Les résultats pour toutes les langues sont affichés. Afficher uniquement les résultats pour Français
Zendesk Window TitleJS-Improves the browser window title when using zendesk agent by adding info like ticket id.
zendesk sidebar toggleJS-toggles the ticket left panel in zendesk
Toggle sidebar in ticketsJS-Adds a toggle button to expand and collapse the ticket sidebar in Zendesk ticket view
Add stackedit.io wysiwyg markdown editor to zendeskJS-try to take over the world!
Zendesk help center MCE extendedJS-Enhanced the tiny MCE editor use in zendsesk
Zendesk Events - Highlight tag changesJS-try to take over the world!
Zendesk close all tabsJS-Adds a button to Zendesk to close all tabs
Pinned comments in ZendeskJS-Allows the user to mark comments as pinned to top
Zendesk Tag ComparisonJS-Generates a more human readable tag comparison in the events menu.
Zendesk user ticket markdownJS-Renders markdown in user sent tickets
Better Zendesk for BandLabJS-Zendesk enhancements for BandLab support team
Zendesk EnhancementsJS-Améliore l'interface Zendesk et ajoute des fonctionnalités supplémentaires
Zendesk Change Active Tab ColorJS-Change color of active tab in Agent workspace to green
Zendesk Change Active Tab Color (Chrome)JS-Change color of active tab in Agent workspace to green
Zendesk Window Title ImprovedJS-Improves the browser window title when using zendesk agent by adding info like ticket id.
Zendesk Notification Sound & Highlight UpdatedJS-Play sound and change button style when a new notification arrives in Zendesk.
Zendesk EnhancementsJS-Enhances Zendesk interface and adds additional functionality
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