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MediaFire DownloaderJS-Bypassing MediaFire To Direct Download
MediaFireJS-Auto Download MediaFire
Maknyos AutoInJS-Auto click to a link mostly for download purpose, iframe killer. Supported hosts: zippyshare, mediafire, sendspace, uptobox, cloud.mail.ru, adf.ly, and many more...
No Ad-Blocker MessagesJS-Gets rid of the message that pops up when you attempt to download a file from mediafire and you have a sort of adblock enabled.
Auto KlikJS-Auto Klik oploverz, samehadaku, anoboy, dkk
Anonfiles, Upload.ee, MediaFire PDF ViewerJS-Adds a button to view PDF and TXT files without needing to download them.
Ethos MediaFire Bypasser / Auto DownloaderJS-Bypasses MediaFire using the Ethos API and downloads the content automatically for the user,
MediaFire Batch DownloaderJS-Batch download files from a MediaFire folder
MediaFire Batch DownloaderJS-Batch download files from a MediaFire folder
MediaFire Error RedirectJS-Redirects specific MediaFire error pages to a new URL with the extracted quickkey.
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