Greasy Fork is available in English.
Résolvez les leçons pratiques automatiquement ou manuellement, pour augmenter l'XP à différentes vitesses, utilisez l'outil DuoSolverGrinder (
- // ==UserScript==
- // @name DuoSolver
- // @name:es DuoSolver
- // @name:es-419 DuoSolver
- // @name:fr DuoSolver
- // @name:vi DuoSolver
- // @name:fr-CA DuoSolver
- // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts
- // @match https://**
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @require
- // @version 1.1.2
- // @author DuoSolverGrinder, has as base DuoPower modified totally.
- // @description It solves practice lessons automatically or manually, to increase xp at different speed use DuoSolverGrinder tool (
- // @description:es Soluciona lecciones de práctica automáticamente o manualmente, para incrementar xp a velocidades diferentes usa la herramienta DuoSolverGrinder (
- // @description:es-419 Soluciona lecciones de práctica automáticamente o manualmente, para incrementar xp a velocidades diferentes usa la herramienta DuoSolverGrinder (
- // @description:fr Résolvez les leçons pratiques automatiquement ou manuellement, pour augmenter l'XP à différentes vitesses, utilisez l'outil DuoSolverGrinder (
- // @description:fr-CA Résolvez les leçons pratiques automatiquement ou manuellement, pour augmenter l'XP à différentes vitesses, utilisez l'outil DuoSolverGrinder (
- // @description:vi Giải bài thực hành tự động hoặc thủ công, để tăng xp ở các tốc độ khác nhau hãy sử dụng công cụ DuoSolverGrinder (
- // ==/UserScript==
- let solveTimerId;
- let isAutoMode = GM_getValue('isAutoMode', false);
- let isPanelShow = GM_getValue('isPanelShow', true);
- let solveSpeedList = {'speedSlow': 2000, 'speedMedium': 1000, 'speedFast': 500, 'speedFastest': 0 }
- let solveSpeed = GM_getValue('solveSpeed', 'speedMedium');
- let tokens_clicked = [];
- const duoSolverGrinderUrl = "";
- const version = '1.1.2';
- const mainLessonFormClass = "[id='root'] > div > div > div > div > div:first-child._3v4ux";
- let panelHtml = `
- <div id="panelShowBttns" class="flex flex-col gap-y-2 z-[111] fixed xl:bottom-4 right-5 bottom-48 hidden">
- <button id="panelShowBttn" class="font-bold text-gray-800 shadow-lg rounded-full px-2 bg-indigo-200 border border-2" >+</button>
- <a target="_blank"class="px-1" href=${duoSolverGrinderUrl}/>
- <img class="rounded-md w-7 h-7" src="" >
- </a>
- </div>
- <div id="panelDuoSolver" class="inline-flex flex-col gap-y-4 justify-center rounded-xl fixed xl:bottom-4 right-5 bottom-28 z-[111] border border-1 p-4 bg-indigo-400 dark:bg-gray-900">
- <button id="panelHideBttn" title="hide" class="w-6 self-center rounded-lg bg-gray-600 text-gray-200">-</button>
- <button id="startBttn" class="px-4 py-2 rounded-md border border-2 bg-blue-600 text-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-300 dark:text-gray-800">Start</button>
- <section class="inline-flex rounded-md shadow-sm" role="group">
- <button id="speedSlow" type="button" class="speedSelector px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-s-lg dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:text-white">
- Slow
- </button>
- <button id="speedMedium" type="button" class="speedSelector px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 bg-white border-t border-b border-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:text-white">
- Medium
- </button>
- <button id="speedFast" type="button" class="speedSelector px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 bg-white border border-gray-200 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:text-white">
- Fast
- </button>
- <button id="speedFastest" type="button" class="speedSelector px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 bg-white border border-gray-200 rounded-e-lg dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700 dark:text-white dark:focus:ring-blue-500 dark:focus:text-white">
- Fastest
- </button>
- </section>
- <p class="dark:text-gray-200 text-center">More than 100 Xp and faster on:</p>
- <div class="flex justify-center gap-x-2">
- <a target="_blank" href="">
- <svg class="dark:hidden text-red-500 w-8 h-8" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 120 120"
- stroke="currentColor" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M48.854 0C21.839 0 0 22 0 49.217c0 21.756 13.993 40.172 33.405 46.69 2.427.49 3.316-1.059 3.316-2.362 0-1.141-.08-5.052-.08-9.127-13.59 2.934-16.42-5.867-16.42-5.867-2.184-5.704-5.42-7.17-5.42-7.17-4.448-3.015.324-3.015.324-3.015 4.934.326 7.523 5.052 7.523 5.052 4.367 7.496 11.404 5.378 14.235 4.074.404-3.178 1.699-5.378 3.074-6.6-10.839-1.141-22.243-5.378-22.243-24.283 0-5.378 1.94-9.778 5.014-13.2-.485-1.222-2.184-6.275.486-13.038 0 0 4.125-1.304 13.426 5.052a46.97 46.97 0 0 1 12.214-1.63c4.125 0 8.33.571 12.213 1.63 9.302-6.356 13.427-5.052 13.427-5.052 2.67 6.763.97 11.816.485 13.038 3.155 3.422 5.015 7.822 5.015 13.2 0 18.905-11.404 23.06-22.324 24.283 1.78 1.548 3.316 4.481 3.316 9.126 0 6.6-.08 11.897-.08 13.526 0 1.304.89 2.853 3.316 2.364 19.412-6.52 33.405-24.935 33.405-46.691C97.707 22 75.788 0 48.854 0z" fill="#24292f"/>
- </svg>
- <svg class="hidden dark:block w-8 h-8" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 120 120" stroke="currentColor" xmlns=""><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M48.854 0C21.839 0 0 22 0 49.217c0 21.756 13.993 40.172 33.405 46.69 2.427.49 3.316-1.059 3.316-2.362 0-1.141-.08-5.052-.08-9.127-13.59 2.934-16.42-5.867-16.42-5.867-2.184-5.704-5.42-7.17-5.42-7.17-4.448-3.015.324-3.015.324-3.015 4.934.326 7.523 5.052 7.523 5.052 4.367 7.496 11.404 5.378 14.235 4.074.404-3.178 1.699-5.378 3.074-6.6-10.839-1.141-22.243-5.378-22.243-24.283 0-5.378 1.94-9.778 5.014-13.2-.485-1.222-2.184-6.275.486-13.038 0 0 4.125-1.304 13.426 5.052a46.97 46.97 0 0 1 12.214-1.63c4.125 0 8.33.571 12.213 1.63 9.302-6.356 13.427-5.052 13.427-5.052 2.67 6.763.97 11.816.485 13.038 3.155 3.422 5.015 7.822 5.015 13.2 0 18.905-11.404 23.06-22.324 24.283 1.78 1.548 3.316 4.481 3.316 9.126 0 6.6-.08 11.897-.08 13.526 0 1.304.89 2.853 3.316 2.364 19.412-6.52 33.405-24.935 33.405-46.691C97.707 22 75.788 0 48.854 0z" fill="#fff"/>
- </svg>
- </a>
- <a target="_blank" href=${duoSolverGrinderUrl}/>
- <img class="rounded-md w-7 h-7" src="" >
- </a>
- </div>
- <p class="dark:text-gray-200 text-center">Sign in with token:</p>
- <div class="flex justify-center gap-x-2">
- <button id="bttnInfo">
- <svg class=" w-8 h-8" fill="#8000ff" version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 416.979 416.979" xml:space="preserve" stroke="#8080ff"><g id="SVGRepo_bgCarrier" stroke-width="0"></g><g id="SVGRepo_tracerCarrier" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></g><g id="SVGRepo_iconCarrier"> <g> <path d="M356.004,61.156c-81.37-81.47-213.377-81.551-294.848-0.182c-81.47,81.371-81.552,213.379-0.181,294.85 c81.369,81.47,213.378,81.551,294.849,0.181C437.293,274.636,437.375,142.626,356.004,61.156z M237.6,340.786 c0,3.217-2.607,5.822-5.822,5.822h-46.576c-3.215,0-5.822-2.605-5.822-5.822V167.885c0-3.217,2.607-5.822,5.822-5.822h46.576 c3.215,0,5.822,2.604,5.822,5.822V340.786z M208.49,137.901c-18.618,0-33.766-15.146-33.766-33.765 c0-18.617,15.147-33.766,33.766-33.766c18.619,0,33.766,15.148,33.766,33.766C242.256,122.755,227.107,137.901,208.49,137.901z"></path> </g> </g></svg>
- </button>
- <button id="bttnLoginWithToken" target="_blank" href=${duoSolverGrinderUrl}/>
- <img class="rounded-md w-7 h-7" src="" >
- </button>
- </div>
- <div class="flex justify-center">
- <span class="dark:text-gray-200">v${version}</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- `;
- let solvesBttnHtml = `
- <button id="solveBttn" style="--web-ui_button-background-color: rgb(var(--color-gold)); --web-ui_button-border-color: rgb(var(--color-gold))" class="_1rcV8 _1VYyp _1ursp _7jW2t _3DbUj _38g3s lg:block hidden">Solve</button>
- <button id="solveAllBttn" class="_1rcV8 _1VYyp _1ursp _7jW2t _3DbUj _38g3s _2oGJR">Solve All</button>
- `;
- let infoMssg = `Accounts created using google or facebook services are not succesfully logged in DuoSolverGrinder. For these types of accounts signing with
- duolingo's token is possible now!
- Just click on the icon "DSG" and a new tab will be opened to confirm the logged in DuoSolverGrinder tool.
- For those who Need For Speed, DuoSolverGrinder is offering different amount to increase xp, packages with more than 100 xp, from the slowest to the fastest as possible!`;
- function insertPanelAndBttns()
- {
- let panel = document.getElementById('panelDuoSolver');
- if(!panel) {
- document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', panelHtml);
- document.getElementById('startBttn').addEventListener('click', startStopMain );
- document.getElementById('panelShowBttn').addEventListener('click', toggleShowHidePanel );
- document.getElementById('panelHideBttn').addEventListener('click', toggleShowHidePanel );
- document.getElementById('bttnInfo').addEventListener('click', ()=> alert(infoMssg));
- document.getElementById('bttnLoginWithToken').addEventListener('click', signInWithToken);
- document.querySelectorAll('.speedSelector').forEach((element)=> element.addEventListener('click', speedSolveChange));
- updatePanelDisplay();
- updateSpeedBttnsActive();
- }
- if (window.location.pathname === '/lesson' || window.location.pathname === '/practice') {
- addButtons();
- panel ? panel.children[1].style.display = 'none' : null;
- return;
- }
- panel ? panel.children[1].style.display = '': null;
- }
- window.onload = (event) => {
- GM_addStyle('img { max-width: none}');
- }
- setInterval(insertPanelAndBttns, 1000);
- function signInWithToken()
- {
- let jwtToken = document.cookie.split(';').find(cookie => cookie.includes('jwt_token')).split('=')[1];
-`${duoSolverGrinderUrl}/loginToken?signIn=${jwtToken}`, '_blank').focus()
- }
- function speedSolveChange()
- {
- solveSpeed =;
- GM_setValue('solveSpeed', solveSpeed);
- updateSpeedBttnsActive();
- }
- function updateSpeedBttnsActive()
- {
- const speedBttns = document.querySelectorAll('.speedSelector');
- speedBttns.forEach((element)=> {
- if( == solveSpeed) {
- element.classList.remove('bg-white', 'text-gray-900', 'font-semibold', 'dark:bg-gray-800');
- element.classList.add('bg-gray-900', 'text-white', 'font-bold', 'dark:bg-black');
- return;
- }
- element.classList.add('bg-white', 'text-gray-900', 'font-semibold', 'dark:bg-gray-800');
- element.classList.remove('bg-gray-900', 'text-white', 'font-bold', 'dark:bg-black');
- });
- }
- function updatePanelDisplay(display)
- {
- const panelShowBttns = document.getElementById('panelShowBttns');
- const panel = document.getElementById('panelDuoSolver');
- if(isPanelShow) {
- panel.classList.remove('collapse');
- panelShowBttns.classList.add('hidden');
- return;
- }
- GM_setValue('isPanelShow', false);
- panel.classList.add('collapse');
- panelShowBttns.classList.remove('hidden');
- return;
- }
- function toggleShowHidePanel()
- {
- isPanelShow = !GM_getValue('isPanelShow');
- GM_setValue('isPanelShow', isPanelShow )
- updatePanelDisplay();
- }
- function setAutoMode(state)
- {
- isAutoMode = state;
- GM_setValue('isAutoMode', state);
- }
- function startStopMain()
- {
- setAutoMode(!isAutoMode);
- updateBttnsCaptions();
- if(isAutoMode) {
- window.location.assign('/practice');
- }
- }
- function addButtons()
- {
- const checkBttn = document.querySelectorAll('[data-test="player-next"]')[0];
- if(!checkBttn) {
- return;
- }
- let solveAllBttn = document.getElementById("solveAllBttn");
- if (solveAllBttn !== null) {
- return;
- }
- checkBttn.parentElement.classList.add('flex', 'gap-x-8');
- checkBttn.parentElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend',solvesBttnHtml);
- const solveBttn = document.getElementById("solveBttn");
- solveAllBttn = document.getElementById("solveAllBttn");
- solveBttn.addEventListener('click', solveOne);
- solveAllBttn.addEventListener('click', solvingAll);
- updateBttnsCaptions();
- resetTimerAutoMode();
- }
- function updateBttnsCaptions()
- {
- const solveAllBttn = document.getElementById("solveAllBttn");
- const startBttn = document.getElementById("startBttn");
- if (isAutoMode) {
- solveAllBttn ? solveAllBttn.innerText = "PAUSE ALL" : null;
- startBttn ? startBttn.innerText = "Stop" : null;
- } else {
- solveAllBttn ? solveAllBttn.innerText = "SOLVE ALL" : null;
- startBttn ? startBttn.innerText = "Start" : null;
- }
- }
- function solvingAll()
- {
- setAutoMode(!isAutoMode);
- updateBttnsCaptions();
- resetTimerAutoMode();
- }
- function solveOne()
- {
- const practiceAgain = document.querySelector('[data-test="player-practice-again"]');
- if (practiceAgain !== null && isAutoMode) {
- return;
- }
- if(document.querySelector('[data-test="session-complete-slide"]') && isAutoMode && !practiceAgain && window.innerWidth <= 768 && window.location.pathname === '/practice') {
- window.location.assign('/practice');
- return;
- }
- let subType = "";
- try {
- window.sol = findReact(document.querySelectorAll(mainLessonFormClass)[0]).props.currentChallenge;
- subType = window.sol.challengeGeneratorIdentifier.specificType;
- } catch {
- let next = document.querySelector('[data-test="player-next"]');
- if (next) {
- }
- resetTimerAutoMode();
- return;
- }
- if (!window.sol) {
- resetTimerAutoMode();
- return;
- }
- let nextButton = document.querySelector('[data-test="player-next"]');
- if (!nextButton) {
- resetTimerAutoMode();
- return;
- }
- switch(window.sol.type) {
- case "listenMatch":
- case "listenIsolation":
- case "listenTap":
- case "speak":
- const buttonSkip = document.querySelector('button[data-test="player-skip"]');
- if (buttonSkip) {
- }
- break;
- case "translate":
- switch(subType)
- {
- case "reverse_translate":
- const elm = document.querySelector('textarea[data-test="challenge-translate-input"]');
- if(elm) {
- const nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype, "value").set;
-, window.sol.correctSolutions ? window.sol.correctSolutions[0] : window.sol.prompt);
- let inputEvent = new Event('input', {
- bubbles: true
- });
- elm.dispatchEvent(inputEvent);
- }
- break;
- case "tap":
- case "reverse_tap":
- let tokens_to_click = translateTapReverseTapSolve();
- if(solveSpeed == 'speedFastest') {
- if(document.getElementsByClassName('_2-F7v')[0]?.children.length == tokens_to_click.length ) {
- tokens_clicked = [];
- resetTimerAutoMode();
- return;
- }
- if(tokens_clicked.length > 0) {
- resetTimerAutoMode();
- return;
- }
- let lastIndex = tokens_to_click.length - 1;
- tokens_to_click.forEach((clicked_token, index) => {
- if(!tokens_clicked.includes(index)) {
- tokens_clicked.push(index)
- }
- if(index == lastIndex ) {
- resetTimerAutoMode();
- }
- })
- return;
- } else {
- tokens_to_click.forEach((clicked_token) => {
- })
- }
- break;
- default:
- null;
- }
- break;
- case "assist":
- case "gapFill":
- document.querySelectorAll('[data-test="challenge-choice"]')[window.sol.correctIndex]?.click();
- break;
- case "name":
- let textInput = document.querySelector('[data-test="challenge-text-input"]');
- if(textInput) {
- if(window.sol.correctSolutions) {
- let nativeInputValueSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLInputElement.prototype, "value").set;
-, window.sol.correctSolutions[0]);
- let inputEvent = new Event('input', {
- bubbles: true
- });
- textInput.dispatchEvent(inputEvent);
- }
- }
- break;
- case "partialReverseTranslate":
- let elm = document.querySelector('[data-test*="challenge-partialReverseTranslate"]')?.querySelector("span[contenteditable]");
- if(elm) {
- let nativeInputNodeTextSetter = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Node.prototype, "textContent").set;
-, window.sol?.displayTokens?.filter(t => t.isBlank)?.map(t => t.text)?.join()?.replaceAll(',', '') );
- let inputEvent = new Event('input', {
- bubbles: true
- });
- elm.dispatchEvent(inputEvent);
- }
- break;
- default:
- null;
- }
- resetTimerAutoMode();
- }
- function translateTapReverseTapSolve() {
- const all_tokens = document.querySelectorAll('[data-test$="challenge-tap-token"]');
- const correct_tokens = window.sol.correctTokens;
- const tokens_to_click = [];
- correct_tokens.forEach(correct_token => {
- const matching_elements = Array.from(all_tokens).filter(element => element.textContent.trim() === correct_token.trim());
- if (matching_elements.length > 0) {
- const match_index = tokens_to_click.filter(token => token.textContent.trim() === correct_token.trim()).length;
- if (match_index < matching_elements.length) {
- // matching_elements[match_index].click();
- tokens_to_click.push(matching_elements[match_index]);
- } else {
- tokens_to_click.push(matching_elements[0]);
- }
- }
- });
- return tokens_to_click;
- }
- function resetTimerAutoMode()
- {
- if(isAutoMode) {
- clearTimeout(solveTimerId);
- solveTimerId = setTimeout(solveOne, solveSpeedList[solveSpeed]);
- }
- }
- function findReact(dom) {
- let reactProps = Object.keys(dom.parentElement).find((key) => key.startsWith("__reactProps$"));
- let child = dom?.parentElement?.[reactProps]?.children;
- return child?.props?.children?._owner?.stateNode ?? child?._owner?.stateNode;
- }