2-Themes by Azazello
userstyles, style sheets, etc.
Les résultats pour Français sont affichés uniquement. Afficher les résultats pour toutes les langues.
Wikipedia skinsJS-Restore the old Wikipedia look or choose between other available skins: Vector 2022, Vector legacy 2010, MinervaNeue, MonoBook, Timeless, Modern, Cologne Blue
Universal Dark Theme MakerJS-Simple Dark Theme style for any website which you can configure per-site
Greasyfork Dark ThemeJS-A sleek and modern dark theme for Greasyfork.
Wikipedia Dark NoudioModJS-A dark version of Wikipedia.org
Dark greasyforkJS-theme dark for greasefork
Dark modeJS-Enable dark mode with only one line of CSS
Night ModeJS-Adds a transparent dark layer depending on the time of the day to any website to make it less bright.
Dark ReaderJS-Toggle dark mode using an icon placed at the bottom left of your screen. Hotkey: Command + Shift + B
Fancy cursor springJS-Attaches a funny spring to your cursor on every website
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