Greasy Fork is available in English.
Redirects Reddit links to random instances automatically and provides an option to reload in a different instance.
// ==UserScript==// @name Reddit to Teddit Redirect// @namespace @version 1.2// @description Redirects Reddit links to random instances automatically and provides an option to reload in a different instance.// @author LollerCorleone// @license GNU GPLv3// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @grant none// @run-at document-start// ==/UserScript==(function() {'use strict';// List of teddit instancesvar tedditInstances = ['','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',''];// Get the current URLvar currentUrl = window.location.href;// Check if the URL matches the Reddit homepageif (currentUrl === '' || currentUrl === '') {// Redirect to a random teddit instance's homepagevar randomInstance = tedditInstances[Math.floor(Math.random() * tedditInstances.length)];var tedditUrl = randomInstance + '/r/all';window.location.replace(tedditUrl);return; // Stop further script execution} else if (currentUrl.match(/https?:\/\/(?:www|old|teddit)\.reddit\.com\/r\/\w+\//)) {// Construct the subreddit URLvar randomInstance = tedditInstances[Math.floor(Math.random() * tedditInstances.length)];var tedditUrl = currentUrl.replace(/https?:\/\/(?:www|old|teddit)\.reddit\.com/, randomInstance);// Redirect to the random teddit instance's subreddit URLwindow.location.replace(tedditUrl);return; // Stop further script execution} else if (currentUrl.match(/https?:\/\/(?:www|old|teddit)\.reddit\.com\/r\/\w+\/comments\/\w+\//)) {// Construct the post URLvar randomInstance = tedditInstances[Math.floor(Math.random() * tedditInstances.length)];var tedditUrl = currentUrl.replace(/https?:\/\/(?:www|old|teddit)\.reddit\.com/, randomInstance);// Redirect to the random teddit instance's post URLwindow.location.replace(tedditUrl);return; // Stop further script execution}// Add a reload button to the teddit pagefunction addReloadButton() {var button = document.createElement('button');button.innerText = 'Reload in Another Instance'; = 'fixed'; = '2vh'; = '2vh'; = '9999'; = '10px'; = 'none'; = '5px'; = '#007BFF'; = '#fff'; = 'pointer'; = '16px';button.addEventListener('click', function() {// Redirect to a different random teddit instance when clickedvar randomInstance = tedditInstances[Math.floor(Math.random() * tedditInstances.length)];window.location.href = randomInstance + window.location.pathname;});document.body.appendChild(button);}// Add the reload button when the teddit page is loadedwindow.addEventListener('load', addReloadButton);})();