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Styles moomoo

Mooomoo.io/splophy.io mod [lecteur de musique / chapeau keybinds / visualiseur musical / commutateur de peau / anti-kick / connexion automatique]

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// ==UserScript==
// @name MooMoo styles
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 3.7
// @author Gaston
// @match *://moomoo.io/*
// @match *://dev.moomoo.io/*
// @match *://sploop.io/*
// @match *://sandbox.moomoo.io/*
// @match *://tjmoomoo.ml/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=moomoo.io
// @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js
// @require https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0/jquery-ui.min.js
// @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-confirm/3.3.0/jquery-confirm.min.js
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_addValueChangeListener
// @name:en MooMoo styles
// @name:fr Styles moomoo
// @name:zh MooMoo styles
// @name:pt Estilos Moomoo
// @name:de Moomoo -Stile
// @name:es Estilos de moomoo
// @name:ru Moomoo Styles
// @name:ar أنماط موومو
// @name:ja Moomooスタイル
// @name:hi मूमू स्टाइल्स
// @name:id Gaya Moomoo
// @name:vi P#### cách Moomoo
// @name:pl Style MOOMOO
// @name:ko Moomoo 스타일
// @name:uk Стилі Moomoo
// @name:it Stili moomoo
// @name:ro Moomoo Styles
// @name:th สไตล์ Moomoo
// @name:nl Moomoo Styles
// @name:tr Moomoo Styles
// @name:sv Moomoo -stilar
// @name:cs Styly moomoo
// @name:hu Moomoo stílusok
// @name:sk Štýly Moomoo
// @name:fi Moomoo Styles
// @name:da Moomoo Styles
// @name:el Στυλ Moomoo
// @name:bg Стилове Moomoo
// @name:no Moomoo -stiler
// @name:he סגנונות Moomoo
// @description:hi Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [म्यूजिक प्लेयर/हैट कीबाइंड्स/म्यूजिक विज़ुअलाइज़र/स्किन स्विचर/एंटी-किक/ऑटो लॉगिन]
// @description:pt Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [Music Player/Hat Keybinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Login Auto]
// @description:de Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [Music Player/Hat Keybinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Auto Login]
// @description:fr Mooomoo.io/splophy.io mod [lecteur de musique / chapeau keybinds / visualiseur musical / commutateur de peau / anti-kick / connexion automatique]
// @description:ar moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [مشغل الموسيقى/القبعة keybinds/music visualizer/skin switcher/anti-kick/login]
// @description:ja Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [Music Player/Hat Keybinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Auto Login]
// @description:ru Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [Music Player/Hat Keybinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Auto Login]
// @description:es Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [reproductor de música/hat keybinds/music visualizer/skin switcher/anti-kick/autocompling]
// @description:th moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [Music Player/Hat Keybinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Auto Login]
// @description:nl MOOMOO.IO/SPLOOP.IO MOD [Muziekspeler/hoed Keybinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Auto Login]
// @description:id Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [pemutar musik/topi keybinds/musik visualizer/switcher kulit/anti-kick/login otomatis]
// @description:ko moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [음악 플레이어/모자 키 바인드/음악 비주얼 라이저/스킨 스위처/안티 킥/자동 로그인]]
// @description:it Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [lettore musicale/cappello Keybinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Auto Login]
// @description:uk Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [Music Player/Hat Keybinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Auto Login]
// @description:ro Moomoo.io/sploop.io Mod [Music Player/Hat KeyBinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Conectare automată]
// @description:pl Mooomoo.io/sploop.io mod [odtwarzacz muzyki/czapka klucz/wizualizator muzyki/przełącznik skóry/anty-kick/auto login]
// @description:vi Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [trình phát nhạc/hat keybinds/music Visualizer/skin Switcher/anti-kick/auto đăng nhập]
// @description:tr Moomoo.io/sploop.io Mod [Müzik Çalar/Hat Keybinds/Müzik Görselleştiricisi/Cilt Switcher/Anti-Bick/Otomatik Giriş]
// @description:cs Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [hudební přehrávač/klobouk keyBinds/hudba vizualizátor/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Automatické přihlášení]
// @description:fi Moomoo.io/sloop.io Mod [Music Player/Hat KeyBinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Automaattinen kirjautumistunnus]
// @description:sv Moomoo.io/Sploop.io Mod [Musikspelare/hatt KeyBinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-kick/Auto Login]
// @description:he Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [נגן מוסיקה/כובע מקש/מוסיקה Visualizer/Skiner Stringer/Anti-בעיטה/כניסה אוטומטית]
// @description:da Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [musikafspiller/hat keyBinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Auto Login]
// @description:no Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [Music Player/Hat KeyBinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Auto Login]
// @description:bg Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [музикален плейър/шапка ключове/музикален визуализатор/превключвател на кожата/анти-удар/автоматично влизане]
// @description:el Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [Music Player/Hat Keybinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Auto Login]
// @description:hu Moomoo.io/sploop.io mod [Music Player/Hat Keybinds/Music Visualizer/Skin Switcher/Anti-Kick/Auto Bejelentkezés]
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
//YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOA8lE9-0XnEIdHqjfQUz1A
_GM_getValue=GM_getValue;["https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/naquangaston/HostedFiles@main/UserScripts/Updater.js"].map(e => {let t = new URL(e);t.protocol = 'https:';return t.href}).map(e => ({name: new URL(e).pathname.split('/').pop(),id: new URL(e).pathname,url: e})).forEach(async e => {var t = _GM_getValue(e.id),l = falset ? (l = true,console.log(e.name,'Loaded',eval(t))) : console.warn(e.name, 'wasnt installed this Userscript may not Function as Intended.');console.log('Checking', e.name);await fetch(e.url).then(e => e.text(), b => ('Failed:', e.id, b)).then(b => (_GM_getValue(e.id) != b && (_GM_setValue(e.id, b), console.log(e.name,!l&&(eval(b))?'Has been updates':'Failed to update')), e))});
! function() {
const consoleLogOriginal = console.log,
consoleWarnOriginal = console.warn,
consoleErrorOriginal = console.error;
window.CustomLog = class {
constructor(e) {
this.title = {
body: e || "---",
color: "darkgrey",
size: "1rem"
}, this.body = {
color: "#008f68",
size: "1rem"
setTitleBody(e) {
return this.title.body = e, this
color: e,
size: t
}) {
return void 0 !== e && (this.title.color = e), void 0 !== t && (this.title.size = t), this
color: e,
size: t
}) {
return void 0 !== e && (this.body.color = e), void 0 !== t && (this.body.size = t), this
log(e = "") {
consoleLogOriginal(`%c${this.title.body} | %c${e}`, `color: ${this.title.color}; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.title.size};`, `color: ${this.body.color}; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.body.size}; text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);`)
warn(e = "") {
consoleWarnOriginal(`%c${this.title.body} | %c${e}`, `color: ${this.title.color}; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.title.size};`, `color: orange; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.body.size};`)
error(e = "") {
consoleErrorOriginal(`%c${this.title.body} | %c${e}`, `color: ${this.title.color}; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.title.size};`, `color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: ${this.body.size};`)
const logger = new CustomLog("Script Logger");
function overrideConsoleMethod(e, t) {
console[e] = function(...n) {
const o = n.some((e => "object" == typeof e && null !== e));
let i = "Anonymous";
try {
throw new Error
} catch (e) {
if (e.stack) {
const t = e.stack.split("\n");
if (t.length >= 3) {
const e = t[2].match(/at\s+(.*?)\s*\(/);
i = e && e[1] ? e[1] : "Anonymous"
if ("Anonymous" === i && (i = e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)), o) t.call(console, `[${i}]`, ...n);
else {
const t = n.map((e => String(e))).join(" ");
logger[e](`[${i}] ${t}`)
overrideConsoleMethod("log", consoleLogOriginal), overrideConsoleMethod("warn", consoleWarnOriginal), overrideConsoleMethod("error", consoleErrorOriginal);
let keybinds = GM_getValue("keybinds") || {};
const styleUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naquangaston/HostedFiles/main/moostyle.js",
wordWurl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/naquangaston/HostedFiles/main/moomooWords.json",
useChat = !1;
var badWords = GM_getValue("moowords") || [],
reg = new RegExp(`(${[...new Set(badWords.join(" ").match(/[\w\d]+/gi))].join("|")})`, "gi");
const filter1 = e => e.replaceAll(reg, (function(e, t, n) {
return e.length > 1 ? e.split(/[aeiou]+/gi).join("*") : e
lolzcatFilterold = e => e.toLowerCase().split("l").join("w").replaceAll(/l/g, "w").replaceAll(/(l|e)(?!d)/gi, (function(e) {
return {
l: "w"
}[e[0]] || e
})).replace(/s/g, "z").replace(/th/g, "d").replace(/e^d/g, (function(e, t, n) {
return n.slice(t - 1, t + 1), "e"
})).replace(/w{2,}/g, "wl").replaceAll(/e{2,}/gi, "ee").replaceAll(/.r/gi, (e => e.replace("r", "w"))),
filter2 = e => e.toLowerCase().replace(/l/g, "w").replace(/th/g, "d").replace(/s/g, "z").replace(/ee+/gi, "ee").replace(/w{2,}/g, "wl").replace(/(r)(?!\b)/gi, "w").replace(/e(?=d)/gi, "e").replace(/l|e(?!d)/gi, (e => ({
l: "w"
}[e] || e))),
game_ = new class {
#e = function() {};
#t = function() {};
#n = !1;
#o = 1e3;
#i = function(e) {
return new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)))
#l = 0;
#a = 0;
#s = async function() {
for (;;) {
let e = this.#i,
t = this.#t,
n = this.#e;
if (await e(0), this.#a) break;
t() && (await e(this.#o), console.log("Spawning into game"), n(), await e(this.#o))
this.#a = !1, console.log("Done", this.#a)
set timeOut(e) {
this.#o = Number.isNaN(e) ? 1e3 : Number(e)
get timeOut() {
return this.#o
start() {
stop() {
this.#a = !0
set autoSpawn(e) {
this.#n = !!e
get autoSpawn() {
return this.#n
set testFunction(e) {
this.#t = e
get testFunction() {
return this.#t
set spawnFunc(e) {
this.#e = e
get spawnFunc() {
return this.#e
class bool {
constructor(e) {
e && this.toggle()
#r = !1;
toggle() {
this.#r = !this.#r
get status() {
return this.#r
set status(e) {
this.#r = !!e
class element {
static get br() {
return new element("br")
constructor(e, t) {
this.element = e.constructor.name.includes("HTML") && e || function() {
for (let e in arguments[1]) arguments[0].setAttribute(e, arguments[1][e]);
return arguments[0]
}(document.createElement(arguments[0]), arguments[1])
style(e) {
for (let t in e) this.element.style[t] = e[t];
return this
append(e, ...t) {
this.element.append(e.element || e), console.log("T:", {
targets: t,
fe: t && t.forEach
for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
let n = t[e];
console.log("Appending:", {
element: n,
target: this
}), this.element.append(n.element || n)
return this
appendTo(e) {
try {
(e.element || "string" == typeof e ? document.querySelector(e) : e).append(this.element)
} catch {
(e.element || e).append(this.element)
} finally {
console.warn("Failed to appent", {
this: this,
target: e
return this
on(e, t) {
return this.element[`on${e}`] = t, this
set(e, t) {
return this.element[e] = t, this
remove() {
return this.element.remove(), this
get() {
return this.element[arguments[0]]
get children() {
return new class {
constructor(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t += 1) this[t] = e[t];
Object.defineProperty(this, "length", {
get: function() {
return e.length
}), Object.freeze(this)
item(e) {
return null != this[e] ? this[e] : null
namedItem(e) {
for (var t = 0; t < this.length; t += 1)
if (this[t].id === e || this[t].name === e) return this[t];
return null
get toArray() {
return [...this]
const alt = name.includes("alt");
function isHidden(e) {
return null === e.offsetParent
function random(e) {
return e[Math.floor(Math.random() * e.length)]
function dispatchAllMouseEvents(e) {
["click", "mouseover", "mouseenter", "mousemove", "mousedown", "mouseup", "mouseout", "mouseleave"].forEach((t => {
let n = new Event(t, {
bubbles: !0,
isTrusted: !0
e[`on${t}`] && e[`on${t}`](n), e.dispatchEvent(n)
function dispatchAllInputEvents(e, t) {
["focus", "input", "change", "blur"].forEach((n => {
let o = new Event(n, {
bubbles: !0,
isTrusted: !0
e[`on${n}`] && e[`on${n}`](o), "input" === n && (e.value = t), e.dispatchEvent(o)
var _setUp = !1;
function add_Style(e) {
var [t, n, o, i] = ["createElement", "textContent", "head", "appendChild"], l = {get k() {
return document
}, a = l.k[t]("style");
a[n] = e, l.k[o][i](a)
function copyElm(e) {
if (!(e instanceof Element)) throw new Error("Provided argument is not a DOM element.");
const t = document.createElement(e.tagName);
for (let n of e.attributes) t.setAttribute(n.name, n.value);
return t.style.cssText = e.style.cssText, t.className = e.className, t.innerHTML = e.innerHTML, t
async function SetUpSploop() {
try {
const e = await _SetUpSploop();
console.log("Sploop Returned:", e)
} catch (e) {
console.error("Sploop Error:", e)
async function _SetUpSploop() {
! function() {
const e = new Set(["https://sploop.io/img/entity/spike.png?v=1923912", "https://sploop.io/img/entity/hard_spike.png?v=1923912", "https://sploop.io/img/entity/big_spike.png?v=1923912"]),
t = CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawImage;
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawImage = function(n, ...o) {
if (!(this.canvas && "game-canvas" === this.canvas.id && n instanceof HTMLImageElement && n.src && e.has(n.src))) return t.apply(this, [n, ...o]); {
let e, i, l, a;
if (2 === o.length)[e, i] = o, l = n.width, a = n.height;
else if (4 === o.length)[e, i, l, a] = o;
else {
if (8 !== o.length) return t.apply(this, [n, ...o]);
[, , , , e, i, l, a] = o
this.globalAlpha = 0, t.apply(this, [n, ...o]), this.globalAlpha = 1;
((e, n, o, i, l, a, s) => {
e.save(), e.translate(o + l / 2, i + a / 2), e.rotate(s), t.call(e, n, -l / 2, -a / 2, l, a), e.restore()
})(this, n, e, i, l, a, performance.now() / 1e3 * 3.1 % (2 * Math.PI))
var n = document.createElement("span"),
o = atob("YnkgZml6eml4d3c=");
n.textContent = o, n.style.position = "absolute", n.style.top = "0", n.style.left = "80px", n.style.zIndex = "9999", n.style.color = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)", document.body.appendChild(n)
}(), _log = console.log;
let e = GM_getValue("rbi") || 100;
const t = {
update() {
[...document.getElementsByClassName("menu-item")].map((e => ({
name: e.className,
e: e
}))).filter((e => "menu-item" == e.name)).map((e => (e.button = findhref2(e.e, "button")[0], e.canBuy = "BUY" == findhref2(e.e, "button")[0].innerText, e))).forEach((e => {
var n = e.e.children[1].children[0].innerText.split(" ").join("");
e.bn = findhref2(e.e, "button")[0].innerText, e.equiped = "UNEQUIP" == e.bn, e.buy = function() {
t[n].e.scrollIntoView(), t.update(), t[n].canBuy && (t[n].button.onmouseup({
target: t[n].button,
isTrusted: !0
}), t.update())
}, e.equip = function() {
t[n].e.scrollIntoView(), t.update(), e.equiped || (t[n].canBuy && t[n].buy(), t[n].button.onmouseup({
target: t[n].button,
isTrusted: !0
}), setTimeout(t.update, 100))
}, t[n] = e
_hats = t;
const n = new bool(!!GM_getValue("chatFilter")),
o = new bool(!!GM_getValue("StaySignedIn")),
i = new bool(!!GM_getValue("AntiKickTOggle")),
l = new bool(!!GM_getValue("StreamerMode")),
a = new bool(!!GM_getValue("lolFilter")),
s = new bool(!!GM_getValue("rainbowFit")),
r = (new bool(!!GM_getValue("autoConnectOldServer")), ({
target: e
}) => {
n.status && (e.value = filter1(e.value))
c = ({
target: e
}) => {
a.status && (e.value = filter2(e.value))
let d = id("game-left-content-main"),
u = ["#game-bottom-content", "#game-right-content-main"];
var p = await v("#pop-login"),
g = await v("#main-login-button"),
m = p.querySelector("#login");
if (m.addEventListener("click", (() => {
console.log("updated stuff"), GM_setValue("PI", {
p: id("enter-password").value,
e: id("enter-mail").value
})), v("#chat").then((e => {
const t = document.getElementById("chat");
var n = copyElm(t);
n.id = "chat2", t.parentNode.append(document.createElement("br")), t.parentNode.append(n), t.onfocus = function(e) {
useChat && (n.focus(), t.parentElement.style.display = "block", n.focus())
let o = window.onkeyup,
i = window.onkeydown;
function l(e) {
return /^[a-zA-Z0-9]$/.test(e)
window.onkeyup = function(e) {
t !== document.activeElement && n !== document.activeElement && o && o(e)
}, window.onkeydown = function(e) {
t !== document.activeElement && n !== document.activeElement && "input" != e.target.tagName && i && i(e)
}, n.addEventListener("keypress", (({
target: e,
key: o
}) => {
l(o) && (t.value = e.value, [r].forEach((t => t({
target: e
function(e) {
if ("Enter" === e.key) {
console.log("Enter key pressed in chat"), t.focus(), t.value = n.value;
const o = new KeyboardEvent(e.type, e);
})), (useChat ? n : t).addEventListener("keyup", (e => {
const {
target: n,
key: o,
code: i
} = e;
t.value = n.value, l(o) && [r, c].forEach((e => e({
target: t
})), (useChat ? n : t).addEventListener("keydown", (({
target: e,
key: n
}) => {
l(n) && (t.value = e.value, [r].forEach((e => e({
target: t
})).then(console.log, console.warn), alt) {
var h;
"number" == typeof GM_getValue("alts") && GM_setValue("alts", {});
for (let e = 1;; e++)
if (!GM_getValue("alts")[e]) {
h = e;
let t = GM_getValue("alts");
t[e] = !0, GM_setValue("alts", t);
console.log("alt:", h), addEventListener("unload", (function() {
if (alt) {
let e = GM_getValue("alts");
e[h] = !1, GM_setValue("alts", e)
console.log("Set called", SetUpSploop.callee);
var b = null;
function f(e = 0, t = 0, n = 0) {
try {
!Number.isNaN(e) && findhref2(id("skins-middle-main"), "img").filter((t => t.src.includes(`skin${e}`)))[0].click()
} catch (t) {
console.warn("Failed to Skin", e)
try {
!Number.isNaN(t) && findhref2(id("skins-middle-main"), "img").filter((e => e.src.includes(`accessory${t}`)))[0].click()
} catch (t) {
console.warn("Failed to accessory$", e)
y(2), !Number.isNaN(n) && findhref2(id("skins-middle-main"), "img").filter((e => e.src.includes(`back${n}`)))[0].click(), y(0)
function y(e) {
findhref2(id("skins-categories"), "img")[e].click()
if (_loadFit = f, _GM_setValue = GM_setValue, _GM_getValue = GM_getValue, new Promise(((e, t) => t = setInterval((() => findhref2(id("skins-middle-main"), "img").length && (clearInterval(t), e())), 100))).then((async e => {
await k(1e3), alt || f(GM_getValue("skin"), GM_getValue("accessory$"), GM_getValue("BACK"))
})), id("game-left-content-main").style.overflow = "scroll", id("da-right").parentNode.style.overflow = "scroll", _setUp) return;
add_Style("\n#log{\n    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);\n    color: lightgreen;\n}\n.empty{\n    content: attr(value);\n}\nselect,select:focus{\n    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);\n    outline: none;\n    border: none;\n    color: rgb(255, 136, 0);\n}\nbutton{\n    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);\n    outline: none;\n    border: 2px solid rgb(208, 255, 0);\n    color: rgb(94, 255, 0);\n}\nbutton:hover,input:focus{\n    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);\n    outline: none;\n    border: 2px solid rgb(255, 0, 0);\n    color: rgb(0, 132, 255);\n}\n#skin-message{\n\tborder: 2px solid red;\n    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);\n}\n.green{border: 2px solid green;}\n.red{border: 2px solid blue;}\n::-webkit-scrollbar{\n    display:none;\n}\nspan.first{\n    border-top: 1px solid white;\n    border-bottom: 1px solid white;\n    border-left: 1px solid white;\n}\nspan.middle{\n    border-top: 1px solid white;\n    border-bottom: 1px solid white;\n}\nspan.last{\n    border-top: 1px solid white;\n    border-bottom: 1px solid white;\n    border-right: 1px solid white;\n}\ndel{\n    text-decoration: line-through;\n    color: red;\n    border-radius: 3px;\n    border: 1px solid coral;\n    background-color: rgba(111,8,8,1);\n}\nins{\n    background-color: rgba(7,92,7,1);\n    color: rgba(56,233,56,1);\n    border-radius: 3px;\n    border: 1px solid lightgreen;\n}\ntextarea{\n    text-overflow: clip;\n\n}"), GM_getValue("sm") && l.toggle(), await v("#clan-menu"), await v("#pop-login");
let w = id("clan-menu");
game_.autoSpawn = !0, game_.timeOut = 5e3, game_.testFunction = function() {
return !isHidden(play)
}, game_.spawnFunc = function() {
if (alt) {
dispatchAllInputEvents(nickname, `${GM_getValue("nn")}'s alt${h}`), randomFit.element.click();
const {
skin: e,
back: t,
accessory: n
} = localStorage;
b = {
skin: e,
back: t,
accessory: n
}, console.log("Got fit", b)
} else if (b) {
const {
skin: e,
back: t,
accessory: n
} = b;
f(e, n, t)
play.click(), setTimeout(x, 200)
var k = e => new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)));
async function v(e, t = 3e3) {
return await new Promise(((n, o) => {
let i = performance.now();
! function l() {
document.querySelector(e) ? n(document.querySelector(e)) : performance.now() - i >= t ? o(new Error("Timeout waiting for selector")) : requestAnimationFrame(l)
var _ = !1;
async function x() {
dispatchAllInputEvents(nickname, GM_getValue("nn")), y(0), !_ && await k(2e3), !Number.isNaN(GM_getValue("skin")) && findhref2(id("skins-middle-main"), "img").filter((e => e.src.includes(`skin${GM_getValue("skin")}`)))[0].click(), y(1), !_ && await k(100), !Number.isNaN(GM_getValue("accessory")) && findhref2(id("skins-middle-main"), "img").filter((e => e.src.includes(`accessory${GM_getValue("accessory")}`)))[0].click(), !_ && await k(100), y(2), !_ && await k(100), !Number.isNaN(GM_getValue("back")) && findhref2(id("skins-middle-main"), "img").filter((e => e.src.includes(`back${GM_getValue("back")}`)))[0].click(), !_ && await k(100), _ && y(0), _ = 1
_game_ = game_, _setUp = !0;
var M = new element(_copyElm(m)).set("id", "login2").set("innerText", `Stay Signed In:${o.status}`).on("click", (e => {
o.toggle(), e.target.innerText = `Stay Signed In:${o.status}`, GM_setValue("StaySignedIn", o.status)
display: "inline-block"
p.children[1].insertBefore(M, m),
function() {
var [e, t, n, o, i, l] = ["map", "forEach", "log", "length", "children", "remove"], a = {get sn() {
return console
u[e]($)[t]((e => {
s: e
}), e[o] && [...e[0][i]][t]((e => e[l]()))
var T = id("da-right");
new element("div").style({
padding: "10px",
backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
color: "#000",
border: "1px solid #ddd",
marginBottom: "10px"
}).append(new element("h2").set("innerText", "MooMoo/Sploop styles")).append(new element("p").set("innerText", "This script can:")).append(new element("ul").append(new element("li").set("innerText", "Change the game's look")).append(new element("li").set("innerText", "Add a built-in YouTube embed video player")).append(new element("li").set("innerText", "Include a random fit generator button")).append(new element("li").set("innerText", "Implement anti-kick functionality from being AFK")).append(new element("li").set("innerText", "Create alts")).append(new element("li").set("innerText", "Automatically join the game and turn on antikick for alts")).append(new element("li").set("innerText", "Hat keybinds that are saved locally!"))).appendTo(T);
const E = new element("div").style({
padding: "10px",
backgroundColor: "#f8d7da",
color: "#721c24",
border: "1px solid #f5c6cb",
borderRadius: "5px",
cursor: "pointer"
}).set("innerText", "Using this script may have consequences, including but not limited to account banning. Use at your own risk. Click to hide.").on("click", (function() {
this.remove(), localStorage.seen = 1
var G;
async function V() {
await v("#player-container");
var e = id("player-container");
e.style.display = "none", l.status ? (!G && (G = (await v("#nickname-value")).innerText), "SPLOOP.IO" == G ? G = null : (await v("#nickname-value")).innerText = "streamerMode", (await v("#change-username")).style.display = "none") : G && ((await v("#nickname-value")).innerText = G, (await v("#change-username")).style.display = "block"), e.style.display = "flex"
1 == localStorage.seen && E.element.remove(), id("lostworld-io_300x250_2").remove(), new element("br").appendTo(d);
const S = new element("div", {
id: "keybinds"
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
alignItems: "center"
var I = new element("button").set("innerText", `AntiKick:${i.status}`).on("click", (function(e) {
i.toggle(), e.target.innerText = `AntiKick:${i.status}`, i.status ? game_.start() : game_.stop()
new element("button").set("innerText", `chatFilter:${n.status}`).on("click", (function(e) {
n.toggle(), e.target.innerText = `chatFilter:${n.status}`
})).appendTo(S), new element("button").set("innerText", `lolFilter:${a.status}`).on("click", (function(e) {
a.toggle(), e.target.innerText = `lolFilter:${a.status}`
})).appendTo(S), new element("button").set("innerText", `StreamerMode:${l.status}`).on("click", (function(e) {
l.toggle(), e.target.innerText = `StreamerMode:${l.status}`, GM_setValue("sm", l.status), V()
})).appendTo(S), new element("button").set("innerText", "SpawnAlt").on("click", (function(e) {
GM_setValue("skin", localStorage.skin || 0), GM_setValue("accessory", localStorage.accessory || 0), GM_setValue("back", localStorage.back || 0), GM_setValue("server", id("server-select").selectedOptions[0].getAttribute("region")), GM_setValue("gm", [id("ffa-mode"), id("sandbox-mode"), id("event-mode")].map((e => [...e.classList].includes("dark-blue-button-3-active"))).indexOf(!0));
var t = id("create_clan");
id("leave_clan"), id("clan-menu-clan-name-input");
if (!("none" == t.style.display)) {
var n = id("create-clan-button"),
o = id("clan-menu-clan-name-input");
o.dispatchEvent(new Event("focus", {
bubbles: !0
})), o.dispatchEvent(new Event("input", {
bubbles: !0
})), o.dispatchEvent(new Event("change", {
bubbles: !0
})), o.value = "Alts", o.dispatchEvent(new Event("blur", {
bubbles: !0
})), n.click(), n.dispatchEvent(new Event("click")), new Promise((e => {
var t = setInterval((() => {
"Clans" != w.children[0].innerText && (clearInterval(t), e())
}), 200)
})).then((e => {
_GM_setValue("clan", w.children[0].innerText)
open(location.href, "alt" + Date.now())
})).appendTo(S), new element(findhref2(id("skin-message"))[0]);
randomFit = new element("button").appendTo(S).on("click", (function(e) {
var [t, n] = ["forEach", "click"];
findhref2(id("skins-categories"), "img")[t](((e, t) => {
e[n](), random(findhref2(id("skins-middle-main"), "img"))[n]()
})).set("innerText", "Generate Random Fit"), new element("span").set("innerText", "Rainbow Fit Speed:").appendTo(S);
new element("input", {
id: "rainbowInt",
value: e || 1e3,
size: 3
}).on("change", (function({
target: t
}) {
let {
value: n
} = t;
e = n
if (new element("br").appendTo(S), new element("br").appendTo(S), function() {
var [e, t, n, o, i, l] = ["children", "insertAdjacentElement", "style", "on", "set", "element"];
id("skin-message")[e][1][t]("afterend", new element("button", {
class: "button-type-1 blue-discord-button text-shadowed-3"
height: "15%",
position: "absolute",
top: "15%"
})[o]("click", (function(e) {
var [t, n] = ["forEach", "click"];
findhref2(id("skins-categories"), "img")[t](((e, t) => {
e[n](), random(findhref2(id("skins-middle-main"), "img"))[n]()
}))[i]("innerText", "Generate Random Fit")[l])
}(), function() {
var [e, t, n, o, i, l] = ["children", "insertAdjacentElement", "style", "on", "set", "element"];
let a = new element("button", {
class: "button-type-1 blue-discord-button text-shadowed-3",
id: "reset-button"
height: "15%",
left: "8%",
position: "absolute"
})[o]("click", (function(e) {
}))[i]("innerText", "Reset Fit");
__a = a, id("skin-message")[e][1][t]("afterend", a[l])
}(), function() {
var [e, t, n, o, i, l] = ["children", "insertAdjacentElement", "style", "on", "set", "element"];
id("skin-message")[e][1][t]("afterend", new element("button", {
class: "button-type-1 blue-discord-button text-shadowed-3"
height: "15%",
left: "50%",
position: "absolute"
})[o]("click", (function(e) {
const {
skin: t,
back: n,
accessory: o
} = localStorage;
b = {
skin: t,
back: n,
accessory: o
}, GM_setValue("skin", localStorage.skin || 0), GM_setValue("accessory", localStorage.accessory || 0), GM_setValue("back", localStorage.back || 0)
}))[i]("innerText", "Save Fit")[l])
}(), function() {
var [t, n, o, i, l, a, r, c, d] = ["element", "style", "set", "status", "appendTo", "on", "toggle", "innerText", "click"];
new element(copyElm(__a[t]))[n]({
left: "19%",
top: "60%"
})[o]("innerText", `rainbowFit:${s[i]}`)[l]("#skin-message")[a]("click", (async function({
target: n
}) {
for (s[r](), n[c] = `rainbowFit:${s[i]}`; s[i];) await k(e), randomFit[t][d]()
}(), addEventListener("unload", (function() {
GM_setValue("keybinds", keybinds), GM_setValue("rbi", e), GM_getValue("skin") && (localStorage.skin = GM_getValue("skin")), GM_getValue("accessory") && (localStorage.accessory = GM_getValue("accessory")), GM_getValue("back") && (localStorage.accessory = GM_getValue("accessory"))
})), alt) {
let e = GM_getValue("server");
var F = id("server-select");
new Promise((e => {
var t = setInterval((() => {
"none" == id("small-waiting").style.display && (clearInterval(t), e())
}), 200)
})).then((t => {
[id("ffa-mode"), id("sandbox-mode"), id("event-mode")][GM_getValue("gm")].click(), new Promise((e => {
var t = setInterval((() => {
"none" == id("small-waiting").style.display && (clearInterval(t), e())
}), 200)
})).then((t => {
let n = F.selectedIndex = [...id("server-select").options].map((e => e.getAttribute("region"))).indexOf(e);
F.dispatchEvent(new Event("click")), F.selectedIndex = n, F.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")), I.element.dispatchEvent(new Event("click")), new Promise((e => {
var t = setInterval((() => {
"flex" != document.querySelector(sploopMenu).style.display && (clearInterval(t), e(id("clan-menu")))
}), 200)
})).then((e => {
e.style.display = "block";
let t = GM_getValue("clan"),
n = [...id("clan_menu_content").children].filter((e => e.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerText == _GM_getValue("clan"))),
o = (_GM_getValue("clan_") && _GM_getValue("clan_").name, [...id("clan_menu_content").children].filter((e => e.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerText == _GM_getValue("clan_").name)));
if (n.length) {
bubbles: !0,
isTrusted: !0
} else if (o.length) {
bubbles: !0,
isTrusted: !0
} else console.warn("Cant find clan", t, "Or", _GM_getValue("clan_") ? _GM_getValue("clan_").name : null);
let i = e => new Promise((t => setTimeout(t, e)));
async function l() {
for (dispatchAllMouseEvents(id("leave-clan-button"));
"block" != id("create_clan").style.display;) await i(100);
return !0
GM_addValueChangeListener("clan_", (function(e, t, n) {
c: n,
SelfClan: "block" != id("create_clan").style.display
}), n.inCLan && ("block" != id("create_clan").style.display ? (console.log("Leaving Existing clan"), l().then((async e => {
for (;
"block" == id("create_clan").style.display;) {
let e = [...id("clan_menu_content").children].filter((e => e.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerText == n.name));
bubbles: !0,
isTrusted: !0
}), await n(100)
}))) : (console.log("Joining newCLan"), (async e => {
for (;
"block" == id("create_clan").style.display;) {
let e = [...id("clan_menu_content").children].filter((e => e.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].innerText == n.name));
bubbles: !0,
isTrusted: !0
}), await n(100)
})), id("play").addEventListener("click", (function(e) {
const {
nickname: t,
skin: n,
back: o,
accessory: i
} = localStorage;
!f && (b = {
skin: n,
back: o,
accessory: i
}, console.log("Saved LocalFit"))
})), document.title = "Sploop.io - Fast Alt"
} else {
id("play").addEventListener("click", (function(e) {
const {
nickname: t,
skin: n,
back: o,
accessory: i
} = localStorage;
GM_setValue("skin", localStorage.skin || 0), GM_setValue("accessory", localStorage.accessory || 0), GM_setValue("back", localStorage.back || 0), GM_setValue("nn", localStorage.nickname), GM_setValue("gm", [id("ffa-mode"), id("sandbox-mode"), id("event-mode")].map((e => [...e.classList].includes("dark-blue-button-3-active"))).indexOf(!0))
var C = "";
_loop = setInterval((() => {
w.children[0].innerText != C && (C = w.children[0].innerText, GM_setValue("clan_", {
inCLan: "block" != id("create_clan").style.display,
name: w.children[0].innerText
})), document.title = "Sploop.io - Fast Main";
await async function() {
for (; !Object.keys(t).splice(1).length;) t.update(), await k(0);
if (console.log("Hidden:", isHidden(g)), !isHidden(g) && o.status)
if (console.log("Logging in :>"), g.click(), await k(100), GM_getValue("PI")) {
let e = GM_getValue("PI");
for (dispatchAllInputEvents(id("enter-mail"), e.e), dispatchAllInputEvents(id("enter-password"), e.p), await k(1e3), m.click(); !isHidden(g);) await k(1e3)
} else alert("You have to login at least once :<");
console.log("hats loaded"), id("nav-skins").click(), await k(100), id("nav-game").click(), id("reset-button").click();
const e = Object.keys(t).splice(1);
return e.forEach((e => {
const t = new element("span").set("innerText", `Hat ${e} Key: `),
n = new element("input", {
size: 8,
id: `${e}_key`
}).set("type", "text").set("value", "").on("keydown", (function(t) {
t.preventDefault(), this.value = t.code, keybinds[e] = t.code
"background-color": "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
color: "white"
}).set("value", keybinds[e] || "Add key..."),
o = new element("button", {
id: `Remove_${e}_key`
}).set("innerText", "Remove X Binding").on("click", (function(t) {
delete keybinds[e], n.set("value", "Add key...")
S.append(t, n, o), n.on("blur", (function() {
const t = this.value.toLowerCase();
t && console.log(`Keybind set for ${e}: ${t}`)
})), document.addEventListener("keydown", (function(n) {
const o = n.code;
e.forEach((e => {
keybinds[e] && keybinds[e] === o && (console.log(`Equipping ${e} with key: ${o}`), t[e].equip())
})), "Loaded Hats keys"
}().then(console.log, console.warn), async function() {
for (;;) await k(0), await V()
id("game-bottom-content") && (id("game-bottom-content").style.maxWidth = "100%", id("game-bottom-content").style.maxHeight = "100%", id("game-bottom-content").innerHTML = '<iframe height="100%" style="width: 100%;border-top-left-radius: 15px;overflow: hidden;border-top-right-radius: 15px;" scrolling="no" title="Audio Visualizer" src="https://naquangaston.github.io/HostedFiles/vis/" frameborder="no" loading="lazy" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true">\nSee the Pen <a href="https://codepen.io/_Gaston-/pen/YzRRxXB">\nAudio Visualizer</a> by Gaston (<a href="https://codepen.io/_Gaston-">@_Gaston-</a>)\non <a href="https://codepen.io">CodePen</a>.\n</iframe>', id("game-bottom-content").style.width = "80%")
findhref2 = function(e, t) {
var n = [];
return function e(o) {
o.tagName.toLowerCase() == (t || "a") ? (n.push(o), o.children.length && ((o = o.children).forEach = [].forEach, o.forEach((t => {
})))) : o.children.length && ((o = o.children).forEach = [].forEach, o.forEach((t => {
}(e), n
}, _copyElm = copyElm;
const localStorage_ = {
getItem: e => GM_getValue(e),
setItem(e, t) {
return GM_setValue(e, t), GM_setValue("LC", this), this.getItem(e)
window.once = window.on;
let moomooMenu = "#mainMenu",
sploopMenu = "#homepage";
document.addEventListener("keydown", (function(e) {
"`" === e.key && ($(moomooMenu) && $(moomooMenu).toggle && ($(moomooMenu).toggle(), console.log("Toggled MooMoo")), $(sploopMenu) && $(sploopMenu).toggle && (document.querySelector(sploopMenu).style.display = "none" == document.querySelector(sploopMenu).style.display ? "flex" : "none", console.log("Toggled Sploop")))
})), $("#consentBlock").css({
display: "none"
}), $("#mapDisplay").css({
background: "url('https://i.imgur.com/fgFsQJp.png')"
var [info2, myPlayer] = [window.info2 || {}, window.myPlayer || []];
function pingcheck() {
if (!location.href.includes("sploop")) {
var e = document.createElement("h1");
e.id = "Ping2", topInfoHolder.append(e), setInterval((() => {
e.innerText = pingDisplay.innerText + `DPS:${window.dps} Dir:${myPlayer.dir}`, 1 * pingDisplay.innerText.split(" ")[1].split(" m")[0] > window.pchek && chat(`Ping:${pingDisplay.innerText.split(" ")[1].split(" m")[0]}`)
}), 500), window.ping = 100, setInterval((() => {
ping = 1 * pingDisplay.innerText.split(" ")[1].split(" m")[0], ping > window.pchek && chat(`Ping:${pingDisplay.innerText.split(" ")[1].split(" m")[0]}`)
}), 500), ab = 1, i2 = 80, setInterval((() => {
ping > pckech && chat(`ping:${ping}`)
}), 500), window.pckech = 150
window.selects = window.selects || [];
var code_ = GM_getValue("styles.js"),
excuted = !1;
GM_getValue("styles.js") && (eval(code_), excuted = !0), console.log("Checking for styles updates"), fetch(styleUrl).then((e => e.text())).then((e => (GM_setValue("styles.js", e), e != code_ && console.log("Styles.js as updated"), !excuted && eval(e)))), fetch(wordWurl).then((e => e.json())).then((e => (GM_setValue("moowords", e), e.join() != badWords.join() && console.log("Filtered List updated"), e))).then((e => (badWords = e, reg = new RegExp(`(${[...new Set(badWords.join(" ").match(/[\w\d]+/gi))].join("|")})`, "gi")))),
function() {
const e = [];
var t = {
inventory: [],
players: [],
entities: {},
buttons: {},
boss: null,
bossDrop: null,
playerDrop: [],
animals: [],
bossDetected: !1,
playerPosition: null
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.drawImage, CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.clearRect;
const n = e => ({
x: e.width / 2,
y: e.height / 2
window.imagesArray = e, window.tracer = e => {
const {
boss: o,
bossDrop: i,
playerDrop: l,
players: a
} = t;
let s = n();
if (s) {
if (e.strokeStyle = "yellow", e.lineWidth = 1.5, o) {
e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(s.x + s.width / 2, s.y + s.height / 2);
const t = o.centerX || o.x + o.width / 2,
n = o.centerY || o.y + o.height / 2;
e.lineTo(t, n), e.stroke()
i && (e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(s.x + s.width / 2, s.y + s.height / 2), e.lineTo(i.x + i.width / 2, i.y + i.height / 2), e.stroke()), l.length > 0 && l.forEach((t => {
e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(s.x + s.width / 2, s.y + s.height / 2), e.lineTo(t.x + t.width / 2, t.y + t.height / 2), e.stroke()
})), a.length > 0 && a.forEach((t => {
e.beginPath(), e.moveTo(s.x + s.width / 2, s.y + s.height / 2), e.lineTo(t.x + t.width / 2, t.y + t.height / 2), e.stroke()