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Modificateur d'URL pour les moteurs de recherche

Ce script Tampermonkey améliore votre utilisation du moteur de recherche en modifiant les URL dans les résultats de recherche des moteurs de recherche, redirigeant vers des sites alternatifs, permettant une expérience de navigation plus personnalisée et efficace. Vous pouvez également ajouter votre propre règle de modification d'URL au script et êtes invité à engager vos règles avec ce script pour le rendre encore plus utile.

Voici les versions de ce script où le code a été modifié. Voir toutes les versions.

  • v2.6.5 07/02/2025

    support kagi

  • v2.6.4 10/07/2024

    fix a small bug for google

  • v2.6.3 31/05/2024
    • fix startpage, presearch, qwant, ecosia
    • add video page support for startpage, brave, duckduckgo, presearch, qwant, ecosia
    • other improvements
  • v2.6.2 19/03/2024
    1. fix some bug with google search
    2. remove twitter redirect, because nitter has been discontinued
    3. keep imporving
  • v2.6 09/03/2024
    • Remove unnecessary tailing parts in URL (? or #) for better display
    • Support Mwmbl Search (https://mwmbl.org)
    • Thanks everyone for loving this script 😘
  • v2.5.8 15/02/2024
    1. support Chinese search engine Baidu
    2. refactor code
    3. minor bug fix
    4. update README
  • v2.5.7 14/02/2024

    support whoogle,wiby,coccoc,walla...

  • v2.5.5 14/02/2024

    support more search engines;

    minor fix

  • v2.5.3 13/02/2024

    add support for Qmamu, SAPO, Naver, Ask, Proton, ZapMeta, Anoox

  • v2.5.2 12/02/2024

    minor fix for url regex rule for medium

  • v2.5.1 12/02/2024

    tiny fix for medium regex rule

  • v2.5 11/02/2024

    fully support 4get search;
    other optimizations;
    improve some regex matching

  • v2.4.2 06/02/2024
    1. Support more search engines
    2. Add redirection link omitting for Lycos and AlohaFind
  • v2.4 05/02/2024
    1. Support Yahoo Search & Yahoo Japan Search, including eliminate Yahoo redirection URL (https://r.search.yahoo.com/...), to extract the actual URLs.
    2. Support AOL Search.
    3. Other minor updates and fixs.
    4. The script is much stable now, and I think the basic features are good enough, hope you guys find it useful!
  • v2.3.4 02/02/2024

    add support for a bunch of more search engines

  • v2.3.3 01/02/2024

    add some search engine support; a bunch of bug fix

  • v2.3.2 28/01/2024

    add support for several search engines;
    add some redirection rules;
    minor bug fix and optimization

  • v2.2.8 25/01/2024

    support modify urls of side widget

  • v2.2.6 25/01/2024
  • v2.2.5 25/01/2024

    add several redirection rules; I will slow down script update from now on because it's stable now

  • v2.2.4 24/01/2024

    add support for Presearch; add redirection rules for YouTube Music, Twitch; modify redirection rules for Reddit, YouTube

  • v2.2.1 23/01/2024

    bug fix; add suppot for Yandex

  • v2.2 23/01/2024
    1. minor optimizations
    2. add support for Ecosia, Swisscows, Stract, eTools, Yep
  • v2.1 22/01/2024

    optimize performance;
    add Torry support

  • v2.0.8 21/01/2024

    add built-in redirection rules; minor optimization; update script introduction on GreasyFork

  • v2.0.6 16/01/2024

    fix a minor url display bug

  • v2.0.5 14/01/2024

    optimize performance.

  • v2.0.1 11/01/2024

    add matched url

  • v2.0 08/01/2024

    support sub-r###lts; bug fix; support qwant

  • v1.9 06/01/2024

    add search engine support; optimize URL display

  • v1.8 02/01/2024

    optimize to be more robust

  • v1.7.3 01/01/2024

    support Google

  • v1.7.1 01/01/2024
  • v1.7 01/01/2024

    add support for duckduckgo

  • v1.6 01/01/2024

    add support for brave

  • v1.5 01/01/2024