Greasy Fork is available in English.
Instagram / twitch / youtube / tiktok vidéo / téléchargeur audio (fréquemment mis à jour)
// ==UserScript==// @name Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @namespace @version 9.4// @supportURL @homepageURL @description Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/TikTok Video/Audio Downloader (frequently updated)// @author gaston1799// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @match *://*// @icon  @grant GM_info// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest// @grant GM_getValue// @grant GM_setValue// @grant GM_deleteValue// @grant GM_addValueChangeListener// @grant GM_removeValueChangeListener// @name:en Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @name:zh Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @name:fr Gaston's - téléchargeur vidéo / image// @name:ar Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @name:de Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @name:hi गैस्टन - वीडियो/छवि डाउनलोडर// @name:pt Gaston's - Downloader de vídeo/imagem// @name:ru Gaston's - Video/Image Скачатель// @name:ja Gaston's -Video/Image Downloader// @name:es Gaston's - Video/Image Descarger// @name:nl Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @name:tr Gaston's - Video/Resim İndirici// @name:ro Gaston's - descărcător video/imagini// @name:id Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @name:vi Gaston's - Trình tải xuống video/hình ảnh// @name:pl Gaston - pobierca wideo/obrazu// @name:it Gaston's - Downloader di video/immagine// @name:th Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @name:uk GASTON'S - Відео/зображення завантажувача// @name:ko Gaston 's- 비디오/이미지 다운로더 More actions// @name:sk Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader More actions// @name:bg Gaston's - видео/изтегляне на изображения// @name:fi Gaston's - Video/kuvan lataaja// @name:da Gastons - Video/Image Downloader// @name:sv Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @name:hu Gaston's - Videó/kép letöltő// @name:el Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @name:cs Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @name:no Gaston's - Video/Image Downloader// @name:he Gaston's - הורדת וידאו/תמונה// @description:en Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/TikTok Video/Audio Downloader (frequently updated)// @description:zh Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/TikTok Video/Audio Downloader (frequently updated)// @description:es Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Descarger (frecuentemente actualizado)// @description:fr Instagram / twitch / youtube / tiktok vidéo / téléchargeur audio (fréquemment mis à jour)// @description:ru Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (часто обновляется)// @description:ar Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (تم تحديثه بشكل متكرر)// @description:ja Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktokビデオ/オーディオダウンローダー(頻繁に更新)// @description:de Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (häufig aktualisiert)// @description:hi Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok वीडियो/ऑडियो डाउनलोडर (अक्सर अपडेट किया गया)// @description:pt Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (atualizado com frequência)// @description:tr Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Ses Downloader (sıklıkla güncellendi)// @description:ro Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (actualizat frecvent) More actions// @description:nl Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (vaak bijgewerkt)// @description:ko Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok 비디오/오디오 다운로더 (자주 업데이트)// @description:vi Instagram/twitch/youtube/tiktok video/trình tải xuống âm thanh (thường xuyên được cập nhật)// @description:uk Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (часто оновлений)// @description:pl Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (często aktualizowany)// @description:th Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (อัปเดตบ่อยครั้ง)// @description:it Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (frequentemente aggiornato)// @description:id Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (sering diperbarui)// @description:fi Instagram/twitch/youtube/tiktok video/äänen lataus (päivitetty usein)// @description:he אינסטגרם/טוויץ '/YouTube/Tiktok וידאו/הורדת שמע (מעודכן לעתים קרובות)// @description:el Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (συχνά ενημερωμένο)// @description:no Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (ofte oppdatert)// @description:cs Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (často aktualizováno)// @description:bg Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (често актуализиран)// @description:sv Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (ofta uppdaterad)// @description:hu Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (gyakran frissítve)// @description:da Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (ofte opdateret)// @description:sk Instagram/Twitch/YouTube/Tiktok Video/Audio Downloader (často aktualizované) More actions// @license MIT// ==/UserScript==//YT: function loads external script that cant be included in the meta data!!function(){_GM_getValue=GM_getValue,_GM_setValue=GM_setValue,[""].map((e=>{let t=new URL(e);return t.protocol="https:",t.href})).map((e=>({name:new URL(e).pathname.split("/").pop(),id:new URL(e).pathname,url:e}))).forEach((async e=>{var t=_GM_getValue(,loaded=!1;t?(console.log(,"Loaded",eval(t)),loaded=!0):console.warn(,"wasn't installed. This Userscript may not function as intended."),console.log("Checking",,await fetch(e.url).then((e=>e.text()),(t=>(console.error("Failed:",,t),null))).then((fetchedScript=>{if(fetchedScript&&_GM_getValue(!==fetchedScript)if(_GM_setValue(,fetchedScript),loaded)console.log(,"Has been updated in background");else try{eval(fetchedScript),console.log(,"Has been updated and loaded")}catch(t){console.error(,"Failed to update",t)}return e}))}))}();! function() {class videoPlayer {#e = function() {return this.isFullScreen};#t = function() {return this.isTheater};#o = function() {return this.isMini};set isMini(e) {e && !this.#o() ? document.querySelector('[title="Miniplayer (i)"]').click() : !e && this.#o() && document.querySelector('[title="Expand (i)"]').click()}get isMini() {return !document.querySelector('[title="Miniplayer (i)"]')}set isTheater(e) {!e && this.#t() ? document.querySelector('[title="Default view (t)"]').click() : e && !this.#t() && document.querySelector('[title="Theater mode (t)"]').click()}get isTheater() {return !document.querySelector('[title="Theater mode (t)"]')}set isFullScreen(e = this.#e()) {e && !this.#e() ? document.querySelector('[title="Full screen (f)"]').click() : !e && this.#e() && document.querySelector('[title="Exit full screen (f)"]').click()}get isFullScreen() {return !document.querySelector('[title="Full screen (f)"]')}}class element {static get br() {return new element("br")}constructor(e, t = {}) {if (e instanceof HTMLElement) this.element = e;else {this.element = document.createElement(e);for (let e in t) "className" === e ? this.element.className = t[e] : this.element.setAttribute(e, t[e])}}style(e) {for (let t in e)[t] = e[t];return this}append(e, ...t) {this.element.append(e.element || e);for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) this.element.append(t[e].element || t[e]);return this}appendTo(e) {return (e.element || ("string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e)).append(this.element), this}on(e, t) {return this.element.addEventListener(e, t), this}set(e, t) {return "className" === e ? 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Would you like to provide feedback?") &&, "_blank"), await GM.setValue(e,}}!async function() {const n = await GM.getValue(t, !0),l = await GM.getValue(e,; - l > 12096e5 && (o(), n && GM.setValue(t, !1)), console.log("FirstTime:", n)}()}(),function() {Object.assign(this || arguments[0], {CustomLog: class {constructor(e) {this.title = {body: e || "---",color: "darkgrey",size: "1rem"}, this.body = {color: "#008f68",size: "1rem"}}setTitleBody(e) {return this.title.body = e, this}setTitleStyle({color: e,size: t}) {return void 0 !== e && (this.title.color = e), void 0 !== t && (this.title.size = t), this}setBodyStyle({color: e,size: t}) {return void 0 !== e && (this.body.color = e), void 0 !== t && (this.body.size = t), this}log(e = "") {console.log(`%c${this.title.body} | %c${e}`, `color: ${this.title.color}; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.title.size};`, `color: ${this.body.color}; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.body.size}; text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);`)}}})}(top);const olog = console.log,logger = new CustomLog("Script Logger"),consoleLogOriginal = console.log;function downloadFileAsTitle(e, t) {const o = document.createElement("a");o.href = e, = t, document.body.appendChild(o),, document.body.removeChild(o)}console.log1 = function(...e) {const t = e.some((e => "object" == typeof e && null !== e));let o = "Anonymous";try {throw new Error} catch (e) {if (e.stack) {const t = e.stack.split("\n");if (t.length >= 3) {const e = t[2].match(/at\s+(.*?)\s*\(/);o = e && e[1] ? e[1] : "Anonymous"}}}if (t) consoleLogOriginal(`og:[${o}]`, ...e);else {const t = => String(e))).join(" ");logger.log(`[${o}]`, t)}}, console.log("ok");var CurrentPlayingSymbol = "▶",adev, set_;function getV(e, t) {return GM_getValue(e) || (GM_setValue(e, t), t)}function setV(e, t) {GM_setValue(e, t)}async function getFinalUrlFromServer(e) {try {const t = await fetch("http://localhost:3000/get-final-url", {method: "POST",headers: {"Content-Type": "application/json"},body: JSON.stringify({url: e})});if (!t.ok) throw new Error("Failed to fetch final URL");return (await t.json()).finalUrl} catch (e) {return console.error("Error:", e), null}}function getCurrentVideoID() {var e;return [...document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-video-menu-item ytp-button")].forEach(((t, o) => {t.innerText.startsWith(CurrentPlayingSymbol) && (e = new URL(t.href).searchParams.get("v"))})), !e && document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-playlist-menu-button ytp-button")[0] ? 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(console.log("Closiung"), document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-playlist-menu-button ytp-button")[0].click(), e) : console.warn("Not Found!")}_getV = getV, _setV = setV, Number.prototype.decimal = function(e) {return Number(this.toFixed(e))}, getSoundCloudUrl = () => {try {return findhref2(document.querySelector("#app > div.playControls.g-z-index-control-bar.m-visible > section > div > div.playControls__elements > > div"))[0].href} catch {return}}, downloadSC = function() {GM_setValue("SCinfo", null), GM_setValue("sc", getSoundCloudUrl()), !set_ && (set_ = 1, GM_addValueChangeListener("SCinfo", (function(e, t, o, n) {console.log({a: e,b: t,c: o,d: n}), o && && _downloadFileAsTitle(o.href,}))), open("")};const sleep = e => new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)));window.sleep = sleep, GM_setValue_ = GM_setValue, GM_getValue_ = GM_getValue, GM_info_ = GM_info;var UnmutePath = "M3.15,3.85l4.17,4.17L6.16,9H3v6h3.16L12,19.93v-7.22l2.45,2.45c-0.15,0.07-0.3,0.13-0.45,0.18v1.04 c0.43-0.1,0.83-0.27,1.2-0.48l1.81,1.81c-0.88,0.62-1.9,1.04-3.01,1.2v1.01c1.39-0.17,2.66-0.71,3.73-1.49l2.42,2.42l0.71-0.71 l-17-17L3.15,3.85z M11,11.71v6.07L6.52,14H4v-4h2.52l1.5-1.27L11,11.71z M10.33,6.79L9.62,6.08L12,4.07v4.39l-1-1V6.22L10.33,6.79 z M14,8.66V7.62c2,0.46,3.5,2.24,3.5,4.38c0,0.58-0.13,1.13-0.33,1.64l-0.79-0.79c0.07-0.27,0.12-0.55,0.12-0.85 C16.5,10.42,15.44,9.1,14,8.66z M14,5.08V4.07c3.95,0.49,7,3.85,7,7.93c0,1.56-0.46,3.01-1.23,4.24l-0.73-0.73 C19.65,14.48,20,13.28,20,12C20,8.48,17.39,5.57,14,5.08z",mutePath = "M17.5,12c0,2.14-1.5,3.92-3.5,4.38v-1.04c1.44-0.43,2.5-1.76,2.5-3.34c0-1.58-1.06-2.9-2.5-3.34V7.62 C16,8.08,17.5,9.86,17.5,12z M12,4.07v15.86L6.16,15H3V9h3.16L12,4.07z M11,6.22L6.52,10H4v4h2.52L11,17.78V6.22z M21,12 c0,4.08-3.05,7.44-7,7.93v-1.01c3.39-0.49,6-3.4,6-6.92s-2.61-6.43-6-6.92V4.07C17.95,4.56,21,7.92,21,12z";function downloadFile_(e, t) {const o = document.createElement("a");o.href = e, = t, document.body.appendChild(o),, document.body.removeChild(o)}_downloadFileAsTitle = async function(e, t, o, n) {const l = document.createElement("a");return = "none", document.body.appendChild(l), fetch(e).then((e => e.blob())).then((i => {const c = URL.createObjectURL(i);l.href = c, = t, = "_blank",, URL.revokeObjectURL(c), (o || opener || window).postMessage({url: e,title: t,s: !0}, "*"), (typeof n).includes("function") && n()})).catch((n => {console.error("Error downloading file:", n), (o || opener || window).postMessage({url: e,title: t,s: !1}, "*")}))}, _downloadFile_ = downloadFile_;const query = function(e, t) {try {let n = "undefined" != typeof $ ? $ : document.querySelectorAll;return t ? 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Status: ${o.status}`);const n = o.url,l = await o.blob(),i = window.URL.createObjectURL(l),c = document.createElement("a");c.href = i, = t, document.body.appendChild(c),, document.body.removeChild(c), window.URL.revokeObjectURL(i), console.log(`Video downloaded from: ${n}`)} catch (e) {console.error("Failed to download video:", e)}}getElementByAttribute = function(e, t = "aria-label", o = document.body) {var n = [];return function o(l) {l.getAttribute(t) == e ? n.push(l) : l.children.length && ((l = l.children).forEach = [].forEach, l.forEach((e => {o(e)})))}(o), 1 == n.length ? n[0] : n || !1}, get_aria_label = function(e, t = document.body) {var o = [];return function t(n) {n.getAttribute("aria-label") == e ? o.push(n) : n.children.length && ((n = n.children).forEach = [].forEach, n.forEach((e => {t(e)})))}(t), o[0] || !1}, getClass = function(e) {return document.getElementsByClassName("ehlq8k34")[0]}, async function() {async function e(e, t = 3e4) {var o;for (sleep(t).then((e => o = !0)); !document.querySelector(e) && (await sleep(0), !o););return document.querySelector(e)}return location.href.includes("/embed/") ? 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"Found" : "Not FOund"))}), 0)},"": async() => {async function e(e, t = 5e3) {let o = !1;for (setTimeout((() => {console.log("TimeOut for", e), o = !0}), t); !document.querySelector(e) && (console.log("_", e, o), await sleep(500), !o););if (console.log(e, o), o) throw "NotFound";return document.querySelector(e)}location.pathname.split("/")[1] != GM_getValue(document.domain) && (GM_setValue(document.domain, location.pathname.split("/")[1]), console.warn("updated"));let [t, o] = name.split(",");if (!t.length || !o.length) return console.warn("No info Preset");var n = `${"1"==o?"shorts/":"watch?v="}${t}`;for (await e("#video-url"), console.log("Input Loaded"), document.querySelector("#video-url").value = n, await e("#get-video-button"), console.log("GEtting res"), await sleep(100), document.querySelector("#get-video-button").click(), await e("#quality-options", 2e4); !document.getElementById("quality-options").children.length;) await sleep(100);for (document.getElementById("quality-options").children[document.getElementById("quality-options").children.length - 1].click(), console.log("Stating Download"); Number(document.querySelector(".indicator").style.width.replace("%", "")) < 100;) await sleep(10), "An error occurred while starting the download" == error.innerText && (document.getElementById("quality-options").children[document.getElementById("quality-options").children.length - 1].click(), console.warn("Stating Download again"), error.innerText = "", await sleep(1e3));for (console.log("Done Loading"), console.log("Unloading video"); Number(document.querySelector(".indicator").style.width.replace("%", ""));) await sleep(10);close()},"": async() => {location.pathname.split("/")[1] != GM_getValue("") && (GM_setValue("", location.pathname.split("/")[1]), console.warn("updated"), close());let id_ = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("v"),IsShort = 1 == new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("s"),mp4 = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("mp4"),useT = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("useT"),_ = id_ + mp4 + useT;async function wfs(e, t = 5e3) {let o = !1;for (setTimeout((() => {console.log("TimeOut for", e), o = !0}), t); !document.querySelector(e) && (console.log("_", e, o), await sleep(500), !o););if (console.log(e, o), o) throw "NotFound";return document.querySelector(e)}id_ || ([id_, IsShort, mp4, useT] = name.split(",").map((e => {try {return !!eval(e)} catch {return String(e)}})));let cr = document.createElement;for (document.createElement = function(e, t) {let o =, e, t);return o._click =, = function() {if (console.log(o, "was clicked", o.tagName), "A" == o.tagName) {console.log("Caught", o);let e =,t = o.href;f = {id: id_,href: t,title: e}, (opener || window).postMessage(f, "*")} else o._click.apply(o)}, console.log(o, "was created", o.tagName), o};"complete" != document.readyState;) await sleep(0);if (id_) {let e = async e => {console.log("a", e);var t = findhref2(document.forms[0])[0].href,o = findhref2(document.forms[0], "div")[0].innerText,n = {_: _,id: id_,href: t,title: o,length: {}};console.log("Posted", n), (opener || window.parent).postMessage(n, "*"), close()};try {await wfs("#video").then((e => {console.log("e", e), e.value = IsShort ? `${id_}` : `${id_}`, document.querySelector('[type="submit"]').click()})).catch(e), console.log("after url"), dl = download, download = function(e) {dl(e);var t = e + "&s=3&v=" + gVideo + "&f=" + gFormat + "&_=" + Math.random();if (t && t.length) {console.log("Lets goooo got:", {url: t});let e = {href: t,useT: !1,_: _,id: id_};(opener || window.parent).postMessage(e, "*"), close()}}, console.log("b")} catch (e) {console.warn("Error:", e)}} else console.warn("No id Found")},"": async() => {async function e(e, t = 3e4) {var o;for (sleep(t).then((e => o = !0)); !document.querySelector(e) && (await sleep(0), !o););return document.querySelector(e)}console.log("ok"), e("#u").then((async t => {t.value = `${new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("v")}`,, await sleep(200), (await e("#convert")).click(), (await e(".process-button")).click(), e(".download-button").then((e => {let t = document.createElement;document.createElement = function(e, o) {let n =, e, o);return n._click =, = function() {if (console.log(n, "was clicked", n.tagName), "A" == n.tagName) {console.log("Caught", n);let e =,t = n.href;f = {id: new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("v"),href: t,title: e}, (opener || window).postMessage(f, "*"), close()} else n._click.apply(n)}, console.log(n, "was created", n.tagName), n},, console.log("clicked"), setTimeout((() =>, 1e3)}))})).then(console.log, console.warn)},"": async() => {console.log("Getting MP4");let [e, t] = name.split(",");tF((function(o = function() {}) {document.getElementById("search_txt").value = `${"1"==t?"shorts/":"watch?v="}${e}`, document.getElementById("btn-submit").click(), console.log(e, t)}), {callback: function() {}}), tF((function(e = function() {}) {if (console.log(r###lt.children.length), !r###lt.children.length) throw document.getElementById("btn-submit").click(), "no there"}), {int: 1e3,callback: function() {}}), tF((function() {document.getElementById("btn-download").click()}), {callback: function() {}}), tF((function() {var t = $(".media-heading")[0].innerText,o = downloadbtn.href,n = {id: e,href: o,title: t,length: {}};console.log("Posted"), (opener || window).postMessage(n, "*")}), {callback: close})},"": async() => {async function e(e) {for (; !document.querySelector(e);) await sleep(0);return !0}let [t, o] = name.split(",");if (!t.length || !o.length) return console.warn("No info Preset");var n = `${"1"==o?"shorts/":"watch?v="}${t}`;await e("#txt-url"), console.log("Input Loaded"), document.querySelector("#txt-url").value = n, await e("#btn-submit"), console.log("GEtting res"), await sleep(100), document.querySelector("#btn-submit").click(), await e("#video_title"), console.log("Got Res");var l = document.querySelector("#video_title").innerText,i = [0];[...document.querySelector("#r###lt").querySelector("table").querySelectorAll("tr")].forEach((e => {var t = e.innerText.match(/(?<res>\d+)(p|P)/i) || {};t.groups && (t = Number(t.groups.res), i[0] < t && (i[0] = t, i[1] = findhref2(e)[0].href, i[2] = e))}));let c = {id: t,title: l,href: i[1],mp4: !0,res: i[0]};(opener || window).postMessage(c, "*"), location.href = c.href},"": async() => {let [e, t] = name.split(",");if (!e.length || !t.length) return console.Warn("NO info Preset");let o = function() {};tF((function(o = function() {}) {document.getElementById("texturl").value = `${"1"==t?"shorts/":"watch?v="}${e}`, document.getElementById("convert1").click(), console.log("Searched")}), {callback: o}), tF((function() {if ("none" == throw document.getElementById("convert1").click(), "this";console.log("Searching")}), {callback: o}), tF((function() {if (0 == document.getElementById("form-app-root").children.length) throw "";console.log("loaded");var {title: t,href: o} = $("#download-720-MP4") && $("#download-720-MP4")[0] ? $("#download-720-MP4")[0] : $("#download-720-MP4"), n = {id: e,href: o,title: t,length: {}};console.log("Posted"), (opener || window).postMessage(n, "*")}), {callback: close})},"": async() => {let e = new element("a", {href: document.querySelector('[type="video/mp4"]').src,download: document.querySelector('[type="video/mp4"]').src.split("/")[5] + ".mp4"});document.body.append(e.element),, sleep(500).then((t => {e.element.remove(), sleep(500).then((e => {close()}))}))},"": async() => {if ("create" === location.pathname.split("/")[1]) return;const e = e => new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)));_wfs = async function(t, o = 2e4) {let n = !1;for (setTimeout((() => {console.log("TimeOut for", t), n = !0}), o); !document.querySelector(t) && (console.log("_", t, n), await e(500), !n););if (console.log(t, n), n) throw "NotFound";return document.querySelector(t)}, _copyElm = function(e) {if (!(e instanceof Element)) throw new Error("Provided argument is not a DOM element.");const t = document.createElement(e.tagName);for (let o of e.attributes) t.setAttribute(, o.value);return =, t.className = e.className, t.innerHTML = e.innerHTML, t};location.href;let t = ".ScCoreButtonLabel-sc-s7h2b7-0",o = (await _wfs(".ScCoreButtonLabel-sc-s7h2b7-0")).parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;async function n(e, t) {return await fetch(e).then((e => !0), (e => !1)) ? 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(o.push(n), n.children.length && ((n = n.children).forEach = [].forEach, n.forEach((t => {e(t)})))) : n.children.length && ((n = n.children).forEach = [].forEach, n.forEach((t => {e(t)})))}(e), o}, getInstalImages = function() {return document.querySelectorAll("._acaz")}, getInstaVideo = function() {return document.querySelector("video.x1lliihq")}, downloadVideoFromBlob = function(e, t) {if (e && e.src && e.src.startsWith("blob:")) {const o = e.captureStream(),n = new MediaRecorder(o),l = [];n.ondataavailable = e => { > 0 && (l.push(, console.log(}, n.onstop = () => {const e = new Blob(l, {type: "video/mp4"}),o = URL.createObjectURL(e),n = document.createElement("a"); = "none", n.href = o, = t + ".mp4", document.body.appendChild(n),, document.body.removeChild(n), URL.revokeObjectURL(o)}, n.start(), setTimeout((() => {n.stop()}), 1e3 * e.duration)} else console.error("Invalid video element or source.")}, _getIds = getIds, info = {}, downloadT = function(e, t = !1, o = !0, n = !1, l = !1, i = "") {let c = e + (n ? "mp4" : "mp3") + o;var r;if (!(r = document.getElementById(c)) || r.remove(), localStorage[c] && !t && (!l || !confirm(`You have already download this video as .${n?"mp4":"mp3"}\nStill download?`))) return;let a = i || location;var s = new URL(a.href); =".com", ""), console.log("o", s);let d = ["" + (GM_getValue("") || "en1") + "/", "?v=", e, "&s=", s.pathname.startsWith("/shorts/") ? 1 : 0, "&mp4=", n ? "mp4" : "mp3", "&useT=", o];console.log(c, d);ad("unload", (function() {info[e].close()}), !0), onmessage = function(e) {if (e.origin == Porigin || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}onlymp3\.to/) || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}en\.onlymp3\.to/) || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}en(\d)\.onlinevideoconverter\.pro/) || "" == e.origin || "" == e.origin || "" == e.origin || "" == e.origin || "" == e.origin) {const {data: {href: t,title: l,length: i,id: c,_: r}} = e;let a = l + (n ? ".mp4" : ".mp3");(e => {e && e.remove()})(document.getElementById(r)), console.log("Handled", {href: t,title: l,length: i,id: c,_: r}, e, document.getElementById(r), document.getElementById(r) && document.getElementById(r).remove()), button.set("innerText", "Get MP3"), button.set("disabled", !1), o ? (console.log("Getting video"), downloadFileAsTitle(t, a)) : open(t), localStorage[r] = t} else console.log("Unhandled Post", e)};let u = a.pathname.startsWith("/shorts/") ? "" : `${e}`;return info[e] = n ? open(u, [e, a.pathname.startsWith("/shorts/") ? 1 : 0, n + !1], "width=400,height=500") : !async function() {if (info[e] = n) {return await fetch(u.join("")).then((e => !0), (e => !1)) ? 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"mp4" : "mp3", "&useT=", o], t.set("src", d.join(""))})), t.appendTo(document.body), t.closed = !1, t}()}, downloadTikTok = function(e, t) {(async function(e, t) {let o = `${GM_getValue("")}`;await waitTT(), console.log("ez");let n = t.videoID,l = t.username,i = getTikTokTittle();var c;if (onmessage = function(e) {if (e.origin == Porigin || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}savetik\.csavetik.coo/) || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}en\.onlymp3\.to/) || e.origin.match(/https?:\/{2}en(\d)\.onlinevideoconverter\.pro/) || "" == e.origin) {var {data: {href: t,links: o,title: n,length: l,id: c,mp4: r,info: {username: a}}} = e;if (console.log("Handled", {href: t,title: n,length: l,id: c,links: o,mp4: r}, e), GM_setValue(c, !0), "" == e.origin) n = i, downloadFileAsTitle(r ? o[0] : o.pop(), a + " - " + n + (r ? ".mp4" : ".mp3"), tiktikWin);else {if (useT) {let e = document.createElement("a"); = n + ".mp3", e.href = t, document.body.appendChild(e),, e.remove()} else open(t);localStorage[_] = t}} else console.log("Unhandled Post", e)}, await fetch(o).then((e => !0), (e => !1))) return GM_addValueChangeListener("", (async function(e, t, i, r) {console.log({a: e,b: t,c: i,d: r}), i != t && i && (o = `${i}`, c.set("src", `${o}?user=${l}&id=${n}`))})), void(c = new _e("iframe", {src: `${o}?user=${l}&id=${n}`,id: n,useT: useT,loading: "lazy",referrerpolicy: "no-referrer",allowfullscreen: !0,sandbox: "allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms",allow: "autoplay; fullscreen; geolocation; microphone; camera"}).style({border: 0,position: "absolute",width: 1920,height: 1080,"pointer-events": "none",opacity: 1}));GM_addValueChangeListener("", (async function(t, i, c, r) {console.log("", {a: t,b: i,c: c,d: r}), c != i && c && (tiktikWin && tiktikWin.close(), o = `${c}`, console.log("Updaed stuff"), tiktikWin = open(o, [`${l}/video/${n}`, e + !1], "width=400,height=500"))})), tiktikWin = open(o, [`${l}/video/${n}`, e + !1], "width=400,height=500")})(e, t).then(console.log, console.warn)}, abc_ = abc, M = Mute, Um = Unmute;var didmute = 0;function ch3(e) {return !!e && !e.closed}async function getWin(e = [["w1", "win1"],["w2", "win2"],["w3", "win3"],["w4", "win4"]]) {var t, o = !1;return await new Promise(((n, l) => {var i = setInterval((l => {e.forEach((e => {this[e[0]] = ch3(window[e[1]]), window[e[1]] || o || (o = !0, t = e[1], console.log(e))})), t && (n(t), clearInterval(i))}), 500)})), t}function WIP(e, t, o) {if (!t) return alert("This button is corrently broken");var n = _getIds(),l = [];for (let t = 0; t < e; t++) l.push(["w" + t, "win" + t]);n.forEach((({id: e}, n) => {getWin(l).then((l => {if (!info[e] && !localStorage[e] || o) {console.log("download", e, n), window[l] = downloadT(e, o, !0, !!t), window.addEventListener("unload", (function(e) {window[l].close()}));var i = setInterval((e => {window[l] && !window[l].closed || (window[l] = null, clearInterval(i), console.log(l, "isclosed"))}), 300)}}))}))}window.ch3 = ch3, window.getWin = getWin, WIP_ = WIP;var button = new element("button").set("innerText", "Get MP3").on("click", (function(e) {button.set("innerText", "Wait..."), button.set("disabled", !0), downloadT(setElement(location.href), !0, !0, !1, !0)}));function getVisiable(e) {const t = [];return e.forEach((e => {isElementInViewport(e) && t.push(e)})), t}var button2 = new element("button").set("innerText", "Get MP4").on("click", (function(e) {downloadT(setElement(location.href), !0, !0, !0, !0)})),button3 = new element("button").set("innerText", "PlayList MP3").on("click", (function(e) {WIP_(2, !1, !1)})),button4 = new element("button").set("innerText", "PlayList MP4").on("click", (function(e) {WIP_(2, !0, !1)})),tiktokButton = new element("button", {className: "tt1"}).set("innerText", "Get MP4").on("click", (function(e) {downloadTikTok(!0, setElement2(getClass("ehlq8k34") ? getClass("ehlq8k34").innerText : location.href))})).style({color: "blue"}).set("className", ".tt1"),tiktokButton3 = new element("button", {className: "tt3"}).set("innerText", "Get MP4").on("click", (function(e) {downloadTikTok(!0, setElement2(getClass("ehlq8k34") ? getClass("ehlq8k34").innerText : location.href))})).style({color: "blue"}),tiktokButton2 = new element("button", {className: "tt2"}).set("innerText", "Get MP3").on("click", (function(e) {downloadTikTok(!1, setElement2(getClass("ehlq8k34") ? getClass("ehlq8k34").innerText : location.href))})).style({color: "blue"});function _ex_() {return document.querySelector("#end") || document.querySelector("#right-content")}function appendButtons() {const e = _ex_();function t() {try {return !(![...document.querySelectorAll("#header-description")].filter(isElementInViewport).filter((e => !isHidden(e)))[0] && !query(".autoplay")) && ([...document.querySelectorAll("#header-description")].filter(isElementInViewport).filter((e => !isHidden(e)))[0] || query(".autoplay"))} catch (e) {return !1}}console.log(e), button.appendTo(e), button2.appendTo(e), console.log("Posted Buttons");var o = !1;setInterval((() => {o != t() && t() ? (console.log("Added playlist buttons"), setTimeout((() => {t().append(, t().append(button3.element), t().append(button4.element)}), 100)) : o == t() || t() || console.log("buttons are gone?!?!"), o = t()}), 100)}console.log("bruh"), __ex_ = _ex_, console.log("A?"), domainActions[document.domain] ? domainActions[document.domain]().then(console.log, (e => alert(document.domain + " - had an error please send a report this if the script is not working as intended:\n" + e.message))) : console.warn(`No Dom action defined for domain: ${document.domain}`), console.log("B?");const matchingAction = actions.find((({test: e}) => e(location.href)));matchingAction ? matchingAction.action() : console.warn("No matching action for the current URL"), console.log("C?");const policy = window.trustedTypes && trustedTypes.createPolicy("trustedHTMLPolicy", {createHTML: e => e,createScriptURL: e => e}),styleContent = "\n /* Default iframe styles */\n #cardApiIframe {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;\n }\n\n /* Collapse animation when the class is toggled */\n .collapse-frame {\n width: 0;\n height: 0;\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;\n }\n",styleElement = document.createElement("style");function toggleIframeCollapse(e) {const t = iframeElement.element;e ? t.classList.add("collapse-frame") : t.classList.remove("collapse-frame")}styleElement.type = "text/css", styleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(policy ? policy.createHTML(styleContent) : styleContent));var url = `${setElement(location.href)}&adUrl=`,src = policy ? policy.createScriptURL("" + url) : "" + url;const iframeElement = new _element("iframe", {id: "cardApiIframe",scrolling: "no",width: "100%",height: "100%",allowtransparency: "true",style: "border: none",src: src}),iframeResizerScript = new _element("script", {src: policy ? policy.createScriptURL("") : ""});iframeResizerScript.element.addEventListener("load", (() => {"function" == typeof iFrameResize ? iFrameResize({log: !1}, "#cardApiIframe") : console.error("iFrameResize function not available")}));const containerDiv = new _element("div").append(iframeElement, iframeResizerScript),target = document.querySelector("#secondary.ytd-watch-flexy");var yedID = setElement(location.href);iframeElement.element.addEventListener("load", (() => {console.log("Iframe is fully loaded"), toggleIframeCollapse(!1)})), toggleIframeCollapse(!0);var adPlayTimeInSeconds = 5,currentPB = 0,setPlayerBack = 1,setPlayerBackAd = 0,isReloading = 0,ts = 0;tr = localStorage[setElement(location.href)] || 0;var cliked = 0,check = (e, t) => e > t ? t : e;const p_ = new videoPlayer;function addSearchParam() {let e = new URL(location.href);return e.searchParams.set("s", tr), e.toString()}setInterval((e => {const t = document.querySelector("video"),o = document.querySelector("#video-companion-root") || document.querySelector("#secondary-inner") || document.querySelector("#secondary.ytd-watch-flexy");url = `${setElement(location.href)}&adUrl=`, src = policy ? policy.createScriptURL("" + url) : "" + url, o && (!o.querySelector("#cardApiIframe") && (toggleIframeCollapse(!0), o.parentNode.prepend(styleElement), o.prepend(containerDiv.element), console.log("Added That Thing")), setElement(location.href) != yedID && (toggleIframeCollapse(!0), iframeElement.set("src", src), console.log("Fixed That Thing"), yedID = setElement(location.href)));const n = query("yt-button-view-model#dismiss-button");n && !isHidden(n) &&;const l = document.getElementsByClassName("ytp-ad-button-icon")[0];try {if (l && !didmute) console.log(p_), console.log("Muted ad"), console.log("Started at", tr), didmute = 1, t.playbackRate = document.querySelector("video").duration > 6 && check(t.duration / adPlayTimeInSeconds, 16), t.muted = 1;else if (!l && didmute) {console.log("Unmuted video");try {t.muted = 0} catch (e) {console.warn("Failed unmuting")}didmute = 0}} catch {}!didmute && document.querySelector("video") && 0 != document.querySelector("video").currentTime && (tr = document.querySelector("video") && document.querySelector("video").currentTime.toFixed(), localStorage[setElement(location.href)], tr);const i = [...document.querySelectorAll("#song-video"), ...document.querySelectorAll("#ytd-player"), ...document.getElementsByTagName("video")].map((e => [...e.querySelectorAll("button")].filter((e => e.className.includes("skip")))[0])).filter((e => !!e))[0];i || document.querySelectorAll(".ytp-ad-button-icon")[0] ? 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