Greasy Fork is available in English.
Le format par défaut utilisé dans le forum estMarkdown,Ajouter un lien d’aide au format et publier un nouveau script,Barre d’outils de temps de réponse avec édition rapide activée
Version au
「 在论坛默认使用 Markdown 格式,添加格式帮助链接及 Markdown 工具栏绍 」
Download:Github | ⭐GreasyFork
新增: 谷歌快速翻译选中的文本到英格里斯
可在脚本设置翻译到语言:var translate = "en"
有时会与其他脚本冲突,导致监听失败。已更改为 load
The script is a fork of this script by wOxxOm, to work with the new GF layout.
Thanks for his work making such an essential script.
`` if multiple lines are selected.The script works and is tested on Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey.
Greasemonkey -any version- is not supported (the script might work, but is not tested).
radio buttons are of the site, not of the script!Modification:GreasyFork markdown
sometimes conflicts with other scripts, causing the listener to fail. Changed to load
.Screenshots: (see attachments)
If you have any bugs, bug fixes or ideas, please report at my GitHub repo
🔍you may be looking forGreasyForkRelated scripts
- GreasyForksuitable for enhancement: The script details page is added. It is suitable for links to be added. Click to open the web page.,Copy web page,tire search
- GrreasyFork User-published script data visualization: useChart.jsObtaining and visualizing user script data,And generate a chart on the user’s personal homepage to display the detailed installation status below.
- GreaysFork Enhance WebHookSync settings: This script can help you quickly enter script synchronization information,And add language codes for multiple countries in batches,Instead of clicking the selection boxes one by one and going to the corresponding URL。
- GreasyFork Markdown toobar: Used by default in forums Markdown Format,Add format help link and Markdown Toolbar introduction
- GreasyFork Show script ratings: Add evaluation scores to script list
- GreasyFork Advanced search: Search using Google GreasyFork and SleazyFork superior script
- GreasyFork Navigation barEnhance: EnhancegreasyforkNavigation bar,Add user list,User console etc.
- GreasyforkGlue craftsman: Enhancegreasyfork,Copy code,Script download,Precise time to seconds,Home page cleanup,Discuss one-click reporting,Script list jump code added download Beautify view code and display code reference files,show script icon,Jump to adult scripts and other operations
- Greasyfork Notification assistant: When there’s a new reply to your script or to a discussion you’re participating in,The script will display the latest discussion content in a modal window on the web page。
- Script FinderGrease Monkey Script Finder: Script Finder is a user script(userscript),It helps you find and manage userscripts on any website
Recommended browsers and script managers:
If you need to know more about how to install userscripts,click meView graphic teaching!
More user scripts /back to top↑
🔍you may be looking for ChatGPTRelated scripts
- ChatGPTCode font size reduced: let ChatGPT Code font size becomes smaller
- ChatGPT chatCopy codebutton: exist Add an animation with animation in the lower right corner of the upper code block“Copy code”button
- ChatGPT character counter: add onecharactersCounter to input box,limited to 32732 characters。(ChatGPT The limit is 32732 characters。)
- ChatGPT Collapse self message and max width: Automatically collapse long messages sent by you,Save screen space。Allows you to set the maximum width of the chat window,Keep long messages from exceeding the specified range。
🔍you may be looking for Web related scripts
- Web page writing clip version authorization manager: Ban web pages from pooping on edited versions,green for release,red ban,orange temporary directions
- LiftCSDNLoginCopylimit: #### you CSDN LoginCopy,Copy code box content without logging in
- Beautify web forms with gorgeous gradients: Automatically apply color gradient beautification to all columns of tables on web pages.
- Small window preview: Open link in popup window when dragging link,and provide a preview before opening,use Edge pre-reading technology。At the same time, add an acrylic effect behind the small window when it is opened.。
- Remove link underline: Remove underline from web links
🔍you may be looking for GitHubRelated scripts
- GitHubSubmit information displayHTML: This script will GitHub The submission information on is converted into HTML view,to see submission details more clearly。It will automatically submit the information list、The commit header and latest commit information are converted to HTML Format,Provide better visual effects and user experience。
- GitHub File list beautifier: GitHub File List Beautifier is a user script,used to enhance GitHub Display effect of files in warehouse。It can add colors to files and folders,and replace the file type icons with small images,Makes the code base easier to browse and manage。
- Github List of code languages show all: Expand Github List of languages on the repository,Show each language,Instead of hiding small parts in “other” Down
- GitHub Automatically confirm device authorization: existGitHubThe authorization page automatically enters the authorization code and automatically confirms it.。
- GitHubfolderdownload: Add a download button,Allows easy downloading of specific GitHub folder。
- GitHubDownload single files and copy fil###RL: Add button at the end of each file line,to copy the original file URL and download files
- githubShow warehouse size: existGithubShow warehouse size when viewing and searching warehouses
- GitHub Sort by Date: Change the sorting method of warehouse list files to descending date order,Conveniently view the latest updated files。
🔍you may be looking for GoogleRelated scripts
- Google Advanced search: This is a for Google Add user script for advanced search form。It adds a hideable advanced search form at the top of the page,Enable you to search for information more precisely。
- Google Search and block specific sites: Block specific sites from search engine r###lts,Help users filter out unwanted search r###lts。 Custom input blocking site。Format-zhihu -baidu Used to block Google search content
🔍you may be looking for GreasyForkRelated scripts
- GreasyForksuitable for enhancement: The script details page is added. It is suitable for links to be added. Click to open the web page.,Copy web page,tire search
- GrreasyFork User-published script data visualization: useChart.jsObtaining and visualizing user script data,And generate a chart on the user’s personal homepage to display the detailed installation status below.
- GreaysFork Enhance WebHookSync settings: This script can help you quickly enter script synchronization information,And add language codes for multiple countries in batches,Instead of clicking the selection boxes one by one and going to the corresponding URL。
- GreasyFork Markdown toobar: Used by default in forums Markdown Format,Add format help link and Markdown Toolbar introduction
- GreasyFork Show script ratings: Add evaluation scores to script list
- GreasyFork Advanced search: Search using Google GreasyFork and SleazyFork superior script
- GreasyFork Navigation barEnhance: EnhancegreasyforkNavigation bar,Add user list,User console etc.
- GreasyforkGlue craftsman: Enhancegreasyfork,Copy code,Script download,Precise time to seconds,Home page cleanup,Discuss one-click reporting,Script list jump code added download Beautify view code and display code reference files,show script icon,Jump to adult scripts and other operations
- Greasyfork Notification assistant: When there’s a new reply to your script or to a discussion you’re participating in,The script will display the latest discussion content in a modal window on the web page。
- Script FinderGrease Monkey Script Finder: Script Finder is a user script(userscript),It helps you find and manage userscripts on any website
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- Highlight keywords on web pages+(recommend): Highlight text on web pages
- Highlight web text_mini version: Custom keyword highlighting on web pages including dynamically loaded content on scroll
- Small scroll button up and down: Add up and down scroll buttons on the right side of the page
- One-touch top and bottom buttons: Modified fromGreasyforkuser script Add top and bottom buttons to web pages,Facilitates quick movement to the top or bottom of long pages。 Added button color change when scrolling down,3Automatically stops if there is no scrolling within seconds
🔍you may be looking for adult script
- MiSSAVAutomatic login: Detection MisssAV state,and automatically log in when not logged in
- MissAVCollection manager: missPlaylist backup,Support downloading pictures and saving video information.Export local web page Support export towebdav
- TissAVAutomatic login: Detection TissAV state,and automatically log in when not logged in
- JableTVAutomatic login: Detection JableTV state,and automatically log in when not logged in
🔍you may be looking for automatic translation
- foreign language terminator: Recognize non-Chinese characters,If the length is greater than 5 And the translated text does not contain Chinese,then replace it with Chinese,Need to be accessiblegooglenetwork
- web page translation——Automatically translated to Chinese: Give the lower right corner of each non-Chinese web page(Can be adjusted to the lower left corner)add a google Translate icon,This version is a Chinese translation version,Only translate foreign languages into Chinese,Add automatic translation