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Display total price (including shipping) on AliExpress item pages
// ==UserScript==// @name AliExpress Total Price// @namespace forked_bytes// @match https://**// @match https://**// @grant none// @version 1.8// @author forked_bytes// @license 0BSD// @description Display total price (including shipping) on AliExpress item pages// ==/UserScript==const total = document.createElement('h2'); = '2em'; = '0.25em 0 0';setInterval(function() {// Find price, shipping, quantityconst priceElement = document.querySelector('.product-price-current, .dcss-price-first, .pdp-comp-price-current');if (!priceElement) return;const shippingElement = document.querySelector('.dynamic-shipping-line, div[ae_button_type="sku_shipmethod_click"]');const quantityElement = document.querySelector('div[class*="quantity--picker"] input');// Parse element textconst [price, prefix, suffix] = parse(priceElement.textContent);const [shipping] = shippingElement?.textContent.includes(':') ? parse(shippingElement?.textContent) : [0];const quantity = parseInt(quantityElement?.value) || 1;// Add total price to DOMconst parent = priceElement.classList.contains('pdp-comp-price-current') ? priceElement.parentNode.parentNode : priceElement.parentNode;if (price) total.textContent = `Σ ${prefix}${(price * quantity + shipping).toFixed(2)}${suffix}`;if ((shipping || quantity > 1) && !total.isConnected) parent.appendChild(total);}, 500);function parse(text) {// Find number and currency (before or after)// May contain spaces, commas or periods as decimal or thousands separatorsconst match = text?.match(/([^\d\s-]*)(\d[\d\s.,]*\d|\d)([^\d\s-]*)/);if (!match) return [0, '', ''];let [, prefix, price, suffix] = match;price = price.replace(/\s/g, '').split(/\D+/); // Remove whitespace and split on non-digit charactersif (!prefix && !suffix && price.length <= 1) return [0, '', ''];// Assume the last non-digit was the decimal separatorprice = price.length > 1 ? price.slice(0, -1).join('') + '.' + price[price.length - 1] : price[0];return [parseFloat(price), prefix, suffix];}