Greasy Fork is available in English.
Convertir l'URL YouTube Shorts en URL vidéo YouTube classique.
// ==UserScript== // @name YouTube Shorts URL Conversion Button // @name:zh-TW YouTube Shorts URL 轉換按鈕 // @name:zh-HK YouTube Shorts URL 轉換按鈕 // @name:ja YouTube Shorts URL コンバーター // @name:zh-CN YouTube Shorts URL 转换按钮 // @name:ko YouTube Shorts URL 변환 버튼 // @name:ru Кнопка преобразования URL YouTube Shorts // @name:de YouTube Shorts URL Konvertierungstaste // @name:es Botón de conversión de URL de YouTube Shorts // @name:fr Bouton de conversion d'URL YouTube Shorts // @name:it Pulsante di conversione URL YouTube Shorts // @name:pt Botão de conversão de URL do YouTube Shorts // @name:ar زر تحويل URL من YouTube Shorts // @name:nl YouTube Shorts URL Conversieknop // @name:tr YouTube Shorts URL Dönüştürme Butonu // @name:pl Przycisk konwersji URL YouTube Shorts // @namespace // @version 1.13 // @description Convert YouTube Shorts URL to regular YouTube video URL. // @description:zh-TW 將 YouTube Shorts 網址轉換為常規的 YouTube 影片網址。 // @description:zh-HK 將 YouTube Shorts 網址轉換為常規的 YouTube 影片網址。 // @description:ja YouTube Shorts URLを通常のYouTubeビデオURLに変換します。 // @description:zh-CN 将 YouTube Shorts 网址转换为常规的 YouTube 视频网址。 // @description:ko YouTube Shorts URL을 일반 YouTube 비디오 URL로 변환합니다. // @description:ru Преобразование URL YouTube Shorts в обычный URL видео YouTube. // @description:de Konvertiere YouTube Shorts URL in reguläre YouTube Video URL. // @description:es Convierte la URL de YouTube Shorts en una URL de video de YouTube normal. // @description:fr Convertir l'URL YouTube Shorts en URL vidéo YouTube classique. // @description:it Converti l'URL YouTube Shorts in URL video YouTube normale. // @description:pt Converte a URL do YouTube Shorts para URL normal do YouTube. // @description:ar تحويل رابط YouTube Shorts إلى رابط فيديو YouTube عادي. // @description:nl Converteer YouTube Shorts URL naar reguliere YouTube video URL. // @description:tr YouTube Shorts URL'sini normal YouTube video URL'sine dönüştür. // @description:pl Konwertuj URL YouTube Shorts na regularny URL wideo YouTube. // @author 鮪魚大師 // @match* // @grant none // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const debug = false; let convertButton; let resizeButton; let isButtonDown = false; let buttonSize = "medium"; // 預設大小 目前只有"medium"跟"small" const lang = document.documentElement.lang || navigator.language; const langData = [ { name: "English", match: ["en", "en-US", "en-GB", "en-CA", "en-AU"], lang: { buttonText: "Convert Shorts", buttonTitle: "Convert Shorts URL to regular video URL", resizeButtonTitle: "Resize the buttons", }, }, { name: "Chinese (Traditional)", match: ["zh-TW", "zh-HK", "zh-Hant", "zh-Hant-TW"], lang: { buttonText: "Shorts轉換", buttonTitle: "將Shorts網址轉換成一般影片網址", resizeButtonTitle: "調整按鈕大小", }, }, { name: "Japanese", match: ["ja"], lang: { buttonText: "Shorts変換", buttonTitle: "YouTube Shorts URLを通常のYouTubeビデオURLに変換します", resizeButtonTitle: "ボタンサイズを変更する", }, }, { name: "Chinese (Simplified)", match: ["zh-CN", "zh-SG", "zh-Hans", "zh-Hans_CN"], lang: { buttonText: "Shorts转换", buttonTitle: "将 YouTube Shorts 网址转换为常规的 YouTube 视频网址", resizeButtonTitle: "调整按钮大小", }, }, { name: "Korean", match: ["ko"], lang: { buttonText: "Shorts변환", buttonTitle: "YouTube Shorts URL을 일반 YouTube 비디오 URL로 변환합니다", resizeButtonTitle: "버튼 크기 조정", }, }, { name: "Russian", match: ["ru"], lang: { buttonText: "Shorts конвертация", buttonTitle: "Преобразование URL YouTube Shorts в обычный URL видео YouTube", resizeButtonTitle: "Изменить размер кнопок", }, }, { name: "German", match: ["de"], lang: { buttonText: "Shorts konvertieren", buttonTitle: "Konvertiere YouTube Shorts URL in reguläre YouTube Video URL", resizeButtonTitle: "Größe der Schaltflächen ändern", }, }, { name: "Spanish", match: ["es", "es-ES", "es-MX", "es-AR", "es-CO"], lang: { buttonText: "Convertir Shorts", buttonTitle: "Convierte la URL de YouTube Shorts en una URL de video de YouTube normal", resizeButtonTitle: "Cambiar el tamaño de los botones", }, }, { name: "French", match: ["fr", "fr-FR", "fr-CA", "fr-BE", "fr-CH"], lang: { buttonText: "Convertir Shorts", buttonTitle: "Convertir l'URL YouTube Shorts en URL vidéo YouTube classique", resizeButtonTitle: "Redimensionner les boutons", }, }, { name: "Italian", match: ["it"], lang: { buttonText: "Converti Shorts", buttonTitle: "Converti l'URL YouTube Shorts in URL video YouTube normale", resizeButtonTitle: "Ridimensiona i pulsanti", }, }, { name: "Portuguese", match: ["pt", "pt-PT", "pt-BR"], lang: { buttonText: "Converter Shorts", buttonTitle: "Converter a URL do YouTube Shorts para a URL normal do vídeo do YouTube", resizeButtonTitle: "Alterar o tamanho dos botões", }, }, { name: "Arabic", match: ["ar"], lang: { buttonText: "تحويل Shorts", buttonTitle: "تحويل رابط YouTube Shorts إلى رابط فيديو YouTube عادي", resizeButtonTitle: "تغيير حجم الأزرار", }, }, { name: "Dutch", match: ["nl", "nl-NL", "nl-BE"], lang: { buttonText: "Shorts converteren", buttonTitle: "Converteer YouTube Shorts URL naar reguliere YouTube video URL", resizeButtonTitle: "Verander de grootte van de knoppen", }, }, { name: "Turkish", match: ["tr"], lang: { buttonText: "Shorts dönüştür", buttonTitle: "YouTube Shorts URL'sini normal YouTube video URL'sine dönüştür", resizeButtonTitle: "Düğme boyutunu değiştir", }, }, { name: "Polish", match: ["pl"], lang: { buttonText: "Konwertuj Shorts", buttonTitle: "Konwertuj URL YouTube Shorts na regularny URL wideo YouTube", resizeButtonTitle: "Zmień rozmiar przycisków", }, }, { name: "Hebrew", match: ["he"], lang: { buttonText: "המיר Shorts", buttonTitle: "המיר את כתובת ה-URL של YouTube Shorts לכתובת URL רגילה של סרטון YouTube", resizeButtonTitle: "שנה את גודל הכפתורים", }, }, { name: "Vietnamese", match: ["vi"], lang: { buttonText: "Chuyển đổi Shorts", buttonTitle: "Chuyển đổi URL YouTube Shorts thành URL video YouTube thông thường", resizeButtonTitle: "Thay đổi kích thước các nút", }, }, ]; function debugLog(message) { if (debug) { console.log("[DEBUG] " + message); } } function getLanguageData() { if (debug) { debugLog("偵測到的語言: " + lang); } for (const data of langData) { if (data.match.some(match => lang.startsWith(match))) { if (debug) { debugLog(`匹配到語言: ${}`); } return data.lang; } } if (debug) { debugLog(`找不到匹配的語言,使用預設語言: ${langData[0].name}`); } return langData[0].lang; } const languageData = getLanguageData(); // 根據 'buttonSize' 變數更新按鈕大小 function updateButtonSize() { if (convertButton) { = buttonSize === "small" ? "14px" : "24px"; = buttonSize === "small" ? "5px 10px" : "10px 20px"; } } // 建立 Convert Button 和 Resize Button function createButtons() { // Convert 按鈕 if (!convertButton) { debugLog("正在創建 Convert 按鈕..."); convertButton = document.createElement('button'); convertButton.textContent = languageData.buttonText; = 'fixed'; = '150px'; = '10px'; = '9999'; = '#FF0000'; = '#FFFFFF'; = '24px'; = '10px 20px'; = 'none'; = '5px'; convertButton.title = languageData.buttonTitle; document.body.appendChild(convertButton); updateButtonSize(); convertButton.addEventListener('click', convertURL); convertButton.addEventListener('auxclick', convertURL); convertButton.addEventListener('mousedown', function() { = '#D80000'; isButtonDown = true; }); convertButton.addEventListener('mouseup', function() { = '#FF0000'; isButtonDown = false; }); convertButton.addEventListener('mouseout', function() { if (!isButtonDown) { = '#FF0000'; } }); convertButton.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() { = '#FF3333'; }); convertButton.addEventListener('mouseleave', function() { = '#FF0000'; }); debugLog("按鈕創建成功"); } // Resize 按鈕 if (!resizeButton) { debugLog("正在創建 Resize 按鈕..."); resizeButton = document.createElement('button'); resizeButton.textContent = "◱"; = 'fixed'; = '10px'; = (convertButton.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + 5) + 'px'; = '9999'; = '#008CBA'; = '#FFFFFF'; = '18px'; = '25px'; = '25px'; = 'flex'; = 'center'; = 'center'; = 'none'; = '5px'; resizeButton.title = languageData.resizeButtonTitle; document.body.appendChild(resizeButton); resizeButton.addEventListener('click', () => { buttonSize = buttonSize === "small" ? "medium" : "small"; updateButtonSize(); = (convertButton.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + 5) + 'px'; }); resizeButton.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() { = '#00bcd4'; }); resizeButton.addEventListener('mouseleave', function() { = '#008CBA'; }); } } //主要功能 function convertURL(event) { const currentURL = window.location.href; debugLog("當前網址: " + currentURL); if (currentURL.includes("")) { const match = currentURL.match(/https:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/shorts\/([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/); if (match) { const videoID = match[1]; const videoURL = `${videoID}`; debugLog(`匹配到的影片ID: ${videoID}`); debugLog(`轉換後的網址: ${videoURL}`); if (event && event.button === 2) { debugLog("檢測到右鍵點擊(未執行任何操作)"); } else if (event && event.button === 1) { debugLog("檢測到中鍵點擊(開啟新標籤)");, '_blank'); } else { debugLog("正在導航至轉換後的網址"); window.location.href = videoURL; } } else { debugLog("網址中沒有匹配到影片ID"); } } else { debugLog("不是 YouTube Shorts 網址"); } } function removeConvertButton() { if (convertButton) { debugLog("正在移除 Convert 按鈕..."); convertButton.remove(); convertButton = null; debugLog("Convert 按鈕已移除"); } if (resizeButton) { debugLog("正在移除 Resize 按鈕..."); resizeButton.remove(); resizeButton = null; debugLog("Resize 按鈕已移除"); } } function debounce(func, wait) { let timeout; return function executedFunction(...args) { const later = () => { timeout = null; func(...args); }; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); }; } const checkAndCreateButton = debounce(function() { debugLog("檢查是否應該創建/移除按鈕..."); if (window.location.href.includes("")) { createButtons(); } else { removeConvertButton(); } }, 200); // 防抖200ms window.addEventListener('popstate', checkAndCreateButton); const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutationsList) { for (const mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type === 'childList') { checkAndCreateButton(); break; } } }); observer.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true }); checkAndCreateButton(); })();