Favoris by Ray0
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DownloadAllContentJS-Lightweight web scraping script. Fetch and download main textual content from the current page, provide special support for novels
Yet Another Weibo FilterJS-Sina Weibo feed filter by keywords, authors, topics, source, etc.; Modifying webpage layout
慕课网 下载视频(失效)JS-获取视频下载链接,使用方法:进入任意课程点击下载即可。如http://www.imooc.com/learn/814。慕课网已废弃v1和v2接口, 全面启用HLS, 此脚本失效, 详情看脚本内说明。github:https://github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey,欢迎star和fork。
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