Auto Dark Mode by Jason Kwok
Auto Dark Mode
Les résultats pour Français sont affichés uniquement. Afficher les résultats pour toutes les langues.
Auto Dark Mode for Bahamut AniMadJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Auto Dark Mode for HamelnJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Auto Dark Mode for KadoKadoJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Auto Dark Mode for MirahezeJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Auto Dark Mode for NyaaJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
Auto Dark Mode for pixivJS-Automatically switch the theme between light and dark, based on the browser’s color scheme preference.
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