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Whatsapp WallJS-Whatsapp web media slide show!
●→■ Unround Everything Everywhere ◙CSS-Forces zero border-radius to everything.
API WhatsApp To WEB WhatsAppJS-9/10/2021, 1:25:20 PM
Whatsapp Web Auto SenderJS-3/12/2020, 12:29:32 PM
Telegram SpamJS-Spamming!
WhatsApp Web BossJS-Hides your whatsapp session at work
WhatsApp Web Client - Disable leave/reload dialogJS-Simply disables the window.onbeforeunload handler by setting it to null
Whatsapp Sidebar HiderJS-Hide the whatsapp side bar
Whatsapp Web - Image carroselJS-Whatsapp web media slide show!
Whatsapp spam 2.0JS-Made by Macr1408 (Also known as Razor1408) for razor.260mb.org
WhatsApp Web Background ChangerJS-Change WhatsApp Web Chat Background
WhatsApp online notifierJS-Notifies you when a user comes online. This script will only work if have a tab open and navigated to https://web.whatsapp.com/ and have selected a person. The next time this person comes online you should hear a bleeb. *Bleeb*!
WhatsApp Web - Chat BotJS-A chat bot for WhatsApp Web, with some basic commands. Check console for log.
Whatsapp Web Privacy ModeJS-Tools to hide contact names and pictures of Whatsapp Web.
Whatsapp Web Privacy ModeJS-Add button and hotkey to hide contact names and avatars on web.whatsapp.com
WhatsApp Web SpammerJS-Spam people with this beautiful WhatsApp Web spammer.
WhatsApp Web Country FlagsJS-Inserts flag images in front of phone numbers not saved as contact.
Whatsapp contact searchJS-try to take over the world!
Whatsapp Web dark theme enablerJS-A JS file for Tampermonkey that allows you to enable dark theme on Whatsapp Web website.
WhatsApp like it should be: no whitespace!JS-Removes the dumb space-wasting layout used on displays wider than 1440px.
dark_mode_whatsappwebJS-Activate dark mode in https://web.whatsapp.com/
WhatsappWeb Dark mode for PCJS-Set WhatsappWeb Dark mode on.
Whatsapp Native Dark ThemeJS-Adds "dark" class to the Whatsapp Web document to enable its native dark theme
WhatsWebDarkModeJS-This script allows Whatsapp Web to be in Dark Mode.
WhatsApp CollapseJS-Collapse the contacts sidebar when you click the header.
WhatsApp WebJS-Extensions for WhatsApp Web
Whatsapp Toggle (Hide/Show) Contacts By N.SJS-Creates A Toggle Button Switch Which Hides And Shows The WhatsApp Contacts And Messages For Privacy (Also ESC Key can be used)
Ultimate ApitoWeb Whatsapp Alterator 3000JS-Changes links with api.whatsapp.com to web.whatsapp.com for web links if you don't have/(want to install) whatsapp desktop.
WhatsApp Web Notification Sound ChangerJS-Adds a settings menu to change WhatsApp Web notification sound/volume
WhatsApp Web Unblock Audio SpeedJS-Allows Video Speed Controller to speed up audios from WhatsApp Web
WhatsApp privacity blur filterJS-Put a blur effect on your chats and avoid peeping toms
WhatsApp BombText ButtonJS-Creates a button that when pressed copies and pastes the text written in the chatbox
Whatsapp TextArea ResizeJS-resizable chatbox text area
hideLeftPanelJS-Esconde o painel esquerdo de conversas do WhatsApp. Apenas pressione Ctrl + Alt ou Alt + Ctrl
WhatsApp Web Message SpamJS-Adds a button to repeatedly send the same message in a certain interval.
P PusherJS-Script to help you stay 🅿️ushin 🅿️ on WhatsappWeb
Hide Status button on whatsapp webJS-Hides the Status/Stories button in WhatsApp Web
WhatsApp Conversation HiderJS-Hides the conversation tab when ESC is pressed
WhatsApp privacity blur filterJS-Put a blur effect on your chats and avoid peeping toms
best Telegram Spam appJS-Spamming!
Whatsapp-Web BlockerJS-Hide messages of certain group members on WhatsappWeb
Collapse WebWhatsapp - whatsapp.comJS-05/11/2022, 12:39:09
WhatsApp HiderJS-Simple contacts hider for WhatsApp WEB.
Hide WhatsApp ArchiveJS-It hides the Archive button in WhatsApp
WhatsApp Web Mention EveryoneJS-Automatically tag everyone in a group chat on WhatsApp Web
Whatsapp Tool all in one Changue background chats and moreJS-Whatsapp Tool all in one Changue background chats and moree
Otimizador WhatsAppJS-Um script para otimizar o WhatsApp, tornando-o mais rápido e com menos poluição de tela.
WhatsApp Web Archived RemoverJS-Remove the Archived row from WhatsApp Web
Whatsapp CamouflageJS-Change the look of WhatsApp Web to have better privacy.
WhatsApp Web PasteJS-Temporal workaround for WhatsApp Web paste Ctrl+V behaviour.
WhatsappWebWithMoreAccessibility_corrigidoJS-versão corrigida do script de acessibilidade feita por Juliano Lopes (https://github.com/juliano-lopes/) a fim de atender a versão mais recente do WhatsApp Web
WhatsApp Web NeonJS-Donne à l'interface web de WhatsApp (chat) un thème néon sombre.
WhatsApp Hide Chat ListJS-Hide WhatsApp Web chat list
Accented letters workaround for WhatsApp on Firefox LinuxJS-11/27/2023, 6:47:56 AM
MSN Notification Sound for Whatsapp WebJS-Replaces the default Whatsapp Web new message sound with the classic MSN one
WhatsApp Web Full ScreenJS-Disable margins and use all available screen space for chats on WhatsApp Web.
Fullscreen Whatsapp WebJS-Make the Whatsapp Web interface occupy the whole viewport even on large screens (idea suggested by POPO7)
WhatsApp Deleted Messages ViewerJS-Alert when a message is deleted in WhatsApp Web.
WhatsApp Hide Chat ListJS-Hide or show the WhatsApp Web chat list based on user interaction. Includes features for resizing and locking Chat list visibility.
WhatsApp group events to ICSJS-Searches for messages containing a date(s) and a hyperlink in the currently open whatsapp chat (or rather, in messages that have been scrolled past), and lets you download them as an .ics for import into your favourite calendar app.
Remove Channels from WhatsApp WebJS-Removes the Channels button from the WhatsApp Web interface
Whatsapp Web Break photo single viewJS-See single view photo on whatsapp web without limitations
Toggle WhatsApp Sidebar WidthJS-Changes Whatsapp Web, contact size so it can be toggled on or off.
Fullscreen WhatsApp Web + Hide Chat List + Blur Sent PhotosJS-Nascondi la lista delle chat su WhatsApp Web quando il mouse non è sopra di essa, fai occupare all'interfaccia l'intero schermo, e sfoca le foto inviate nei messaggi, che si schiariscono al passaggio del mouse.
API WhatsApp To WEB WhatsApp Redirect with DebugJS-Redirects API WhatsApp links to Web WhatsApp and logs page information for debugging.
Collapse WhatsAppJS-Hide elements on WhatsApp Web using Alt+C (Channels) and Alt+S (Sidebar)
whatsappsenzarubricaJS-Contact someone on whatsapp without having the number in the phone addressbook!
WhatsApp Fullscreen ModeJS-Forces WhatsApp Web to fit proportionally in the browser window with proper scaling and positioning
Blur WhatsApp ChatsJS-Blurs inactive WhatsApp chats and reveals them on hover
WhatsApp Web 输入法 ESC 键优化JS-修复 WhatsApp Web 中文输入法 ESC 键冲突问题
Send message on <C-Enter>JS-well, fix WhatsApp i guess.
Nome GuiaJS-Altera o nome da guia
WhatsApp FullscreenJS-Removes the white space in WhatsApp Web.
WhatsApp Dual TimezoneJS-Show message timestamps in two timezones.
Whatsapp Web SpammerJS-A userscript that adds a Spam button to WhatsApp Web interface allowing you to send repeated messages with customizable count and timing.
Autocollants personnalisésJS-Créer des autocollants personnalisés dans WhatsApp Web.
WhatsApp Right-Click Dropdown MenuJS-Opens the options menu of a message on right-click in WhatsApp Web, replacing normal right click behavior.
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