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Forvo download (July 2015)

Download audio from, on search r###lts page, adds a download link, on individual word page, replaces the "download" icon.

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// ==UserScript==// @name           Forvo download (July 2015)// @namespace @description    Download audio from, on search r###lts page, adds a download link, on individual word page, replaces the "download" icon.// @author         Modifications by Michael Elsdoerfer// @include*// @include        http://**// @version ==/UserScript==run();function run(){res = xpath("//a[@class='play']");len = res.snapshotLength;if( len < 1 ) {return 0;}for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {var objLink = res.snapshotItem(i);var strLink = getMp3Url(objLink);var downloadIcon = objLink.parentNode.querySelector('.download a');if (downloadIcon) {downloadIcon.setAttribute('href', strLink);downloadIcon.setAttribute('download', 'download');  // force download} else {// Assume we are on search r###lts pagevar a = document.createElement("a");a.innerHTML = "download";a.setAttribute('href', strLink);a.setAttribute('download', 'download');objLink.parentNode.appendChild(a);}}return 0;}function getMp3Url(obj){// Looks like this:// Play(71450,'ODk3NTY2NS80NC84OTc1NjY1XzQ0XzMxMzA2MV8xLm1wMw==','ODk3NTY2NS80NC84OTc1NjY1XzQ0XzMxMzA2MV8xLm9nZw==');return false;var str = obj.getAttribute('onclick');// We get the second, third arguments to Play()var expr = new RegExp(",'(.+)','");var mp3 = expr.exec(str)[1];var ogg = expr.exec(str)[1];// Code from Forvo's Play() function to build the link_SERVER_HOST == _AUDIO_HTTP_HOST ? (mp3 = "http://" + _SERVER_HOST + "/player-mp3Handler.php?path=" + mp3,ogg = "http://" + _SERVER_HOST + "/player-oggHandler.php?path=" + ogg) : (mp3 = "http://" + _AUDIO_HTTP_HOST + "/mp3/" + base64_decode(mp3),ogg = "http://" + _AUDIO_HTTP_HOST + "/ogg/" + base64_decode(ogg));return mp3;}/*** Возращает первый результат xpath запроса query*/function xpathfirst(query, startingPoint){var res = xpath(query, startingPoint);if (res.snapshotLength == 0){return false;}return res.snapshotItem(0);}/*** Обертка для xpath запроса*/function xpath(query, startingPoint){if (startingPoint == null) {startingPoint = document;}var retVal = document.evaluate(query, startingPoint, null, XPathR###lt.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);return retVal;}/*** Обертка для getElementsByTagName*/function _gt(e){return document.getElementsByTagName(e);}/*** Обертка для getElementsByTagName*/function _gi(e){return document.getElementById(e);}/*** Возращает целое случайное число.*/function getRandomInt(min, max){return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;}function getFormatDate(format){var cur_time = new Date();return cur_time.getHours() + ":" + cur_time.getMinutes() + ":" + cur_time.getSeconds();}