Try Me Later by Azazello
Some scripts take time to fully appreciate -- Try 'em at a later time!
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Better Google (Updated)JS-Don't be evil
Play video on hoverJS-Facebook, Vimeo, Youtube, Streamable, Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter, X, Dailymotion, Coub, Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Deezer, Tidal, Ted, Pbs, Odysee, Playeur, Bitchute, Rss - play on hover
Google Images View ButtonJS-At the Google Images preview pan the script adds a button that opens an image in a new tab
Deezer List All ReleasesJS-Lists ALL releases at the artist page, not just hand picked ones by deezer.
All tables sortableJS-Make all tables on any page sortable by converting them to dataTables
Ruffle Flash PlayerJS-Play flash (.swf) files
Universal Dark Theme MakerJS-Simple Dark Theme style for any website which you can configure per-site
YouTube Link SaverJS-Save YouTube links with persistent storage
Compact Youtube layoutJS-Corrections to UI of trying to make it more compact like in good old times
Hide LinkedIn Promoted PostsJS-Hide promoted posts on LinkedIn feed
Change YouTube Leftbar Subscription Links To Channel/User Video PageJS-Change YouTube leftbar's subscription links to channel/user video page. This script can optionally also move updated links to top of the list (if there's enough space), optionally uncollapse all updated links which may extend the non collapsible links, and optionally display the number of updated & total links following the "SUBSCRIPTION" section label. All features can be enabled/disabled from the script code. For new YouTube layout only.
IndeedJunkFilterJS-Removes customizable job offers from Indeed by automatically hiding any job element that has any keywords from the filterList. Fork from
Google Search URL Fixup ForkJS-Sets the links in the JavaScript-free Google Basic Variant (gbv=1) search r###lts to their original domains, which circumvents click routing through Google's query parameters, fixes browser history mismatch, and strips tracking query parameters.
Comments Owl for Hacker NewsJS-Highlight new comments, mute users, and other tweaks for Hacker News
Scribd bypassJS-Script disables blur on text & add full document
Redirect YouTube channel to /videosJS-Redirect a YouTube channel home page straight to the videos tab.
Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal)JS-Débloquez le clic droit, supprimez les restrictions de copie, de découpe, de sélection de texte, de menu clic droit, de copie de texte, de sélection de texte, de clic droit sur l'image, etc. Améliorez les fonctionnalités : Sélectionnez le texte du lien hypertexte avec la touche Alt.
Faites glisser le lien pour copier du texteJS-Copiez le texte de n'importe quel lien en le faisant simplement glisser.
colourifyJS-This script makes all the web pages colorful.
Linky SquareJS-Grab links by dragging a square.
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