[SNOLAB] Alt + 123... Searching R###lts Links List Batch OpenJS-To quickly understand a field, press Alt+1 ...2,3,4...Alt+5 on the search page of Google or Bing to open the search r###lts of the first 2 nth power items and copy the opened ones link. Currently supports: Google, Bing, Zhihu.
Make Google Sorry Page Link ClickableJS-as the name
MarkdownCopyJS-Press Alt+C to copy title and url as markdown style link `> ${SELECTION} [${TITLE}]( ${URL} )`
[SNOLAB] [Mulango] SearchJS-[snolab] Mulango - Walkers for bilingual learners. View a google search r###lt in two languages side by side for comparison and language learning. now supports Bing & Google,
[SNOLAB] [Mulango] myTyping Game TranslatorJS-[SNOLAB] [Mulango] Translate Japenese to the second language of your browser.
OpenAI Chat Copy Code HotkeyJS-Binds the "Alt+C" hotkey to find and click the HTML element with the text "Copy code" on
Seisho ReaderJS-biblica multilanguage TTS reader
[SNOLAB] Selection expanderJS-Shift+Alt+Right/Left to Expand/Shirink Selection to parent elements. (vise versa) just like vscode
Telegram SpeakerJS-[SNOLAB] Speak latest telegram message With TTS technology just in your browser. @deprecated Use my new script [SNOLAB] I Heard Telegram Speaking
Wikipedia multi language viewJS-View a Wikipedia entry with two (or more?) languages side by side for comparison and language learning.
YoutubeAllR###ltsPushToQueuePlayJS-Youtube Search R###lts Pages Push To Queue To Play Button
[SNOLAB] NPM Typescript FlagJS-Show "Dt" and "Ts" Icon on npm package search r###lt.
Pardonnez-moi, pouvez-vous le répéter?JS-Appuyez sur . ou , pour rejouer la dernière phrase lentement à 0.6x de vitesse sur n'importe quel site vidéo/audio comme YouTube, Bilibili ou Spotify. C'est utile lorsque vous apprenez une langue et que vous voulez vous assurer de bien comprendre chaque phrase. Ou lorsque vous apprenez des instruments et que vous voulez rejouer une section à une vitesse plus lente.
google bilingual search view en/zhJS-[snolab] Mulango - Walkers for bilingual learners. View a google search r###lt in two languages side by side for comparison and language learning. now supports Bing & Google,
google multilang search view enjaJS-[snolab] Mulango - en/ja Walkers for bilingual learners. View a google search r###lt in two languages side by side for comparison and language learning. now supports Bing & Google,
Page FloodJS-Press Shift+Alt+Q to batch open links in the main list in a page.
[SNOLAB] Alt + i to invert color of Images / Videos ColorJS-Invert page color by Alt+i, combo with Ctrl+Windows+C to invert the color of whole screen, you can enjoy the real night mode in windows.
Youtube Auto Play Unwatched Videos in search r###lts.JS-Automately Play all unwatched search r###lts in a queue, useful to learn language from randomly videos by your everyday.