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Reddit - Subs - default sort

Apply default sort to subs listing (feature missing in SHreddit)

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// ==UserScript==// @name         Reddit - Subs - default sort// @namespace    https://github.com/Procyon-b// @version      0.5.1// @description  Apply default sort to subs listing (feature missing in SHreddit)// @author       Achernar// @match        https://www.reddit.com/*// @match        https://sh.reddit.com/*// @run-at  document-start// @grant   none// ==/UserScript==(function() {"use strict";var sort={};const RE=/^(?:https:\/\/(?:sh|www)\.reddit\.com)?(\/(?:r\/[^\/]+\/)?)(?:(best|new|hot|top|rising)\/)?(?:\?.*)?$/;const REval=/^(best|new|hot|top|rising)?$/;var SR=[];var done=false;function init() {if (done) return;done=true;document && document.body && chk();newObs(document.body);window.addEventListener('focus', function(){if (load()) {chk(null, true);updLeftNav();}});if (window == top) {var e=document.createElement('div');e.style='position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 15px; height: 15px; z-index: 9999;';document.body.appendChild(e);e.ondblclick=function(){var p, s='';do {p=prompt(s+'Default sort\nChoose between: [empty] - hot -  new - top - rising', sort.default);if (p == null) break;s='ERROR. Invalid value.\nTry again\n';} while (!REval.test(p));if (p != null) {if (p) sort.default=p;else delete sort.default;store();chk(null, true);updLeftNav();}p=prompt('Auto-redirect to correct sort ?\nEither: [empty field] - true - force - ask', sort.redir);if (p != null) {if (p) sort.redir = p;else delete sort.redir;store();}};}}function gen(re) {var s=sort[re[1]] || '';if (s) s+='/';else if ((re[1] != '/') && sort.default) s=sort.default+'/';return s;}function chk(r, force=false) {var a=(r||document).getElementsByTagName("a");if (r && (r.nodeName == 'A')) a=[r, ...a];for (let i=0,e; e=a[i]; i++) {if (!force && e._sortfixed) continue;e._sortfixed=true;if (e.hostname == 'www.reddit.com') {let re;if (re=RE.exec(e.pathname + (!e.pathname.endsWith('/') ? '/':'' ) )) {if (e.closest('[slot="dropdown-items"], faceplate-dropdown-menu')) continue;e.classList.add('_marked_');let s=gen(re);e.pathname=re[1]+s;}}}a=(r||document).querySelectorAll('pdp-back-button[subreddit-prefixed-name]');for (let i=0,e; e=a[i]; i++) {if (!force && e._sortfixed) continue;e._sortfixed=true;let re, v=e.attributes['subreddit-prefixed-name'].value;if (re=RE.exec('/'+v+'/')) {e.classList.add('_marked_');let s=gen(re);e.attributes['subreddit-prefixed-name'].value=(re[1]+s).replace(/^\/(.+)\/$/, "$1");}}}var AS=HTMLElement.prototype.attachShadow;HTMLElement.prototype.attachShadow=function(m){/*[native */var e=this;let sr=AS.call(e,m);if (e.tagName == 'REDDIT-RECENT-PAGES') {SR.push(sr);newObs(sr, cbRec);e.SR=true;}else if (e.tagName.startsWith('LEFT-NAV-') || (e.tagName == 'SHREDDIT-SUBREDDIT-HEADER')  || (e.tagName == 'MOD-NAV') ) {SR.push(sr);newObs(sr);e.SR=true;}return sr;}function updLeftNav() {for(let r, i=0; r=SR[i]; i++) {for(let e, j=0; e=r.children[j]; j++) {chk(e, true);}}}function ds(sub, s) {let d= sub == '/' ? 'best' : (sort.default?'DEF':'');return s == d ? '' : s;}function patchFetch() {// XHR - Fetchconst _fetch=window.fetch;window.fetch = async (...args) => {let [resource, config ] = args;let response = await _fetch(resource, config);let re;if ( re=RE.exec(resource) ) {let s=ds(re[1], re[2]);if (s != ds(re[1],sort[re[1]] || '') ) {if ( (re[1] != '/') && sort.default && (s == sort.default) ) s='';if (s) sort[re[1]] = s;else delete sort[re[1]];store();chk(null, true);updLeftNav();}}return response;};}function newObs(r, f=cb) {var o=new MutationObserver(f), config = { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true};o.observe(r, config);return o;}function cb(mutL) {for(let mut of mutL) {if (mut.type == 'childList') {for (let e,i=0; e=mut.addedNodes[i]; i++) {if (e.nodeType == 1) chk(e);}}}}function cbRec(mutL) {for(let mut of mutL) {if (mut.type == 'childList') {for (let e,i=0; e=mut.addedNodes[i]; i++) {if (e.nodeType == 1) {let r=e.closest('details');if (r) chk(r, true);else chk(e);}}}}}function load() {var o=sort.upd;sort=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('_sort_') || '{}');if (o != sort.upd) return true;}function store() {sort.upd=Date.now();localStorage.setItem('_sort_', JSON.stringify(sort) );}patchFetch();load();if (document.readyState != 'loading') init();else {document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);window.addEventListener('load', init);}var redir=sort.redir;if (redir) {let re;if (re = RE.exec(location.pathname)) {if ( !re[2] || (redir == 'force') ) {let l=re[1]+gen(re);if (l != location.pathname) {if (redir == 'ask') {if ( (window == top) && (window.document.visibilityState == 'visible') && confirm('Redirect to correct order ?\n'+location.href+'\n'+l) ) redir=true;else redir=false;}if (redir) {window.stop();location.pathname=l;}}}}}})();