fillStyle = t ? "#6a64af" : "#c15555";var u = I / 4;for (l = 0; l < 4; ++l)en((h = o.randInt(U.scale / 3.5, U.scale / 2.3)) * Math.cos(u * l), h * Math.sin(u * l), o.randInt(10, 12), a)}else2 != e.type && 3 != e.type || (a.fillStyle = 2 == e.type ? 2 == t ? "#938d77" : "#939393" : "#e0c655",tn(a, 3, e.scale, e.scale),a.fill(),a.stroke(),a.fillStyle = 2 == e.type ? 2 == t ? "#b2ab90" : "#bcbcbc" : "#ebdca3",tn(a, 3, .55 * e.scale, .65 * e.scale),a.fill());n = s,Ji[i] = n}return n}var $i = [];function Zi(e, t) {var i = $i[e.id];if (!i || t) {var n = document.createElement("canvas");n.width = n.height = 2.5 * e.scale + 5.5 + (l.list[e.id].spritePadding || 0);var s = n.getContext("2d");if (s.translate(n.width / 2, n.height / 2),s.rotate(t ? 0 : Math.PI / 2),s.strokeStyle = it,s.lineWidth = 5.5 * (t ? n.width / 81 : 1),"apple" == e.name) {s.fillStyle = "#c15555",en(0, 0, e.scale, s),s.fillStyle = "#89a54c";var a = -Math.PI / 2;!function(e, t, i, n, s) {var o = e + 25 * Math.cos(n), a = t + 25 * Math.sin(n);s.moveTo(e, t),s.beginPath(),s.quadraticCurveTo((e + o) / 2 + 10 * Math.cos(n + Math.PI / 2), (t + a) / 2 + 10 * Math.sin(n + Math.PI / 2), o, a),s.quadraticCurveTo((e + o) / 2 - 10 * Math.cos(n + Math.PI / 2), (t + a) / 2 - 10 * Math.sin(n + Math.PI / 2), e, t),s.closePath(),s.fill(),s.stroke()}(e.scale * Math.cos(a), e.scale * Math.sin(a), 0, a + Math.PI / 2, s)} else if ("cookie" == e.name) {s.fillStyle = "#cca861",en(0, 0, e.scale, s),s.fillStyle = "#937c4b";for (var r = I / (h = 4), c = 0; c < h; ++c)en((u = o.randInt(e.scale / 2.5, e.scale / 1.7)) * Math.cos(r * c), u * Math.sin(r * c), o.randInt(4, 5), s, !0)} else if ("cheese" == e.name) {var h, u;for (s.fillStyle = "#f4f3ac",en(0, 0, e.scale, s),s.fillStyle = "#c3c28b",r = I / (h = 4),c = 0; c < h; ++c)en((u = o.randInt(e.scale / 2.5, e.scale / 1.7)) * Math.cos(r * c), u * Math.sin(r * c), o.randInt(4, 5), s, !0)} else if ("wood wall" == e.name || "stone wall" == e.name || "castle wall" == e.name) {s.fillStyle = "castle wall" == e.name ? "#83898e" : "wood wall" == e.name ? "#a5974c" : "#939393";var d = "castle wall" == e.name ? 4 : 3;tn(s, d, 1.1 * e.scale, 1.1 * e.scale),s.fill(),s.stroke(),s.fillStyle = "castle wall" == e.name ? "#9da4aa" : "wood wall" == e.name ? "#c9b758" : "#bcbcbc",tn(s, d, .65 * e.scale, .65 * e.scale),s.fill()} else if ("spikes" == e.name || "greater spikes" == e.name || "poison spikes" == e.name || "spinning spikes" == e.name) {s.fillStyle = "poison spikes" == e.name ? "#7b935d" : "#939393";var f = .6 * e.scale;tn(s, "spikes" == e.name ? 5 : 6, e.scale, f),s.fill(),s.stroke(),s.fillStyle = "#a5974c",en(0, 0, f, s),s.fillStyle = "#c9b758",en(0, 0, f / 2, s, !0)} else if ("windmill" == e.name || "faster windmill" == e.name || "power mill" == e.name)s.fillStyle = "#a5974c",en(0, 0, e.scale, s),s.fillStyle = "#c9b758",sn(0, 0, 1.5 * e.scale, 29, 4, s),s.fillStyle = "#a5974c",en(0, 0, .5 * e.scale, s);else if ("mine" == e.name)s.fillStyle = "#939393",tn(s, 3, e.scale, e.scale),s.fill(),s.stroke(),s.fillStyle = "#bcbcbc",tn(s, 3, .55 * e.scale, .65 * e.scale),s.fill();else if ("sapling" == e.name)for (c = 0; c < 2; ++c)tn(s, 7, f = e.scale * (c ? .5 : 1), .7 * f),s.fillStyle = c ? "#b4db62" : "#9ebf57",s.fill(),c || s.stroke();else if ("pit trap" == e.name)s.fillStyle = "#a5974c",tn(s, 3, 1.1 * e.scale, 1.1 * e.scale),s.fill(),s.stroke(),s.fillStyle = it,tn(s, 3, .65 * e.scale, .65 * e.scale),s.fill();else if ("boost pad" == e.name)s.fillStyle = "#7e7f82",nn(0, 0, 2 * e.scale, 2 * e.scale, s),s.fill(),s.stroke(),s.fillStyle = "#dbd97d",function(e, t) {t = t || ve;var i = e * (Math.sqrt(3) / 2);t.beginPath(),t.moveTo(0, -i / 2),t.lineTo(-e / 2, i / 2),t.lineTo(e / 2, i / 2),t.lineTo(0, -i / 2),t.fill(),t.closePath()}(1 * e.scale, s);else if ("turret" == e.name)s.fillStyle = "#a5974c",en(0, 0, e.scale, s),s.fill(),s.stroke(),s.fillStyle = "#939393",nn(0, -25, .9 * e.scale, 50, s),en(0, 0, .6 * e.scale, s),s.fill(),s.stroke();else if ("platform" == e.name) {s.fillStyle = "#cebd5f";var p = 2 * e.scale, g = p / 4, m = -e.scale / 2;for (c = 0; c < 4; ++c)nn(m - g / 2, 0, g, 2 * e.scale, s),s.fill(),s.stroke(),m += p / 4} else"healing pad" == e.name ? (s.fillStyle = "#7e7f82",nn(0, 0, 2 * e.scale, 2 * e.scale, s),s.fill(),s.stroke(),s.fillStyle = "#db6e6e",sn(0, 0, .65 * e.scale, 20, 4, s, !0)) : "spawn pad" == e.name ? (s.fillStyle = "#7e7f82",nn(0, 0, 2 * e.scale, 2 * e.scale, s),s.fill(),s.stroke(),s.fillStyle = "#71aad6",en(0, 0, .6 * e.scale, s)) : "blocker" == e.name ? (s.fillStyle = "#7e7f82",en(0, 0, e.scale, s),s.fill(),s.stroke(),s.rotate(Math.PI / 4),s.fillStyle = "#db6e6e",sn(0, 0, .65 * e.scale, 20, 4, s, !0)) : "teleporter" == e.name && (s.fillStyle = "#7e7f82",en(0, 0, e.scale, s),s.fill(),s.stroke(),s.rotate(Math.PI / 4),s.fillStyle = "#d76edb",en(0, 0, .5 * e.scale, s, !0));i = n,t || ($i[e.id] = i)}return i}function en(e, t, i, n, s, o) {(n = n || ve).beginPath(),n.arc(e, t, i, 0, 2 * Math.PI),o || n.fill(),s || n.stroke()}function tn(e, t, i, n) {var s, o, a = Math.PI / 2 * 3, r = Math.PI / t;e.beginPath(),e.moveTo(0, -i);for (var c = 0; c < t; c++)s = Math.cos(a) * i,o = Math.sin(a) * i,e.lineTo(s, o),a += r,s = Math.cos(a) * n,o = Math.sin(a) * n,e.lineTo(s, o),a += r;e.lineTo(0, -i),e.closePath()}function nn(e, t, i, n, s, o) {s.fillRect(e - i / 2, t - n / 2, i, n),o || s.strokeRect(e - i / 2, t - n / 2, i, n)}function sn(e, t, i, n, s, o, a) {o.save(),o.translate(e, t),s = Math.ceil(s / 2);for (var r = 0; r < s; r++)nn(0, 0, 2 * i, n, o, a),o.rotate(Math.PI / s);o.restore()}function on(e) {for (var t = 0; t < e.length; )tt.add(e[t], e[t + 1], e[t + 2], e[t + 3], e[t + 4], e[t + 5], l.list[e[t + 6]], !0, e[t + 7] >= 0 ? {sid: e[t + 7]} : null),t += 8}function an(e, t) {(U = Sn(t)) && (U.xWiggle += r.gatherWiggle * Math.cos(e),U.yWiggle += r.gatherWiggle * Math.sin(e))}function rn(e, t) {(U = Sn(e)) && (U.dir = t,U.xWiggle += r.gatherWiggle * Math.cos(t + Math.PI),U.yWiggle += r.gatherWiggle * Math.sin(t + Math.PI))}function cn(e, t, i, n, s, o, a, r) {ct && (K.addProjectile(e, t, i, n, s, o, null, null, a).sid = r)}function ln(e, t) {for (var i = 0; i < Y.length; ++i)Y[i].sid == e && (Y[i].range = t)}function hn(e) {(U = xn(e)) && U.startAnim()}function un(e) {for (var t = 0; t < W.length; ++t)W[t].forcePos = !W[t].visible,W[t].visible = !1;if (e) {var i = Date.now();for (t = 0; t < e.length; )(U = xn(e[t])) ? (U.index = e[t + 1],U.t1 = void 0 === U.t2 ? i : U.t2,U.t2 = i,U.x1 = U.x,U.y1 = U.y,U.x2 = e[t + 2],U.y2 = e[t + 3],U.d1 = void 0 === U.d2 ? e[t + 4] : U.d2,U.d2 = e[t + 4],U.health = e[t + 5],U.dt = 0,U.visible = !0) : ((U = $.spawn(e[t + 2], e[t + 3], e[t + 4], e[t + 1])).x2 = U.x,U.y2 = U.y,U.d2 = U.dir,U.health = e[t + 5],$.aiTypes[e[t + 1]].name || (U.name = r.cowNames[e[t + 6]]),U.forcePos = !0,U.sid = e[t],U.visible = !0),t += 7}}var dn = {};function fn(e, t) {var i = e.index, n = dn[i];if (!n) {var s = new Image;s.onload = function() {this.isLoaded = !0,this.onload = null},s.src = ".././img/animals/" + e.src + ".png",n = s,dn[i] = n}if (n.isLoaded) {var o = 1.2 * e.scale * (e.spriteMlt || 1);t.drawImage(n, -o, -o, 2 * o, 2 * o)}}function pn(e, t, i) {return e + i >= 0 && e - i <= ae && t + i >= 0 && t - i <= re}function gn(e, t) {var i = function(e) {for (var t = 0; t < X.length; ++t)if (X[t].id == e)return X[t];return null}(e[0]);i || (i = new u(e[0],e[1],r,o,K,tt,X,W,l,Ze,et),X.push(i)),i.spawn(t ? H : null),i.visible = !1,i.x2 = void 0,i.y2 = void 0,i.setData(e),t && (R = (A = i).x,L = A.y,Nt(),Mi(),Bi(),Oi(0),Ee.style.display = "block")}function mn(e) {for (var t = 0; t < X.length; t++)if (X[t].id == e) {X.splice(t, 1);break}}function yn(e, t) {A && (A.itemCounts[e] = t)}function kn(e, t, i) {A && (A[e] = t,i && Mi())}function wn(e, t) {(U = bn(e)) && (U.health = t)}function vn(e) {for (var t = Date.now(), i = 0; i < X.length; ++i)X[i].forcePos = !X[i].visible,X[i].visible = !1;for (i = 0; i < e.length; )(U = bn(e[i])) && (U.t1 = void 0 === U.t2 ? t : U.t2,U.t2 = t,U.x1 = U.x,U.y1 = U.y,U.x2 = e[i + 1],U.y2 = e[i + 2],U.d1 = void 0 === U.d2 ? e[i + 3] : U.d2,U.d2 = e[i + 3],U.dt = 0,U.buildIndex = e[i + 4],U.weaponIndex = e[i + 5],U.weaponVariant = e[i + 6],U.team = e[i + 7],U.isLeader = e[i + 8],U.skinIndex = e[i + 9],U.tailIndex = e[i + 10],U.iconIndex = e[i + 11],U.zIndex = e[i + 12],U.visible = !0),i += 13}function bn(e) {for (var t = 0; t < X.length; ++t)if (X[t].sid == e)return X[t];return null}function xn(e) {for (var t = 0; t < W.length; ++t)if (W[t].sid == e)return W[t];return null}function Sn(e) {for (var t = 0; t < N.length; ++t)if (N[t].sid == e)return N[t];return null}var In = -1;function Tn() {var e = Date.now() - In;window.pingTime = e,Ie.innerText = "Ping: " + e + " ms"}function Mn() {In = Date.now(),s.send("pp")}function Cn(e) {if (!(e < 0)) {var t = Math.floor(e / 60), i = e % 60;i = ("0" + i).slice(-2),Te.innerText = "Server restarting in " + t + ":" + i,Te.hidden = !1}}function Pn(e) {window.open(e, "_blank")}window.requestAnimFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function(e) {window.setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60)},function() {var e = r.mapScale / 2;tt.add(0, e, e + 200, 0, r.treeScales[3], 0),tt.add(1, e, e - 480, 0, r.treeScales[3], 0),tt.add(2, e + 300, e + 450, 0, r.treeScales[3], 0),tt.add(3, e - 950, e - 130, 0, r.treeScales[2], 0),tt.add(4, e - 750, e - 400, 0, r.treeScales[3], 0),tt.add(5, e - 700, e + 400, 0, r.treeScales[2], 0),tt.add(6, e + 800, e - 200, 0, r.treeScales[3], 0),tt.add(7, e - 260, e + 340, 0, r.bushScales[3], 1),tt.add(8, e + 760, e + 310, 0, r.bushScales[3], 1),tt.add(9, e - 800, e + 100, 0, r.bushScales[3], 1),tt.add(10, e - 800, e + 300, 0, l.list[4].scale, l.list[4].id, l.list[10]),tt.add(11, e + 650, e - 390, 0, l.list[4].scale, l.list[4].id, l.list[10]),tt.add(12, e - 400, e - 450, 0, r.rockScales[2], 2)}(),function e() {O = Date.now(),E = O - q,q = O,function() {if (A && (!B || O - B >= 1e3 / r.clientSendRate)) {B = O;const e = ci();Ai !== e && (Ai = e,s.send("2", e))}if (xi < 120 && (xi += .1 * E,Ne.style.fontSize = Math.min(Math.round(xi), 120) + "px"),A) {var e = o.getDistance(R, L, A.x, A.y), t = o.getDirection(A.x, A.y, R, L), i = Math.min(.01 * e * E, e);e > .05 ? (R += i * Math.cos(t),L += i * Math.sin(t)) : (R = A.x,L = A.y)} elseR = r.mapScale / 2,L = r.mapScale / 2;for (var n = O - 1e3 / r.serverUpdateRate, a = 0; a < X.length + W.length; ++a)if ((U = X[a] || W[a - X.length]) && U.visible)if (U.forcePos)U.x = U.x2,U.y = U.y2,U.dir = U.d2;else {var c = U.t2 - U.t1, l = (n - U.t1) / c;U.dt += E;var h = Math.min(1.7, U.dt / 170), u = U.x2 - U.x1;U.x = U.x1 + u * h,u = U.y2 - U.y1,U.y = U.y1 + u * h,U.dir = Math.lerpAngle(U.d2, U.d1, Math.min(1.2, l))}var d = R - ae / 2, f = L - re / 2;r.snowBiomeTop - f <= 0 && r.mapScale - r.snowBiomeTop - f >= re ? (ve.fillStyle = "#b6db66",ve.fillRect(0, 0, ae, re)) : r.mapScale - r.snowBiomeTop - f <= 0 ? (ve.fillStyle = "#dbc666",ve.fillRect(0, 0, ae, re)) : r.snowBiomeTop - f >= re ? (ve.fillStyle = "#fff",ve.fillRect(0, 0, ae, re)) : r.snowBiomeTop - f >= 0 ? (ve.fillStyle = "#fff",ve.fillRect(0, 0, ae, r.snowBiomeTop - f),ve.fillStyle = "#b6db66",ve.fillRect(0, r.snowBiomeTop - f, ae, re - (r.snowBiomeTop - f))) : (ve.fillStyle = "#b6db66",ve.fillRect(0, 0, ae, r.mapScale - r.snowBiomeTop - f),ve.fillStyle = "#dbc666",ve.fillRect(0, r.mapScale - r.snowBiomeTop - f, ae, re - (r.mapScale - r.snowBiomeTop - f))),wi || ((Z += ee * r.waveSpeed * E) >= r.waveMax ? (Z = r.waveMax,ee = -1) : Z <= 1 && (Z = ee = 1),ve.globalAlpha = 1,ve.fillStyle = "#dbc666",zi(d, f, ve, r.riverPadding),ve.fillStyle = "#91b2db",zi(d, f, ve, 250 * (Z - 1))),ve.lineWidth = 4,ve.strokeStyle = "#000",ve.globalAlpha = .06,ve.beginPath();for (var p = -R; p < ae; p += re / 18)p > 0 && (ve.moveTo(p, 0),ve.lineTo(p, re));for (var g = -L; g < re; g += re / 18)p > 0 && (ve.moveTo(0, g),ve.lineTo(ae, g));for (ve.stroke(),ve.globalAlpha = 1,ve.strokeStyle = it,_i(-1, d, f),ve.globalAlpha = 1,ve.lineWidth = 5.5,Ui(0, d, f),Hi(d, f, 0),ve.globalAlpha = 1,a = 0; a < W.length; ++a)(U = W[a]).active && U.visible && (U.animate(E),ve.save(),ve.translate(U.x - d, U.y - f),ve.rotate(U.dir + U.dirPlus - Math.PI / 2),fn(U, ve),ve.restore());if (_i(0, d, f),Ui(1, d, f),_i(1, d, f),Hi(d, f, 1),_i(2, d, f),_i(3, d, f),ve.fillStyle = "#000",ve.globalAlpha = .09,d <= 0 && ve.fillRect(0, 0, -d, re),r.mapScale - d <= ae) {var y = Math.max(0, -f);ve.fillRect(r.mapScale - d, y, ae - (r.mapScale - d), re - y)}if (f <= 0 && ve.fillRect(-d, 0, ae + d, -f),r.mapScale - f <= re) {var k = Math.max(0, -d), w = 0;r.mapScale - d <= ae && (w = ae - (r.mapScale - d)),ve.fillRect(k, r.mapScale - f, ae - k - w, re - (r.mapScale - f))}for (ve.globalAlpha = 1,ve.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 70, 0.35)",ve.fillRect(0, 0, ae, re),ve.strokeStyle = nt,a = 0; a < X.length + W.length; ++a)if ((U = X[a] || W[a - X.length]).visible && (10 != U.skinIndex || U == A || U.team && U.team == A.team)) {var v = (U.team ? "[" + U.team + "] " : "") + (U.name || "");if ("" != v) {if (ve.font = (U.nameScale || 30) + "px Hammersmith One",ve.fillStyle = "#fff",ve.textBaseline = "middle",ve.textAlign = "center",ve.lineWidth = U.nameScale ? 11 : 8,ve.lineJoin = "round",ve.strokeText(v, U.x - d, U.y - f - U.scale - r.nameY),ve.fillText(v, U.x - d, U.y - f - U.scale - r.nameY),U.isLeader && Ci.crown.isLoaded) {var b = r.crownIconScale;k = U.x - d - b / 2 - ve.measureText(v).width / 2 - r.crownPad,ve.drawImage(Ci.crown, k, U.y - f - U.scale - r.nameY - b / 2 - 5, b, b)}1 == U.iconIndex && Ci.skull.isLoaded && (b = r.crownIconScale,k = U.x - d - b / 2 + ve.measureText(v).width / 2 + r.crownPad,ve.drawImage(Ci.skull, k, U.y - f - U.scale - r.nameY - b / 2 - 5, b, b))}U.health > 0 && (r.healthBarWidth,ve.fillStyle = nt,ve.roundRect(U.x - d - r.healthBarWidth - r.healthBarPad, U.y - f + U.scale + r.nameY, 2 * r.healthBarWidth + 2 * r.healthBarPad, 17, 8),ve.fill(),ve.fillStyle = U == A || U.team && U.team == A.team ? "#a481f0" : "#cc5151",ve.roundRect(U.x - d - r.healthBarWidth, U.y - f + U.scale + r.nameY + r.healthBarPad, 2 * r.healthBarWidth * (U.health / U.maxHealth), 17 - 2 * r.healthBarPad, 7),ve.fill())}for (m.update(E, ve, d, f),a = 0; a < X.length; ++a)if ((U = X[a]).visible && U.chatCountdown > 0) {U.chatCountdown -= E,U.chatCountdown <= 0 && (U.chatCountdown = 0),ve.font = "32px Hammersmith One";var x = ve.measureText(U.chatMessage);ve.textBaseline = "middle",ve.textAlign = "center",k = U.x - d,y = U.y - U.scale - f - 90;var S = x.width + 17;ve.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)",ve.roundRect(k - S / 2, y - 23.5, S, 47, 6),ve.fill(),ve.fillStyle = "#fff",ve.fillText(U.chatMessage, k, y)}!function(e) {if (A && A.alive) {Ke.clearRect(0, 0, Ge.width, Ge.height),Ke.strokeStyle = "#fff",Ke.lineWidth = 4;for (var t = 0; t < zt.length; ++t)(Lt = zt[t]).update(Ke, e);if (Ke.globalAlpha = 1,Ke.fillStyle = "#fff",en(A.x / r.mapScale * Ge.width, A.y / r.mapScale * Ge.height, 7, Ke, !0),Ke.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.35)",A.team && bt)for (t = 0; t < bt.length; )en(bt[t] / r.mapScale * Ge.width, bt[t + 1] / r.mapScale * Ge.height, 7, Ke, !0),t += 2;vt && (Ke.fillStyle = "#fc5553",Ke.font = "34px Hammersmith One",Ke.textBaseline = "middle",Ke.textAlign = "center",Ke.fillText("x", vt.x / r.mapScale * Ge.width, vt.y / r.mapScale * Ge.height)),xt && (Ke.fillStyle = "#fff",Ke.font = "34px Hammersmith One",Ke.textBaseline = "middle",Ke.textAlign = "center",Ke.fillText("x", xt.x / r.mapScale * Ge.width, xt.y / r.mapScale * Ge.height))}}(E),-1 !== ne.id && Di(ne.startX, ne.startY, ne.currentX, ne.currentY),-1 !== se.id && Di(se.startX, se.startY, se.currentX, se.currentY)}(),requestAnimFrame(e)}(),window.openLink = Pn,window.aJoinReq = jt,window.follmoo = function() {H || (H = !0,T("moofoll", 1))},window.kickFromClan = At,window.sendJoin = Dt,window.leaveAlliance = Rt,window.createAlliance = Ut,window.storeBuy = Xt,window.storeEquip = Wt,window.showItemInfo = wt,window.selectSkinColor = function(e) {oe = e,Kt()},window.changeStoreIndex = function(e) {Ht != e && (Ht = e,qt())},window.config = r,window.FRVR && window.FRVR.bootstrapper.complete()}, function(e, t) {!function(e, t, i) {function n(e, t) {return typeof e === t}var s = [], o = [], a = {_version: "3.5.0",_config: {classPrefix: "",enableClasses: !0,enableJSClass: !0,usePrefixes: !0},_q: [],on: function(e, t) {var i = this;setTimeout((function() {t(i[e])}), 0)},addTest: function(e, t, i) {o.push({name: e,fn: t,options: i})},addAsyncTest: function(e) {o.push({name: null,fn: e})}}, r = function() {};r.prototype = a,r = new r;var c = t.documentElement, l = "svg" === c.nodeName.toLowerCase();r.addTest("passiveeventlisteners", (function() {var t = !1;try {var i = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {get: function() {t = !0}});e.addEventListener("test", null, i)} catch (e) {}return t})),function() {var e, t, i, a, c, l;for (var h in o)if (o.hasOwnProperty(h)) {if (e = [],(t = o[h]).name && (e.push(t.name.toLowerCase()),t.options && t.options.aliases && t.options.aliases.length))for (i = 0; i < t.options.aliases.length; i++)e.push(t.options.aliases[i].toLowerCase());for (a = n(t.fn, "function") ? t.fn() : t.fn,c = 0; c < e.length; c++)1 === (l = e[c].split(".")).length ? r[l[0]] = a : (!r[l[0]] || r[l[0]]instanceof Boolean || (r[l[0]] = new Boolean(r[l[0]])),r[l[0]][l[1]] = a),s.push((a ? 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(this.scale = this.maxScale,this.scaleSpeed *= -1) : this.scale <= this.startScale && (this.scale = this.startScale,this.scaleSpeed = 0),this.life <= 0 && (this.life = 0))},this.render = function(e, t, i) {e.fillStyle = this.color,e.font = this.scale + "px Hammersmith One",e.fillText(this.text, this.x - t, this.y - i)}},e.exports.TextManager = function() {this.texts = [],this.update = function(e, t, i, n) {t.textBaseline = "middle",t.textAlign = "center";for (var s = 0; s < this.texts.length; ++s)this.texts[s].life && (this.texts[s].update(e),this.texts[s].render(t, i, n))},this.showText = function(t, i, n, s, o, a, r) {for (var c, l = 0; l < this.texts.length; ++l)if (!this.texts[l].life) {c = this.texts[l];break}c || (c = new e.exports.AnimText,this.texts.push(c)),c.init(t, i, n, s, o, a, r)}}}, function(e, t) {e.exports = function(e) {this.sid = e,this.init = function(e, t, i, n, s, o, a) {o = o || {},this.sentTo = {},this.gridLocations = [],this.active = !0,this.doUpdate = o.doUpdate,this.x = e,this.y = t,this.dir = i,this.xWiggle = 0,this.yWiggle = 0,this.scale = n,this.type = s,this.id = o.id,this.owner = a,this.name = o.name,this.isItem = null != this.id,this.group = o.group,this.health = o.health,this.layer = 2,null != this.group ? this.layer = this.group.layer : 0 == this.type ? this.layer = 3 : 2 == this.type ? this.layer = 0 : 4 == this.type && (this.layer = -1),this.colDiv = o.colDiv || 1,this.blocker = o.blocker,this.ignoreCollision = o.ignoreCollision,this.dontGather = o.dontGather,this.hideFromEnemy = o.hideFromEnemy,this.friction = o.friction,this.projDmg = o.projDmg,this.dmg = o.dmg,this.pDmg = o.pDmg,this.pps = o.pps,this.zIndex = o.zIndex || 0,this.turnSpeed = o.turnSpeed,this.req = o.req,this.trap = o.trap,this.healCol = o.healCol,this.teleport = o.teleport,this.boostSpeed = o.boostSpeed,this.projectile = o.projectile,this.shootRange = o.shootRange,this.shootRate = o.shootRate,this.shootCount = this.shootRate,this.spawnPoint = o.spawnPoint},this.changeHealth = function(e, t) {return this.health += e,this.health <= 0},this.getScale = function(e, t) {return e = e || 1,this.scale * (this.isItem || 2 == this.type || 3 == this.type || 4 == this.type ? 1 : .6 * e) * (t ? 1 : this.colDiv)},this.visibleToPlayer = function(e) {return !this.hideFromEnemy || this.owner && (this.owner == e || this.owner.team && e.team == this.owner.team)},this.update = function(e) {this.active && (this.xWiggle && (this.xWiggle *= Math.pow(.99, e)),this.yWiggle && (this.yWiggle *= Math.pow(.99, e)),this.turnSpeed && (this.dir += this.turnSpeed * e))}}}, function(e, t) {e.exports.groups = [{id: 0,name: "food",layer: 0}, {id: 1,name: "walls",place: !0,limit: 30,layer: 0}, {id: 2,name: "spikes",place: !0,limit: 15,layer: 0}, {id: 3,name: "mill",place: !0,limit: 7,layer: 1}, {id: 4,name: "mine",place: !0,limit: 1,layer: 0}, {id: 5,name: "trap",place: !0,limit: 6,layer: -1}, {id: 6,name: "booster",place: !0,limit: 12,layer: -1}, {id: 7,name: "turret",place: !0,limit: 2,layer: 1}, {id: 8,name: "watchtower",place: !0,limit: 12,layer: 1}, {id: 9,name: "buff",place: !0,limit: 4,layer: -1}, {id: 10,name: "spawn",place: !0,limit: 1,layer: -1}, {id: 11,name: "sapling",place: !0,limit: 2,layer: 0}, {id: 12,name: "blocker",place: !0,limit: 3,layer: -1}, {id: 13,name: "teleporter",place: !0,limit: 2,layer: -1}],t.projectiles = [{indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "arrow_1",dmg: 25,speed: 1.6,scale: 103,range: 1e3}, {indx: 1,layer: 1,dmg: 25,scale: 20}, {indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "arrow_1",dmg: 35,speed: 2.5,scale: 103,range: 1200}, {indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "arrow_1",dmg: 30,speed: 2,scale: 103,range: 1200}, {indx: 1,layer: 1,dmg: 16,scale: 20}, {indx: 0,layer: 0,src: "bullet_1",dmg: 50,speed: 3.6,scale: 160,range: 1400}],t.weapons = [{id: 0,type: 0,name: "tool hammer",desc: "tool for gathering all resources",src: "hammer_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: -3,yOff: 18,dmg: 25,range: 65,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 1,type: 0,age: 2,name: "hand axe",desc: "gathers resources at a higher rate",src: "axe_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: 3,yOff: 24,dmg: 30,spdMult: 1,range: 70,gather: 2,speed: 400}, {id: 2,type: 0,age: 8,pre: 1,name: "great axe",desc: "deal more damage and gather more resources",src: "great_axe_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: -8,yOff: 25,dmg: 35,spdMult: 1,range: 75,gather: 4,speed: 400}, {id: 3,type: 0,age: 2,name: "short sword",desc: "increased attack power but slower move speed",src: "sword_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 46,dmg: 35,spdMult: .85,range: 110,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 4,type: 0,age: 8,pre: 3,name: "katana",desc: "greater range and damage",src: "samurai_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 59,dmg: 40,spdMult: .8,range: 118,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 5,type: 0,age: 2,name: "polearm",desc: "long range melee weapon",src: "spear_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 53,dmg: 45,knock: .2,spdMult: .82,range: 142,gather: 1,speed: 700}, {id: 6,type: 0,age: 2,name: "bat",desc: "fast long range melee weapon",src: "bat_1",iPad: 1.3,length: 110,width: 180,xOff: -8,yOff: 53,dmg: 20,knock: .7,range: 110,gather: 1,speed: 300}, {id: 7,type: 0,age: 2,name: "daggers",desc: "really fast short range weapon",src: "dagger_1",iPad: .8,length: 110,width: 110,xOff: 18,yOff: 0,dmg: 20,knock: .1,range: 65,gather: 1,hitSlow: .1,spdMult: 1.13,speed: 100}, {id: 8,type: 0,age: 2,name: "stick",desc: "great for gathering but very weak",src: "stick_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: 3,yOff: 24,dmg: 1,spdMult: 1,range: 70,gather: 7,speed: 400}, {id: 9,type: 1,age: 6,name: "hunting bow",desc: "bow used for ranged combat and hunting",src: "bow_1",req: ["wood", 4],length: 120,width: 120,xOff: -6,yOff: 0,projectile: 0,spdMult: .75,speed: 600}, {id: 10,type: 1,age: 6,name: "great hammer",desc: "hammer used for destroying structures",src: "great_hammer_1",length: 140,width: 140,xOff: -9,yOff: 25,dmg: 10,spdMult: .88,range: 75,sDmg: 7.5,gather: 1,speed: 400}, {id: 11,type: 1,age: 6,name: "wooden shield",desc: "blocks projectiles and reduces melee damage",src: "shield_1",length: 120,width: 120,shield: .2,xOff: 6,yOff: 0,spdMult: .7}, {id: 12,type: 1,age: 8,pre: 9,name: "crossbow",desc: "deals more damage and has greater range",src: "crossbow_1",req: ["wood", 5],aboveHand: !0,armS: .75,length: 120,width: 120,xOff: -4,yOff: 0,projectile: 2,spdMult: .7,speed: 700}, {id: 13,type: 1,age: 9,pre: 12,name: "repeater crossbow",desc: "high firerate crossbow with reduced damage",src: "crossbow_2",req: ["wood", 10],aboveHand: !0,armS: .75,length: 120,width: 120,xOff: -4,yOff: 0,projectile: 3,spdMult: .7,speed: 230}, {id: 14,type: 1,age: 6,name: "mc grabby",desc: "steals resources from enemies",src: "grab_1",length: 130,width: 210,xOff: -8,yOff: 53,dmg: 0,steal: 250,knock: .2,spdMult: 1.05,range: 125,gather: 0,speed: 700}, {id: 15,type: 1,age: 9,pre: 12,name: "musket",desc: "slow firerate but high damage and range",src: "musket_1",req: ["stone", 10],aboveHand: !0,rec: .35,armS: .6,hndS: .3,hndD: 1.6,length: 205,width: 205,xOff: 25,yOff: 0,projectile: 5,hideProjectile: !0,spdMult: .6,speed: 1500}],e.exports.list = [{group: e.exports.groups[0],name: "apple",desc: "restores 20 health when consumed",req: ["food", 10],consume: function(e) {return e.changeHealth(20, e)},scale: 22,holdOffset: 15}, {age: 3,group: e.exports.groups[0],name: "cookie",desc: "restores 40 health when consumed",req: ["food", 15],consume: function(e) {return e.changeHealth(40, e)},scale: 27,holdOffset: 15}, {age: 7,group: e.exports.groups[0],name: "cheese",desc: "restores 30 health and another 50 over 5 seconds",req: ["food", 25],consume: function(e) {return !!(e.changeHealth(30, e) || e.health < 100) && (e.dm###erTime.dmg = -10,e.dm###erTime.doer = e,e.dm###erTime.time = 5,!0)},scale: 27,holdOffset: 15}, {group: e.exports.groups[1],name: "wood wall",desc: "provides protection for your village",req: ["wood", 10],projDmg: !0,health: 380,scale: 50,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 3,group: e.exports.groups[1],name: "stone wall",desc: "provides improved protection for your village",req: ["stone", 25],health: 900,scale: 50,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,pre: 1,group: e.exports.groups[1],name: "castle wall",desc: "provides powerful protection for your village",req: ["stone", 35],health: 1500,scale: 52,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {group: e.exports.groups[2],name: "spikes",desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 20, "stone", 5],health: 400,dmg: 20,scale: 49,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 5,group: e.exports.groups[2],name: "greater spikes",desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 10],health: 500,dmg: 35,scale: 52,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 9,pre: 1,group: e.exports.groups[2],name: "poison spikes",desc: "poisons enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 35, "stone", 15],health: 600,dmg: 30,pDmg: 5,scale: 52,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 9,pre: 2,group: e.exports.groups[2],name: "spinning spikes",desc: "damages enemies when they touch them",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 20],health: 500,dmg: 45,turnSpeed: .003,scale: 52,spritePadding: -23,holdOffset: 8,placeOffset: -5}, {group: e.exports.groups[3],name: "windmill",desc: "generates gold over time",req: ["wood", 50, "stone", 10],health: 400,pps: 1,turnSpeed: .0016,spritePadding: 25,iconLineMult: 12,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 5}, {age: 5,pre: 1,group: e.exports.groups[3],name: "faster windmill",desc: "generates more gold over time",req: ["wood", 60, "stone", 20],health: 500,pps: 1.5,turnSpeed: .0025,spritePadding: 25,iconLineMult: 12,scale: 47,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 5}, {age: 8,pre: 1,group: e.exports.groups[3],name: "power mill",desc: "generates more gold over time",req: ["wood", 100, "stone", 50],health: 800,pps: 2,turnSpeed: .005,spritePadding: 25,iconLineMult: 12,scale: 47,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 5}, {age: 5,group: e.exports.groups[4],type: 2,name: "mine",desc: "allows you to mine stone",req: ["wood", 20, "stone", 100],iconLineMult: 12,scale: 65,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: 0}, {age: 5,group: e.exports.groups[11],type: 0,name: "sapling",desc: "allows you to farm wood",req: ["wood", 150],iconLineMult: 12,colDiv: .5,scale: 110,holdOffset: 50,placeOffset: -15}, {age: 4,group: e.exports.groups[5],name: "pit trap",desc: "pit that traps enemies if they walk over it",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 30],trap: !0,ignoreCollision: !0,hideFromEnemy: !0,health: 500,colDiv: .2,scale: 50,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 4,group: e.exports.groups[6],name: "boost pad",desc: "provides boost when stepped on",req: ["stone", 20, "wood", 5],ignoreCollision: !0,boostSpeed: 1.5,health: 150,colDiv: .7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,group: e.exports.groups[7],doUpdate: !0,name: "turret",desc: "defensive structure that shoots at enemies",req: ["wood", 200, "stone", 150],health: 800,projectile: 1,shootRange: 700,shootRate: 2200,scale: 43,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,group: e.exports.groups[8],name: "platform",desc: "platform to shoot over walls and cross over water",req: ["wood", 20],ignoreCollision: !0,zIndex: 1,health: 300,scale: 43,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,group: e.exports.groups[9],name: "healing pad",desc: "standing on it will slowly heal you",req: ["wood", 30, "food", 10],ignoreCollision: !0,healCol: 15,health: 400,colDiv: .7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 9,group: e.exports.groups[10],name: "spawn pad",desc: "you will spawn here when you die but it will dissapear",req: ["wood", 100, "stone", 100],health: 400,ignoreCollision: !0,spawnPoint: !0,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,group: e.exports.groups[12],name: "blocker",desc: "blocks building in radius",req: ["wood", 30, "stone", 25],ignoreCollision: !0,blocker: 300,health: 400,colDiv: .7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}, {age: 7,group: e.exports.groups[13],name: "teleporter",desc: "teleports you to a random point on the map",req: ["wood", 60, "stone", 60],ignoreCollision: !0,teleport: !0,health: 200,colDiv: .7,scale: 45,holdOffset: 20,placeOffset: -5}];for (var i = 0; i < e.exports.list.length; ++i)e.exports.list[i].id = i,e.exports.list[i].pre && (e.exports.list[i].pre = i - e.exports.list[i].pre)}, function(e, t) {e.exports = {}}, function(e, t) {var i = Math.floor, n = Math.abs, s = Math.cos, o = Math.sin, a = (Math.pow,Math.sqrt);e.exports = function(e, t, r, c, l, h) {var u, d;this.objects = t,this.grids = {},this.updateObjects = [];var f = c.mapScale / c.colGrid;this.setObjectGrids = function(e) {for (var t = Math.min(c.mapScale, Math.max(0, e.x)), i = Math.min(c.mapScale, Math.max(0, e.y)), n = 0; n < c.colGrid; ++n) {u = n * f;for (var s = 0; s < c.colGrid; ++s)d = s * f,t + e.scale >= u && t - e.scale <= u + f && i + e.scale >= d && i - e.scale <= d + f && (this.grids[n + "_" + s] || (this.grids[n + "_" + s] = []),this.grids[n + "_" + s].push(e),e.gridLocations.push(n + "_" + s))}},this.removeObjGrid = function(e) {for (var t, i = 0; i < e.gridLocations.length; ++i)(t = this.grids[e.gridLocations[i]].indexOf(e)) >= 0 && this.grids[e.gridLocations[i]].splice(t, 1)},this.disableObj = function(e) {if (e.active = !1,h) {e.owner && e.pps && (e.owner.pps -= e.pps),this.removeObjGrid(e);var t = this.updateObjects.indexOf(e);t >= 0 && this.updateObjects.splice(t, 1)}},this.hitObj = function(e, t) {for (var i = 0; i < l.length; ++i)l[i].active && (e.sentTo[l[i].id] && (e.active ? l[i].canSee(e) && h.send(l[i].id, "8", r.fixTo(t, 1), e.sid) : h.send(l[i].id, "12", e.sid)),e.active || e.owner != l[i] || l[i].changeItemCount(e.group.id, -1))};var p, g, m = [];this.getGridArrays = function(e, t, n) {u = i(e / f),d = i(t / f),m.length = 0;try {this.grids[u + "_" + d] && m.push(this.grids[u + "_" + d]),e + n >= (u + 1) * f && ((p = this.grids[u + 1 + "_" + d]) && m.push(p),d && t - n <= d * f ? (p = this.grids[u + 1 + "_" + (d - 1)]) && m.push(p) : t + n >= (d + 1) * f && (p = this.grids[u + 1 + "_" + (d + 1)]) && m.push(p)),u && e - n <= u * f && ((p = this.grids[u - 1 + "_" + d]) && m.push(p),d && t - n <= d * f ? (p = this.grids[u - 1 + "_" + (d - 1)]) && m.push(p) : t + n >= (d + 1) * f && (p = this.grids[u - 1 + "_" + (d + 1)]) && m.push(p)),t + n >= (d + 1) * f && (p = this.grids[u + "_" + (d + 1)]) && m.push(p),d && t - n <= d * f && (p = this.grids[u + "_" + (d - 1)]) && m.push(p)} catch (e) {}return m},this.add = function(i, n, s, o, a, r, c, l, u) {g = null;for (var d = 0; d < t.length; ++d)if (t[d].sid == i) {g = t[d];break}if (!g)for (d = 0; d < t.length; ++d)if (!t[d].active) {g = t[d];break}g || (g = new e(i),t.push(g)),l && (g.sid = i),g.init(n, s, o, a, r, c, u),h && (this.setObjectGrids(g),g.doUpdate && this.updateObjects.push(g))},this.disableBySid = function(e) {for (var i = 0; i < t.length; ++i)if (t[i].sid == e) {this.disableObj(t[i]);break}},this.removeAllItems = function(e, i) {for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n)t[n].active && t[n].owner && t[n].owner.sid == e && this.disableObj(t[n]);i && i.broadcast("13", e)},this.fetchSpawnObj = function(e) {for (var i = null, n = 0; n < t.length; ++n)if ((g = t[n]).active && g.owner && g.owner.sid == e && g.spawnPoint) {i = [g.x, g.y],this.disableObj(g),h.broadcast("12", g.sid),g.owner && g.owner.changeItemCount(g.group.id, -1);break}return i},this.checkItemLocation = function(e, i, n, s, o, a, l) {for (var h = 0; h < t.length; ++h) {var u = t[h].blocker ? t[h].blocker : t[h].getScale(s, t[h].isItem);if (t[h].active && r.getDistance(e, i, t[h].x, t[h].y) < n + u)return !1}return !(!a && 18 != o && i >= c.mapScale / 2 - c.riverWidth / 2 && i <= c.mapScale / 2 + c.riverWidth / 2)},this.addProjectile = function(e, t, i, n, s) {for (var o, a = items.projectiles[s], c = 0; c < projectiles.length; ++c)if (!projectiles[c].active) {o = projectiles[c];break}o || (o = new Projectile(l,r),projectiles.push(o)),o.init(s, e, t, i, a.speed, n, a.scale)},this.checkCollision = function(e, t, i) {i = i || 1;var l = e.x - t.x, h = e.y - t.y, u = e.scale + t.scale;if (n(l) <= u || n(h) <= u) {u = e.scale + (t.getScale ? t.getScale() : t.scale);var d = a(l * l + h * h) - u;if (d <= 0) {if (t.ignoreCollision)!t.trap || e.noTrap || t.owner == e || t.owner && t.owner.team && t.owner.team == e.team ? t.boostSpeed ? (e.xVel += i * t.boostSpeed * (t.weightM || 1) * s(t.dir),e.yVel += i * t.boostSpeed * (t.weightM || 1) * o(t.dir)) : t.healCol ? e.healCol = t.healCol : t.teleport && (e.x = r.randInt(0, c.mapScale),e.y = r.randInt(0, c.mapScale)) : (e.lockMove = !0,t.hideFromEnemy = !1);else {var f = r.getDirection(e.x, e.y, t.x, t.y);if (r.getDistance(e.x, e.y, t.x, t.y),t.isPlayer ? (d = -1 * d / 2,e.x += d * s(f),e.y += d * o(f),t.x -= d * s(f),t.y -= d * o(f)) : (e.x = t.x + u * s(f),e.y = t.y + u * o(f),e.xVel *= .75,e.yVel *= .75),t.dmg && t.owner != e && (!t.owner || !t.owner.team || t.owner.team != e.team)) {e.changeHealth(-t.dmg, t.owner, t);var p = 1.5 * (t.weightM || 1);e.xVel += p * s(f),e.yVel += p * o(f),!t.pDmg || e.skin && e.skin.poisonRes || (e.dm###erTime.dmg = t.pDmg,e.dm###erTime.time = 5,e.dm###erTime.doer = t.owner),e.colDmg && t.health && (t.changeHealth(-e.colDmg) && this.disableObj(t),this.hitObj(t, r.getDirection(e.x, e.y, t.x, t.y)))}}return t.zIndex > e.zIndex && (e.zIndex = t.zIndex),!0}}return !1}}}, function(e, t, i) {var n = new (i(13));n.addWords("jew", "black", "baby", "child", "white", "porn", "pedo", "trump", "clinton", "hitler", "nazi", "gay", "pride", "sex", "pleasure", "touch", "poo", "kids", "rape", "white power", "nigga", "nig nog", "doggy", "rapist", "boner", "nigger", "nigg", "finger", "nogger", "nagger", "nig", "fag", "gai", "pole", "stripper", "penis", "vagina", "pussy", "nazi", "hitler", "stalin", "burn", "chamber", "cock", "peen", "dick", "spick", "nieger", "die", "satan", "n|ig", "nlg", "cunt", "c0ck", "fag", "lick", "condom", "anal", "shit", "phile", "little", "kids", "free KR", "tiny", "sidney", "ass", "kill", ".io", "(dot)", "[dot]", "mini", "whiore", "whore", "faggot", "github", "1337", "666", "satan", "senpa", "discord", "d1scord", "mistik", ".io", "senpa.io", "sidney", "sid", "senpaio", "vries", "asa");var s = Math.abs, o = Math.cos, a = Math.sin, r = Math.pow, c = Math.sqrt;e.exports = function(e, t, i, l, h, u, d, f, p, g, m, y, k, w) {this.id = e,this.sid = t,this.tmpScore = 0,this.team = null,this.skinIndex = 0,this.tailIndex = 0,this.hitTime = 0,this.tails = {};for (var v = 0; v < m.length; ++v)m[v].price <= 0 && (this.tails[m[v].id] = 1);for (this.skins = {},v = 0; v < g.length; ++v)g[v].price <= 0 && (this.skins[g[v].id] = 1);this.points = 0,this.dt = 0,this.hidden = !1,this.itemCounts = {},this.isPlayer = !0,this.pps = 0,this.moveDir = void 0,this.skinRot = 0,this.lastPing = 0,this.iconIndex = 0,this.skinColor = 0,this.spawn = function(e) {this.active = !0,this.alive = !0,this.lockMove = !1,this.lockDir = !1,this.minimapCounter = 0,this.chatCountdown = 0,this.shameCount = 0,this.shameTimer = 0,this.sentTo = {},this.gathering = 0,this.autoGather = 0,this.animTime = 0,this.animSpeed = 0,this.mouseState = 0,this.buildIndex = -1,this.weaponIndex = 0,this.dm###erTime = {},this.noMovTimer = 0,this.maxXP = 300,this.XP = 0,this.age = 1,this.kills = 0,this.upgrAge = 2,this.upgradePoints = 0,this.x = 0,this.y = 0,this.zIndex = 0,this.xVel = 0,this.yVel = 0,this.slowMult = 1,this.dir = 0,this.dirPlus = 0,this.targetDir = 0,this.targetAngle = 0,this.maxHealth = 100,this.health = this.maxHealth,this.scale = i.playerScale,this.speed = i.playerSpeed,this.resetMoveDir(),this.resetResources(e),this.items = [0, 3, 6, 10],this.weapons = [0],this.shootCount = 0,this.weaponXP = [],this.reloads = {}},this.resetMoveDir = function() {this.moveDir = void 0},this.resetResources = function(e) {for (var t = 0; t < i.resourceTypes.length; ++t)this[i.resourceTypes[t]] = e ? 100 : 0},this.addItem = function(e) {var t = p.list[e];if (t) {for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; ++i)if (p.list[this.items[i]].group == t.group)return this.buildIndex == this.items[i] && (this.buildIndex = e),this.items[i] = e,!0;return this.items.push(e),!0}return !1},this.setUserData = function(e) {if (e) {this.name = "unknown";var t = e.name + "", s = !1, o = (t = (t = (t = (t = t.slice(0, i.maxNameLength)).replace(/[^\w:\(\)\/? -]+/gim, " ")).replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, " ")).trim()).toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "").replace(/1/g, "i").replace(/0/g, "o").replace(/5/g, "s");for (var a of n.list)if (-1 != o.indexOf(a)) {s = !0;break}t.length > 0 && !s && (this.name = t),this.skinColor = 0,i.skinColors[e.skin] && (this.skinColor = e.skin)}},this.getData = function() {return [this.id, this.sid, this.name, l.fixTo(this.x, 2), l.fixTo(this.y, 2), l.fixTo(this.dir, 3), this.health, this.maxHealth, this.scale, this.skinColor]},this.setData = function(e) {this.id = e[0],this.sid = e[1],this.name = e[2],this.x = e[3],this.y = e[4],this.dir = e[5],this.health = e[6],this.maxHealth = e[7],this.scale = e[8],this.skinColor = e[9]};var b = 0;this.update = function(e) {if (this.alive) {if (this.shameTimer > 0 && (this.shameTimer -= e,this.shameTimer <= 0 && (this.shameTimer = 0,this.shameCount = 0)),(b -= e) <= 0) {var t = (this.skin && this.skin.healthRegen ? this.skin.healthRegen : 0) + (this.tail && this.tail.healthRegen ? this.tail.healthRegen : 0);t && this.changeHealth(t, this),this.dm###erTime.dmg && (this.changeHealth(-this.dm###erTime.dmg, this.dm###erTime.doer),this.dm###erTime.time -= 1,this.dm###erTime.time <= 0 && (this.dm###erTime.dmg = 0)),this.healCol && this.changeHealth(this.healCol, this),b = 1e3}if (this.alive) {if (this.slowMult < 1 && (this.slowMult += 8e-4 * e,this.slowMult > 1 && (this.slowMult = 1)),this.noMovTimer += e,(this.xVel || this.yVel) && (this.noMovTimer = 0),this.lockMove)this.xVel = 0,this.yVel = 0;else {var n = (this.buildIndex >= 0 ? .5 : 1) * (p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].spdMult || 1) * (this.skin && this.skin.spdMult || 1) * (this.tail && this.tail.spdMult || 1) * (this.y <= i.snowBiomeTop ? this.skin && this.skin.coldM ? 1 : i.snowSpeed : 1) * this.slowMult;!this.zIndex && this.y >= i.mapScale / 2 - i.riverWidth / 2 && this.y <= i.mapScale / 2 + i.riverWidth / 2 && (this.skin && this.skin.watrImm ? (n *= .75,this.xVel += .4 * i.waterCurrent * e) : (n *= .33,this.xVel += i.waterCurrent * e));var s = null != this.moveDir ? o(this.moveDir) : 0, f = null != this.moveDir ? a(this.moveDir) : 0, g = c(s * s + f * f);0 != g && (s /= g,f /= g),s && (this.xVel += s * this.speed * n * e),f && (this.yVel += f * this.speed * n * e)}var m;this.zIndex = 0,this.lockMove = !1,this.healCol = 0;for (var y = l.getDistance(0, 0, this.xVel * e, this.yVel * e), k = Math.min(4, Math.max(1, Math.round(y / 40))), w = 1 / k, v = {}, x = 0; x < k; ++x) {this.xVel && (this.x += this.xVel * e * w),this.yVel && (this.y += this.yVel * e * w),m = u.getGridArrays(this.x, this.y, this.scale);for (var S = 0; S < m.length; ++S) {for (var I = 0; I < m[S].length && (!m[S][I].active || v[m[S][I].sid] || !u.checkCollision(this, m[S][I], w) || (v[m[S][I].sid] = !0,this.alive)); ++I);if (!this.alive)break}if (!this.alive)break}for (x = (M = d.indexOf(this)) + 1; x < d.length; ++x)d[x] != this && d[x].alive && u.checkCollision(this, d[x]);if (this.xVel && (this.xVel *= r(i.playerDecel, e),this.xVel <= .01 && this.xVel >= -.01 && (this.xVel = 0)),this.yVel && (this.yVel *= r(i.playerDecel, e),this.yVel <= .01 && this.yVel >= -.01 && (this.yVel = 0)),this.x - this.scale < 0 ? this.x = this.scale : this.x + this.scale > i.mapScale && (this.x = i.mapScale - this.scale),this.y - this.scale < 0 ? this.y = this.scale : this.y + this.scale > i.mapScale && (this.y = i.mapScale - this.scale),this.buildIndex < 0)if (this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] > 0)this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] -= e,this.gathering = this.mouseState;else if (this.gathering || this.autoGather) {var T = !0;if (null != p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].gather)this.gather(d);else if (null != p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].projectile && this.hasRes(p.weapons[this.weaponIndex], this.skin ? this.skin.projCost : 0)) {this.useRes(p.weapons[this.weaponIndex], this.skin ? this.skin.projCost : 0),this.noMovTimer = 0;var M = p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].projectile, C = 2 * this.scale, P = this.skin && this.skin.aMlt ? this.skin.aMlt : 1;p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].rec && (this.xVel -= p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].rec * o(this.dir),this.yVel -= p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].rec * a(this.dir)),h.addProjectile(this.x + C * o(this.dir), this.y + C * a(this.dir), this.dir, p.projectiles[M].range * P, p.projectiles[M].speed * P, M, this, null, this.zIndex)} elseT = !1;this.gathering = this.mouseState,T && (this.reloads[this.weaponIndex] = p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].speed * (this.skin && this.skin.atkSpd || 1))}}}},this.addWeaponXP = function(e) {this.weaponXP[this.weaponIndex] || (this.weaponXP[this.weaponIndex] = 0),this.weaponXP[this.weaponIndex] += e},this.earnXP = function(e) {this.age < i.maxAge && (this.XP += e,this.XP >= this.maxXP ? (this.age < i.maxAge ? (this.age++,this.XP = 0,this.maxXP *= 1.2) : this.XP = this.maxXP,this.upgradePoints++,y.send(this.id, "16", this.upgradePoints, this.upgrAge),y.send(this.id, "15", this.XP, l.fixTo(this.maxXP, 1), this.age)) : y.send(this.id, "15", this.XP))},this.changeHealth = function(e, t) {if (e > 0 && this.health >= this.maxHealth)return !1;e < 0 && this.skin && (e *= this.skin.dmgMult || 1),e < 0 && this.tail && (e *= this.tail.dmgMult || 1),e < 0 && (this.hitTime = Date.now()),this.health += e,this.health > this.maxHealth && (e -= this.health - this.maxHealth,this.health = this.maxHealth),this.health <= 0 && this.kill(t);for (var i = 0; i < d.length; ++i)this.sentTo[d[i].id] && y.send(d[i].id, "h", this.sid, this.health);return !t || !t.canSee(this) || t == this && e < 0 || y.send(t.id, "t", Math.round(this.x), Math.round(this.y), Math.round(-e), 1),!0},this.kill = function(e) {e && e.alive && (e.kills++,e.skin && e.skin.goldSteal ? k(e, Math.round(this.points / 2)) : k(e, Math.round(100 * this.age * (e.skin && e.skin.kScrM ? e.skin.kScrM : 1))),y.send(e.id, "9", "kills", e.kills, 1)),this.alive = !1,y.send(this.id, "11"),w()},this.addResource = function(e, t, n) {!n && t > 0 && this.addWeaponXP(t),3 == e ? k(this, t, !0) : (this[i.resourceTypes[e]] += t,y.send(this.id, "9", i.resourceTypes[e], this[i.resourceTypes[e]], 1))},this.changeItemCount = function(e, t) {this.itemCounts[e] = this.itemCounts[e] || 0,this.itemCounts[e] += t,y.send(this.id, "14", e, this.itemCounts[e])},this.buildItem = function(e) {var t = this.scale + e.scale + (e.placeOffset || 0), i = this.x + t * o(this.dir), n = this.y + t * a(this.dir);if (this.canBuild(e) && !(e.consume && this.skin && this.skin.noEat) && (e.consume || u.checkItemLocation(i, n, e.scale, .6, e.id, !1, this))) {var s = !1;if (e.consume) {if (this.hitTime) {var r = Date.now() - this.hitTime;this.hitTime = 0,r <= 120 ? (this.shameCount++,this.shameCount >= 8 && (this.shameTimer = 3e4,this.shameCount = 0)) : (this.shameCount -= 2,this.shameCount <= 0 && (this.shameCount = 0))}this.shameTimer <= 0 && (s = e.consume(this))} elses = !0,e.group.limit && this.changeItemCount(e.group.id, 1),e.pps && (this.pps += e.pps),u.add(u.objects.length, i, n, this.dir, e.scale, e.type, e, !1, this);s && (this.useRes(e),this.buildIndex = -1)}},this.hasRes = function(e, t) {for (var i = 0; i < e.req.length; ) {if (this[e.req[i]] < Math.round(e.req[i + 1] * (t || 1)))return !1;i += 2}return !0},this.useRes = function(e, t) {if (!i.inSandbox)for (var n = 0; n < e.req.length; )this.addResource(i.resourceTypes.indexOf(e.req[n]), -Math.round(e.req[n + 1] * (t || 1))),n += 2},this.canBuild = function(e) {var t = i.inSandbox ? Math.max(3 * e.group.limit, 99) : e.group.limit;return !(t && this.itemCounts[e.group.id] >= t) && (!!i.inSandbox || this.hasRes(e))},this.gather = function() {this.noMovTimer = 0,this.slowMult -= p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].hitSlow || .3,this.slowMult < 0 && (this.slowMult = 0);for (var e, t, n, s = i.fetchVariant(this), r = s.poison, c = s.val, h = {}, g = u.getGridArrays(this.x, this.y, p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].range), m = 0; m < g.length; ++m)for (var y = 0; y < g[m].length; ++y)if ((t = g[m][y]).active && !t.dontGather && !h[t.sid] && t.visibleToPlayer(this) && l.getDistance(this.x, this.y, t.x, t.y) - t.scale <= p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].range && (e = l.getDirection(t.x, t.y, this.x, this.y),l.getAngleDist(e, this.dir) <= i.gatherAngle)) {if (h[t.sid] = 1,t.health) {if (t.changeHealth(-p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].dmg * c * (p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].sDmg || 1) * (this.skin && this.skin.bDmg ? this.skin.bDmg : 1), this)) {for (var k = 0; k < t.req.length; )this.addResource(i.resourceTypes.indexOf(t.req[k]), t.req[k + 1]),k += 2;u.disableObj(t)}} else {this.earnXP(4 * p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].gather);var w = p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].gather + (3 == t.type ? 4 : 0);this.skin && this.skin.extraGold && this.addResource(3, 1),this.addResource(t.type, w)}n = !0,u.hitObj(t, e)}for (y = 0; y < d.length + f.length; ++y)if ((t = d[y] || f[y - d.length]) != this && t.alive && (!t.team || t.team != this.team) && l.getDistance(this.x, this.y, t.x, t.y) - 1.8 * t.scale <= p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].range && (e = l.getDirection(t.x, t.y, this.x, this.y),l.getAngleDist(e, this.dir) <= i.gatherAngle)) {var v = p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].steal;v && t.addResource && (v = Math.min(t.points || 0, v),this.addResource(3, v),t.addResource(3, -v));var b = c;null != t.weaponIndex && p.weapons[t.weaponIndex].shield && l.getAngleDist(e + Math.PI, t.dir) <= i.shieldAngle && (b = p.weapons[t.weaponIndex].shield);var x = p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].dmg, S = x * (this.skin && this.skin.dmgMultO ? this.skin.dmgMultO : 1) * (this.tail && this.tail.dmgMultO ? this.tail.dmgMultO : 1), I = .3 * (t.weightM || 1) + (p.weapons[this.weaponIndex].knock || 0);t.xVel += I * o(e),t.yVel += I * a(e),this.skin && this.skin.healD && this.changeHealth(S * b * this.skin.healD, this),this.tail && this.tail.healD && this.changeHealth(S * b * this.tail.healD, this),t.skin && t.skin.dmg && this.changeHealth(-x * t.skin.dmg, t),t.tail && t.tail.dmg && this.changeHealth(-x * t.tail.dmg, t),!(t.dm###erTime && this.skin && this.skin.poisonDmg) || t.skin && t.skin.poisonRes || (t.dm###erTime.dmg = this.skin.poisonDmg,t.dm###erTime.time = this.skin.poisonTime || 1,t.dm###erTime.doer = this),!t.dm###erTime || !r || t.skin && t.skin.poisonRes || (t.dm###erTime.dmg = 5,t.dm###erTime.time = 5,t.dm###erTime.doer = this),t.skin && t.skin.dmgK && (this.xVel -= t.skin.dmgK * o(e),this.yVel -= t.skin.dmgK * a(e)),t.changeHealth(-S * b, this, this)}this.sendAnimation(n ? 1 : 0)},this.sendAnimation = function(e) {for (var t = 0; t < d.length; ++t)this.sentTo[d[t].id] && this.canSee(d[t]) && y.send(d[t].id, "7", this.sid, e ? 1 : 0, this.weaponIndex)};var x = 0, S = 0;this.animate = function(e) {this.animTime > 0 && (this.animTime -= e,this.animTime <= 0 ? (this.animTime = 0,this.dirPlus = 0,x = 0,S = 0) : 0 == S ? (x += e / (this.animSpeed * i.hitReturnRatio),this.dirPlus = l.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.min(1, x)),x >= 1 && (x = 1,S = 1)) : (x -= e / (this.animSpeed * (1 - i.hitReturnRatio)),this.dirPlus = l.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.max(0, x))))},this.startAnim = function(e, t) {this.animTime = this.animSpeed = p.weapons[t].speed,this.targetAngle = e ? -i.hitAngle : -Math.PI,x = 0,S = 0},this.canSee = function(e) {if (!e)return !1;if (e.skin && e.skin.invisTimer && e.noMovTimer >= e.skin.invisTimer)return !1;var t = s(e.x - this.x) - e.scale, n = s(e.y - this.y) - e.scale;return t <= i.maxScreenWidth / 2 * 1.3 && n <= i.maxScreenHeight / 2 * 1.3}}}, function(e, t, i) {const n = i(14).words, s = i(15).array;e.exports = class {constructor(e={}) {Object.assign(this, {list: e.emptyList && [] || Array.prototype.concat.apply(n, [s, e.list || []]),exclude: e.exclude || [],placeHolder: e.placeHolder || "*",regex: e.regex || /[^a-zA-Z0-9|\$|\@]|\^/g,replaceRegex: e.replaceRegex || /\w/g})}isProfane(e) {return this.list.filter(t=>{const i = new RegExp(`\\b${t.replace(/(\W)/g, "\\$1")}\\b`,"gi");return !this.exclude.includes(t.toLowerCase()) && i.test(e)}).length > 0 || !1}replaceWord(e) {return e.replace(this.regex, "").replace(this.replaceRegex, this.placeHolder)}clean(e) {return e.split(/\b/).map(e=>this.isProfane(e) ? this.replaceWord(e) : e).join("")}addWords() {let e = Array.from(arguments);this.list.push(...e),e.map(e=>e.toLowerCase()).forEach(e=>{this.exclude.includes(e) && this.exclude.splice(this.exclude.indexOf(e), 1)})}removeWords() {this.exclude.push(...Array.from(arguments).map(e=>e.toLowerCase()))}}}, function(e) {e.exports = {words: ["ahole", "anus", "ash0le", "ash0les", "asholes", "ass", "Ass Monkey", "Assface", "assh0le", "assh0lez", "asshole", "assholes", "assholz", "asswipe", "azzhole", "bassterds", "bastard", "bastards", "bastardz", "basterds", "basterdz", "Biatch", "bitch", "bitches", "Blow Job", "boffing", "butthole", "buttwipe", "c0ck", "c0cks", "c0k", "Carpet Muncher", "cawk", "cawks", "Clit", "cnts", "cntz", "cock", "cockhead", "cock-head", "cocks", "CockSucker", "cock-sucker", "crap", "cum", "cunt", "cunts", "cuntz", "dick", "dild0", "dild0s", "dildo", "dildos", "dilld0", "dilld0s", "dominatricks", "dominatrics", "dominatrix", "dyke", "enema", "f u c k", "f u c k e r", "fag", "fag1t", "faget", "fagg1t", "faggit", "faggot", "fagg0t", "fagit", "fags", "fagz", "faig", "faigs", "fart", "flipping the bird", "####", "####er", "####in", "####ing", "####s", "Fudge Packer", "fuk", "Fukah", "Fuken", "fuker", "Fukin", "Fukk", "Fukkah", "Fukken", "Fukker", "Fukkin", "g00k", "God-damned", "h00r", "h0ar", "h0re", "hells", "hoar", "hoor", "hoore", "jackoff", "jap", "japs", "jerk-off", "jisim", "jiss", "jizm", "jizz", "knob", "knobs", "knobz", "kunt", "kunts", "kuntz", "Lezzian", "Lipshits", "Lipshitz", "masochist", "masokist", "massterbait", "masstrbait", "masstrbate", "masterbaiter", "masterbate", "masterbates", "Motha ####er", "Motha Fuker", "Motha Fukkah", "Motha Fukker", "Mother ####er", "Mother Fukah", "Mother Fuker", "Mother Fukkah", "Mother Fukker", "mother-####er", "Mutha ####er", "Mutha Fukah", "Mutha Fuker", "Mutha Fukkah", "Mutha Fukker", "n1gr", "nastt", "nigger;", "nigur;", "niiger;", "niigr;", "orafis", "orgasim;", "orgasm", "orgasum", "oriface", "orifice", "orifiss", "packi", "packie", "packy", "paki", "pakie", "paky", "pecker", "peeenus", "peeenusss", "peenus", "peinus", "pen1s", "penas", "penis", "penis-breath", "penus", "penuus", "Phuc", "Phuck", "Phuk", "Phuker", "Phukker", "polac", "polack", "polak", "Poonani", "pr1c", "pr1ck", "pr1k", "pusse", "pussee", "pussy", "puuke", "puuker", "queer", "queers", "queerz", "qweers", "qweerz", "qweir", "recktum", "rectum", "retard", "sadist", "scank", "schlong", "screwing", "semen", "sex", "sexy", "Sh!t", "sh1t", "sh1ter", "sh1ts", "sh1tter", "sh1tz", "shit", "shits", "shitter", "Shitty", "Shity", "shitz", "Shyt", "Shyte", "Shytty", "Shyty", "skanck", "skank", "skankee", "skankey", "skanks", "Skanky", "slag", "slut", "sluts", "Slutty", "slutz", "son-of-a-bitch", "tit", "turd", "va1jina", "vag1na", "vagiina", "vagina", "vaj1na", "vajina", "vullva", "vulva", "w0p", "wh00r", "wh0re", "whore", "xrated", "xxx", "b!+ch", "bitch", "blowjob", "clit", "arschloch", "####", "shit", "ass", "asshole", "b!tch", "b17ch", "b1tch", "bastard", "bi+ch", "boiolas", "buceta", "c0ck", "cawk", "chink", "cipa", "clits", "cock", "cum", "cunt", "dildo", "dirsa", "ejakulate", "fatass", "fcuk", "fuk", "fux0r", "hoer", "hore", "jism", "kawk", "l3itch", "l3i+ch", "lesbian", "masturbate", "masterbat*", "masterbat3", "mother####er", "s.o.b.", "mofo", "nazi", "nigga", "nigger", "nutsack", "phuck", "pimpis", "pusse", "pussy", "scrotum", "sh!t", "shemale", "shi+", "sh!+", "slut", "smut", "teets", "tits", "boobs", "b00bs", "teez", "testical", "testicle", "titt", "w00se", "jackoff", "wank", "whoar", "whore", "*damn", "*dyke", "*####*", "*shit*", "@$$", "amcik", "andskota", "arse*", "assrammer", "ayir", "bi7ch", "bitch*", "bollock*", "breasts", "butt-pirate", "cabron", "cazzo", "chraa", "chuj", "Cock*", "cunt*", "d4mn", "daygo", "dego", "dick*", "dike*", "dupa", "dziwka", "ejackulate", "Ekrem*", "Ekto", "enculer", "faen", "fag*", "fanculo", "fanny", "feces", "feg", "Felcher", "ficken", "fitt*", "Flikker", "foreskin", "Fotze", "Fu(*", "fuk*", "futkretzn", "gook", "guiena", "h0r", "h4x0r", "hell", "helvete", "hoer*", "honkey", "Huevon", "hui", "injun", "jizz", "kanker*", "kike", "klootzak", "kraut", "knulle", "kuk", "kuksuger", "Kurac", "kurwa", "kusi*", "kyrpa*", "lesbo", "mamhoon", "masturbat*", "merd*", "mibun", "monkleigh", "mouliewop", "muie", "mulkku", "muschi", "nazis", "nepesaurio", "nigger*", "orospu", "paska*", "perse", "picka", "pierdol*", "pillu*", "pimmel", "piss*", "pizda", "poontsee", "poop", "porn", "p0rn", "pr0n", "preteen", "pula", "pule", "puta", "puto", "qahbeh", "queef*", "rautenberg", "schaffer", "scheiss*", "schlampe", "schmuck", "screw", "sh!t*", "sharmuta", "sharmute", "shipal", "shiz", "skribz", "skurwysyn", "sphencter", "spic", "spierdalaj", "splooge", "suka", "b00b*", "testicle*", "titt*", "twat", "vittu", "wank*", "wetback*", "wichser", "wop*", "yed", "zabourah"]}}, function(e, t, i) {e.exports = {object: i(16),array: i(17),regex: i(18)}}, function(e, t) {e.exports = {"4r5e": 1,"5h1t": 1,"5hit": 1,a55: 1,anal: 1,anus: 1,ar5e: 1,arrse: 1,arse: 1,ass: 1,"ass-####er": 1,asses: 1,ass####er: 1,assfukka: 1,asshole: 1,assholes: 1,asswhole: 1,a_s_s: 1,"b!tch": 1,b00bs: 1,b17ch: 1,b1tch: 1,ballbag: 1,balls: 1,ballsack: 1,bastard: 1,beastial: 1,beastiality: 1,bellend: 1,bestial: 1,bestiality: 1,"bi+ch": 1,biatch: 1,bitch: 1,bitcher: 1,bitchers: 1,bitches: 1,bitchin: 1,bitching: 1,bloody: 1,"blow job": 1,blowjob: 1,blowjobs: 1,boiolas: 1,bollock: 1,bollok: 1,boner: 1,boob: 1,boobs: 1,booobs: 1,boooobs: 1,booooobs: 1,booooooobs: 1,breasts: 1,buceta: 1,bugger: 1,bum: 1,"bunny ####er": 1,butt: 1,butthole: 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1,testical: 1,testicle: 1,tit: 1,tit####: 1,tits: 1,titt: 1,tittie5: 1,tittie####er: 1,titties: 1,titty####: 1,tittywank: 1,titwank: 1,tosser: 1,turd: 1,tw4t: 1,twat: 1,twathead: 1,twatty: 1,twunt: 1,twunter: 1,v14gra: 1,v1gra: 1,vagina: 1,viagra: 1,vulva: 1,w00se: 1,wang: 1,wank: 1,wanker: 1,wanky: 1,whoar: 1,whore: 1,willies: 1,willy: 1,xrated: 1,xxx: 1}}, function(e, t) {e.exports = ["4r5e", "5h1t", "5hit", "a55", "anal", "anus", "ar5e", "arrse", "arse", "ass", "ass-####er", "asses", "ass####er", "assfukka", "asshole", "assholes", "asswhole", "a_s_s", "b!tch", "b00bs", "b17ch", "b1tch", "ballbag", "balls", "ballsack", "bastard", "beastial", "beastiality", "bellend", "bestial", "bestiality", "bi+ch", "biatch", "bitch", "bitcher", "bitchers", "bitches", "bitchin", "bitching", "bloody", "blow job", "blowjob", "blowjobs", "boiolas", "bollock", "bollok", "boner", "boob", "boobs", "booobs", "boooobs", "booooobs", "booooooobs", "breasts", "buceta", "bugger", "bum", "bunny ####er", "butt", 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"fanny", "fannyflaps", "fanny####er", "fanyy", "fatass", "fcuk", "fcuker", "fcuking", "feck", "fecker", "felching", "fellate", "fellatio", "finger####", "finger####ed", "finger####er", "finger####ers", "finger####ing", "finger####s", "fist####", "fist####ed", "fist####er", "fist####ers", "fist####ing", "fist####ings", "fist####s", "flange", "fook", "fooker", "####", "####a", "####ed", "####er", "####ers", "####head", "####heads", "####in", "####ing", "####ings", "####ingshitmother####er", "####me", "####s", "####whit", "####wit", "fudge packer", "fudgepacker", "fuk", "fuker", "fukker", "fukkin", "fuks", "fukwhit", "fukwit", "fux", "fux0r", "f_u_c_k", "gangbang", "gangbanged", "gangbangs", "gaylord", "gaysex", "goatse", "God", "god-dam", "god-damned", "goddamn", "goddamned", "hardcoresex", "hell", "heshe", "hoar", "hoare", "hoer", "homo", "hore", "horniest", "horny", "hotsex", "jack-off", "jackoff", "jap", "jerk-off", "jism", "jiz", "jizm", "jizz", "kawk", "knob", "knobead", "knobed", 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"orgasm", "orgasms", "p0rn", "pawn", "pecker", "penis", "penis####er", "phonesex", "phuck", "phuk", "phuked", "phuking", "phukked", "phukking", "phuks", "phuq", "pig####er", "pimpis", "piss", "pissed", "pisser", "pissers", "pisses", "pissflaps", "pissin", "pissing", "pissoff", "poop", "porn", "porno", "pornography", "pornos", "prick", "pricks", "pron", "pube", "pusse", "pussi", "pussies", "pussy", "pussys", "rectum", "retard", "rimjaw", "rimming", "s hit", "s.o.b.", "sadist", "schlong", "screwing", "scroat", "scrote", "scrotum", "semen", "sex", "sh!+", "sh!t", "sh1t", "shag", "shagger", "shaggin", "shagging", "shemale", "shi+", "shit", "shitdick", "shite", "shited", "shitey", "shit####", "shitfull", "shithead", "shiting", "shitings", "shits", "shitted", "shitter", "shitters", "shitting", "shittings", "shitty", "skank", "slut", "sluts", "smegma", "smut", "snatch", "son-of-a-bitch", "spac", "spunk", "s_h_i_t", "t1tt1e5", "t1tties", "teets", "teez", "testical", "testicle", "tit", "tit####", "tits", "titt", "tittie5", "tittie####er", "titties", "titty####", "tittywank", "titwank", "tosser", "turd", "tw4t", "twat", "twathead", "twatty", "twunt", "twunter", "v14gra", "v1gra", "vagina", "viagra", "vulva", "w00se", "wang", "wank", "wanker", "wanky", "whoar", "whore", "willies", "willy", "xrated", "xxx"]}, function(e, t) {e.exports = /\b(4r5e|5h1t|5hit|a55|anal|anus|ar5e|arrse|arse|ass|ass-####er|asses|ass####er|assfukka|asshole|assholes|asswhole|a_s_s|b!tch|b00bs|b17ch|b1tch|ballbag|balls|ballsack|bastard|beastial|beastiality|bellend|bestial|bestiality|bi\+ch|biatch|bitch|bitcher|bitchers|bitches|bitchin|bitching|bloody|blow job|blowjob|blowjobs|boiolas|bollock|bollok|boner|boob|boobs|booobs|boooobs|booooobs|booooooobs|breasts|buceta|bugger|bum|bunny ####er|butt|butthole|buttmuch|buttplug|c0ck|c0cksucker|carpet 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r|f4nny|fag|fagging|faggitt|faggot|faggs|fagot|fagots|fags|fanny|fannyflaps|fanny####er|fanyy|fatass|fcuk|fcuker|fcuking|feck|fecker|felching|fellate|fellatio|finger####|finger####ed|finger####er|finger####ers|finger####ing|finger####s|fist####|fist####ed|fist####er|fist####ers|fist####ing|fist####ings|fist####s|flange|fook|fooker|####|####a|####ed|####er|####ers|####head|####heads|####in|####ing|####ings|####ingshitmother####er|####me|####s|####whit|####wit|fudge 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####er|mother####|mother####ed|mother####er|mother####ers|mother####in|mother####ing|mother####ings|mother####ka|mother####s|muff|mutha|muthafecker|mutha####ker|muther|muther####er|n1gga|n1gger|nazi|nigg3r|nigg4h|nigga|niggah|niggas|niggaz|nigger|niggers|nob|nob jokey|nobhead|nobjocky|nobjokey|numbnuts|nutsack|orgasim|orgasims|orgasm|orgasms|p0rn|pawn|pecker|penis|penis####er|phonesex|phuck|phuk|phuked|phuking|phukked|phukking|phuks|phuq|pig####er|pimpis|piss|pissed|pisser|pissers|pisses|pissflaps|pissin|pissing|pissoff|poop|porn|porno|pornography|pornos|prick|pricks|pron|pube|pusse|pussi|pussies|pussy|pussys|rectum|retard|rimjaw|rimming|s hit|s.o.b.|sadist|schlong|screwing|scroat|scrote|scrotum|semen|sex|sh!\+|sh!t|sh1t|shag|shagger|shaggin|shagging|shemale|shi\+|shit|shitdick|shite|shited|shitey|shit####|shitfull|shithead|shiting|shitings|shits|shitted|shitter|shitters|shitting|shittings|shitty|skank|slut|sluts|smegma|smut|snatch|son-of-a-bitch|spac|spunk|s_h_i_t|t1tt1e5|t1tties|teets|teez|testical|testicle|tit|tit####|tits|titt|tittie5|tittie####er|titties|titty####|tittywank|titwank|tosser|turd|tw4t|twat|twathead|twatty|twunt|twunter|v14gra|v1gra|vagina|viagra|vulva|w00se|wang|wank|wanker|wanky|whoar|whore|willies|willy|xrated|xxx)\b/gi}, function(e, t) {e.exports.hats = [{id: 45,name: "Shame!",dontSell: !0,price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "hacks are for losers"}, {id: 51,name: "Moo Cap",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "coolest mooer around"}, {id: 50,name: "Apple Cap",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "apple farms remembers"}, {id: 28,name: "Moo Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 29,name: "Pig Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 30,name: "Fluff Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 36,name: "Pandou Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 37,name: "Bear Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 38,name: "Monkey Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 44,name: "Polar Head",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 35,name: "Fez Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 42,name: "Enigma Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "join the enigma army"}, {id: 43,name: "Blitz Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "hey everybody i'm blitz"}, {id: 49,name: "Bob XIII Hat",price: 0,scale: 120,desc: "like and subscribe"}, {id: 57,name: "Pumpkin",price: 50,scale: 120,desc: "Spooooky"}, {id: 8,name: "Bummle Hat",price: 100,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 2,name: "Straw Hat",price: 500,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 15,name: "Winter Cap",price: 600,scale: 120,desc: "allows you to move at normal speed in snow",coldM: 1}, {id: 5,name: "Cowboy Hat",price: 1e3,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 4,name: "Ranger Hat",price: 2e3,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 18,name: "Explorer Hat",price: 2e3,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 31,name: "Flipper Hat",price: 2500,scale: 120,desc: "have more control while in water",watrImm: !0}, {id: 1,name: "Marksman Cap",price: 3e3,scale: 120,desc: "increases arrow speed and range",aMlt: 1.3}, {id: 10,name: "Bush Gear",price: 3e3,scale: 160,desc: "allows you to disguise yourself as a bush"}, {id: 48,name: "Halo",price: 3e3,scale: 120,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 6,name: "Soldier Helmet",price: 4e3,scale: 120,desc: "reduces damage taken but slows movement",spdMult: .94,dmgMult: .75}, {id: 23,name: "Anti Venom Gear",price: 4e3,scale: 120,desc: "makes you immune to poison",poisonRes: 1}, {id: 13,name: "Medic Gear",price: 5e3,scale: 110,desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",healthRegen: 3}, {id: 9,name: "Miners Helmet",price: 5e3,scale: 120,desc: "earn 1 extra gold per resource",extraGold: 1}, {id: 32,name: "Musketeer Hat",price: 5e3,scale: 120,desc: "reduces cost of projectiles",projCost: .5}, {id: 7,name: "Bull Helmet",price: 6e3,scale: 120,desc: "increases damage done but drains health",healthRegen: -5,dmgMultO: 1.5,spdMult: .96}, {id: 22,name: "Emp Helmet",price: 6e3,scale: 120,desc: "turrets won't attack but you move slower",antiTurret: 1,spdMult: .7}, {id: 12,name: "Booster Hat",price: 6e3,scale: 120,desc: "increases your movement speed",spdMult: 1.16}, {id: 26,name: "Barbarian Armor",price: 8e3,scale: 120,desc: "knocks back enemies that attack you",dmgK: .6}, {id: 21,name: "Plague Mask",price: 1e4,scale: 120,desc: "melee attacks deal poison damage",poisonDmg: 5,poisonTime: 6}, {id: 46,name: "Bull Mask",price: 1e4,scale: 120,desc: "bulls won't target you unless you attack them",bullRepel: 1}, {id: 14,name: "Windmill Hat",topSprite: !0,price: 1e4,scale: 120,desc: "generates points while worn",pps: 1.5}, {id: 11,name: "Spike Gear",topSprite: !0,price: 1e4,scale: 120,desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",dmg: .45}, {id: 53,name: "Turret Gear",topSprite: !0,price: 1e4,scale: 120,desc: "you become a walking turret",turret: {proj: 1,range: 700,rate: 2500},spdMult: .7}, {id: 20,name: "Samurai Armor",price: 12e3,scale: 120,desc: "increased attack speed and fire rate",atkSpd: .78}, {id: 58,name: "Dark Knight",price: 12e3,scale: 120,desc: "restores health when you deal damage",healD: .4}, {id: 27,name: "Scavenger Gear",price: 15e3,scale: 120,desc: "earn double points for each kill",kScrM: 2}, {id: 40,name: "#### Gear",price: 15e3,scale: 120,desc: "increased damage to buildings but slower movement",spdMult: .3,bDmg: 3.3}, {id: 52,name: "Thief Gear",price: 15e3,scale: 120,desc: "steal half of a players gold when you kill them",goldSteal: .5}, {id: 55,name: "Bloodthirster",price: 2e4,scale: 120,desc: "Restore Health when dealing damage. And increased damage",healD: .25,dmgMultO: 1.2}, {id: 56,name: "Assassin Gear",price: 2e4,scale: 120,desc: "Go invisible when not moving. Can't eat. Increased speed",noEat: !0,spdMult: 1.1,invisTimer: 1e3}],e.exports.accessories = [{id: 12,name: "Snowball",price: 1e3,scale: 105,xOff: 18,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 9,name: "Tree Cape",price: 1e3,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 10,name: "Stone Cape",price: 1e3,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 3,name: "Cookie Cape",price: 1500,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 8,name: "Cow Cape",price: 2e3,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 11,name: "Monkey Tail",price: 2e3,scale: 97,xOff: 25,desc: "Super speed but reduced damage",spdMult: 1.35,dmgMultO: .2}, {id: 17,name: "Apple Basket",price: 3e3,scale: 80,xOff: 12,desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",healthRegen: 1}, {id: 6,name: "Winter Cape",price: 3e3,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 4,name: "Skull Cape",price: 4e3,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 5,name: "Dash Cape",price: 5e3,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 2,name: "Dragon Cape",price: 6e3,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 1,name: "Super Cape",price: 8e3,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 7,name: "Troll Cape",price: 8e3,scale: 90,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 14,name: "Thorns",price: 1e4,scale: 115,xOff: 20,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 15,name: "Blockades",price: 1e4,scale: 95,xOff: 15,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 20,name: "Devils Tail",price: 1e4,scale: 95,xOff: 20,desc: "no effect"}, {id: 16,name: "Sawblade",price: 12e3,scale: 90,spin: !0,xOff: 0,desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",dmg: .15}, {id: 13,name: "Angel Wings",price: 15e3,scale: 138,xOff: 22,desc: "slowly regenerates health over time",healthRegen: 3}, {id: 19,name: "Shadow Wings",price: 15e3,scale: 138,xOff: 22,desc: "increased movement speed",spdMult: 1.1}, {id: 18,name: "Blood Wings",price: 2e4,scale: 178,xOff: 26,desc: "restores health when you deal damage",healD: .2}, {id: 21,name: "Corrupt X Wings",price: 2e4,scale: 178,xOff: 26,desc: "deal damage to players that damage you",dmg: .25}]}, function(e, t) {e.exports = function(e, t, i, n, s, o, a) {this.init = function(e, t, i, n, s, o, r, c, l) {this.active = !0,this.indx = e,this.x = t,this.y = i,this.dir = n,this.skipMov = !0,this.speed = s,this.dmg = o,this.scale = c,this.range = r,this.owner = l,a && (this.sentTo = {})};var r, c = [];this.update = function(l) {if (this.active) {var h, u = this.speed * l;if (this.skipMov ? this.skipMov = !1 : (this.x += u * Math.cos(this.dir),this.y += u * Math.sin(this.dir),this.range -= u,this.range <= 0 && (this.x += this.range * Math.cos(this.dir),this.y += this.range * Math.sin(this.dir),u = 1,this.range = 0,this.active = !1)),a) {for (var d = 0; d < e.length; ++d)!this.sentTo[e[d].id] && e[d].canSee(this) && (this.sentTo[e[d].id] = 1,a.send(e[d].id, "18", o.fixTo(this.x, 1), o.fixTo(this.y, 1), o.fixTo(this.dir, 2), o.fixTo(this.range, 1), this.speed, this.indx, this.layer, this.sid));for (c.length = 0,d = 0; d < e.length + t.length; ++d)!(r = e[d] || t[d - e.length]).alive || r == this.owner || this.owner.team && r.team == this.owner.team || o.lineInRect(r.x - r.scale, r.y - r.scale, r.x + r.scale, r.y + r.scale, this.x, this.y, this.x + u * Math.cos(this.dir), this.y + u * Math.sin(this.dir)) && c.push(r);for (var f = i.getGridArrays(this.x, this.y, this.scale), p = 0; p < f.length; ++p)for (var g = 0; g < f[p].length; ++g)h = (r = f[p][g]).getScale(),r.active && this.ignoreObj != r.sid && this.layer <= r.layer && c.indexOf(r) < 0 && !r.ignoreCollision && o.lineInRect(r.x - h, r.y - h, r.x + h, r.y + h, this.x, this.y, this.x + u * Math.cos(this.dir), this.y + u * Math.sin(this.dir)) && c.push(r);if (c.length > 0) {var m = null, y = null, k = null;for (d = 0; d < c.length; ++d)k = o.getDistance(this.x, this.y, c[d].x, c[d].y),(null == y || k < y) && (y = k,m = c[d]);if (m.isPlayer || m.isAI) {var w = .3 * (m.weightM || 1);m.xVel += w * Math.cos(this.dir),m.yVel += w * Math.sin(this.dir),null != m.weaponIndex && n.weapons[m.weaponIndex].shield && o.getAngleDist(this.dir + Math.PI, m.dir) <= s.shieldAngle || m.changeHealth(-this.dmg, this.owner, this.owner)} elsefor (m.projDmg && m.health && m.changeHealth(-this.dmg) && i.disableObj(m),d = 0; d < e.length; ++d)e[d].active && (m.sentTo[e[d].id] && (m.active ? e[d].canSee(m) && a.send(e[d].id, "8", o.fixTo(this.dir, 2), m.sid) : a.send(e[d].id, "12", m.sid)),m.active || m.owner != e[d] || e[d].changeItemCount(m.group.id, -1));for (this.active = !1,d = 0; d < e.length; ++d)this.sentTo[e[d].id] && a.send(e[d].id, "19", this.sid, o.fixTo(y, 1))}}}}}}, function(e, t) {e.exports = function(e, t, i, n, s, o, a, r, c) {this.addProjectile = function(l, h, u, d, f, p, g, m, y) {for (var k, w = o.projectiles[p], v = 0; v < t.length; ++v)if (!t[v].active) {k = t[v];break}return k || ((k = new e(i,n,s,o,a,r,c)).sid = t.length,t.push(k)),k.init(p, l, h, u, f, w.dmg, d, w.scale, g),k.ignoreObj = m,k.layer = y || w.layer,k.src = w.src,k}}}, function(e, t) {e.exports.obj = function(e, t) {var i;this.sounds = [],this.active = !0,this.play = function(t, n, s) {n && this.active && ((i = this.sounds[t]) || (i = new Howl({src: ".././sound/" + t + ".mp3"}),this.sounds[t] = i),s && i.isPlaying || (i.isPlaying = !0,i.play(),i.volume((n || 1) * e.volumeMult),i.loop(s)))},this.toggleMute = function(e, t) {(i = this.sounds[e]) && i.mute(t)},this.stop = function(e) {(i = this.sounds[e]) && (i.stop(),i.isPlaying = !1)}}}, function(e, t, i) {var n = i(24), s = i(32);function o(e, t, i, n, s) {"localhost" == location.hostname && (window.location.hostname = ""),this.debugLog = !1,this.baseUrl = e,this.lobbySize = i,this.devPort = t,this.lobbySpread = n,this.rawIPs = !!s,this.server = void 0,this.gameIndex = void 0,this.callback = void 0,this.errorCallback = void 0,this.processServers(vultr.servers)}o.prototype.regionInfo = {0: {name: "Local",latitude: 0,longitude: 0},"vultr:1": {name: "New Jersey",latitude: 40.1393329,longitude: -75.8521818},"vultr:2": {name: "Chicago",latitude: 41.8339037,longitude: -87.872238},"vultr:3": {name: "Dallas",latitude: 32.8208751,longitude: -96.8714229},"vultr:4": {name: "Seattle",latitude: 47.6149942,longitude: -122.4759879},"vultr:5": {name: "Los Angeles",latitude: 34.0207504,longitude: -118.691914},"vultr:6": {name: "Atlanta",latitude: 33.7676334,longitude: -84.5610332},"vultr:7": {name: "Amsterdam",latitude: 52.3745287,longitude: 4.7581878},"vultr:8": {name: "London",latitude: 51.5283063,longitude: -.382486},"vultr:9": {name: "Frankfurt",latitude: 50.1211273,longitude: 8.496137},"vultr:12": {name: "Silicon Valley",latitude: 37.4024714,longitude: -122.3219752},"vultr:19": {name: "Sydney",latitude: -33.8479715,longitude: 150.651084},"vultr:24": {name: "Paris",latitude: 48.8588376,longitude: 2.2773454},"vultr:25": {name: "Tokyo",latitude: 35.6732615,longitude: 139.569959},"vultr:39": {name: "Miami",latitude: 25.7823071,longitude: -80.3012156},"vultr:40": {name: "Singapore",latitude: 1.3147268,longitude: 103.7065876}},o.prototype.start = function(e, t) {this.callback = e,this.errorCallback = t;var i = this.parseServerQuery();i ? (this.log("Found server in query."),this.password = i[3],this.connect(i[0], i[1], i[2])) : (this.log("Pinging servers..."),this.pingServers())},o.prototype.parseServerQuery = function() {var e = n.parse(location.href, !0), t = e.query.server;if ("string" == typeof t) {var i = t.split(":");if (3 == i.length) {var s = i[0], o = parseInt(i[1]), a = parseInt(i[2]);return "0" == s || s.startsWith("vultr:") || (s = "vultr:" + s),[s, o, a, e.query.password]}this.errorCallback("Invalid number of server parameters in " + t)}},o.prototype.findServer = function(e, t) {var i = this.servers[e];if (Array.isArray(i)) {for (var n = 0; n < i.length; n++) {var s = i[n];if (s.index == t)return s}console.warn("Could not find server in region " + e + " with index " + t + ".")} elsethis.errorCallback("No server list for region " + e)},o.prototype.pingServers = function() {var e = this, t = [];for (var i in this.servers)if (this.servers.hasOwnProperty(i)) {var n = this.servers[i], s = n[Math.floor(Math.random() * n.length)];null != s ? function(n, s) {var o = new XMLHttpRequest;o.onreadystatechange = function(n) {var o = n.target;if (4 == o.readyState)if (200 == o.status) {for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++)t[a].abort();e.log("Connecting to region", s.region);var r = e.seekServer(s.region);e.connect(r[0], r[1], r[2])} elseconsole.warn("Error pinging " + s.ip + " in region " + i)};var a = "//" + e.serverAddress(s.ip, !0) + ":" + e.serverPort(s) + "/ping";o.open("GET", a, !0),o.send(null),e.log("Pinging", a),t.push(o)}(0, s) : console.log("No target server for region " + i)}},o.prototype.seekServer = function(e, t, i) {null == i && (i = "random"),null == t && (t = !1);const n = ["random"];var s = this.lobbySize, o = this.lobbySpread, a = this.servers[e].flatMap((function(e) {var t = 0;return e.games.map((function(i) {var n = t++;return {region: e.region,index: e.index * e.games.length + n,gameIndex: n,gameCount: e.games.length,playerCount: i.playerCount,isPrivate: i.isPrivate}}))})).filter((function(e) {return !e.isPrivate})).filter((function(e) {return !t || 0 == e.playerCount && e.gameIndex >= e.gameCount / 2})).filter((function(e) {return "random" == i || n[e.index % n.length].key == i})).sort((function(e, t) {return t.playerCount - e.playerCount})).filter((function(e) {return e.playerCount < s}));if (t && a.reverse(),0 != a.length) {var r = Math.min(o, a.length), c = Math.floor(Math.random() * r), l = a[c = Math.min(c, a.length - 1)], h = l.region, u = (c = Math.floor(l.index / l.gameCount),l.index % l.gameCount);return this.log("Found server."),[h, c, u]}this.errorCallback("No open servers.")},o.prototype.connect = function(e, t, i) {if (!this.connected) {var n = this.findServer(e, t);null != n ? (this.log("Connecting to server", n, "with game index", i),n.games[i].playerCount >= this.lobbySize ? this.errorCallback("Server is already full.") : (window.history.replaceState(document.title, document.title, this.generateHref(e, t, i, this.password)),this.server = n,this.gameIndex = i,this.log("Calling callback with address", this.serverAddress(n.ip), "on port", this.serverPort(n), "with game index", i),this.callback(this.serverAddress(n.ip), this.serverPort(n), i))) : this.errorCallback("Failed to find server for region " + e + " and index " + t)}},o.prototype.switchServer = function(e, t, i, n) {this.switchingServers = !0,window.location.href = this.generateHref(e, t, i, n)},o.prototype.generateHref = function(e, t, i, n) {var s = "/?server=" + (e = this.stripRegion(e)) + ":" + t + ":" + i;return n && (s += "&password=" + encodeURIComponent(n)),s},o.prototype.serverAddress = function(e, t) {return "" == e || "7f000001" == e || "903d62ef5d1c2fecdcaeb5e7dd485eff" == e ? window.location.hostname : this.rawIPs ? t ? "ip_" + this.hashIP(e) + "." + this.baseUrl : e : "ip_" + e + "." + this.baseUrl},o.prototype.serverPort = function(e) {return 0 == e.region ? this.devPort : location.protocol.startsWith("https") ? 443 : 80},o.prototype.processServers = function(e) {for (var t = {}, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {var n = e[i], s = t[n.region];null == s && (s = [],t[n.region] = s),s.push(n)}for (var o in t)t[o] = t[o].sort((function(e, t) {return e.index - t.index}));this.servers = t},o.prototype.ipToHex = function(e) {return e.split(".").map(e=>("00" + parseInt(e).toString(16)).substr(-2)).join("").toLowerCase()},o.prototype.hashIP = function(e) {return s(this.ipToHex(e))},o.prototype.log = function() {return this.debugLog ? console.log.apply(void 0, arguments) : console.verbose ? console.verbose.apply(void 0, arguments) : void 0},o.prototype.stripRegion = function(e) {return e.startsWith("vultr:") ? e = e.slice(6) : e.startsWith("do:") && (e = e.slice(3)),e},window.testVultrClient = function() {var e = 1;function t(t, i) {(t = "" + t) == (i = "" + i) ? console.log(`Assert ${e} passed.`) : console.warn(`Assert ${e} failed. Expected ${i}, got ${t}.`),e++}var i = new o("test.io",-1,5,1,!1);i.errorCallback = function(e) {},i.processServers(function(e) {var t = [];for (var i in e)for (var n = e[i], s = 0; s < n.length; s++)t.push({ip: i + ":" + s,scheme: "testing",region: i,index: s,games: n[s].map(e=>({playerCount: e,isPrivate: !1}))});return t}({1: [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]],2: [[5, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]],3: [[5, 0, 1, 5], [0, 0, 0, 0]],4: [[5, 1, 1, 5], [1, 0, 0, 0]],5: [[5, 1, 1, 5], [1, 0, 4, 0]],6: [[5, 5, 5, 5], [2, 3, 1, 4]],7: [[5, 5, 5, 5], [5, 5, 5, 5]]})),t(i.seekServer(1, !1), [1, 0, 0]),t(i.seekServer(1, !0), [1, 1, 3]),t(i.seekServer(2, !1), [2, 0, 1]),t(i.seekServer(2, !0), [2, 1, 3]),t(i.seekServer(3, !1), [3, 0, 2]),t(i.seekServer(3, !0), [3, 1, 3]),t(i.seekServer(4, !1), [4, 0, 1]),t(i.seekServer(4, !0), [4, 1, 3]),t(i.seekServer(5, !1), [5, 1, 2]),t(i.seekServer(5, !0), [5, 1, 3]),t(i.seekServer(6, !1), [6, 1, 3]),t(i.seekServer(6, !0), void 0),t(i.seekServer(7, !1), void 0),t(i.seekServer(7, !0), void 0),console.log("Tests passed.")};var a = function(e, t) {return e.concat(t)};Array.prototype.flatMap = function(e) {return function(e, t) {return t.map(e).reduce(a, [])}(e, this)},e.exports = o}, function(e, t, i) {"use strict";var n = i(25), s = i(28);function o() {this.protocol = null,this.slashes = null,this.auth = null,this.host = null,this.port = null,this.hostname = null,this.hash = null,this.search = null,this.query = null,this.pathname = null,this.path = null,this.href = null}t.parse = w,t.resolve = function(e, t) {return w(e, !1, !0).resolve(t)},t.resolveObject = function(e, t) {return e ? w(e, !1, !0).resolveObject(t) : t},t.format = function(e) {return s.isString(e) && (e = w(e)),e instanceof o ? e.format() : o.prototype.format.call(e)},t.Url = o;var a = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i, r = /:[0-9]*$/, c = /^(\/\/?(?!\/)[^\?\s]*)(\?[^\s]*)?$/, l = ["{", "}", "|", "\\", "^", "`"].concat(["<", ">", '"', "`", " ", "\r", "\n", "\t"]), h = ["'"].concat(l), u = ["%", "/", "?", ";", "#"].concat(h), d = ["/", "?", "#"], f = /^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/, p = /^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/, g = {javascript: !0,"javascript:": !0}, m = {javascript: !0,"javascript:": !0}, y = {http: !0,https: !0,ftp: !0,gopher: !0,file: !0,"http:": !0,"https:": !0,"ftp:": !0,"gopher:": !0,"file:": !0}, k = i(29);function w(e, t, i) {if (e && s.isObject(e) && e instanceof o)return e;var n = new o;return n.parse(e, t, i),n}o.prototype.parse = function(e, t, i) {if (!s.isString(e))throw new TypeError("Parameter 'url' must be a string, not " + typeof e);var o = e.indexOf("?"), r = -1 !== o && o < e.indexOf("#") ? "?" : "#", l = e.split(r);l[0] = l[0].replace(/\\/g, "/");var w = e = l.join(r);if (w = w.trim(),!i && 1 === e.split("#").length) {var v = c.exec(w);if (v)return this.path = w,this.href = w,this.pathname = v[1],v[2] ? (this.search = v[2],this.query = t ? k.parse(this.search.substr(1)) : this.search.substr(1)) : t && (this.search = "",this.query = {}),this}var b = a.exec(w);if (b) {var x = (b = b[0]).toLowerCase();this.protocol = x,w = w.substr(b.length)}if (i || b || w.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) {var S = "//" === w.substr(0, 2);!S || b && m[b] || (w = w.substr(2),this.slashes = !0)}if (!m[b] && (S || b && !y[b])) {for (var I, T, M = -1, C = 0; C < d.length; C++)-1 !== (P = w.indexOf(d[C])) && (-1 === M || P < M) && (M = P);for (-1 !== (T = -1 === M ? w.lastIndexOf("@") : w.lastIndexOf("@", M)) && (I = w.slice(0, T),w = w.slice(T + 1),this.auth = decodeURIComponent(I)),M = -1,C = 0; C < u.length; C++) {var P;-1 !== (P = w.indexOf(u[C])) && (-1 === M || P < M) && (M = P)}-1 === M && (M = w.length),this.host = w.slice(0, M),w = w.slice(M),this.parseHost(),this.hostname = this.hostname || "";var E = "[" === this.hostname[0] && "]" === this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1];if (!E)for (var O = this.hostname.split(/\./), B = (C = 0,O.length); C < B; C++) {var j = O[C];if (j && !j.match(f)) {for (var A = "", D = 0, U = j.length; D < U; D++)j.charCodeAt(D) > 127 ? A += "x" : A += j[D];if (!A.match(f)) {var R = O.slice(0, C), L = O.slice(C + 1), z = j.match(p);z && (R.push(z[1]),L.unshift(z[2])),L.length && (w = "/" + L.join(".") + w),this.hostname = R.join(".");break}}}this.hostname.length > 255 ? this.hostname = "" : this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase(),E || (this.hostname = n.toASCII(this.hostname));var _ = this.port ? ":" + this.port : "", F = this.hostname || "";this.host = F + _,this.href += this.host,E && (this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2),"/" !== w[0] && (w = "/" + w))}if (!g[x])for (C = 0,B = h.length; C < B; C++) {var H = h[C];if (-1 !== w.indexOf(H)) {var V = encodeURIComponent(H);V === H && (V = escape(H)),w = w.split(H).join(V)}}var q = w.indexOf("#");-1 !== q && (this.hash = w.substr(q),w = w.slice(0, q));var W = w.indexOf("?");if (-1 !== W ? (this.search = w.substr(W),this.query = w.substr(W + 1),t && (this.query = k.parse(this.query)),w = w.slice(0, W)) : t && (this.search = "",this.query = {}),w && (this.pathname = w),y[x] && this.hostname && !this.pathname && (this.pathname = "/"),this.pathname || this.search) {_ = this.pathname || "";var X = this.search || "";this.path = _ + X}return this.href = this.format(),this},o.prototype.format = function() {var e = this.auth || "";e && (e = (e = encodeURIComponent(e)).replace(/%3A/i, ":"),e += "@");var t = this.protocol || "", i = this.pathname || "", n = this.hash || "", o = !1, a = "";this.host ? o = e + this.host : this.hostname && (o = e + (-1 === this.hostname.indexOf(":") ? this.hostname : "[" + this.hostname + "]"),this.port && (o += ":" + this.port)),this.query && s.isObject(this.query) && Object.keys(this.query).length && (a = k.stringify(this.query));var r = this.search || a && "?" + a || "";return t && ":" !== t.substr(-1) && (t += ":"),this.slashes || (!t || y[t]) && !1 !== o ? (o = "//" + (o || ""),i && "/" !== i.charAt(0) && (i = "/" + i)) : o || (o = ""),n && "#" !== n.charAt(0) && (n = "#" + n),r && "?" !== r.charAt(0) && (r = "?" + r),t + o + (i = i.replace(/[?#]/g, (function(e) {return encodeURIComponent(e)}))) + (r = r.replace("#", "%23")) + n},o.prototype.resolve = function(e) {return this.resolveObject(w(e, !1, !0)).format()},o.prototype.resolveObject = function(e) {if (s.isString(e)) {var t = new o;t.parse(e, !1, !0),e = t}for (var i = new o, n = Object.keys(this), a = 0; a < n.length; a++) {var r = n[a];i[r] = this[r]}if (i.hash = e.hash,"" === e.href)return i.href = i.format(),i;if (e.slashes && !e.protocol) {for (var c = Object.keys(e), l = 0; l < c.length; l++) {var h = c[l];"protocol" !== h && (i[h] = e[h])}return y[i.protocol] && i.hostname && !i.pathname && (i.path = i.pathname = "/"),i.href = i.format(),i}if (e.protocol && e.protocol !== i.protocol) {if (!y[e.protocol]) {for (var u = Object.keys(e), d = 0; d < u.length; d++) {var f = u[d];i[f] = e[f]}return i.href = i.format(),i}if (i.protocol = e.protocol,e.host || m[e.protocol])i.pathname = e.pathname;else {for (var p = (e.pathname || "").split("/"); p.length && !(e.host = p.shift()); );e.host || (e.host = ""),e.hostname || (e.hostname = ""),"" !== p[0] && p.unshift(""),p.length < 2 && p.unshift(""),i.pathname = p.join("/")}if (i.search = e.search,i.query = e.query,i.host = e.host || "",i.auth = e.auth,i.hostname = e.hostname || e.host,i.port = e.port,i.pathname || i.search) {var g = i.pathname || "", k = i.search || "";i.path = g + k}return i.slashes = i.slashes || e.slashes,i.href = i.format(),i}var w = i.pathname && "/" === i.pathname.charAt(0), v = e.host || e.pathname && "/" === e.pathname.charAt(0), b = v || w || i.host && e.pathname, x = b, S = i.pathname && i.pathname.split("/") || [], I = (p = e.pathname && e.pathname.split("/") || [],i.protocol && !y[i.protocol]);if (I && (i.hostname = "",i.port = null,i.host && ("" === S[0] ? S[0] = i.host : S.unshift(i.host)),i.host = "",e.protocol && (e.hostname = null,e.port = null,e.host && ("" === p[0] ? p[0] = e.host : p.unshift(e.host)),e.host = null),b = b && ("" === p[0] || "" === S[0])),v)i.host = e.host || "" === e.host ? e.host : i.host,i.hostname = e.hostname || "" === e.hostname ? e.hostname : i.hostname,i.search = e.search,i.query = e.query,S = p;else if (p.length)S || (S = []),S.pop(),S = S.concat(p),i.search = e.search,i.query = e.query;else if (!s.isNullOrUndefined(e.search))return I && (i.hostname = i.host = S.shift(),(E = !!(i.host && i.host.indexOf("@") > 0) && i.host.split("@")) && (i.auth = E.shift(),i.host = i.hostname = E.shift())),i.search = e.search,i.query = e.query,s.isNull(i.pathname) && s.isNull(i.search) || (i.path = (i.pathname ? i.pathname : "") + (i.search ? i.search : "")),i.href = i.format(),i;if (!S.length)return i.pathname = null,i.search ? i.path = "/" + i.search : i.path = null,i.href = i.format(),i;for (var T = S.slice(-1)[0], M = (i.host || e.host || S.length > 1) && ("." === T || ".." === T) || "" === T, C = 0, P = S.length; P >= 0; P--)"." === (T = S[P]) ? S.splice(P, 1) : ".." === T ? (S.splice(P, 1),C++) : C && (S.splice(P, 1),C--);if (!b && !x)for (; C--; C)S.unshift("..");!b || "" === S[0] || S[0] && "/" === S[0].charAt(0) || S.unshift(""),M && "/" !== S.join("/").substr(-1) && S.push("");var E, O = "" === S[0] || S[0] && "/" === S[0].charAt(0);return I && (i.hostname = i.host = O ? "" : S.length ? S.shift() : "",(E = !!(i.host && i.host.indexOf("@") > 0) && i.host.split("@")) && (i.auth = E.shift(),i.host = i.hostname = E.shift())),(b = b || i.host && S.length) && !O && S.unshift(""),S.length ? i.pathname = S.join("/") : (i.pathname = null,i.path = null),s.isNull(i.pathname) && s.isNull(i.search) || (i.path = (i.pathname ? i.pathname : "") + (i.search ? i.search : "")),i.auth = e.auth || i.auth,i.slashes = i.slashes || e.slashes,i.href = i.format(),i},o.prototype.parseHost = function() {var e = this.host, t = r.exec(e);t && (":" !== (t = t[0]) && (this.port = t.substr(1)),e = e.substr(0, e.length - t.length)),e && (this.hostname = e)}}, function(e, t, i) {(function(e, n) {var s;/*! https://mths.be/punycode v1.4.1 by @mathias */!function(o) {t && t.nodeType,e && e.nodeType;var a = "object" == typeof n && n;a.global !== a && a.window !== a && a.self;var r, c = 2147483647, l = 36, h = /^xn--/, u = /[^\x20-\x7E]/, d = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g, f = {overflow: "Overflow: input needs wider integers to process","not-basic": "Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)","invalid-input": "Invalid input"}, p = Math.floor, g = String.fromCharCode;function m(e) {throw new RangeError(f[e])}function y(e, t) {for (var i = e.length, n = []; i--; )n[i] = t(e[i]);return n}function k(e, t) {var i = e.split("@"), n = "";return i.length > 1 && (n = i[0] + "@",e = i[1]),n + y((e = e.replace(d, ".")).split("."), t).join(".")}function w(e) {for (var t, i, n = [], s = 0, o = e.length; s < o; )(t = e.charCodeAt(s++)) >= 55296 && t <= 56319 && s < o ? 56320 == (64512 & (i = e.charCodeAt(s++))) ? n.push(((1023 & t) << 10) + (1023 & i) + 65536) : (n.push(t),s--) : n.push(t);return n}function v(e) {return y(e, (function(e) {var t = "";return e > 65535 && (t += g((e -= 65536) >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296),e = 56320 | 1023 & e),t + g(e)})).join("")}function b(e) {return e - 48 < 10 ? e - 22 : e - 65 < 26 ? e - 65 : e - 97 < 26 ? e - 97 : l}function x(e, t) {return e + 22 + 75 * (e < 26) - ((0 != t) << 5)}function S(e, t, i) {var n = 0;for (e = i ? p(e / 700) : e >> 1,e += p(e / t); e > 455; n += l)e = p(e / 35);return p(n + 36 * e / (e + 38))}function I(e) {var t, i, n, s, o, a, r, h, u, d, f = [], g = e.length, y = 0, k = 128, w = 72;for ((i = e.lastIndexOf("-")) < 0 && (i = 0),n = 0; n < i; ++n)e.charCodeAt(n) >= 128 && m("not-basic"),f.push(e.charCodeAt(n));for (s = i > 0 ? i + 1 : 0; s < g; ) {for (o = y,a = 1,r = l; s >= g && m("invalid-input"),((h = b(e.charCodeAt(s++))) >= l || h > p((c - y) / a)) && m("overflow"),y += h * a,!(h < (u = r <= w ? 1 : r >= w + 26 ? 26 : r - w)); r += l)a > p(c / (d = l - u)) && m("overflow"),a *= d;w = S(y - o, t = f.length + 1, 0 == o),p(y / t) > c - k && m("overflow"),k += p(y / t),y %= t,f.splice(y++, 0, k)}return v(f)}function T(e) {var t, i, n, s, o, a, r, h, u, d, f, y, k, v, b, I = [];for (y = (e = w(e)).length,t = 128,i = 0,o = 72,a = 0; a < y; ++a)(f = e[a]) < 128 && I.push(g(f));for (n = s = I.length,s && I.push("-"); n < y; ) {for (r = c,a = 0; a < y; ++a)(f = e[a]) >= t && f < r && (r = f);for (r - t > p((c - i) / (k = n + 1)) && m("overflow"),i += (r - t) * k,t = r,a = 0; a < y; ++a)if ((f = e[a]) < t && ++i > c && m("overflow"),f == t) {for (h = i,u = l; !(h < (d = u <= o ? 1 : u >= o + 26 ? 26 : u - o)); u += l)b = h - d,v = l - d,I.push(g(x(d + b % v, 0))),h = p(b / v);I.push(g(x(h, 0))),o = S(i, k, n == s),i = 0,++n}++i,++t}return I.join("")}r = {version: "1.4.1",ucs2: {decode: w,encode: v},decode: I,encode: T,toASCII: function(e) {return k(e, (function(e) {return u.test(e) ? "xn--" + T(e) : e}))},toUnicode: function(e) {return k(e, (function(e) {return h.test(e) ? I(e.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : e}))}},void 0 === (s = function() {return r}.call(t, i, t, e)) || (e.exports = s)}()}).call(this, i(26)(e), i(27))}, function(e, t) {e.exports = function(e) {return e.webpackPolyfill || (e.deprecate = function() {},e.paths = [],e.children || (e.children = []),Object.defineProperty(e, "loaded", {enumerable: !0,get: function() {return e.l}}),Object.defineProperty(e, "id", {enumerable: !0,get: function() {return e.i}}),e.webpackPolyfill = 1),e}}, function(e, t) {var i;i = function() {return this}();try {i = i || new Function("return this")()} catch (e) {"object" == typeof window && (i = window)}e.exports = i}, function(e, t, i) {"use strict";e.exports = {isString: function(e) {return "string" == typeof e},isObject: function(e) {return "object" == typeof e && null !== e},isNull: function(e) {return null === e},isNullOrUndefined: function(e) {return null == e}}}, function(e, t, i) {"use strict";t.decode = t.parse = i(30),t.encode = t.stringify = i(31)}, function(e, t, i) {"use strict";function n(e, t) {return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t)}e.exports = function(e, t, i, o) {t = t || "&",i = i || "=";var a = {};if ("string" != typeof e || 0 === e.length)return a;var r = /\+/g;e = e.split(t);var c = 1e3;o && "number" == typeof o.maxKeys && (c = o.maxKeys);var l = e.length;c > 0 && l > c && (l = c);for (var h = 0; h < l; ++h) {var u, d, f, p, g = e[h].replace(r, "%20"), m = g.indexOf(i);m >= 0 ? (u = g.substr(0, m),d = g.substr(m + 1)) : (u = g,d = ""),f = decodeURIComponent(u),p = decodeURIComponent(d),n(a, f) ? s(a[f]) ? a[f].push(p) : a[f] = [a[f], p] : a[f] = p}return a};var s = Array.isArray || function(e) {return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e)}}, function(e, t, i) {"use strict";var n = function(e) {switch (typeof e) {case "string":return e;case "boolean":return e ? "true" : "false";case "number":return isFinite(e) ? e : "";default:return ""}};e.exports = function(e, t, i, r) {return t = t || "&",i = i || "=",null === e && (e = void 0),"object" == typeof e ? o(a(e), (function(a) {var r = encodeURIComponent(n(a)) + i;return s(e[a]) ? o(e[a], (function(e) {return r + encodeURIComponent(n(e))})).join(t) : r + encodeURIComponent(n(e[a]))})).join(t) : r ? encodeURIComponent(n(r)) + i + encodeURIComponent(n(e)) : ""};var s = Array.isArray || function(e) {return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e)};function o(e, t) {if (e.map)return e.map(t);for (var i = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++)i.push(t(e[n], n));return i}var a = Object.keys || function(e) {var t = [];for (var i in e)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, i) && t.push(i);return t}}, function(e, t, i) {!function() {var t = i(33), n = i(1).utf8, s = i(34), o = i(1).bin, a = function(e, i) {e.constructor == String ? e = i && "binary" === i.encoding ? o.stringToBytes(e) : n.stringToBytes(e) : s(e) ? e = Array.prototype.slice.call(e, 0) : Array.isArray(e) || (e = e.toString());for (var r = t.bytesToWords(e), c = 8 * e.length, l = 1732584193, h = -271733879, u = -1732584194, d = 271733878, f = 0; f < r.length; f++)r[f] = 16711935 & (r[f] << 8 | r[f] >>> 24) | 4278255360 & (r[f] << 24 | r[f] >>> 8);r[c >>> 5] |= 128 << c % 32,r[14 + (c + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = c;var p = a._ff, g = a._gg, m = a._hh, y = a._ii;for (f = 0; f < r.length; f += 16) {var k = l, w = h, v = u, b = d;h = y(h = y(h = y(h = y(h = m(h = m(h = m(h = m(h = g(h = g(h = g(h = g(h = p(h = p(h = p(h = p(h, u = p(u, d = p(d, l = p(l, h, u, d, r[f + 0], 7, -680876936), h, u, r[f + 1], 12, -389564586), l, h, r[f + 2], 17, 606105819), d, l, r[f + 3], 22, -1044525330), u = p(u, d = p(d, l = p(l, h, u, d, r[f + 4], 7, -176418897), h, u, r[f + 5], 12, 1200080426), l, h, r[f + 6], 17, -1473231341), d, l, r[f + 7], 22, -45705983), u = p(u, d = p(d, l = p(l, h, u, d, r[f + 8], 7, 1770035416), h, u, r[f + 9], 12, -1958414417), l, h, r[f + 10], 17, -42063), d, l, r[f + 11], 22, -1990404162), u = p(u, d = p(d, l = p(l, h, u, d, r[f + 12], 7, 1804603682), h, u, r[f + 13], 12, -40341101), l, h, r[f + 14], 17, -1502002290), d, l, r[f + 15], 22, 1236535329), u = g(u, d = g(d, l = g(l, h, u, d, r[f + 1], 5, -165796510), h, u, r[f + 6], 9, -1069501632), l, h, r[f + 11], 14, 643717713), d, l, r[f + 0], 20, -373897302), u = g(u, d = g(d, l = g(l, h, u, d, r[f + 5], 5, -701558691), h, u, r[f + 10], 9, 38016083), l, h, r[f + 15], 14, -660478335), d, l, r[f + 4], 20, -405537848), u = g(u, d = g(d, l = g(l, h, u, d, r[f + 9], 5, 568446438), h, u, r[f + 14], 9, -1019803690), l, h, r[f + 3], 14, -187363961), d, l, r[f + 8], 20, 1163531501), u = g(u, d = g(d, l = g(l, h, u, d, r[f + 13], 5, -1444681467), h, u, r[f + 2], 9, -51403784), l, h, r[f + 7], 14, 1735328473), d, l, r[f + 12], 20, -1926607734), u = m(u, d = m(d, l = m(l, h, u, d, r[f + 5], 4, -378558), h, u, r[f + 8], 11, -2022574463), l, h, r[f + 11], 16, 1839030562), d, l, r[f + 14], 23, -35309556), u = m(u, d = m(d, l = m(l, h, u, d, r[f + 1], 4, -1530992060), h, u, r[f + 4], 11, 1272893353), l, h, r[f + 7], 16, -155497632), d, l, r[f + 10], 23, -1094730640), u = m(u, d = m(d, l = m(l, h, u, d, r[f + 13], 4, 681279174), h, u, r[f + 0], 11, -358537222), l, h, r[f + 3], 16, -722521979), d, l, r[f + 6], 23, 76029189), u = m(u, d = m(d, l = m(l, h, u, d, r[f + 9], 4, -640364487), h, u, r[f + 12], 11, -421815835), l, h, r[f + 15], 16, 530742520), d, l, r[f + 2], 23, -995338651), u = y(u, d = y(d, l = y(l, h, u, d, r[f + 0], 6, -198630844), h, u, r[f + 7], 10, 1126891415), l, h, r[f + 14], 15, -1416354905), d, l, r[f + 5], 21, -57434055), u = y(u, d = y(d, l = y(l, h, u, d, r[f + 12], 6, 1700485571), h, u, r[f + 3], 10, -1894986606), l, h, r[f + 10], 15, -1051523), d, l, r[f + 1], 21, -2054922799), u = y(u, d = y(d, l = y(l, h, u, d, r[f + 8], 6, 1873313359), h, u, r[f + 15], 10, -30611744), l, h, r[f + 6], 15, -1560198380), d, l, r[f + 13], 21, 1309151649), u = y(u, d = y(d, l = y(l, h, u, d, r[f + 4], 6, -145523070), h, u, r[f + 11], 10, -1120210379), l, h, r[f + 2], 15, 718787259), d, l, r[f + 9], 21, -343485551),l = l + k >>> 0,h = h + w >>> 0,u = u + v >>> 0,d = d + b >>> 0}return t.endian([l, h, u, d])};a._ff = function(e, t, i, n, s, o, a) {var r = e + (t & i | ~t & n) + (s >>> 0) + a;return (r << o | r >>> 32 - o) + t},a._gg = function(e, t, i, n, s, o, a) {var r = e + (t & n | i & ~n) + (s >>> 0) + a;return (r << o | r >>> 32 - o) + t},a._hh = function(e, t, i, n, s, o, a) {var r = e + (t ^ i ^ n) + (s >>> 0) + a;return (r << o | r >>> 32 - o) + t},a._ii = function(e, t, i, n, s, o, a) {var r = e + (i ^ (t | ~n)) + (s >>> 0) + a;return (r << o | r >>> 32 - o) + t},a._blocksize = 16,a._digestsize = 16,e.exports = function(e, i) {if (null == e)throw new Error("Illegal argument " + e);var n = t.wordsToBytes(a(e, i));return i && i.asBytes ? n : i && i.asString ? o.bytesToString(n) : t.bytesToHex(n)}}()}, function(e, t) {!function() {var t = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", i = {rotl: function(e, t) {return e << t | e >>> 32 - t},rotr: function(e, t) {return e << 32 - t | e >>> t},endian: function(e) {if (e.constructor == Number)return 16711935 & i.rotl(e, 8) | 4278255360 & i.rotl(e, 24);for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++)e[t] = i.endian(e[t]);return e},randomBytes: function(e) {for (var t = []; e > 0; e--)t.push(Math.floor(256 * Math.random()));return t},bytesToWords: function(e) {for (var t = [], i = 0, n = 0; i < e.length; i++,n += 8)t[n >>> 5] |= e[i] << 24 - n % 32;return t},wordsToBytes: function(e) {for (var t = [], i = 0; i < 32 * e.length; i += 8)t.push(e[i >>> 5] >>> 24 - i % 32 & 255);return t},bytesToHex: function(e) {for (var t = [], i = 0; i < e.length; i++)t.push((e[i] >>> 4).toString(16)),t.push((15 & e[i]).toString(16));return t.join("")},hexToBytes: function(e) {for (var t = [], i = 0; i < e.length; i += 2)t.push(parseInt(e.substr(i, 2), 16));return t},bytesToBase64: function(e) {for (var i = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n += 3)for (var s = e[n] << 16 | e[n + 1] << 8 | e[n + 2], o = 0; o < 4; o++)8 * n + 6 * o <= 8 * e.length ? i.push(t.charAt(s >>> 6 * (3 - o) & 63)) : i.push("=");return i.join("")},base64ToBytes: function(e) {e = e.replace(/[^A-Z0-9+\/]/gi, "");for (var i = [], n = 0, s = 0; n < e.length; s = ++n % 4)0 != s && i.push((t.indexOf(e.charAt(n - 1)) & Math.pow(2, -2 * s + 8) - 1) << 2 * s | t.indexOf(e.charAt(n)) >>> 6 - 2 * s);return i}};e.exports = i}()}, function(e, t) {function i(e) {return !!e.constructor && "function" == typeof e.constructor.isBuffer && e.constructor.isBuffer(e)}/*!* Determine if an object is a Buffer** @author   Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org>* @license  MIT*/e.exports = function(e) {return null != e && (i(e) || function(e) {return "function" == typeof e.readFloatLE && "function" == typeof e.slice && i(e.slice(0, 0))}(e) || !!e._isBuffer)}}, function(e, t) {e.exports = function(e, t, i, n, s, o, a, r, c) {this.aiTypes = [{id: 0,src: "cow_1",killScore: 150,health: 500,weightM: .8,speed: 95e-5,turnSpeed: .001,scale: 72,drop: ["food", 50]}, {id: 1,src: "pig_1",killScore: 200,health: 800,weightM: .6,speed: 85e-5,turnSpeed: .001,scale: 72,drop: ["food", 80]}, {id: 2,name: "Bull",src: "bull_2",hostile: !0,dmg: 20,killScore: 1e3,health: 1800,weightM: .5,speed: 94e-5,turnSpeed: 74e-5,scale: 78,viewRange: 800,chargePlayer: !0,drop: ["food", 100]}, {id: 3,name: "Bully",src: "bull_1",hostile: !0,dmg: 20,killScore: 2e3,health: 2800,weightM: .45,speed: .001,turnSpeed: 8e-4,scale: 90,viewRange: 900,chargePlayer: !0,drop: ["food", 400]}, {id: 4,name: "Wolf",src: "wolf_1",hostile: !0,dmg: 8,killScore: 500,health: 300,weightM: .45,speed: .001,turnSpeed: .002,scale: 84,viewRange: 800,chargePlayer: !0,drop: ["food", 200]}, {id: 5,name: "Quack",src: "chicken_1",dmg: 8,killScore: 2e3,noTrap: !0,health: 300,weightM: .2,speed: .0018,turnSpeed: .006,scale: 70,drop: ["food", 100]}, {id: 6,name: "MOOSTAFA",nameScale: 50,src: "enemy",hostile: !0,dontRun: !0,fixedSpawn: !0,spawnDelay: 6e4,noTrap: !0,colDmg: 100,dmg: 40,killScore: 8e3,health: 18e3,weightM: .4,speed: 7e-4,turnSpeed: .01,scale: 80,spriteMlt: 1.8,leapForce: .9,viewRange: 1e3,hitRange: 210,hitDelay: 1e3,chargePlayer: !0,drop: ["food", 100]}, {id: 7,name: "Treasure",hostile: !0,nameScale: 35,src: "crate_1",fixedSpawn: !0,spawnDelay: 12e4,colDmg: 200,killScore: 5e3,health: 2e4,weightM: .1,speed: 0,turnSpeed: 0,scale: 70,spriteMlt: 1}, {id: 8,name: "MOOFIE",src: "wolf_2",hostile: !0,fixedSpawn: !0,dontRun: !0,hitScare: 4,spawnDelay: 3e4,noTrap: !0,nameScale: 35,dmg: 10,colDmg: 100,killScore: 3e3,health: 7e3,weightM: .45,speed: .0015,turnSpeed: .002,scale: 90,viewRange: 800,chargePlayer: !0,drop: ["food", 1e3]}],this.spawn = function(l, h, u, d) {for (var f, p = 0; p < e.length; ++p)if (!e[p].active) {f = e[p];break}return f || (f = new t(e.length,s,i,n,a,o,r,c),e.push(f)),f.init(l, h, u, d, this.aiTypes[d]),f}}}, function(e, t) {var i = 2 * Math.PI;e.exports = function(e, t, n, s, o, a, r, c) {this.sid = e,this.isAI = !0,this.nameIndex = o.randInt(0, a.cowNames.length - 1),this.init = function(e, t, i, n, s) {this.x = e,this.y = t,this.startX = s.fixedSpawn ? e : null,this.startY = s.fixedSpawn ? t : null,this.xVel = 0,this.yVel = 0,this.zIndex = 0,this.dir = i,this.dirPlus = 0,this.index = n,this.src = s.src,s.name && (this.name = s.name),this.weightM = s.weightM,this.speed = s.speed,this.killScore = s.killScore,this.turnSpeed = s.turnSpeed,this.scale = s.scale,this.maxHealth = s.health,this.leapForce = s.leapForce,this.health = this.maxHealth,this.chargePlayer = s.chargePlayer,this.viewRange = s.viewRange,this.drop = s.drop,this.dmg = s.dmg,this.hostile = s.hostile,this.dontRun = s.dontRun,this.hitRange = s.hitRange,this.hitDelay = s.hitDelay,this.hitScare = s.hitScare,this.spriteMlt = s.spriteMlt,this.nameScale = s.nameScale,this.colDmg = s.colDmg,this.noTrap = s.noTrap,this.spawnDelay = s.spawnDelay,this.hitWait = 0,this.waitCount = 1e3,this.moveCount = 0,this.targetDir = 0,this.active = !0,this.alive = !0,this.runFrom = null,this.chargeTarget = null,this.dm###erTime = {}};var l = 0;this.update = function(e) {if (this.active) {if (this.spawnCounter)return this.spawnCounter -= e,void (this.spawnCounter <= 0 && (this.spawnCounter = 0,this.x = this.startX || o.randInt(0, a.mapScale),this.y = this.startY || o.randInt(0, a.mapScale)));(l -= e) <= 0 && (this.dm###erTime.dmg && (this.changeHealth(-this.dm###erTime.dmg, this.dm###erTime.doer),this.dm###erTime.time -= 1,this.dm###erTime.time <= 0 && (this.dm###erTime.dmg = 0)),l = 1e3);var s = !1, r = 1;if (!this.zIndex && !this.lockMove && this.y >= a.mapScale / 2 - a.riverWidth / 2 && this.y <= a.mapScale / 2 + a.riverWidth / 2 && (r = .33,this.xVel += a.waterCurrent * e),this.lockMove)this.xVel = 0,this.yVel = 0;else if (this.waitCount > 0) {if (this.waitCount -= e,this.waitCount <= 0)if (this.chargePlayer) {for (var h, u, d, f = 0; f < n.length; ++f)!n[f].alive || n[f].skin && n[f].skin.bullRepel || (d = o.getDistance(this.x, this.y, n[f].x, n[f].y)) <= this.viewRange && (!h || d < u) && (u = d,h = n[f]);h ? (this.chargeTarget = h,this.moveCount = o.randInt(8e3, 12e3)) : (this.moveCount = o.randInt(1e3, 2e3),this.targetDir = o.randFloat(-Math.PI, Math.PI))} elsethis.moveCount = o.randInt(4e3, 1e4),this.targetDir = o.randFloat(-Math.PI, Math.PI)} else if (this.moveCount > 0) {var p = this.speed * r;if (this.runFrom && this.runFrom.active && (!this.runFrom.isPlayer || this.runFrom.alive) ? (this.targetDir = o.getDirection(this.x, this.y, this.runFrom.x, this.runFrom.y),p *= 1.42) : this.chargeTarget && this.chargeTarget.alive && (this.targetDir = o.getDirection(this.chargeTarget.x, this.chargeTarget.y, this.x, this.y),p *= 1.75,s = !0),this.hitWait && (p *= .3),this.dir != this.targetDir) {this.dir %= i;var g = (this.dir - this.targetDir + i) % i, m = Math.min(Math.abs(g - i), g, this.turnSpeed * e), y = g - Math.PI >= 0 ? 1 : -1;this.dir += y * m + i}this.dir %= i,this.xVel += p * e * Math.cos(this.dir),this.yVel += p * e * Math.sin(this.dir),this.moveCount -= e,this.moveCount <= 0 && (this.runFrom = null,this.chargeTarget = null,this.waitCount = this.hostile ? 1500 : o.randInt(1500, 6e3))}this.zIndex = 0,this.lockMove = !1;var k = o.getDistance(0, 0, this.xVel * e, this.yVel * e), w = Math.min(4, Math.max(1, Math.round(k / 40))), v = 1 / w;for (f = 0; f < w; ++f) {this.xVel && (this.x += this.xVel * e * v),this.yVel && (this.y += this.yVel * e * v),C = t.getGridArrays(this.x, this.y, this.scale);for (var b = 0; b < C.length; ++b)for (var x = 0; x < C[b].length; ++x)C[b][x].active && t.checkCollision(this, C[b][x], v)}var S, I, T, M = !1;if (this.hitWait > 0 && (this.hitWait -= e,this.hitWait <= 0)) {M = !0,this.hitWait = 0,this.leapForce && !o.randInt(0, 2) && (this.xVel += this.leapForce * Math.cos(this.dir),this.yVel += this.leapForce * Math.sin(this.dir));for (var C = t.getGridArrays(this.x, this.y, this.hitRange), P = 0; P < C.length; ++P)for (b = 0; b < C[P].length; ++b)(S = C[P][b]).health && (I = o.getDistance(this.x, this.y, S.x, S.y)) < S.scale + this.hitRange && (S.changeHealth(5 * -this.dmg) && t.disableObj(S),t.hitObj(S, o.getDirection(this.x, this.y, S.x, S.y)));for (b = 0; b < n.length; ++b)n[b].canSee(this) && c.send(n[b].id, "aa", this.sid)}if (s || M)for (f = 0; f < n.length; ++f)(S = n[f]) && S.alive && (I = o.getDistance(this.x, this.y, S.x, S.y),this.hitRange ? !this.hitWait && I <= this.hitRange + S.scale && (M ? (T = o.getDirection(S.x, S.y, this.x, this.y),S.changeHealth(-this.dmg),S.xVel += .6 * Math.cos(T),S.yVel += .6 * Math.sin(T),this.runFrom = null,this.chargeTarget = null,this.waitCount = 3e3,this.hitWait = o.randInt(0, 2) ? 0 : 600) : this.hitWait = this.hitDelay) : I <= this.scale + S.scale && (T = o.getDirection(S.x, S.y, this.x, this.y),S.changeHealth(-this.dmg),S.xVel += .55 * Math.cos(T),S.yVel += .55 * Math.sin(T)));this.xVel && (this.xVel *= Math.pow(a.playerDecel, e)),this.yVel && (this.yVel *= Math.pow(a.playerDecel, e));var E = this.scale;this.x - E < 0 ? (this.x = E,this.xVel = 0) : this.x + E > a.mapScale && (this.x = a.mapScale - E,this.xVel = 0),this.y - E < 0 ? (this.y = E,this.yVel = 0) : this.y + E > a.mapScale && (this.y = a.mapScale - E,this.yVel = 0)}},this.canSee = function(e) {if (!e)return !1;if (e.skin && e.skin.invisTimer && e.noMovTimer >= e.skin.invisTimer)return !1;var t = Math.abs(e.x - this.x) - e.scale, i = Math.abs(e.y - this.y) - e.scale;return t <= a.maxScreenWidth / 2 * 1.3 && i <= a.maxScreenHeight / 2 * 1.3};var h = 0, u = 0;this.animate = function(e) {this.animTime > 0 && (this.animTime -= e,this.animTime <= 0 ? (this.animTime = 0,this.dirPlus = 0,h = 0,u = 0) : 0 == u ? (h += e / (this.animSpeed * a.hitReturnRatio),this.dirPlus = o.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.min(1, h)),h >= 1 && (h = 1,u = 1)) : (h -= e / (this.animSpeed * (1 - a.hitReturnRatio)),this.dirPlus = o.lerp(0, this.targetAngle, Math.max(0, h))))},this.startAnim = function() {this.animTime = this.animSpeed = 600,this.targetAngle = .8 * Math.PI,h = 0,u = 0},this.changeHealth = function(e, t, i) {if (this.active && (this.health += e,i && (this.hitScare && !o.randInt(0, this.hitScare) ? (this.runFrom = i,this.waitCount = 0,this.moveCount = 2e3) : this.hostile && this.chargePlayer && i.isPlayer ? (this.chargeTarget = i,this.waitCount = 0,this.moveCount = 8e3) : this.dontRun || (this.runFrom = i,this.waitCount = 0,this.moveCount = 2e3)),e < 0 && this.hitRange && o.randInt(0, 1) && (this.hitWait = 500),t && t.canSee(this) && e < 0 && c.send(t.id, "t", Math.round(this.x), Math.round(this.y), Math.round(-e), 1),this.health <= 0 && (this.spawnDelay ? (this.spawnCounter = this.spawnDelay,this.x = -1e6,this.y = -1e6) : (this.x = this.startX || o.randInt(0, a.mapScale),this.y = this.startY || o.randInt(0, a.mapScale)),this.health = this.maxHealth,this.runFrom = null,t && (r(t, this.killScore),this.drop))))for (var n = 0; n < this.drop.length; )t.addResource(a.resourceTypes.indexOf(this.drop[n]), this.drop[n + 1]),n += 2}}}, function(e, t, i) {"use strict";i.r(t);var n, s, o, a = 4294967295;function r(e, t, i) {var n = Math.floor(i / 4294967296), s = i;e.setUint32(t, n),e.setUint32(t + 4, s)}function c(e, t) {return 4294967296 * e.getInt32(t) + e.getUint32(t + 4)}var l = ("undefined" == typeof process || "never" !== (null === (n = null === process || void 0 === process ? void 0 : process.env) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.TEXT_ENCODING)) && "undefined" != typeof TextEncoder && "undefined" != typeof TextDecoder;function h(e) {for (var t = e.length, i = 0, n = 0; n < t; ) {var s = e.charCodeAt(n++);if (0 != (4294967168 & s))if (0 == (4294965248 & s))i += 2;else {if (s >= 55296 && s <= 56319 && n < t) {var o = e.charCodeAt(n);56320 == (64512 & o) && (++n,s = ((1023 & s) << 10) + (1023 & o) + 65536)}i += 0 == (4294901760 & s) ? 3 : 4}elsei++}return i}var u = l ? new TextEncoder : void 0, d = l ? "undefined" != typeof process && "force" !== (null === (s = null === process || void 0 === process ? void 0 : process.env) || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.TEXT_ENCODING) ? 200 : 0 : a, f = (null == u ? void 0 : u.encodeInto) ? function(e, t, i) {u.encodeInto(e, t.subarray(i))}: function(e, t, i) {t.set(u.encode(e), i)};function p(e, t, i) {for (var n = t, s = n + i, o = [], a = ""; n < s; ) {var r = e[n++];if (0 == (128 & r))o.push(r);else if (192 == (224 & r)) {var c = 63 & e[n++];o.push((31 & r) << 6 | c)} else if (224 == (240 & r)) {c = 63 & e[n++];var l = 63 & e[n++];o.push((31 & r) << 12 | c << 6 | l)} else if (240 == (248 & r)) {var h = (7 & r) << 18 | (c = 63 & e[n++]) << 12 | (l = 63 & e[n++]) << 6 | 63 & e[n++];h > 65535 && (h -= 65536,o.push(h >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296),h = 56320 | 1023 & h),o.push(h)} elseo.push(r);o.length >= 4096 && (a += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o),o.length = 0)}return o.length > 0 && (a += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o)),a}var g = l ? new TextDecoder : null, m = l ? "undefined" != typeof process && "force" !== (null === (o = null === process || void 0 === process ? void 0 : process.env) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.TEXT_DECODER) ? 200 : 0 : a, y = function(e, t) {this.type = e,this.data = t}, k = function() {var e = function(t, i) {return (e = Object.setPrototypeOf || {__proto__: []}instanceof Array && function(e, t) {e.__proto__ = t}|| function(e, t) {for (var i in t)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i])})(t, i)};return function(t, i) {if ("function" != typeof i && null !== i)throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(i) + " is not a constructor or null");function n() {this.constructor = t}e(t, i),t.prototype = null === i ? Object.create(i) : (n.prototype = i.prototype,new n)}}(), w = function(e) {function t(i) {var n = e.call(this, i) || this, s = Object.create(t.prototype);return Object.setPrototypeOf(n, s),Object.defineProperty(n, "name", {configurable: !0,enumerable: !1,value: t.name}),n}return k(t, e),t}(Error);function v(e) {var t, i = e.sec, n = e.nsec;if (i >= 0 && n >= 0 && i <= 17179869183) {if (0 === n && i <= 4294967295) {var s = new Uint8Array(4);return (t = new DataView(s.buffer)).setUint32(0, i),s}var o = i / 4294967296, a = 4294967295 & i;return s = new Uint8Array(8),(t = new DataView(s.buffer)).setUint32(0, n << 2 | 3 & o),t.setUint32(4, a),s}return s = new Uint8Array(12),(t = new DataView(s.buffer)).setUint32(0, n),r(t, 4, i),s}function b(e) {var t = e.getTime(), i = Math.floor(t / 1e3), n = 1e6 * (t - 1e3 * i), s = Math.floor(n / 1e9);return {sec: i + s,nsec: n - 1e9 * s}}function x(e) {return e instanceof Date ? v(b(e)) : null}function S(e) {var t = new DataView(e.buffer,e.byteOffset,e.byteLength);switch (e.byteLength) {case 4:return {sec: t.getUint32(0),nsec: 0};case 8:var i = t.getUint32(0);return {sec: 4294967296 * (3 & i) + t.getUint32(4),nsec: i >>> 2};case 12:return {sec: c(t, 4),nsec: t.getUint32(0)};default:throw new w("Unrecognized data size for timestamp (expected 4, 8, or 12): ".concat(e.length))}}function I(e) {var t = S(e);return new Date(1e3 * t.sec + t.nsec / 1e6)}var T = {type: -1,encode: x,decode: I}, M = function() {function e() {this.builtInEncoders = [],this.builtInDecoders = [],this.encoders = [],this.decoders = [],this.register(T)}return e.prototype.register = function(e) {var t = e.type, i = e.encode, n = e.decode;if (t >= 0)this.encoders[t] = i,this.decoders[t] = n;else {var s = 1 + t;this.builtInEncoders[s] = i,this.builtInDecoders[s] = n}},e.prototype.tryToEncode = function(e, t) {for (var i = 0; i < this.builtInEncoders.length; i++)if (null != (n = this.builtInEncoders[i]) && null != (s = n(e, t)))return new y(-1 - i,s);for (i = 0; i < this.encoders.length; i++) {var n, s;if (null != (n = this.encoders[i]) && null != (s = n(e, t)))return new y(i,s)}return e instanceof y ? e : null},e.prototype.decode = function(e, t, i) {var n = t < 0 ? this.builtInDecoders[-1 - t] : this.decoders[t];return n ? n(e, t, i) : new y(t,e)},e.defaultCodec = new e,e}();function C(e) {return e instanceof Uint8Array ? e : ArrayBuffer.isView(e) ? new Uint8Array(e.buffer,e.byteOffset,e.byteLength) : e instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(e) : Uint8Array.from(e)}var P = function() {function e(e, t, i, n, s, o, a, r) {void 0 === e && (e = M.defaultCodec),void 0 === t && (t = void 0),void 0 === i && (i = 100),void 0 === n && (n = 2048),void 0 === s && (s = !1),void 0 === o && (o = !1),void 0 === a && (a = !1),void 0 === r && (r = !1),this.extensionCodec = e,this.context = t,this.maxDepth = i,this.initialBufferSize = n,this.sortKeys = s,this.forceFloat32 = o,this.ignoreUndefined = a,this.forceIntegerToFloat = r,this.pos = 0,this.view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(this.initialBufferSize)),this.bytes = new Uint8Array(this.view.buffer)}return e.prototype.reinitializeState = function() {this.pos = 0},e.prototype.encodeSharedRef = function(e) {return this.reinitializeState(),this.doEncode(e, 1),this.bytes.subarray(0, this.pos)},e.prototype.encode = function(e) {return this.reinitializeState(),this.doEncode(e, 1),this.bytes.slice(0, this.pos)},e.prototype.doEncode = function(e, t) {if (t > this.maxDepth)throw new Error("Too deep objects in depth ".concat(t));null == e ? this.encodeNil() : "boolean" == typeof e ? this.encodeBoolean(e) : "number" == typeof e ? this.encodeNumber(e) : "string" == typeof e ? this.encodeString(e) : this.encodeObject(e, t)},e.prototype.ensureBufferSizeToWrite = function(e) {var t = this.pos + e;this.view.byteLength < t && this.resizeBuffer(2 * t)},e.prototype.resizeBuffer = function(e) {var t = new ArrayBuffer(e), i = new Uint8Array(t), n = new DataView(t);i.set(this.bytes),this.view = n,this.bytes = i},e.prototype.encodeNil = function() {this.writeU8(192)},e.prototype.encodeBoolean = function(e) {!1 === e ? this.writeU8(194) : this.writeU8(195)},e.prototype.encodeNumber = function(e) {Number.isSafeInteger(e) && !this.forceIntegerToFloat ? e >= 0 ? e < 128 ? this.writeU8(e) : e < 256 ? (this.writeU8(204),this.writeU8(e)) : e < 65536 ? (this.writeU8(205),this.writeU16(e)) : e < 4294967296 ? (this.writeU8(206),this.writeU32(e)) : (this.writeU8(207),this.writeU64(e)) : e >= -32 ? this.writeU8(224 | e + 32) : e >= -128 ? (this.writeU8(208),this.writeI8(e)) : e >= -32768 ? (this.writeU8(209),this.writeI16(e)) : e >= -2147483648 ? (this.writeU8(210),this.writeI32(e)) : (this.writeU8(211),this.writeI64(e)) : this.forceFloat32 ? (this.writeU8(202),this.writeF32(e)) : (this.writeU8(203),this.writeF64(e))},e.prototype.writeStringHeader = function(e) {if (e < 32)this.writeU8(160 + e);else if (e < 256)this.writeU8(217),this.writeU8(e);else if (e < 65536)this.writeU8(218),this.writeU16(e);else {if (!(e < 4294967296))throw new Error("Too long string: ".concat(e, " bytes in UTF-8"));this.writeU8(219),this.writeU32(e)}},e.prototype.encodeString = function(e) {if (e.length > d) {var t = h(e);this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(5 + t),this.writeStringHeader(t),f(e, this.bytes, this.pos),this.pos += t} elset = h(e),this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(5 + t),this.writeStringHeader(t),function(e, t, i) {for (var n = e.length, s = i, o = 0; o < n; ) {var a = e.charCodeAt(o++);if (0 != (4294967168 & a)) {if (0 == (4294965248 & a))t[s++] = a >> 6 & 31 | 192;else {if (a >= 55296 && a <= 56319 && o < n) {var r = e.charCodeAt(o);56320 == (64512 & r) && (++o,a = ((1023 & a) << 10) + (1023 & r) + 65536)}0 == (4294901760 & a) ? (t[s++] = a >> 12 & 15 | 224,t[s++] = a >> 6 & 63 | 128) : (t[s++] = a >> 18 & 7 | 240,t[s++] = a >> 12 & 63 | 128,t[s++] = a >> 6 & 63 | 128)}t[s++] = 63 & a | 128} elset[s++] = a}}(e, this.bytes, this.pos),this.pos += t},e.prototype.encodeObject = function(e, t) {var i = this.extensionCodec.tryToEncode(e, this.context);if (null != i)this.encodeExtension(i);else if (Array.isArray(e))this.encodeArray(e, t);else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(e))this.encodeBinary(e);else {if ("object" != typeof e)throw new Error("Unrecognized object: ".concat(Object.prototype.toString.apply(e)));this.encodeMap(e, t)}},e.prototype.encodeBinary = function(e) {var t = e.byteLength;if (t < 256)this.writeU8(196),this.writeU8(t);else if (t < 65536)this.writeU8(197),this.writeU16(t);else {if (!(t < 4294967296))throw new Error("Too large binary: ".concat(t));this.writeU8(198),this.writeU32(t)}var i = C(e);this.writeU8a(i)},e.prototype.encodeArray = function(e, t) {var i = e.length;if (i < 16)this.writeU8(144 + i);else if (i < 65536)this.writeU8(220),this.writeU16(i);else {if (!(i < 4294967296))throw new Error("Too large array: ".concat(i));this.writeU8(221),this.writeU32(i)}for (var n = 0, s = e; n < s.length; n++) {var o = s[n];this.doEncode(o, t + 1)}},e.prototype.countWithoutUndefined = function(e, t) {for (var i = 0, n = 0, s = t; n < s.length; n++)void 0 !== e[s[n]] && i++;return i},e.prototype.encodeMap = function(e, t) {var i = Object.keys(e);this.sortKeys && i.sort();var n = this.ignoreUndefined ? this.countWithoutUndefined(e, i) : i.length;if (n < 16)this.writeU8(128 + n);else if (n < 65536)this.writeU8(222),this.writeU16(n);else {if (!(n < 4294967296))throw new Error("Too large map object: ".concat(n));this.writeU8(223),this.writeU32(n)}for (var s = 0, o = i; s < o.length; s++) {var a = o[s], r = e[a];this.ignoreUndefined && void 0 === r || (this.encodeString(a),this.doEncode(r, t + 1))}},e.prototype.encodeExtension = function(e) {var t = e.data.length;if (1 === t)this.writeU8(212);else if (2 === t)this.writeU8(213);else if (4 === t)this.writeU8(214);else if (8 === t)this.writeU8(215);else if (16 === t)this.writeU8(216);else if (t < 256)this.writeU8(199),this.writeU8(t);else if (t < 65536)this.writeU8(200),this.writeU16(t);else {if (!(t < 4294967296))throw new Error("Too large extension object: ".concat(t));this.writeU8(201),this.writeU32(t)}this.writeI8(e.type),this.writeU8a(e.data)},e.prototype.writeU8 = function(e) {this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(1),this.view.setUint8(this.pos, e),this.pos++},e.prototype.writeU8a = function(e) {var t = e.length;this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(t),this.bytes.set(e, this.pos),this.pos += t},e.prototype.writeI8 = function(e) {this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(1),this.view.setInt8(this.pos, e),this.pos++},e.prototype.writeU16 = function(e) {this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(2),this.view.setUint16(this.pos, e),this.pos += 2},e.prototype.writeI16 = function(e) {this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(2),this.view.setInt16(this.pos, e),this.pos += 2},e.prototype.writeU32 = function(e) {this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(4),this.view.setUint32(this.pos, e),this.pos += 4},e.prototype.writeI32 = function(e) {this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(4),this.view.setInt32(this.pos, e),this.pos += 4},e.prototype.writeF32 = function(e) {this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(4),this.view.setFloat32(this.pos, e),this.pos += 4},e.prototype.writeF64 = function(e) {this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(8),this.view.setFloat64(this.pos, e),this.pos += 8},e.prototype.writeU64 = function(e) {this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(8),function(e, t, i) {var n = i / 4294967296, s = i;e.setUint32(t, n),e.setUint32(t + 4, s)}(this.view, this.pos, e),this.pos += 8},e.prototype.writeI64 = function(e) {this.ensureBufferSizeToWrite(8),r(this.view, this.pos, e),this.pos += 8},e}(), E = {};function O(e, t) {return void 0 === t && (t = E),new P(t.extensionCodec,t.context,t.maxDepth,t.initialBufferSize,t.sortKeys,t.forceFloat32,t.ignoreUndefined,t.forceIntegerToFloat).encodeSharedRef(e)}function B(e) {return "".concat(e < 0 ? "-" : "", "0x").concat(Math.abs(e).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"))}var j = function() {function e(e, t) {void 0 === e && (e = 16),void 0 === t && (t = 16),this.maxKeyLength = e,this.maxLengthPerKey = t,this.hit = 0,this.miss = 0,this.caches = [];for (var i = 0; i < this.maxKeyLength; i++)this.caches.push([])}return e.prototype.canBeCached = function(e) {return e > 0 && e <= this.maxKeyLength},e.prototype.find = function(e, t, i) {e: for (var n = 0, s = this.caches[i - 1]; n < s.length; n++) {for (var o = s[n], a = o.bytes, r = 0; r < i; r++)if (a[r] !== e[t + r])continue e;return o.str}return null},e.prototype.store = function(e, t) {var i = this.caches[e.length - 1], n = {bytes: e,str: t};i.length >= this.maxLengthPerKey ? i[Math.random() * i.length | 0] = n : i.push(n)},e.prototype.decode = function(e, t, i) {var n = this.find(e, t, i);if (null != n)return this.hit++,n;this.miss++;var s = p(e, t, i), o = Uint8Array.prototype.slice.call(e, t, t + i);return this.store(o, s),s},e}(), A = function(e, t) {var i, n, s, o, a = {label: 0,sent: function() {if (1 & s[0])throw s[1];return s[1]},trys: [],ops: []};return o = {next: r(0),throw: r(1),return: r(2)},"function" == typeof Symbol && (o[Symbol.iterator] = function() {return this}),o;function r(o) {return function(r) {return function(o) {if (i)throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");for (; a; )try {if (i = 1,n && (s = 2 & o[0] ? n.return : o[0] ? n.throw || ((s = n.return) && s.call(n),0) : n.next) && !(s = s.call(n, o[1])).done)return s;switch (n = 0,s && (o = [2 & o[0], s.value]),o[0]) {case 0:case 1:s = o;break;case 4:return a.label++,{value: o[1],done: !1};case 5:a.label++,n = o[1],o = [0];continue;case 7:o = a.ops.pop(),a.trys.pop();continue;default:if (!(s = (s = a.trys).length > 0 && s[s.length - 1]) && (6 === o[0] || 2 === o[0])) {a = 0;continue}if (3 === o[0] && (!s || o[1] > s[0] && o[1] < s[3])) {a.label = o[1];break}if (6 === o[0] && a.label < s[1]) {a.label = s[1],s = o;break}if (s && a.label < s[2]) {a.label = s[2],a.ops.push(o);break}s[2] && a.ops.pop(),a.trys.pop();continue}o = t.call(e, a)} catch (e) {o = [6, e],n = 0} finally {i = s = 0}if (5 & o[0])throw o[1];return {value: o[0] ? o[1] : void 0,done: !0}}([o, r])}}}, D = function(e) {if (!Symbol.asyncIterator)throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");var t, i = e[Symbol.asyncIterator];return i ? i.call(e) : (e = "function" == typeof __values ? __values(e) : e[Symbol.iterator](),t = {},n("next"),n("throw"),n("return"),t[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() {return this},t);function n(i) {t[i] = e[i] && function(t) {return new Promise((function(n, s) {!function(e, t, i, n) {Promise.resolve(n).then((function(t) {e({value: t,done: i})}), t)}(n, s, (t = e[i](t)).done, t.value)}))}}}, U = function(e) {return this instanceof U ? (this.v = e,this) : new U(e)}, R = function(e, t, i) {if (!Symbol.asyncIterator)throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");var n, s = i.apply(e, t || []), o = [];return n = {},a("next"),a("throw"),a("return"),n[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() {return this},n;function a(e) {s[e] && (n[e] = function(t) {return new Promise((function(i, n) {o.push([e, t, i, n]) > 1 || r(e, t)}))})}function r(e, t) {try {!function(e) {e.value instanceof U ? Promise.resolve(e.value.v).then(c, l) : h(o[0][2], e)}(s[e](t))} catch (e) {h(o[0][3], e)}}function c(e) {r("next", e)}function l(e) {r("throw", e)}function h(e, t) {e(t),o.shift(),o.length && r(o[0][0], o[0][1])}}, L = function(e) {var t = typeof e;return "string" === t || "number" === t}, z = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0)), _ = new Uint8Array(z.buffer), F = function() {try {z.getInt8(0)} catch (e) {return e.constructor}throw new Error("never reached")}(), H = new F("Insufficient data"), V = new j, q = function() {function e(e, t, i, n, s, o, r, c) {void 0 === e && (e = M.defaultCodec),void 0 === t && (t = void 0),void 0 === i && (i = a),void 0 === n && (n = a),void 0 === s && (s = a),void 0 === o && (o = a),void 0 === r && (r = a),void 0 === c && (c = V),this.extensionCodec = e,this.context = t,this.maxStrLength = i,this.maxBinLength = n,this.maxArrayLength = s,this.maxMapLength = o,this.maxExtLength = r,this.keyDecoder = c,this.totalPos = 0,this.pos = 0,this.view = z,this.bytes = _,this.headByte = -1,this.stack = []}return e.prototype.reinitializeState = function() {this.totalPos = 0,this.headByte = -1,this.stack.length = 0},e.prototype.setBuffer = function(e) {this.bytes = C(e),this.view = function(e) {if (e instanceof ArrayBuffer)return new DataView(e);var t = C(e);return new DataView(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,t.byteLength)}(this.bytes),this.pos = 0},e.prototype.appendBuffer = function(e) {if (-1 !== this.headByte || this.hasRemaining(1)) {var t = this.bytes.subarray(this.pos), i = C(e), n = new Uint8Array(t.length + i.length);n.set(t),n.set(i, t.length),this.setBuffer(n)} elsethis.setBuffer(e)},e.prototype.hasRemaining = function(e) {return this.view.byteLength - this.pos >= e},e.prototype.createExtraByteError = function(e) {var t = this.view, i = this.pos;return new RangeError("Extra ".concat(t.byteLength - i, " of ").concat(t.byteLength, " byte(s) found at buffer[").concat(e, "]"))},e.prototype.decode = function(e) {this.reinitializeState(),this.setBuffer(e);var t = this.doDecodeSync();if (this.hasRemaining(1))throw this.createExtraByteError(this.pos);return t},e.prototype.decodeMulti = function(e) {return A(this, (function(t) {switch (t.label) {case 0:this.reinitializeState(),this.setBuffer(e),t.label = 1;case 1:return this.hasRemaining(1) ? [4, this.doDecodeSync()] : [3, 3];case 2:return t.sent(),[3, 1];case 3:return [2]}}))},e.prototype.decodeAsync = function(e) {var t, i, n, s;return function(e, t, i, n) {return new (i || (i = Promise))((function(s, o) {function a(e) {try {c(n.next(e))} catch (e) {o(e)}}function r(e) {try {c(n.throw(e))} catch (e) {o(e)}}function c(e) {e.done ? s(e.value) : function(e) {return e instanceof i ? e : new i((function(t) {t(e)}))}(e.value).then(a, r)}c((n = n.apply(e, t || [])).next())}))}(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {var o, a, r, c, l, h, u, d;return A(this, (function(f) {switch (f.label) {case 0:o = !1,f.label = 1;case 1:f.trys.push([1, 6, 7, 12]),t = D(e),f.label = 2;case 2:return [4, t.next()];case 3:if ((i = f.sent()).done)return [3, 5];if (r = i.value,o)throw this.createExtraByteError(this.totalPos);this.appendBuffer(r);try {a = this.doDecodeSync(),o = !0} catch (e) {if (!(e instanceof F))throw e}this.totalPos += this.pos,f.label = 4;case 4:return [3, 2];case 5:return [3, 12];case 6:return c = f.sent(),n = {error: c},[3, 12];case 7:return f.trys.push([7, , 10, 11]),i && !i.done && (s = t.return) ? [4, s.call(t)] : [3, 9];case 8:f.sent(),f.label = 9;case 9:return [3, 11];case 10:if (n)throw n.error;return [7];case 11:return [7];case 12:if (o) {if (this.hasRemaining(1))throw this.createExtraByteError(this.totalPos);return [2, a]}throw h = (l = this).headByte,u = l.pos,d = l.totalPos,new RangeError("Insufficient data in parsing ".concat(B(h), " at ").concat(d, " (").concat(u, " in the current buffer)"))}}))}))},e.prototype.decodeArrayStream = function(e) {return this.decodeMultiAsync(e, !0)},e.prototype.decodeStream = function(e) {return this.decodeMultiAsync(e, !1)},e.prototype.decodeMultiAsync = function(e, t) {return R(this, arguments, (function() {var i, n, s, o, a, r, c, l, h;return A(this, (function(u) {switch (u.label) {case 0:i = t,n = -1,u.label = 1;case 1:u.trys.push([1, 13, 14, 19]),s = D(e),u.label = 2;case 2:return [4, U(s.next())];case 3:if ((o = u.sent()).done)return [3, 12];if (a = o.value,t && 0 === n)throw this.createExtraByteError(this.totalPos);this.appendBuffer(a),i && (n = this.readArraySize(),i = !1,this.complete()),u.label = 4;case 4:u.trys.push([4, 9, , 10]),u.label = 5;case 5:return [4, U(this.doDecodeSync())];case 6:return [4, u.sent()];case 7:return u.sent(),0 == --n ? [3, 8] : [3, 5];case 8:return [3, 10];case 9:if (!((r = u.sent())instanceof F))throw r;return [3, 10];case 10:this.totalPos += this.pos,u.label = 11;case 11:return [3, 2];case 12:return [3, 19];case 13:return c = u.sent(),l = {error: c},[3, 19];case 14:return u.trys.push([14, , 17, 18]),o && !o.done && (h = s.return) ? [4, U(h.call(s))] : [3, 16];case 15:u.sent(),u.label = 16;case 16:return [3, 18];case 17:if (l)throw l.error;return [7];case 18:return [7];case 19:return [2]}}))}))},e.prototype.doDecodeSync = function() {e: for (; ; ) {var e = this.readHeadByte(), t = void 0;if (e >= 224)t = e - 256;else if (e < 192)if (e < 128)t = e;else if (e < 144) {if (0 != (n = e - 128)) {this.pushMapState(n),this.complete();continue e}t = {}} else if (e < 160) {if (0 != (n = e - 144)) {this.pushArrayState(n),this.complete();continue e}t = []} else {var i = e - 160;t = this.decodeUtf8String(i, 0)}else if (192 === e)t = null;else if (194 === e)t = !1;else if (195 === e)t = !0;else if (202 === e)t = this.readF32();else if (203 === e)t = this.readF64();else if (204 === e)t = this.readU8();else if (205 === e)t = this.readU16();else if (206 === e)t = this.readU32();else if (207 === e)t = this.readU64();else if (208 === e)t = this.readI8();else if (209 === e)t = this.readI16();else if (210 === e)t = this.readI32();else if (211 === e)t = this.readI64();else if (217 === e)i = this.lookU8(),t = this.decodeUtf8String(i, 1);else if (218 === e)i = this.lookU16(),t = this.decodeUtf8String(i, 2);else if (219 === e)i = this.lookU32(),t = this.decodeUtf8String(i, 4);else if (220 === e) {if (0 !== (n = this.readU16())) {this.pushArrayState(n),this.complete();continue e}t = []} else if (221 === e) {if (0 !== (n = this.readU32())) {this.pushArrayState(n),this.complete();continue e}t = []} else if (222 === e) {if (0 !== (n = this.readU16())) {this.pushMapState(n),this.complete();continue e}t = {}} else if (223 === e) {if (0 !== (n = this.readU32())) {this.pushMapState(n),this.complete();continue e}t = {}} else if (196 === e) {var n = this.lookU8();t = this.decodeBinary(n, 1)} else if (197 === e)n = this.lookU16(),t = this.decodeBinary(n, 2);else if (198 === e)n = this.lookU32(),t = this.decodeBinary(n, 4);else if (212 === e)t = this.decodeExtension(1, 0);else if (213 === e)t = this.decodeExtension(2, 0);else if (214 === e)t = this.decodeExtension(4, 0);else if (215 === e)t = this.decodeExtension(8, 0);else if (216 === e)t = this.decodeExtension(16, 0);else if (199 === e)n = this.lookU8(),t = this.decodeExtension(n, 1);else if (200 === e)n = this.lookU16(),t = this.decodeExtension(n, 2);else {if (201 !== e)throw new w("Unrecognized type byte: ".concat(B(e)));n = this.lookU32(),t = this.decodeExtension(n, 4)}this.complete();for (var s = this.stack; s.length > 0; ) {var o = s[s.length - 1];if (0 === o.type) {if (o.array[o.position] = t,o.position++,o.position !== o.size)continue e;s.pop(),t = o.array} else {if (1 === o.type) {if (!L(t))throw new w("The type of key must be string or number but " + typeof t);if ("__proto__" === t)throw new w("The key __proto__ is not allowed");o.key = t,o.type = 2;continue e}if (o.map[o.key] = t,o.readCount++,o.readCount !== o.size) {o.key = null,o.type = 1;continue e}s.pop(),t = o.map}}return t}},e.prototype.readHeadByte = function() {return -1 === this.headByte && (this.headByte = this.readU8()),this.headByte},e.prototype.complete = function() {this.headByte = -1},e.prototype.readArraySize = function() {var e = this.readHeadByte();switch (e) {case 220:return this.readU16();case 221:return this.readU32();default:if (e < 160)return e - 144;throw new w("Unrecognized array type byte: ".concat(B(e)))}},e.prototype.pushMapState = function(e) {if (e > this.maxMapLength)throw new w("Max length exceeded: map length (".concat(e, ") > maxMapLengthLength (").concat(this.maxMapLength, ")"));this.stack.push({type: 1,size: e,key: null,readCount: 0,map: {}})},e.prototype.pushArrayState = function(e) {if (e > this.maxArrayLength)throw new w("Max length exceeded: array length (".concat(e, ") > maxArrayLength (").concat(this.maxArrayLength, ")"));this.stack.push({type: 0,size: e,array: new Array(e),position: 0})},e.prototype.decodeUtf8String = function(e, t) {var i;if (e > this.maxStrLength)throw new w("Max length exceeded: UTF-8 byte length (".concat(e, ") > maxStrLength (").concat(this.maxStrLength, ")"));if (this.bytes.byteLength < this.pos + t + e)throw H;var n, s = this.pos + t;return n = this.stateIsMapKey() && (null === (i = this.keyDecoder) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.canBeCached(e)) ? this.keyDecoder.decode(this.bytes, s, e) : e > m ? function(e, t, i) {var n = e.subarray(t, t + i);return g.decode(n)}(this.bytes, s, e) : p(this.bytes, s, e),this.pos += t + e,n},e.prototype.stateIsMapKey = function() {return this.stack.length > 0 && 1 === this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].type},e.prototype.decodeBinary = function(e, t) {if (e > this.maxBinLength)throw new w("Max length exceeded: bin length (".concat(e, ") > maxBinLength (").concat(this.maxBinLength, ")"));if (!this.hasRemaining(e + t))throw H;var i = this.pos + t, n = this.bytes.subarray(i, i + e);return this.pos += t + e,n},e.prototype.decodeExtension = function(e, t) {if (e > this.maxExtLength)throw new w("Max length exceeded: ext length (".concat(e, ") > maxExtLength (").concat(this.maxExtLength, ")"));var i = this.view.getInt8(this.pos + t), n = this.decodeBinary(e, t + 1);return this.extensionCodec.decode(n, i, this.context)},e.prototype.lookU8 = function() {return this.view.getUint8(this.pos)},e.prototype.lookU16 = function() {return this.view.getUint16(this.pos)},e.prototype.lookU32 = function() {return this.view.getUint32(this.pos)},e.prototype.readU8 = function() {var e = this.view.getUint8(this.pos);return this.pos++,e},e.prototype.readI8 = function() {var e = this.view.getInt8(this.pos);return this.pos++,e},e.prototype.readU16 = function() {var e = this.view.getUint16(this.pos);return this.pos += 2,e},e.prototype.readI16 = function() {var e = this.view.getInt16(this.pos);return this.pos += 2,e},e.prototype.readU32 = function() {var e = this.view.getUint32(this.pos);return this.pos += 4,e},e.prototype.readI32 = function() {var e = this.view.getInt32(this.pos);return this.pos += 4,e},e.prototype.readU64 = function() {var e = function(e, t) {return 4294967296 * e.getUint32(t) + e.getUint32(t + 4)}(this.view, this.pos);return this.pos += 8,e},e.prototype.readI64 = function() {var e = c(this.view, this.pos);return this.pos += 8,e},e.prototype.readF32 = function() {var e = this.view.getFloat32(this.pos);return this.pos += 4,e},e.prototype.readF64 = function() {var e = this.view.getFloat64(this.pos);return this.pos += 8,e},e}(), W = {};function X(e, t) {return void 0 === t && (t = W),new q(t.extensionCodec,t.context,t.maxStrLength,t.maxBinLength,t.maxArrayLength,t.maxMapLength,t.maxExtLength).decode(e)}function G(e, t) {return void 0 === t && (t = W),new q(t.extensionCodec,t.context,t.maxStrLength,t.maxBinLength,t.maxArrayLength,t.maxMapLength,t.maxExtLength).decodeMulti(e)}var N = function(e, t) {var i, n, s, o, a = {label: 0,sent: function() {if (1 & s[0])throw s[1];return s[1]},trys: [],ops: []};return o = {next: r(0),throw: r(1),return: r(2)},"function" == typeof Symbol && (o[Symbol.iterator] = function() {return this}),o;function r(o) {return function(r) {return function(o) {if (i)throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");for (; a; )try {if (i = 1,n && (s = 2 & o[0] ? n.return : o[0] ? n.throw || ((s = n.return) && s.call(n),0) : n.next) && !(s = s.call(n, o[1])).done)return s;switch (n = 0,s && (o = [2 & o[0], s.value]),o[0]) {case 0:case 1:s = o;break;case 4:return a.label++,{value: o[1],done: !1};case 5:a.label++,n = o[1],o = [0];continue;case 7:o = a.ops.pop(),a.trys.pop();continue;default:if (!(s = (s = a.trys).length > 0 && s[s.length - 1]) && (6 === o[0] || 2 === o[0])) {a = 0;continue}if (3 === o[0] && (!s || o[1] > s[0] && o[1] < s[3])) {a.label = o[1];break}if (6 === o[0] && a.label < s[1]) {a.label = s[1],s = o;break}if (s && a.label < s[2]) {a.label = s[2],a.ops.push(o);break}s[2] && a.ops.pop(),a.trys.pop();continue}o = t.call(e, a)} catch (e) {o = [6, e],n = 0} finally {i = s = 0}if (5 & o[0])throw o[1];return {value: o[0] ? o[1] : void 0,done: !0}}([o, r])}}}, Y = function(e) {return this instanceof Y ? (this.v = e,this) : new Y(e)}, K = function(e, t, i) {if (!Symbol.asyncIterator)throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");var n, s = i.apply(e, t || []), o = [];return n = {},a("next"),a("throw"),a("return"),n[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() {return this},n;function a(e) {s[e] && (n[e] = function(t) {return new Promise((function(i, n) {o.push([e, t, i, n]) > 1 || r(e, t)}))})}function r(e, t) {try {!function(e) {e.value instanceof Y ? Promise.resolve(e.value.v).then(c, l) : h(o[0][2], e)}(s[e](t))} catch (e) {h(o[0][3], e)}}function c(e) {r("next", e)}function l(e) {r("throw", e)}function h(e, t) {e(t),o.shift(),o.length && r(o[0][0], o[0][1])}};function J(e) {return function(e) {return null != e[Symbol.asyncIterator]}(e) ? e : function(e) {return K(this, arguments, (function() {var t, i, n, s;return N(this, (function(o) {switch (o.label) {case 0:t = e.getReader(),o.label = 1;case 1:o.trys.push([1, , 9, 10]),o.label = 2;case 2:return [4, Y(t.read())];case 3:return i = o.sent(),n = i.done,s = i.value,n ? [4, Y(void 0)] : [3, 5];case 4:return [2, o.sent()];case 5:return function(e) {if (null == e)throw new Error("Assertion Failure: value must not be null nor undefined")}(s),[4, Y(s)];case 6:return [4, o.sent()];case 7:return o.sent(),[3, 2];case 8:return [3, 10];case 9:return t.releaseLock(),[7];case 10:return [2]}}))}))}(e)}function Q(e, t) {return void 0 === t && (t = W),function(e, t, i, n) {return new (i || (i = Promise))((function(s, o) {function a(e) {try {c(n.next(e))} catch (e) {o(e)}}function r(e) {try {c(n.throw(e))} catch (e) {o(e)}}function c(e) {e.done ? s(e.value) : function(e) {return e instanceof i ? e : new i((function(t) {t(e)}))}(e.value).then(a, r)}c((n = n.apply(e, t || [])).next())}))}(this, void 0, void 0, (function() {var i;return function(e, t) {var i, n, s, o, a = {label: 0,sent: function() {if (1 & s[0])throw s[1];return s[1]},trys: [],ops: []};return o = {next: r(0),throw: r(1),return: r(2)},"function" == typeof Symbol && (o[Symbol.iterator] = function() {return this}),o;function r(o) {return function(r) {return function(o) {if (i)throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");for (; a; )try {if (i = 1,n && (s = 2 & o[0] ? n.return : o[0] ? n.throw || ((s = n.return) && s.call(n),0) : n.next) && !(s = s.call(n, o[1])).done)return s;switch (n = 0,s && (o = [2 & o[0], s.value]),o[0]) {case 0:case 1:s = o;break;case 4:return a.label++,{value: o[1],done: !1};case 5:a.label++,n = o[1],o = [0];continue;case 7:o = a.ops.pop(),a.trys.pop();continue;default:if (!(s = (s = a.trys).length > 0 && s[s.length - 1]) && (6 === o[0] || 2 === o[0])) {a = 0;continue}if (3 === o[0] && (!s || o[1] > s[0] && o[1] < s[3])) {a.label = o[1];break}if (6 === o[0] && a.label < s[1]) {a.label = s[1],s = o;break}if (s && a.label < s[2]) {a.label = s[2],a.ops.push(o);break}s[2] && a.ops.pop(),a.trys.pop();continue}o = t.call(e, a)} catch (e) {o = [6, e],n = 0} finally {i = s = 0}if (5 & o[0])throw o[1];return {value: o[0] ? o[1] : void 0,done: !0}}([o, r])}}}(this, (function(n) {return i = J(e),[2, new q(t.extensionCodec,t.context,t.maxStrLength,t.maxBinLength,t.maxArrayLength,t.maxMapLength,t.maxExtLength).decodeAsync(i)]}))}))}function $(e, t) {void 0 === t && (t = W);var i = J(e);return new q(t.extensionCodec,t.context,t.maxStrLength,t.maxBinLength,t.maxArrayLength,t.maxMapLength,t.maxExtLength).decodeArrayStream(i)}function Z(e, t) {void 0 === t && (t = W);var i = J(e);return new q(t.extensionCodec,t.context,t.maxStrLength,t.maxBinLength,t.maxArrayLength,t.maxMapLength,t.maxExtLength).decodeStream(i)}function ee(e, t) {return void 0 === t && (t = W),Z(e, t)}i.d(t, "encode", (function() {return O})),i.d(t, "decode", (function() {return X})),i.d(t, "decodeMulti", (function() {return G})),i.d(t, "decodeAsync", (function() {return Q})),i.d(t, "decodeArrayStream", (function() {return $})),i.d(t, "decodeMultiStream", (function() {return Z})),i.d(t, "decodeStream", (function() {return ee})),i.d(t, "Decoder", (function() {return q})),i.d(t, "DecodeError", (function() {return w})),i.d(t, "DataViewIndexOutOfBoundsError", (function() {return F})),i.d(t, "Encoder", (function() {return P})),i.d(t, "ExtensionCodec", (function() {return M})),i.d(t, "ExtData", (function() {return y})),i.d(t, "EXT_TIMESTAMP", (function() {return -1})),i.d(t, "encodeDateToTimeSpec", (function() {return b})),i.d(t, "encodeTimeSpecToTimestamp", (function() {return v})),i.d(t, "decodeTimestampToTimeSpec", (function() {return S})),i.d(t, "encodeTimestampExtension", (function() {return x})),i.d(t, "decodeTimestampExtension", (function() {return I}))}]);//# sourceMappingURL=bundle.js.map