Les résultats pour toutes les langues sont affichés. Afficher uniquement les résultats pour Français
Show Metacritic.com ratingsJS-Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo, allmovie.com, fandango.com, Wikipedia (en), themoviedb.org, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide, followshows.com, TheTVDB.com, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork, Last.fm, TVnfo, rateyourmusic.com, GOG, Epic Games Store, save.tv
Show Rottentomatoes meterJS-Show Rotten Tomatoes score on imdb.com, metacritic.com, letterboxd.com, BoxOfficeMojo, serienjunkies.de, Amazon, Google Play, allmovie.com, Wikipedia, themoviedb.org, movies.com, tvmaze.com, tvguide.com, followshows.com, thetvdb.com, tvnfo.com, save.tv
Show Letterboxd ratingJS-Show Letterboxd rating on imdb.com, metacritic.com, rottentomatoes.com, BoxOfficeMojo, Amazon, Google Play, allmovie.com, Wikipedia, themoviedb.org, fandango.com, thetvdb.com, save.tv
一键复制公式JS-Click to copy equation in Wikipedia and Zhihu
维基百科简体中文化JS-Wikipedia 维基百科和 wikiwand 默认语言转简体中文。
Back2sourceJS-Redirecting to source sites from sites with machine translation, etc.
Copy Wiki URL on WikiwandJS-Allows to quickly copy wiki url on wikiwand page.
Wikiwand EnhancerJS-Userscript that fixes the five-minute shit that Wikiwand couldn't fix on its website. Seriously, just don't sit on Wikiwand, it's that terrible.
Wikiwand Sidebar HoverJS-ToC will expand when hovered over and collapsed when the mouse exits
隐藏 Wikiwand 中的多余元素及添加跳转 Youtube 与 Bilibili 的按钮JS-删除 Wikiwand 中的多余元素,在工具栏添加跳转 Youtube 和 Bilibili 的按钮。可根据你的网络状态自行调整脚本头部的重复超时值。可自定义要显示的按钮类型。
WikiWand focus searchJS-On WikiWand, focus the search field so that you can enter a search without having to use the mouse to focus the field
Wikiwand Setting OverrideJS-Update settings for Wikiwand.com to prefered values
userscript-clean-wikiwandJS-Clean Wikiwand
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