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Argel fontsJS-Gota.io pixel font by Prof discord is .proffi
Autobus bold fontJS-Gota.io pixel font by Prof discord is .proffi
Thin tall fontJS-Gota.io pixel font by Prof discord is .proffi
Pixel fontJS-Gota.io pixel font by Prof discord is .proffi
Invert all colorsJS-Funny, but quite annoying thing
Darly Asthetic Extensions For Gota.io V1.0 💜JS-Official Gota.io Darly
Skin Manager (gota.io)JS-Just a simple script that helps you manage your skins.
Name relatedJS-For kingz
Rababa's Gota.io ModJS-Rababa added more fonts and cool fonts for the user name -- Original https://gfork.dahi.icu/scripts/375945-custom-fonts-for-gota-io
Script by CryptoXSSJS-Es Un script sencillo, lo que hace es poner caracteres aleatorios fuera de los corchetes.
Auto Cambiar skinsJS-cambia de skins con la tecla "C" automaticamente
Autoinvite ScriptJS-Autoinvite script Gota.io
Autoinvite ScriptJS-······················································Autoinvite ···························································
Auto Cambiar skinsJS-cambia de skins con la tecla "B" automaticamente, desactivar "Auto Respawn"
FontJS-Gota.io font by Prof discord is .proffi
Gota INV scriptJS-Script to send team invite to players by a single click. Just click on any profile on the chat window to send the invite.
Gota Team INV spam scriptJS-Spam team invites to players
Gota.io hide error bannerJS-hides error banner on top of the screen
Gota.io Multibox | Bots/TabJS-Gota.io Bots Based Tabs with Single Active Tab Control
Gota.io Center-to-Mouse Line YASXI💋💋JS-Draws a line from the center to the mouse in Gota.io with the option to change the line color.
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