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New script s

I am vague to give it a name and are grinder the text below

Installer ce script?
// ==UserScript==// @name        New script s// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts// @match       *://sploop.io/*// @grant       none// @version     1.0// @author      -// @license     mit// @description I am vague to give it a name and are grinder the text below// @description 27/1/2025, 17:31:27// ==/UserScript==// Insert the music player container into the body of the pageconst container = document.createElement('div');container.id = 'musicContainer';container.style = `position: absolute;top: 20px;left: 20px;background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);border-radius: 10px;padding: 10px;z-index: 10000;color: white;font-family: Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 14px;max-width: 200px;`;document.body.appendChild(container);// Create a titleconst title = document.createElement('h3');title.textContent = 'Music Player';title.style = 'margin: 0 0 10px 0; text-align: center;';container.appendChild(title);// Create a select dropdown for songsconst select = document.createElement('select');select.id = 'songSelect';select.style = 'width: 100%; margin-bottom: 10px;';container.appendChild(select);// Add songs to the select dropdown (only with "Song {number}")const songs = [{ id: 'r_1LUSn25J4', name: 'Song 1', lyrics: 'Hello, is it me you\'re looking for?' },{ id: '1_t2pQqkmtg', name: 'Song 2', lyrics: 'I see you driving ’round town with the girl I love' },{ id: 'anLOn1B-6Ns', name: 'Song 3', lyrics: 'First things first, I\'ll say all the words inside my head' },{ id: 'qlzcHe_gusE', name: 'Song 4', lyrics: 'Shoes on, get up in the morn’ cup of milk, let’s rock and roll' },{ id: 'Inf4tDEgyYw', name: 'Song 5', lyrics: 'I want it, I got it' },{ id: 'J_Jt3VOVpoI', name: 'Song 6', lyrics: 'The club isn’t the best place to find a lover' },{ id: 'OVh0bMNSFss', name: 'Song 7', lyrics: 'I got my peaches out in Georgia (Oh yeah, s**t)' },{ id: 'riqwrGoklj8', name: 'Song 8', lyrics: 'Baby girl, I’ll be your man' },{ id: 'w-sQRS-Lc9k', name: 'Song 9', lyrics: 'I’m not fazed, only here to sin' },{ id: 'ELCVwv1T-aE', name: 'Song 10', lyrics: 'White shirt now red, my bloody nose' },{ id: 'z9nHtotESH4', name: 'Song 11', lyrics: 'Seasons change and our love went cold' },{ id: 'R_BFdeFtWC8', name: 'Song 12', lyrics: 'Astro, yeah, Sun is down, freezin’ cold' },{ id: 'kvHvxKHYMBA', name: 'Song 13', lyrics: 'I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter' },{ id: '9Zj0JOHJR-s', name: 'Song 14', lyrics: 'I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets' },{ id: 'Qx2gvHjNhQ0', name: 'Song 15', lyrics: 'I love it when you call me señorita' },{ id: 'n8X9_MgEdCg', name: 'Song 16', lyrics: 'So baby, pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover' },{ id: '9bZkp7q19f0', name: 'Song 17', lyrics: 'Oppa Gangnam Style!' },{ id: 'uZQNC3awICU', name: 'Song 18', lyrics: 'When I’m without you so insecure' },{ id: 'ih2xubMaZWI', name: 'Song 19', lyrics: 'Lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep' },{ id: 'oC-GflRB0y4', name: 'Song 20', lyrics: 'And the players gonna play, play, play, play, play' },{ id: 'bPs0xFd4skY', name: 'Song 21', lyrics: 'Found you when your heart was broke' },{ id: 'wJnBTPUQS5A', name: 'Song 22', lyrics: 'Thank you, next' },{ id: 'HIza2rY23Tk', name: 'Song 23', lyrics: 'I’m gonna live like tomorrow doesn’t exist' },{ id: '8vJiSSAMNWw', name: 'Song 24', lyrics: 'I want your love and I want your revenge' }];songs.forEach((song) => {const option = document.createElement('option');option.value = song.id;option.textContent = song.name;select.appendChild(option);});// Control buttonsconst playButton = document.createElement('button');playButton.textContent = '▶️ Play';playButton.style = 'width: 48%; margin-right: 2%;';container.appendChild(playButton);const stopButton = document.createElement('button');stopButton.textContent = '⏹️ Stop';stopButton.style = 'width: 48%;';container.appendChild(stopButton);// Player container (hidden)const playerContainer = document.createElement('div');playerContainer.id = 'musicPlayer';playerContainer.style = 'display: none;';container.appendChild(playerContainer);// Create subtitle container (floating at the center of the screen)const subtitlesContainer = document.createElement('div');subtitlesContainer.id = 'subtitles';subtitlesContainer.style = `position: fixed;bottom: 50px;left: 50%;transform: translateX(-50%);color: white;font-size: 20px;font-family: Arial, sans-serif;text-align: center;z-index: 10001;display: none;`;document.body.appendChild(subtitlesContainer);// Load YouTube APIconst script = document.createElement('script');script.src = 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api';document.head.appendChild(script);// Global variable for the playerlet player;// Initialize the player when the API is readywindow.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () {player = new YT.Player('musicPlayer', {height: '0',width: '0',videoId: '',events: {onReady: () => console.log('YouTube Player Ready'),onStateChange: (event) => {if (event.data === YT.PlayerState.ENDED) {playButton.textContent = '▶️ Play';subtitlesContainer.style.display = 'none'; // Hide subtitles when finished}}}});};// Play button functionalityplayButton.addEventListener('click', () => {const selectedSongId = select.value;const song = songs.find(song => song.id === selectedSongId);if (player && selectedSongId) {player.loadVideoById(selectedSongId);player.playVideo();playButton.textContent = '⏸️ Pause';// Show subtitles during playbacksubtitlesContainer.style.display = 'block';displayLyrics(song.lyrics);}});// Function to display lyrics word by wordfunction displayLyrics(lyrics) {let words = lyrics.split(' ');let index = 0;// Clear previous subtitlessubtitlesContainer.textContent = '';// Update subtitle every 1 secondlet interval = setInterval(() => {if (index < words.length) {subtitlesContainer.textContent += words[index] + ' ';index++;} else {clearInterval(interval);}}, 1000);}// Stop button functionalitystopButton.addEventListener('click', () => {if (player) {player.stopVideo();playButton.textContent = '▶️ Play';subtitlesContainer.style.display = 'none'; // Hide subtitles when stopped}});