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Gaston's - téléchargeur vidéo / imageJS-Instagram / twitch / youtube / tiktok vidéo / téléchargeur audio (fréquemment mis à jour)
免费YouTube™ Downloader,YouTube HTML5视频&MP3音频播放工具,把油管当播客听MP3,本地油管视频通用下载器 🚀💯 - tingyour.com(NO ADS 🚫)!JS-免###网工具/##在线看油管,快速搜索,中文字幕下载/双语翻译,把油管当播客听MP3,将YouTube当Podcast听,可以订阅自己喜欢的油管博主及频道,收藏自己喜欢的视频,极速加载无需等待,免费YouTube™ Downloader,本地YouTube油管下载器,YouTube视频下载,油管视频通用下载器,不需要通过第三方的服务就能下载YouTube油管视频,支持MP3/MP4/HD/SD/FullHD/3GP等高清高码率格式,YouTube MP3音频&HTML5视频播放工具!
Remove ads TwitchJS-Continue to view twitch stream when ad
Twitch - Disable automatic video downscaleJS-Disables the automatic downscaling of Twitch streams while tabbed away
FrankerFaceZJS-Loads the main FrankerFaceZ script in browsers that don't support the extension but do support UserScripts; updated from http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/167158 and may break in your browser, UserScript version does not reflect actual FFZ version.
Auto Close Twitch AdsJS-Close, mute or hide Twitch video ads automatically while watching a stream!
Redirecteur de confidentialitéJS-Rediriger les plateformes de médias sociaux vers leurs pages d'accueil respectueuses de la vie privée
Twitch 自動#取掉寶 / Auto Receive DropsJS-Twitch 自動#取 (掉寶/Drops) , 窗口標籤顯示進度 , 直播結束時還沒#完 , 會自動尋找任意掉寶直播 , 並開啟後繼續掛機 , 代碼自訂義設置
Play-With-MPVJS-使用 mpv 播放网页中的视频,并支持 potplayer 及自定义播放器
Twitch Auto Channel Points ClaimerJS-Automatically claim channel points.
Twitch 自動點擊獎勵JS-自動點擊50獎勵
Twitch helperJS-Auto claim bonus and automatically restart the player if an error occurs
Cobalt Tools Video DownloaderJS-Adds a context menu item that downloads the current page's video.
Video Player ToothbrushJS-牙刷科技!让所有视频播放器网页全屏!默认快捷键ALT+1,可自行修改
Bigger TwitchJS-Removes the left nav bar entirely and stretches the twitch player to use as much space as possible.
TwitchBlock PlusJS-Remove people/games from directories
Twitch BetterTTV without extensionJS-This script load bttv without having to download the extension;
Twitch Chat Blacklist WordsJS-Blacklist Block Words in Twitch Chat
Twitch fullscreen with commentsJS-Enter fullscreen mode with comments UI overlayed on the side with opacity
twitchAdSkipJS-Bezos is already too rich;i didn't make this
Play with MPVJS-Play videos and songs on the website via mpv-handler
Youtube/Twitch to streamlinkJS-Add button to youtube and twitch player to watch the video/stream in streamlink
pttchatonyoutubeJS-Connect ptt pushes to youtube chatroom
Twitch, Simplifiy ChatJS-Simplifiy for chat
Twitch - Auto Channel PointsJS-Automatically claim channel points
Twitch Screen Comment Scroller(fix)JS-Twitch のコメントをニコニコ風にスクロールさせます。
Twitch Stream Auto-WatchJS-Auto-Watches a stream that is offline on page load, as soon as it goes online.
Twitch.tv chat TranslationJS-Add a button to the Twitch.tv website that opens a menu to translate messages to the Twitch.tv chat.
Twitch BeautifyJS-直播頁面: 自動美化、滑鼠懸浮時自動收合按鈕、重新播放功能自動觸發。 首頁: 恢復原始樣式、自動暫停與靜音、可拖曳與縮放直播窗口。
FrankerFaceZJS-FrankerFaceZ gives Twitch users custom chat emotes and introduces new features to improve the viewing experience.
Replace Twitch Player with Kick (Bajindo Only)JS-Fully replaces Twitch's video player with Bajindo's Kick stream, ensuring video loads correctly.
Monster TwitchJS-Stretches stream to max width and hides left navigation bar with an Monster toggle that's to the right of the volume rocker
Twitch.TV Background-B-GoneJS-Removes channel backgrounds only.
Twitch.TV Above The Chat Bar HiderJS-Removes annoying top bar above chat that displays the buttons 'Chat' & 'Videos'
Twitch Chroma ChatJS-Chroma Key Style Background for Twitch Chat
Twitch Plays Pokemon - Command Filtering & Spamming ToolJS-Adds tools to your chatbox for spamming chat and filtering out commands from chat.
Twitch Plays Pokemon Chat FilterJS-Chat commands from the Twitch Plays Pokemon stream are filtered.
Twitch touches pokemonJS-A tool adding a touch overlay onto the stream of twitchplayspokemon.
Twitch.tv chat only on right sideJS-Useful if you are watching stream in a mediaplayer. Works on twitch.tv/your_channel/chat.
twitchPlaysDarkFilterChatJS-A script to filter out the chat commands in Twitch Plays Dark Souls
Twitch Player PlusJS-Various tweaks to the Twitch HTML5 player UI
twitchplaysdarkJS-twitchplaysdark controller
Twitch Russian FilterJS-Filter russian streams from games.
Twitch Material DesignJS-Materialize Twitch
Twitch Chat CleverbotJS-try to take over the world!
Twitch Multi-RedirectJS-Redirect Twitch with options
Twitch OfficialParagonBot filterJS-hides all chat except that of the OfficialParagonBot
TwimagesJS-Inline images (and other extras) for Twitch Chat
StreamProtocol for Twitch and HitBoxJS-Watch Twitch and HitBox in an external player
Twitch Arbitrary Chat ModeJS-Hides chat messages unless they roll a D6
TwitchVODEnhancerJS-Find the most interesting moments in Twitch.tv Videos (VODs).
Twitch Prevent AutoplayJS-Prevents Autoplay in embedded Twitch Players
Twitch VODCAST removerJS-Remove VODCASTS from following page
BetterTwitchTV for FrankerFaceZJS-Better Twitch TV emotes for FrankerFaceZ
Twitch PiP buttonJS-Add picture in picture button to twitch.tv player.
Vertical Stream MagicJS-Adjust Twitch streams for a vertical orientated monitor.
"TwitchPleb"JS-"Free Twitch.tv subscriber emotes"
twitch spam filterJS-this script reduces twitch's chat spam
Twitch bot detectorJS-Запрашивает у api twitch.tv количество зрителей и юзеров в чате, сравнивает показатели и выводит над чатом
Twitch/Chatango Dyslexia Giver (Scramble Words)JS-Gives you "dyslexia" on Twitch and HTML5 Chatango. Code from https://geon.github.io/programming/2016/03/03/dsxyliea
Civilized Twitch ChatJS-Turns the Twitch chat into a civilized chat room by removing spam, all caps messages, repeated phrases, repeated messages, banned messages, repeated letters and more.
Twitch - Images Link to ImageJS-Convert the url images to the real images!
Twitch Prime ReminderJS-Adds a reminder of who you used your Twitch Prime sub on and when it expires to the Subscribe button modal
Reload TwitchJS-Reloads a Twitch page to check if stream is live, time settings are UTC and set for the FACEIT London 2018 CS:GO Major start times.
Twitch VODCast HiderJS-get that weak ass shit out of here
Twitch: Full TheaterJS-Hides/Resizes elements preventing video from displaying in the full window while using Theater Mode
Twitch: Event RemoverJS-Remove Upcoming and Recent Events from directory
Giveaway HelperJS-Enhances Steam key-related giveaways
Legacy ChatJS-Replaces new chat
BanKanStyleJS-#### bad emotes
Twitch Tab Completion (compatible with BTTV)JS-Tab completion for emotes (and users) also add chat history. BetterTTV
Legacy Chat 2JS-Replaces New Chat
pipirkaJS-example script to insert div with h1 on every page twitch.tv
Load more followed channelsJS-Loads many more follower channels.
Load more followed channels (minimised)JS-Loads many more follower channels and keeps bar minimised.
Twitch fulltitle and no cheerpinJS-Shows the fulltitle on twitch and removes the pin for cheers on top of the stream
Twitch Auto Pause HostJS-Prevents hosted streams from auto playing.
Filter twitch chatJS-Filter chat at twitch.tv script, it removes messages with single word
Twitch Emotes KillerJS-Stops emotes spam (Blocks chat messages that contains emotes only)
Twitch Rerun HiderJS-Hide Reruns from the following page
Twitch Chat DeretardifierJS-removes idiocy
Twitch Blacklist WordsJS-Blacklist Words in Twitch Chat
Twitch Chatroom EssentialJS-Show users with essential badge(s) only.
Twitch Translate Chat MessagesJS-Double-Click to Translate Twitch Chat Messages
Twitch Restore Original LULJS-Brings back the original version of the LUL emote
Twitch FrankerFaceZ Emotes in VODsJS-Enables FrankerFaceZ emotes in VODs, requires FrankerFaceZ (obviously)
Filter GamesDoneQuick (AGDQ, SGDQ) Twitch chat.JS-Removes chat messages with emotes only, UPPERCASE ONLY and user notices.
Twitch - Mute ads and optionally hide themJS-Automatically mutes the Twitch player when an advertisement started and unmute it once finished. You can also hide ads by setting disableDisplay to true.
Twitch - Redirect Videos (VoDs) to Popout Player VersionJS-Save CPU usage by redirecting Twitch Videos (VoDs) to popout player version
Twitch - Redirect Live Videos to Popout Player VersionJS-Redirect Twitch broadcasts to the minimal popout player version
트위치 클립 다운로드 단축키JS-트위치 클립 페이지에서 d 버튼을 누르면 다운로드 실행
Twitch Re Enable Save ClipJS-Re Enables Right Click Save As
Twitch PiP Enabler (Chromium 70+)JS-Adds PiP button in Twitch Player
Twitch Confirm Message SendJS-Confirms Twitch Chat Messages
Enhance twitchJS-Auto click claim bonus (channel points and moments), Show images/video in chat, always source quality, hide offline channels and more
Twitch Screen Comment ScrollerJS-Twitch のコメントをニコニコ風にスクロールさせます。
Twitch: Compact ChatJS-Larger video in theater mode with smaller chat and emote zoom on hover
FrankerFaceZJS-FrankerFaceZ gives Twitch users custom chat emotes and introduces new features to improve the viewing experience.
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