Les résultats pour toutes les langues sont affichés. Afficher uniquement les résultats pour Français
IMDB to RARBG Torrent SearchJS-When on IMDB, click the small buttons to search for the movie/series on TorrentGalaxy, 1337x or RARBG Dump.
JSON-LD from IMDb to QuickStatementsJS-Gets data from JSON-LD from IMDb to QuickStatements, to publish it on Wikidata
细声百度翻译JS-1.0.0 选中文字跳转百度翻译 1.0.1 对选中文本编码
IMDB Large PhotosJS-Enlarge Actor's Icons on IMDB
IMDB ※ Clean Links (Enables History/Visited State)JS-Clean IMDB links so that any visited page is registered in your browser's history.
IMDb Youtube Trailer ButtonJS-Youtube trailers on imdb
Rotten Tomatoes info on IMDbJS-Fetches review count and average review score from Rotten Tomatoes
[DP] PlanetDP Diğer Sitelere PlanetDP Bağlantısı Ekleme AracıJS-Sık kullanılan birkaç film, dizi ve anime sitesine PlanetDP'ye kolay erişim sağlayacak bağlantı ekler.
IMDB: Also works with...JS-Reveals a still active feature, "Also worked with", that that used to be linked on actor bio page yet seems to have disappeared.
Show Letterboxd ratingJS-Show Letterboxd rating on imdb.com, metacritic.com, rottentomatoes.com, BoxOfficeMojo, Amazon, Google Play, allmovie.com, Wikipedia, themoviedb.org, fandango.com, thetvdb.com, save.tv
IMDb Actor Age reduxJS-Display the actor's age next to movie credits.
IMDb Actor Age/IMDBAgeJS-Display the actor's age next to movie credits / Adds the age and other various info onto IMDB pages
IMDB to RARBG.toJS-Should add a button to an IMDB page to go to the RARBG.to piracy page. https://i.imgur.com/U0Xg1T3.png - Requested by Charlie on Discord.
IMDb display RottenTomatoes info: reduxJS-Display RottenTomatoes Tomatometer rating info on IMDb pages
IMDb Actor AgeJS-Display the actor's age next to birth date. Also Works on the mobile version of IMDb.
Enhance titles - NetflixJS-Emphasize or hide titles on Netflix according to IMDb and local lists
General URL CleanerJS-Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Clube do Dual Search (Advanced View)JS-Search Clube do Dual from IMDB page (Advanced View)
BrTeam SearchJS-Search BrTeam from IMDB page
Stream IMDBJS-try to take over the Streaming world! This script will add few buttons on IMDB page from where on you can stream the movie if it is in the database.
iMDB youtube trailerJS-Youtube trailer search link next to title
Power IMDB:Trakt.tv & YouTube Trailers (Powered by PowerSheet.ai - Free No-Code Creation Platform)JS-"YouTube Trailer" & "View on Trakt.tv" on IMDB navbar for TV & movie rating, watchlist & progress. — Powered by👉🆓 PowerSheet.ai | The free 1st intelligent universal no-code/low-code platform | Collaborative creation, modeling, planning, analytics & web extensions | Sign up now free @ https://PowerSheet.ai
IMDB to SimklJS-try to take over the world!
IMDB to SimklJS-try to take over the world!
IMDb.com enable right click on imagesJS-Enable right click on images in the IMDb.com media viewer
IMDb fullscreen imageviewerJS-Fix the new layout to make it look more like the old design. Display old & new layout fullscreen.
Imdb Show rating by seasonJS-Shows season statistics for TV Shows on IMDB
IMDb Sort Episodes by RatingJS-This script adds a button to sort tv show episodes by rating on IMDB.
IMDb2KGUploadJS-Add a link to IMDb movie pages directly to auto-filled KG upload form
IMDb Torrent & subs search (hasangdr) - CircleJS-Adds title search links to the most popular torrent sites.
IMDb - fix linksJS-Removes all tracking info from imdb links. Keeps other parameters intact.
IMDB Torrent Search 1-Click (to RARBG, Galaxy, 1337x)JS-1-Click Search for Torrent on most known websites
[IMDb] Quick SearchJS-It adds quick seach buttons for other sites on IMDb.
Imdb bluray searchJS-Bluray search
IMDB bigger thumbnails/images/poster on chart pagesJS-edits image url to get the full size picture and increases poster size
LinkToReelgoodJS-Add Reelgood search link to Movie and TV sites
IMDB: redirect to Reference ViewJS-Redirect IMDB TV show/movie etc. pages to the Reference View
IMDb - stop scriptsJS-Prevent unnecessary scripts from loading
General URL Cleaner RevivedJS-Cleans URLs from various popular sites and removes tracking parameters
IMDb - Set default user reviews sortingJS-Select which sorting option should be used by default when click on a link "User reviews"
IMDb to Cine LinkJS-IMDb zu Cine.to linker
imdb.com — Ratings from other websitesJS-Show ratings on the imdb.com movie page from Filmweb, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic.
Lecture en Streaming de films et séries IMDbJS-Lis le media en streaming directement sur IMDb.
IMDb to Rarbg & SubsceneJS-An Userscript for redirecting from IMDb to Rarbg and Subscene (+1337x soon) & other website can be added through editing the script
IMDb - fix ratingJS-Recompute a new film rating value based on your criterias
[Deprecated] MovieChat.org Message Boards on IMDb.com [Desktop]JS-Brings message boards back on IMDb by using MovieChat.org boards.
Clube do Dual Search 2.0 (Advanced View)JS-Search Clube do Dual from IMDB page (Advanced View)
IMDB to RARBG Torrent SearchJS-Click the RARBG-logo in the top left when on IMDB to search for the movie/series on RARBG
IMDb WideScreen Compact + GM Tweaks v.54CSS-For a large screen: Reorganize the Movie page to watch all the principals Infos without scrolling.
IMDb Page CleanerJS-Remove unnecessary information from IMDb & rearrange the layout
Make Image ClickableJS-Removes overlay that prevents images from being clicked
RARBG Helper (RARBG 助手)JS-根据 IMDB ID 一键搜索 RARBG BT 资源!
Filmweb.pl - Check on IMDb, RottenTomatoes and moreJS-Adds buttons to imdb.com, rottentomatoes.com, metacritic.com, upflix.pl, boxofficemojo.com
Torrent Quick SearchJS-Toggle for Searching Torrents via Search aggegrator
PTP button on other film sitesJS-Adds a button linking to a PTP search for the film on websites including IMDb, TMDB, Letterboxd, and Trakt.
Letterboxd ratings on IMDbJS-Shows a film's Letterboxd rating on its IMDb page.
IMDb - Dark and Gray Simple (USw) v.54CSS-Dark and Gray Simply...
IMDb Reelgood linkJS-Provides link to Reelgood for the title
IMDb lists Reelgood linksJS-Provides link to Reelgood for each title in your watchlist and any other list
IMDb Compact (Only New Names Pages) v.11CSS-Reorganize the new Name page of IMdb:Take advantage for a Wide Screen (More infos in a glance...)
IMDb Torrent Links - KalindiJS-Show links to torrent sites on IMDb film pages
IMDb Poll Suggestion CreatorJS-A simple JavaScript script to easily post a poll suggestion based on IMDb lists to the IMDb community forum on Sprinklr.
IMDB List ImporterJS-Import list of titles or people in the imdb list
IMDB Ratings ImporterJS-Import ratings for movies, TV series and episodes from a csv file.
Add to Sonarr/Radarr for IMDb and LetterboxdJS-Adds buttons to IMDb and Letterboxd to search for a show/movie in Sonarr/Radarr
IMDb Torrent Search button (TGx TorrentGalaxy)JS-Adds a torrent search button in the top left corner of the IMDb page
IMDb - Link Titles to TorrentGalaxyJS-Replaces the IMDb post title with its corresponding TorrentGalaxy catalog link
IMDB Movie to 1337x search buttonJS-When on IMDB click this red button to find it on 1337x.to
IMDb Id button copyJS-Adds live button for imdb id
IMDB Ratings on Actor PageJS-Request and add your own API key
IMDb to VidSrcJS-Add a button to redirect to vidsrc.net on IMDb pages.
IMDb Torrent Links - ChameleonJS-Show links to torrent sites on IMDb film pages
IMDb 30nama LinkJS-Adds a button to IMDb movie pages that links to the 30nama page of the movie.
IMDb Show ViewerJS-Adds IMDb Show Viewer functionality
IMDb you may know them fromJS-Adds a frame with movies I have already seen
Lecture en Streaming de films et séries IMDbJS-Lis le media en streaming directement sur IMDb.
IMDB - Reel FacesJS-Use some 'reel' magic on any 'Full Credits' page with the 'Reel Faces' Checkbox (When checked, It hides cast/crew that lack a profile picture) – because every movie deserves a picture-perfect cast!
IMDB_TRAKT_LINKJS-Adds trakt link to IMDB site
Redirect IMDB Cast links to MobileJS-Replaces all the links to view the cast of an IMDB title with the mobile version of the site because the mobile version has better formatting, but redirect back to desktop for the media gallery because that one is better
IMBD PirateJS-cool
IMDb Image ExtractorJS-Displays links to easily extract individual images from IMDb
IMDb TMDB Letterboxd LinkerJS-Opens the corresponding IMDb, TMDB, or Letterboxd page for movies, TV shows and people with a single click. Additionally, it also displays IMDb ratings on both TMDB and Letterboxd pages.
IMDb to 豆瓣JS-Adds a link to jump to Douban page using IMDb ID and automatically clicks on the first r###lt. Also adds a link to search Douban for the current movie or show on JustWatch.
Rating Blur ScriptJS-Blur user and critics ratings by default and unblur on hover for filmweb.pl, imdb.com, and letterboxd.com.
IMDb Torrent Search button (TGx TorrentGalaxy & EXT.TO)JS-Adds a torrent search button above the movie title on the IMDb page
IMDb - Show Digital Release DateJS-Displays the digital release date for movies and TV shows on IMDb
Vidsrc TMDB & IMDb IntegrationJS-Stream Movies and TV Shows directly on IMDb and TMDB in upto 1080p! No more shady websites with horrible ads and malware.
IMDB Movie or TV ShowJS-Adds an embedded video for streaming on any IMDB movie or TV show page with multiple mirrors.
IMDb with additional ratingsJS-Adds additional ratings (TMDB, Douban, Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, MyAnimeList) to imdb.com for movies and series. These can be activated or deactivated individually in the extension's configuration menu, which is accessible via the Tampermonkey menu. The extension also allows you to copy movie metadata by simply clicking on the runtime below the movie title.
IMDB Streaming ServiceJS-Allows people to watch any movie or TV show directly from the IMDb website
IMDB Video PlayerJS-Add video player from vidsrc.cc directly into IMDB movie/series webpage.
IMDB VidSrc PlayerJS-Add video player from vidsrc.net directly into IMDB movie/series webpage.
Bangumi 复制到剪切板JS-Bangumi 复制条目信息到剪切板
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