by NWP favorite scripts
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Greasy Fork++JS-Ajoute diverses fonctionnalités et améliore l'expérience Greasy Fork
Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal)JS-Débloquez le clic droit, supprimez les restrictions de copie, de découpe, de sélection de texte, de menu clic droit, de copie de texte, de sélection de texte, de clic droit sur l'image, etc. Améliorez les fonctionnalités : Sélectionnez le texte du lien hypertexte avec la touche Alt.
GreasyFork Bullshit FilterJS-Hides scripts for popular browser games and social networks as well as scripts that use "foreign" characters in descriptions. Applies to posts in Forum too.
Greasy Fork tweaksJS-various tweaks for site for enhanced usability and additional features
GreasyFork HelperJS-This script will add several shortcut buttons under each script item on the script list page and script author's home page of GreasyFork website. Including features such as direct installation, Temporarily hidden, blacklisting, and more exciting needs you to find out. And an input box was added at the top of the script list items, So you can filter out your own scripts by keywords.Author:浴火凤凰(QQ Number:307053741,QQ Group Number:194885662)
Greasyfork in your languageJS-Whenever a link to localized greasyfork page is clicked, redirect it to the specified language
Greasy Fork Script DiscussionsJS-Easily shows you what script discussions need a response.
GreasyFork User DashboardJS-It redesigns Greasy Fork user pages to improve the browsability.
URL Replacer/RedirectorJS-Redirect specific sites by replacing part of the URL.
VM detectorJS-Detector installation status for scripts on Violentmonkey.
GreasyFork: download script buttonJS-If you have a script manager and you want to download some script without installing it, this script will help
Markdown toolbar for GreasyForkJS-Select Markdown format by default, add help links, add toolbar formatting buttons for markdown
GreasyFork Copy Code SnippetJS-A userscript that adds a copy code button to the greasyfork code page
Sort Number for Greasy Fork ScriptsJS-Show order number for Greasy Fork script list page, for every page
Greasy Fork Display User InformationJS-Display user information.
Greasy Fork: Mark script discussions as readJS-Mark feedback on your scripts as read
Greasyfork Set Edit+JS-Ajouter un script à un jeu de scripts / supprimer un script d'un jeu de scripts directement sur la page d'informations sur les scripts GF
Greasy Fork User Statistics+JS-shows user statistics as total installs, total scripts etc.
Greasy Fork Install Button at searchJS-adds install button at search and at user pages.
GreasyFork aggregate statsJS-View the total GreasyFork stats of a user
Spotify WaveformJS-Display Waveforms for Tracks on Spotify
GreasyFork Moderator Actions Log ViewerJS-to view GreasyFork Moderator Actions Log Table
Absolute Time on GreasyForkJS-Make Absolute Time on GreasyFork
GreasyFork Code: Syntax Highlight by CodeMirrorJS-To syntax highlight GreasyFork Code by CodeMirror
Greasy Fork: fix wrong charset cssJS-To fix the wrong characters like arrow symbols
GreasyFork: Better Webhook Info PageJS-9/21/2023, 3:18:06 PM
GreasyFork hide scripts for author or wordJS-Adds an X button at the top left in GreasyFork that hides scripts by author or word
GreasyFork - lines number fixJS-Fixes lines number over 9999 not shown properly
GreasyFork Code: Syntax Highlight by highlight.jsJS-To syntax highlight GreasyFork Code by highlight.js
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