Les résultats pour toutes les langues sont affichés. Afficher uniquement les résultats pour Français
Last.fm generate album BB-codeJS-Adds an textarea on each album page on last.fm, with corresponding bb-code... Cat, dog and mouse ecosystem, but above all cheese.
LAST.FM Color Visited LinksJS-LAST.FM Color Visited Links with grey
Last.fm link to Metal ArchivesJS-Creates a small M in front of each artist link on www.last.fm
Last.fm User LevelsJS-Add Last.fm User Level ( http://stas.sh/lastfm/ ) to every last.fm profile you visit.
last.fm/douban/xiami search each otherJS-last.fm, douban, xiami search each other
Last.fm: Opera - My Top Tracks - July 2008JS-Shows any tracks on Last.fm artist pages that you've listened to by that artist.
Last.fm Reply trackerJS-Adds a reply tracker to your profile page
Last.fm Torrent SearchJS-Adds Kickass Torrents search links to the buy buttons on Last.FM
Last.fm Zippyshare SearchJS-Adds Zippyshare search links to the buy buttons on Last.FM
Show Metacritic.com ratingsJS-Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, fandango.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVnfo, rateyourmusic.com, GOG, Epic Games Store, save.tv
Show Metacritic.com ratings (Safari)JS-Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), TV.com, Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, movie.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVNfo, rateyourmusic.com
Last.fm Interference InhibitorJS-Crudely removes anti-adblock modal from Last.fm's radio waves.
Stig's Last.fm Album LinkrJS-Adding album links and headers to tracks on Last.Fm's recent plays listings - plus linkifying About Me section on profiles
Last.fm - Hide Activity BoxJS-Allows user to toggle display of activity box in their own profile
Last.fm - Opera: Highlight Same Artists - July 2010JS-Highlights artists that you listen to on other users' profiles.
Last.fm - Polish the profileJS-Display percentage of plays and statistics on user profile
Last.fm - Get last reply date - July 2008JS-Gets the date of the last post to group forum. For the Opera browser. By snyde1
Last.fm - Who has posted hereJS-Display usernames that posted in a thread.
Last.fm - Opera: Sort by timeJS-Sort overall top artists by time played.
Last.fm - How old is your musicJS-Allows user to find their album dates from Last.fm - tribute to pumpkinlll's "How old is your music" service
Last.fm - Artist average playsJS-Determines the average plays per listener. Suggested by meninc
Last.fm - Get TOMJS-Display taste-o-meter ratings for user lists
Last.fm Pirate SearchJS-Adds Pirate Bay search links to the buy buttons on Last.FM
last.fm listeners you knowJS-Shows play counts of "listeners you know" where it's present
Last Picture ShowJS-Link last.fm artist/album images directly to the image page
last.fm 1-click deleteJS-Shows a delete "x" button for scrobbles
LastFM Want You GoneJS-Hey LastFM, where did the "Ban Track" button go?!
Last.fm Bulk Delete ScrobblesJS-This script allows a bulk delete of Last.fm scrobbles
last.fm language redirectJS-Redirects to the page of the own language
Last.fm Bulk EditJS-Bulk edit your scrobbles for any artist or album on Last.fm at once.
Last.fm FadedCSS-Custom Last.fm theme
Remove title attributesJS-Removes all title attributes of all <a> tags.
LastFM: History CleanupJS-You can easily remove unwanted plays from your listening history
Edit Last.fm ScrobblesJS-Adds an "Edit scrobble" entry to the context menu of Last.fm
Last.fm Original Tag ChartJS-Restores the "subway map" chart on new Last.fm report pages
Last.fm Colored TagsJS-Colorizes the tags shown on artist and album pages
Last.fm colored music tags [classic colors]JS-colorizes the tags shown on artist and album pages
Last.fm Mini Artist TagsJS-Adds miniature top tags to library artists pages
Last.fm Tag CopierJS-Copy tags from Last.fm music pages
Last.fm Auto Click PLAY ON DEVICEJS-Auto clicks the PLAY ON DEVICE button so you don't have to do it manually when you are opening multiple tabs on Last.fm
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