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GitHub Contributions Snake

turn github contribs to snake game

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// ==UserScript==// @name         GitHub Contributions Snake// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/// @version      2024-07-19// @description  turn github contribs to snake game// @author       GV3Dev// @match        https://github.com/*// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=github.com// @grant        none// @license      MIT// ==/UserScript==class SnakeElem {constructor() {this.body = [{x: 0, y: 0}];this.length = 1;this.foodEaten = 0;this.direction = "right";}createSnake(cells, columns) {for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {const pos = this.body[i];makeGreen(cells[pos.y * columns + pos.x], 4);}}move(direction, cells, columns, rows, food) {const head = { ...this.body[0] };switch (direction) {case "left":if (this.direction !== "right") this.direction = "left";break;case "right":if (this.direction !== "left") this.direction = "right";break;case "down":if (this.direction !== "up") this.direction = "down";break;case "up":if (this.direction !== "down") this.direction = "up";break;}switch (this.direction) {case "left":head.x = (head.x - 1 + columns) % columns;break;case "right":head.x = (head.x + 1) % columns;break;case "down":head.y = (head.y + 1) % rows;break;case "up":head.y = (head.y - 1 + rows) % rows;break;}this.body.unshift(head);if (head.x === food.position.x && head.y === food.position.y) {this.foodEaten++;this.length += 2;food.getEaten(cells, this, columns, rows);} else {const tail = this.body.pop();cells[tail.y * columns + tail.x].setAttribute("data-level", "0");}this.createSnake(cells, columns);}}class FoodElem {constructor() {this.position = null;}getEaten(cells, snake, columns, rows) {cells[this.position.y * columns + this.position.x].style.backgroundColor = "#161b22";this.createFood(cells, columns, rows, snake);}createFood(cells, columns, rows, snake) {let randCell;let x, y;do {randCell = Math.floor(Math.random() * cells.length);y = Math.floor(randCell / columns);x = randCell % columns;} while (cells[randCell].getAttribute("data-level") !== "0" || snake.body.some(part => part.x === x && part.y === y));cells[y * columns + x].style.backgroundColor = "red";this.position = {x, y};}}const main = () => {const keepCheck = setInterval(() => {const contribBoard = document.querySelector(".js-yearly-contributions");if (contribBoard !== null) {clearInterval(keepCheck);let cells = contribBoard.querySelectorAll(`.ContributionCalendar-day`);let columns = contribBoard.querySelector(`.js-calendar-graph-table tbody`).firstElementChild.children.length;let rows = Math.floor(cells.length / columns+1);cleanGrid();const snake = new SnakeElem();const food = new FoodElem();food.createFood(cells, columns, rows, snake);snake.createSnake(cells, columns);appendControls(snake, cells, columns, rows, food);}}, 100);}const appendControls = (snake, cells, columns, rows, food) => {window.addEventListener("keydown", (evt) => {if (["ArrowUp", "ArrowRight", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowDown"].includes(evt.code)) {evt.preventDefault();}if (evt.code === "ArrowUp") {snake.move("up", cells, columns, rows, food);} else if (evt.code === "ArrowRight") {snake.move("right", cells, columns, rows, food);} else if (evt.code === "ArrowLeft") {snake.move("left", cells, columns, rows, food);} else if (evt.code === "ArrowDown") {snake.move("down", cells, columns, rows, food);}});}function makeGreen(elem, level) {elem.setAttribute("data-level", `${level}`);}function cleanGrid() {const contribBoard = document.querySelector(".js-yearly-contributions");let cells = contribBoard.querySelectorAll(`.ContributionCalendar-day`);cells.forEach((cell) => { cell.setAttribute("data-level", "0"); });}main();