J.S. Spectaculars by Azazello
Everyone loves Jefferson Scher!
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Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)JS-Block unwanted sites from your Google, DuckDuckGo, Startpage.com, Bing and Yahoo search r###lts. v2.3.5 2025-03-21
Google Cache Highlight Search Query Terms for HTTPSJS-Restore highlighted search terms in Google cache for secure searches. For Firefox+Violentmonkey or Chrome+Tampermonkey. v0.6.6 2023-06-19
Block internal images hardcoded in IMG tagJS-Remove about: chrome: and resource: URIs from the src attribute of <img> tags.
SwissCows Un-target Web R###lt Links to Open in Same TabJS-Strip target="_blank" from r###lts links (2020-07-23)
Mycroft Patch for Firefox 78JS-Modify page function to use supported features only. Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. v1.0 2020-06-20
Enlarge to Fill Stand-Alone Image ViewerJS-Make stand-alone images fill the viewport regardless of whether they are too wide or too tall
Load .gsheet link from local fileJS-Discover Google Docs link in .gsheet file and navigate to it. 2020-03-02.
Hide VP9 support from YouTubeJS-Hide VP9 support for Firefox. v0.2 2019-12-20
Inject Google Translate WidgetJS-Userscript version of "Google Translate This" from https://github.com/andreicristianpetcu/google_translate_this for Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. v0.5 2019-11-06
Hide HDR support from YouTubeJS-Hide HDR support for Firefox 69. v0.1 2019-10-10
Text Highlight and SeekJS-Automatically highlight user-defined text with Seek function (2019-09-22)
Upsize Stand-Alone ImagesJS-Proportionally enlarge smaller stand-alone images
Fill YouTube Search BoxJS-If YouTube search box is empty, check for query text in the page URL and fill it. v0.1 2018-09-16
Customize Hayden Technologies DNS Block PageJS-Replace page contents (2018-05-12)
Prevent Spacebar Doing Page DownJS-When the Spacebar key is received outside a text entry area, discard it
Hide Email Address From Title BarJS-Remove email address from title bar on Gmail, Outlook.com, Office365, and Yahoo Mail
Set HTML5 media player volumeJS-Script to set the volume of <video> and <audio> elements to reduced value (defaults to 50%), with a menu item to change for the current page.
Live Advanced Style Settings on userstyles.orgJS-Update "Show CSS Code" box when there are Advanced Style Settings (2017-11-11)
TweetOver PlainText TooltipJS-Adds tweet text to a Twitter status link on mouse-over (title attribute) - EXPERIMENTAL - for LEGACY Greasemonkey
GrayscalerJS-Render entire page in grayscale (greyscale). Updated 2017-07-08.
Unfix Fixed Position Element on Firefox Context MenuJS-Add new item to top of right-click context menu to override position:fixed on elements in a page.
Block Opener on Targeted LinksJS-Add rel attribute values on mouseup to block window.opener in the linked site, also blocks referer (2016-09-01)
YouTube Wait for Me - Pause and Start Player in Background TabsJS-Pause the video in YouTube tabs opened in the background, play on activation 2016-08-18 (I know, it doesn't pause fast enough)
Google Images Un-target to Open in Same TabJS-Strip target="_blank" from links so View image and View page replace the r###lts (2016-06-09)
Twitter HTML5 Video Error to LinkJS-Replaces error message with a link to load the media in a new tab where hopefully a plugin will play it
Kijiji Visited Links - Hack Links To Match HistoryJS-Add link with "?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true" to match how Firefox recorded them in history for a while
SuMo Top Menu Hover RemoverJS-On the Mozilla Support site, change the top menus to show on click rather than mouseover, subdue the background colors
Play QuickTime MOV in Plugin (for stand-alone .mov)JS-For Firefox 45+, replaces the HTML5 video player with a plugin for a .mov file opened stand-alone
Hide All PluginsJS-Shows empty navigator.plugins and navigator.mimeTypes collections to selected websites
Yahoo Finance HTTPS to HTTPS Form SubmitJS-Fix any forms on HTTPS pages that have HTTP submission URLs to avoid warnings
Exclude term on Google (Firefox only)JS-Easily exclude terms from your query using the right-click context menu. v0.9.0 2015-12-20
DropStopJS-Cancel drop event so page doesn't navigate away
Symbol Font to Greek EntitiesJS-Replace symbol font tags with Greek HTML entities (2015-11-05)
Prevent Slash Opening QuickFindJS-When the / key is received outside a text entry field, discard it
Fix drop-down menus on Steam storeJS-Keep the Games, Software, Hardware and For You menus from disappearing! (2015-10-16)
Outlook People Show Missing Details (Aug 2015)JS-Make embedded information visible
Always Can Check SpellingJS-Seek out and remove all checkspelling="false" attributes. This restores default behavior, i.e., does not turn on spellcheck for text inputs.
Date Fix for Google.caJS-Reformat dd/mm/yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd
Yahoo Mail Attachment List in Print ViewJS-Extract attachment list from the message and add it to the end of the print view (2015-07-12)
Set HTML5 video volumeJS-Script to set the volume of <video> elements to 50%.
Play ToneJS-Function to play a sound file by adding an HTML5 audio tag to the document. ver 1.0 2014-09-07.
YouTube Remove List from Watch URLsJS-Remove list parameter from watch links on pages under www.youtube.com/user/.
Text Highlighter - DynamicJS-Highlights User-defined Text
Runbox Email Link FixerJS-Update Runbox new message with mailto and Email Link parameters (8 July 2014)
GSMArena Highlight Compare DifferencesJS-See https://greasyfork.org/forum/discussion/449/gsmarena-com-a-script-to-highlight-rows-with-differences-when-comparing-phones
Switch Flash embed to secureJS-Workaround for Flash 14 on Firefox 30 not loading Flash videos on HTTP pages
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