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Aria2 RPC Library 维护,源脚本
Ce script ne doit pas être installé directement. C'est une librairie destinée à être incluse dans d'autres scripts avec la méta-directive // @require
// ==UserScript== // @name Aria2 RPC Edit 2 // @namespace // @version 0.4.2 // @description Aria2 RPC Library 维护,源脚本 // @author PY-DNG // @original-author moe.jixun, Sonic853 // @original-license MIT, MIT // @original-script, // @license MIT // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // ==/UserScript== /* Information from original script // Source code: // tsc .\aria2.ts --target esnext // Public Class Aria2 ( options ) */ const Aria2AUTH = { noAuth: 0, basic: 1, secret: 2, 0: 'noAuth', 1: 'basic', 2: 'secret' }; class Aria2BATCH { parent; data = []; onSuccess; onFail; addRaw(fn, params) {{ method: `aria2.${fn}`, params }); } add(fn, ...args) { if (this.parent[fn] === undefined) throw new Error(`Unknown function: ${fn}, please check if you had a typo.`); return this.addRaw(fn, args); } async send() { let ret = await this.parent.send(true,, this.onSuccess, this.onFail); this.reset(); return ret; } getActions() { return; } setActions(actions) { if (!actions || ! return; = actions; } reset() { this.onSuccess = this.onFail = null; = []; } constructor(obj, cbSuccess, cbFail) { this.parent = obj; this.onSuccess = cbSuccess; this.onFail = cbFail; } } var Aria2 = class AriaBase { /** * @constant * @type {'2.0'} */ jsonrpc_ver = '2.0'; /** * last aria2 request id * @type {number} */ id; /** * @typedef {Object} Aria2Auth * @property {string} [secret] * @property {string} [user] * @property {string} [pass] */ /** * @typedef {Object} Aria2Options * @property {Aria2Auth} [auth] - defaults to Aria2AUTH.noAuth * @property {string} [host='localhost'] * @property {number} [port=6800] * @property {boolean} [https=false] * @property {string} [endpoint='/jsonrpc'] */ /** @type {Aria2Options} */ options; /** * @param {Aria2Options} options */ constructor(options) { // options AriaBase.#Assert(! || typeof === 'string', ' should be string', TypeError); AriaBase.#Assert(!options.port || typeof options.port === 'number', 'options.port should be number', TypeError); this.options = Object.assign({ auth: { type: Aria2AUTH.noAuth }, host: 'localhost', port: 6800, https: false, endpoint: '/jsonrpc' }, options); // init id = (+new Date()); // warning for not-GM_xmlhttpRequest request typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest === 'undefined' && console.warn([ 'Warning: You are now using an simple implementation of GM_xmlhttpRequest', 'Cross-domain request are not avilible unless configured correctly @ target server.', '', 'Some of its features are not avilible, such as `username` and `password` field.' ].join('\n')); // aria2 methods implementation const isFunction = obj => typeof obj === 'function'; [ "addUri", "addTorrent", "addMetalink", "remove", "forceRemove", "pause", "pauseAll", "forcePause", "forcePauseAll", "unpause", "unpauseAll", "tellStatus", "getUris", "getFiles", "getPeers", "getServers", "tellActive", "tellWaiting", "tellStopped", "changePosition", "changeUri", "getOption", "changeOption", "getGlobalOption", "changeGlobalOption", "getGlobalStat", "purgeDownloadR###lt", "removeDownloadR###lt", "getVersion", "getSessionInfo", "shutdown", "forceShutdown", "saveSession" ].forEach(sMethod => { this[sMethod] = async (...args) => { let cbSuccess, cbError; if (args.length && isFunction(args[args.length - 1])) { cbSuccess = args[args.length - 1]; args.splice(-1, 1); if (args.length && isFunction(args[args.length - 1])) { cbError = cbSuccess; cbSuccess = args[args.length - 1]; args.splice(-1, 1); } } return await this.send(false, { method: `aria2.${sMethod}`, params: args }, cbSuccess, cbError); }; }); } /** * Get basic authentication header string * @returns {string} */ #getBasicAuth() { return btoa(`${this.options.auth.user}:${this.options.auth.pass}`); } async send(bIsDataBatch, data, cbSuccess, cbError) { // update request id = (+new Date()); // construct payload let srcTaskObj = { jsonrpc: this.jsonrpc_ver, id: }; let payload = { method: 'POST', url: `${this.options.https ? 'https' : 'http'}://${}:${this.options.port}${this.options.endpoint}`, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' }, data: bIsDataBatch ? => { return AriaBase.#merge({}, srcTaskObj, e); }) : AriaBase.#merge({}, srcTaskObj, data), onload: r => { if (r.status !== 200) { cbError && cbError(r); } else { let repData; try { repData = JSON.parse(r.responseText); repData.error && cbError(repData); } catch (error) { repData = r.responseText; } cbSuccess && cbSuccess(repData); } }, onerror: cbError ? cbError.bind(null) : null }; // authentication switch (this.options.auth.type) { case Aria2AUTH.basic: { payload.headers.Authorization = 'Basic ' + this.#getBasicAuth(); break; } case Aria2AUTH.secret: { let sToken = `token:${this.options.auth.pass}`; if (bIsDataBatch) { for (let i = 0; i <; i++) {[i].params.splice(0, 0, sToken); } } else { if (! = [];, 0, sToken); } break; } case Aria2AUTH.noAuth: default: { break; } } return await AriaBase.#doRequest(payload); } BATCH = new Aria2BATCH(this); /** * merge moultiple source objects' properties into base object * @param {object} base * @param {...object} sources * @returns */ static #merge(base, ...sources) { const isObject = obj => typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null; this.#Assert(isObject(base), 'base should be an object', TypeError); sources.forEach(obj => { this.#Assert(isObject(obj), 'source should be an object', TypeError); Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { if (isObject(base[key]) && isObject(obj[key])) { base[key] = AriaBase.#merge(base[key], obj[key]); } else { base[key] = obj[key]; } }); }); return base; } /** * throw error when condition not met * @param {boolean} condition * @param {string} message * @param {function} ErrorConstructor */ static #Assert(condition, message, ErrorConstructor = Error) { if (!condition) { throw new ErrorConstructor(message); } } static async #doRequest(details) { const { url, method, data, headers, onload, onerror } = details; if (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest !== 'undefined') { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url, method, data: typeof data === 'string' ? data : JSON.stringify(data), headers, onload(r) { onload && onload(r); resolve(r); }, onerror() { onerror && onerror(); reject(); } }); }); } else { try { let response = await fetch(url, { method, body: typeof data === 'string' ? data : JSON.stringify(data), headers }); let responseText = await response.text(); onload && onload(responseText); return { readyState: 4, responseHeaders: response.headers, status: response.status, statusText: response.statusText, response, responseText, finalUrl: response.url }; } catch (error) { onerror && onerror(error); throw error; } } } };