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Tool for copying raw text and formated text

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// ==UserScript==// @name         CopyMaster// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/// @version      8.0// @description  Tool for copying raw text and formated text//               Advanced tools : formats PDF, DOCX, LibreOffice (ODT),  Excel/CSV/ODS,  audio, vidéo, images, tabs, etc.// @author       yglsan// @match        *://*/*// @grant        GM_setClipboard// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest// @grant        GM_notification// @grant        GM_download// @license      Gpl-3.0-or-later// ==/UserScript==/*Copyright (C) 2025 Benjamin Moine (yglsan)This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or(at your option) any later version.This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.*/(function() {'use strict';// Création du bouton flottant moderneconst button = document.createElement('button');button.innerText = '📋 Copier Formaté';button.style.position = 'fixed';button.style.bottom = '20px';button.style.right = '20px';button.style.padding = '10px 20px';button.style.background = '#007bff';button.style.color = 'white';button.style.border = 'none';button.style.borderRadius = '10px';button.style.boxShadow = '0 4px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)';button.style.cursor = 'pointer';button.style.fontSize = '16px';button.style.zIndex = '1000';button.style.transition = 'background 0.3s';button.addEventListener('mouseover', () => button.style.background = '#0056b3');button.addEventListener('mouseout', () => button.style.background = '#007bff');button.addEventListener('click', copyWithStyles);document.body.appendChild(button);// Fonction pour copier le contenu formaté avec styles et médiasasync function copyWithStyles() {const selection = window.getSelection();if (!selection.rangeCount) return;const range = selection.getRangeAt(0);const clonedSelection = range.cloneContents();// Ajout des styles inlineclonedSelection.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(el => {const computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el);el.style.cssText = computedStyle.cssText;});// Gestion des imagesawait Promise.all(Array.from(clonedSelection.querySelectorAll('img')).map(async (img) => {if (img.src.startsWith('data:')) return;try {const response = await fetch(img.src);const blob = await response.blob();const reader = new FileReader();reader.onloadend = () => {img.src = reader.r###lt;};reader.readAsDataURL(blob);} catch (e) {console.error('Erreur de téléchargement de l\'image', img.src, e);}}));// Gestion des éléments audio et vidéoclonedSelection.querySelectorAll('audio, video').forEach(media => {if (media.src && !media.src.startsWith('data:')) {fetch(media.src).then(res => res.blob()).then(blob => {const reader = new FileReader();reader.onloadend = () => {media.src = reader.r###lt;};reader.readAsDataURL(blob);}).catch(err => console.error('Erreur lors du téléchargement du média', media.src, err));}});// Gestion des liensclonedSelection.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(link => {link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');});// Reconnaissance avancée de la mise en formeclonedSelection.querySelectorAll('code, pre').forEach(block => {block.innerText = '```' + block.innerText + '```'; // Format Markdown});// Gestion des tableauxclonedSelection.querySelectorAll('table').forEach(table => {table.style.borderCollapse = 'collapse';table.querySelectorAll('td, th').forEach(cell => {cell.style.border = '1px solid black';cell.style.padding = '4px';});});// Formatage des éléments textuelsclonedSelection.querySelectorAll('b, strong').forEach(el => {el.innerText = '**' + el.innerText + '**';});clonedSelection.querySelectorAll('i, em').forEach(el => {el.innerText = '*' + el.innerText + '*';});clonedSelection.querySelectorAll('u').forEach(el => {el.innerText = '__' + el.innerText + '__';});// Conversion en HTML completconst div = document.createElement('div');div.appendChild(clonedSelection);GM_setClipboard(div.innerHTML, 'text/html');// Notification de réussiteGM_notification({text: 'Contenu copié avec succès dans le presse-papiers !',title: 'CopyMasterX',timeout: 3000});}// Fonction pour exporter en PDFfunction exportToPDF(content) {const jsPDF = window.jsPDF;const doc = new jsPDF();doc.html(content, {callback: function (doc) {doc.save('export.pdf');},margin: [10, 10, 10, 10],autoPaging: true});}// Fonction pour exporter en DOCXfunction exportToDOCX(content) {const PizZip = window.PizZip;const Docxtemplater = window.Docxtemplater;const zip = new PizZip();const doc = new Docxtemplater(zip);doc.setData({ content });doc.render();const out = doc.getZip().generate({ type: 'blob' });GM_download(out, 'export.docx');}// Fonction pour exporter en ODT (LibreOffice)function exportToODT(content) {const odf = window.odf; // Assurez-vous d'avoir la bibliothèque js-odf importée dans votre projetconst odtDoc = new odf.OdtDocument();odtDoc.addText(content);const blob = odtDoc.save();GM_download(blob, 'export.odt');}// Fonction pour exporter en CSVfunction exportToCSV(table) {let csv = '';const rows = table.querySelectorAll('tr');rows.forEach(row => {const cells = row.querySelectorAll('th, td');const rowData = [];cells.forEach(cell => {rowData.push('"' + cell.textContent.replace(/"/g, '""') + '"');});csv += rowData.join(',') + '\n';});const blob = new Blob([csv], { type: 'text/csv' });GM_download(blob, 'export.csv');}// Fonction pour exporter en Excelfunction exportToExcel(table) {const XLSX = window.XLSX; // Assurez-vous d'avoir la bibliothèque xlsx importée dans votre projetconst wb = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(table);const wbout = XLSX.write(wb, { bookType: 'xlsx', type: 'binary' });const blob = new Blob([s2ab(wbout)], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });GM_download(blob, 'export.xlsx');}// Fonction pour exporter en ODS (LibreOffice)function exportToODS(table) {const ODS = window.ODS; // Assurez-vous d'avoir la bibliothèque js-ods importée dans votre projetconst odsDoc = new ODS.Document();const sheet = odsDoc.addSheet('Sheet1');const rows = table.querySelectorAll('tr');rows.forEach((row, rowIndex) => {const cells = row.querySelectorAll('th, td');cells.forEach((cell, cellIndex) => {sheet.write(cellIndex, rowIndex, cell.textContent);});});const blob = odsDoc.save();GM_download(blob, 'export.ods');}// Fonction utilitaire pour convertir le binaire en tableaufunction s2ab(s) {const buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length);const view = new Uint8Array(buf);for (let i = 0; i != s.length; ++i) view[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;return buf;}// Ajout de la gestion de la touche de raccourcidocument.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {if (e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.key === 'C') copyWithStyles();});})();