參考+CSS by Leadra
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Bouton de conversion d'URL YouTube ShortsJS-Convertir l'URL YouTube Shorts en URL vidéo YouTube classique.
Control Panel for YouTubeJS-Gives you more control over YouTube by adding missing options and UI improvements
YouTube R###meJS-R###me YouTube videos where you left off.
Compact Youtube Live ChatJS-Tiny compressed chat for Youtube
Youtube Scroll VolumeJS-Use the scroll wheel to adjust volume of youtube videos
[youtube.com] Arrow buttons constant bindingJS-The arrow buttons don't depend on slider/seekbar focus. Left/Right - always playback, Down/Up - always sound volume.
Live Chat Mod | CALIBERJS-Sticky Moderator chat with Additional highlight commands (For Dark Theme)
Youtube: Remove OverlaysJS-04/26/2023, 11:35:27 AM
YouTube 隱藏進度條(滑鼠移入才會顯示JS-YouTube 隱藏進度條
fix youtube caption positionJS-Fix youtube caption's position. You can change the position by change the variable of cMarginBottom, cBottom or cLeft.
Youtube Player SimplifierJS-Remove buttons
Youtube - hide "Download, Clip and Thanks (including Promote)" buttonsJS-Hides "Download", "Clip", "Thanks" and "Promote" buttons on video. (special thanks to aubymori for the old version of the script)
Youtube Cleaner Video PlayerJS-Removes any overlay youtube might put on top of the video player that isn't important, like the branding watermark or product ads from the channel, for slightly better video visibility.
Youtube volume fixJS-スクロールでの音量調整値を1にする、ついでに音量バーを常時表示する。
YouTube Short Link CopierJS-Copy the short YouTube link directly when pressing Shift + S, and with timestamp when pressing Shift + C.
Unshort YouTubeJS-Watch a YouTube Shorts video in the normal YouTube player
Youtube Shorts to Normal VideoJS-EN: Convert Youtube Shorts videos to normal videos with one button. TR: Youtube Shorts videolarını bir buton ile normal videoya dönüştürün.
YouTube - Ajustement du volume de 5%JS-Augmente le volume audio des vidéos YouTube de 5%.
YouTube - Afficher le volume actuelJS-Affiche le volume lorsqu'il change.
Remove YouTube Tracking Parameters and Convert Share LinksJS-Removes tracking parameters from all YouTube links and converts them to shortened youtu.be links within the share box.
youtube shorts onetap normal video pageJS-ショートからワンタップで通常の動画ページに飛ぶ
Youtube LiveChat ModificationJS-Youtube直播分離聊天室調整
Youtube - Video Player Bar SimplifiedJS-Youtube Video Player Bar Simplified. Removed "Next", "Auto Play", "Mini Player" Buttons. YT播放栏简化,移除了“播放下一个”,“自动播放”,“迷你窗口”按钮。
Youtube short pop outJS-Youtube Short Full Video Pop out
YouTube Fix Arrow Key Volume ControlJS-Focus player when an arrow key is pressed
Disable YouTube AutoplayJS-禁用 YouTube 页面的自动播放,包括广告跳过后的情况,并在页面加载后的3秒内停止自动暂停操作
youtube hides controls while showing progress barJS-Hide YouTube's controls and display the progress bar
Focus progress barJS-Gets rid of arrow control for volume.
Youtube - skip to time in Url paramJS-01/09/2024, 1:04:43 pm
Disable YouTube Hotkeys with Modern Settings PageJS-Disable various YouTube hotkeys, including frame skip, with a modern settings page
YouTube Player with Red Progress Bar and No GradientsJS-Customize YouTube player on watch page to remove gradients and keep a solid red progress bar
YouTube Restart Video ButtonJS-Добавляет кнопку для возврата видео на начало.
Reliable Keys for YouTube PlayerJS-Removes the tabindex attribute from the YouTube player's controls, so that left/right keys always perform seeking and up/down keys always perform volume adjustments.
Stop YouTube scrollingJS-Stops YouTube autoscrolling when pressing on the bottom bar (video chapters)
Hide YouTube Info PanelJS-Hides the blue info panel below (certain) YouTube videos
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