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Remove Ads from FextraJS-2/21/2022
Toggle Sidebar in FextralifeJS-Adds a toggle button at the top left of fextralife pages that will show/hide the side menu.
Fextralife Searchbox FocusJS-Target the searchbox on Fextralife wikis with a hotkey
埃尔登法环fextralife wiki翻译JS-翻译为埃尔登法环wiki网站的词条
Fextra Life CleanupJS-Remove the sidebar
REMARKABLE Markers - Icon Progress Tracking for Fextralife Elden Ring Interactive MapJS-Enables icon-based progress tracking to mark & hide explored locations (pickups, bosses, etc.) manually. Works on Fextralife Elden Ring map only. Legal notice: This userscript runs in parallel with Fextralife's own progress tracking feature, and does not seek to hack & unlock Fextralife's VIP functions. Warning: All user data are stored locally using the GM_setValue feature, Handle your saved progress with care!
fextralife, block streamJS-block the twitch stream on fextralife
Remove twitch embed on fextralifeJS-14/3/2023 12:48:51
Fextralife Remove Twitch and Fix LayoutJS-Removes twitch stream and fix layout for better readability and usability.
Disable Fextralife EmbedJS-Disables fextralife embedded stream, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iopeUvrYX9Q for more details
Disable obtrusive chat, all of dog-water fextralife.comJS-This script disables the annoying chat feature present on all dog-water fextralife "wiki" pages.
Remove annoying stuff from Elden Ring Wiki Interactive MapJS-Removes annoying stuff
PoE Wiki RedirectJS-Redirect Fextralife wiki to poewiki.net and poewiki2.net
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