Reddit by Azazello
hate it or *hate* it, (quixotic and other) solutions for Reddit
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Reddit AI BotBusterJS-Detects suspected bot accounts and AI-generated content on Reddit using advanced heuristics. Bot accounts have their username styled in orange (if the account is young), while AI-generated content is outlined.
Reddit Advanced Content FilterJS-Automatically hides posts in your Reddit feed based on keywords or subreddits you specify. Supports whitelist entries that override filtering.
Old Reddit Auto Expand Images and Post Text, Images in commentsJS-expands medias and post text on old Reddit feeds.
Reddit take back randomJS-this script simulates the "/r/random" removed from reddit
Redirecteur de confidentialitéJS-Rediriger les plateformes de médias sociaux vers leurs pages d'accueil respectueuses de la vie privée
Remove annoying topics from RedditJS-Remove annoying topics from Reddit by hiding posts that include specific keywords. Edit "const kWList" to change the keyword.
Don't Show Me ModsJS-Remove subreddit moderators information from Old Reddit
Reddit expand media and commentsJS-Shows pictures and some videos right after the link, loads and expands comment threads.
Reddit B64 DecoderJS-Decode Base64-encoded text in Reddit posts and convert URLs to clickable links.
Old Reddit Inline ImagesJS-Displays image posts and replies inline in threads on the Old Reddit interface.
Hide Cakeday CommentsJS-Hides comments that contain cakeday-related keywords
Filter reddit post with certain keywords in the titleJS-Hide elements with specific text content
Reddit Old Auto-Expand ↕️JS-Automatically expands posts on
Markdown toolbar for reddit.comJS-Creates a Markdown toolbar whenever you make/edit text posts or comments in
Reddit History SanitizerJS-Obfuscate and Delete Reddit Comments Older than User Specified Time
Reddit Image Search Add-onJS-Create instant reverse image search links for image posts
Reddit Secure Delete - Only Comments More Than 7 Days OldJS-Securely delete your reddit posts. Now with the ability to only securely delete comments more than 7 days old. Originally by
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