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Wide new reddit | UserstyleCSS-Wide view for new reddit. Now with card view!
Reddit - Big Card ViewCSS-Makes the card view on Reddit bigger
Reddit Preview Button FixCSS-Some custom CSS on old.reddit.com causes the expand button to glitch out (where there's supposed to be a button, there's a gibberish image instead). This style fixes this by replacing the buttons with new button images from the Silk icon set. (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Silk_icons)
Reddit Inline Ad RemovalCSS-Finds all CSS classes that contain "promotedlink" and hides them.
Twitter/Reddit embed fixesCSS-Removes the trash from the Twitter & Reddit embeds
Ultimate ScrollBarCSS-Customizable scrollbar for Chromium based browsers (Chrome/Edge/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi), with minimal Firefox support
Reddit responsive + customizationsCSS-Reddit website is more suitable for wide screens.
Reddit Colored Comments [Updated for RES Users]CSS-Customizable Colored Comments for Reddit. [Updated for RES Users 2025]
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