Greasy Fork is available in English.
Script Finder allows you to find userscripts from greasyfork on any website.
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The Script Finder userscript allows you to find and manage user scripts on any website. It provides a convenient way to search and install userscripts from Greasy Fork. With Script Finder, you can easily enhance your browsing experience by adding custom scripts to your favorite websites easily.
Script Finder 是一个用户脚本(userscript),它可以帮助你在任何网站上查找和管理用户脚本。它提供了一种方便的方式来搜索和安装来自 Greasy Fork 的用户脚本。借助 Script Finder,你可以轻松地一键将自定义脚本添加到你喜#的网站上,从而增强你的浏览体验。
Note: This userscript requires a userscript manager extension to be installed in your browser. / 注意:该用户脚本需要在浏览器中安装用户脚本管理器才能正常使用。