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【比价狗超简洁版——持续维护】“比价”+“找内部优惠券”,支持#东、淘宝、天猫、苏宁、当当等各大主流##商品,自动显示隐藏优惠券和历史价格,页面简洁无广告。JS-商品优惠券+店铺优惠券+近180天历史价格查询,无券商品补贴立减红包。快速比价,以全网最低的价格买到商品,轻松省钱。有功能需求或问题可随时联系反馈([email protected])。
Automatically Bypass Steam Age VerificationJS-Sets your birthday to 1950 and submits the form.
Fast_Add_CartJS-Add to cart without redirect to cart page, also provide import/export cart feature.
Useful buttons | SteamJS-Adds SteamDB, Pirate sites and other buttons to the game page.
Open In SteamJS-Adds a link to open Steam content in the desktop client.
Auto Steam Discovery QueueJS-Go to next game queued as soon as page is done loading.
TENG 购物#比价脚本JS-仅在html标签中插入购物#官方js脚本,不含其他个人广告
Steam Show Purchase History by TypeJS-在Steam账户消费历史页面,显示指定类别的消费历史。Show purchases of checked types on Steam account purchase history site.
Direct LinkJS-Replace the redirect links with direct links
Steam显示隐藏的偏好设置JS-将Steam偏好设置里隐藏的设置完整的显示出来,包括选项的标题和描述。可解决例如Wallpaper Engine:壁纸引擎 锁国区等问题
Steam to Free Download SiteJS-Simply adds a pirate link to all games on the Steam store
Steam解锁不可描述游戏商店页JS-Steam Store (Turn on mature content in some region)
Steam Link Dropdown - Adds Clean Links to Various Safe Sites in a neat dropdownJS-Adds a quick and easy to access way of finding links to games.
Steam Game analyserJS-enter something useful
Steam Screenshot Arrow and Wheel ControlsJS-Allows you to use the arrow keys to switch screenshots.
Steam ScrollJS-Adds mouse wheel support to the horizontal screenshot slider on Steam product pages.
Fix drop-down menus on Steam storeJS-Keep the Games, Software, Hardware and For You menus from disappearing! (2015-10-16)
Steam search filter for LinuxJS-Always filter for linux
Show Metacritic.com ratingsJS-Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, fandango.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVnfo, rateyourmusic.com, GOG, Epic Games Store, save.tv
steam family auto loginJS-auto log on steam if family mode is enabled
Steam DLC wishlisterJS-Add all DLCs on wishlist by one click. Also you can remove game from wishlist directly from game store page.
TrueSteamCalcJS-Высчитывает количество потраченых на стим денег.
Steam: Bypass age confirmation promptsJS-Suppresses age confirmations on Steam store pages and community hubs
Steam - Default languageJS-Make sure you always see the steam page in your preferred language. You can configure the language in the language variable.
Steam Store - Free Packages ButtonJS-This userscript adds a button to the steam licenses page that adds free packages.
Steam Community - Enhanced Steam Dropdown MoverJS-Moves the Enhanced Steam dropdown into the steam profile dropdown (and simultaneously makes it compatible with custom Steam skins).
Steam Custom Layout, Sorting and FilteringJS-Allows to custom filter (min/max Price and min Discount) the search r###lts on Steam
Steam Queue ClickerJS-Process your Steam Discovery Queue automatically
Hide Steam VR GamesJS-Hide all vr games from search r###lt
Steam Check System Requirements ButtonJS-Adds a "check system requirements" button to the store page of a Steam app, which will see if a computer meets an app's system requirements
Steam DRM Highlighter RevenantJS-Highlight DRM-related words in Steam Store pages.
Steam ARG SEARCH buttonJS-SEARCH button
Show Metacritic.com ratings (Safari)JS-Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), TV.com, Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, movie.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVNfo, rateyourmusic.com
Bundle HelperJS-Add tools for many bundle sites.
Add SteamDB infoJS-Add SteamDB.info for lowest price and link
Steam Store - Wishlist ExporterJS-Export your wishlist in a raw text list (applies chosen filters)
MoreSteamRatingsJS-Show more game ratings on steam store
Auto Steam Age VerifierJS-Lets you set your age so you can skip the Steam Age Verification page.
Steam Price Comparison - Unpowered editionJS-Displays prices from all regions in the Steam store and convert them to your local currency
Steam GalleryJS-Adds gallery buttons to steam showcases
Steam Extra Game LinksJS-Adds extra links to Steam Store and Game Hub pages.
Steam Badge HelperJS-Add various features to Steam focus on Trading Cards and Badges
Steam: add Youtube trailer linkJS-Adds a link to search for the trailer on Youtube after the app title
Steam Video OverlayJS-让 Steam 游戏详情页面的视频悬浮起来~~~
Steam Store - Open App in Steam ClientJS-Adds Link in Steam Store Page to open page in the Steam Client, look for the green button to the right of the game title.
MetaCriticAllJS-Metacritic ratings everywhere. See the supported sites in the @include section of the script.
STS HelperJS-In Steam Translation Server, add many features to make translate easier.
Steam Store Achievement LinksJS-Adds links to Achievement Websites from a games Steam store page.
Steam: Send gifts to friends who already own themJS-Allows you to send Steam gifts to friends even if they already own it.
Show Linux games when you scroll on the Steam store pageJS-Sorry not working anymore, I'll update if I find a way to fix it but it's unlikely. Display Linux games instead of Windows games on the Steam Store page when you scroll down
蒸汽夏卖 - 自动探索JS-自动探索下一个项目。
Steam Free License HelperJS-脚本来源:https://steamcn.com/t139360-1-1
Enhanced Steam Community ModJS-Add some extra functions to Steam Community
HTML5 Steam TrailersJS-Replaces Steam's own video controls with dark HTML5 controls.
Steam cart sorterJS-sort the Steam cart by price
Steam Auto QueueJS-自动探索Steam队列,有延时,可暂停
steam探索队列JS-try to take over the world!
Steam HotkeysJS-Add hotkeys to navigate the Steam website and Discovery Queue
Lex's SG Chart MakerJS-Create bundle charts for Steam Gifts.
ReSteamJS-Tweaks to make Steam look nicer!
SteamRedeemKeysJS-Steam网页激活 —— 批量激活
Steam Bundle Sites ExtensionJS-A steam bundle sites' tool kits.
Batch Register Steam KeysJS-Allows you to redeem your Steam product keys with just one click
Steam Gifting Scripts.JS-A script that makes gifting to one that already have the game possible.
Steam Game Page - Add Links To Game Trailer & Gameplay Search On YouTubeJS-This script adds links to the right of the breadcrumbs on a Steam game page so you can easily and quickly search youtube for a trailer for the game or for a gameplay video.
Steam Store - Search R###lts ActionsJS-Add actions to steam store search r###lts.
IGG-Games Links for Steam StoreJS-Simply adds a IGG-Games link to all games on the steam store
IsThereCouponForThisJS-Отображает доступные купоны с помощью значка на странице магазина, на виджетах встроенных на форуме и в вишлисте.
Steam Store - Show Entire WishlistJS-Shows all hidden wishlisted apps
Import/Export Steam Ignore ListJS-Imports/Exports Steam Ignore List
Steam Error Widget HelperJS-For error widgets shows steamdb.info link and game name (if possible).
Steam Wishlist ScraperJS-Scrapes steam wishlist into a CSV file for Excel / LibreOffice
Steam - Show Linux compatibility up topJS-Shows Linux compatibility in a game page's title so you can see at a glance whether it supports linux without having to scroll down.
Steam 评分优化脚本JS-优化 Steam 的评分系统
Steam Screenshot ScrollJS-Use mouse wheel to scroll screenshots in Steam
Steam Wishlist CopyJS-Copy specified user's wishlist to your wishlist.
Steam auto key activatorJS-Active steam Key
Steam - Türkçe Yama DeposuJS-https://teknoseyir.com/durum/671175
Steam自动探索队列JS-Steam节庆活动用脚本,自动探索3次队列。(Автоматический просмотр трех списков рекомендаций во время распродажи)
Steam Queue Auto DiscoverJS-Automatic queue discoverer for 3 Steam Sale cards getting
Steam totally disable autoplayJS-Totally disable steam autoplay
Load More on SteamJS-This script automatically clicks Load More button on Steam Chat Logs.
Steam Free Licenses CleanerJS-批量自定义删除账号中的免费凭证
Steam WishList CleanerJS-批量自定义清除Steam愿望单
Steamkey RegisterJS-批量激活steam的许可Key
Steam one-click remove from wishlistJS-Allows you to remove an item from your Steam wishlist with one click on the "On Wishlist" button on the game's store page.
Steam Secure LoginJS-自定义登录框以防钓鱼网站
Steam Wishlist SorterJS-Lets you sort your Steam wishlist by comparing two games at a time.
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