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Social Friend Tracker

Monitors your Facebook frends and notifies you if you are unfriended

* Social Friend Tracker
* NOTICE: this user script contains some code nicked from Social Fixer by
* Matt Kruse.  With apologies.
* Social Fixer used to contain a Friend Tracker.  However, since SF 8.0
* this has no longer been the case because Facebook objected and placed
* pressure on the author to remove it.  This script is an attempt to
* r###rrect the Friend Tracker.
// ==UserScript==
// @name           Social Friend Tracker
// @namespace      http://userscripts.org/users/49156
// @description    Monitors your Facebook frends and notifies you if you are unfriended
// @include        http://*.facebook.com/*
// @include        http://facebook.com/*
// @include        https://*.facebook.com/*
// @include        https://facebook.com/*
// @grant          unsafeWindow
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @grant          GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant          GM_log
// @version        0.85
// ==/UserScript==
* 0.80 24-dec-2013 was the initial release
* 0.81 30-dec-2013 fix the regexp that parses the user_num out of cookies
* 0.82 31-mar-2014 fb changed the newsfeed and the box disappeared, but
only because of a silly typo in the code
* 0.83 04-aug-2015 @grant (required for GreaseMonkey 2+)
* 0.84 18-feb-2017 when refriended, don't overwrite the refriended data if
it already existed, so we remember the original timestamp
* 0.85 08-jan-2019 add fb_dtsg token because the API stopped working without it
var addGlobalStyle = function(css) {
var head, style;
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!head) { return; }
style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = css;
'#sft_pagelet {border: solid 1px; padding: 2px;}' +
'.sft_noactivity {font-weight:bold;}' +
'.sft_unfriended {color: #ff0000;}' +
'.sft_friended {color: #00ff00;}' +
'.sft_unfriend_name {margin-left:1em;}' +
'.sft_friend_name {margin-left:1em;}'
var queueFunction = function(f) {return setTimeout(f,0);};
var time = function () {return (new Date()).getTime();};
var protocol='http:'; try { protocol = location.protocol; } catch(e) { }
var host='facebook.com';try { host = location.host; } catch(e) { }
var user_num = null;try {user_num = unsafeWindow.Env.user;} catch(e) { }
if (!user_num) try {user_num=document.cookie.match(/^(.*;\s*)?c_user=([0-9]+)(;.*)?$/)[2];} catch(e) { }
var fb_dtsg = document.getElementsByName('fb_dtsg')[0].value;
var requestProps = {type:'xhr', url:protocol+'//'+host+'/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php?__a=1&filter[0]=user&lazy=0&options[0]=friends_only&viewer='+user_num+'&__user='+user_num+'&fb_dtsg='+fb_dtsg, headers:{'Content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, ttl:3600 };
var getData = function (func,force) {
if (!user_num) return;
var t=time();
var rc=requestProps;
var dt = user_num + '.data';
if (!force) {
var lastcheck = +GM_getValue(dt+'.last_check',0);
if (t-lastcheck <= rc.ttl*1000) {
var cache = GM_getValue(dt,'');
if (cache) { func(cache); return; }
if (!rc.loading) {
var headers=rc.headers;
var url=rc.url;
url += '&time='+t;
try {
GM_xmlhttpRequest({'method': 'GET', 'headers': headers, 'url': url, 'onload': function(res) {
if (res.responseText==null || res.responseText=="") {
GM_log("ajax request returned no content");
if (val!=false) {
}, 'onerror': function(res) {
GM_log("AJAX stopped with error");
GM_log("Status: " + res.statusText);
} catch (e) {
GM_log("An error occurred during the ajax request: " + e.toString());
var object_to_array = function(obj,key,desc) {
var dir=1; if (desc) dir=-1;
var a=[];
for(var i in obj) {a.push(obj[i]);}
return a.sort(function(a,b){
var ta=typeof a[key]; var tb=typeof b[key];
if (ta=="undefined" && tb=="undefined") return 0;
if (tb=="undefined") return dir;
if (ta=="undefined") return -dir;
if (a[key]>b[key]) return dir;
if (a[key]==b[key]) return 0;
return -dir;
var ago = function(when,now) {
var diff = Math.floor((now-when)/1000/60);
if (diff<60) return diff+" min ago";
diff = Math.floor(diff/60);
if (diff<24) return diff+" hr ago";
diff = Math.floor(diff/24);
return diff+" days ago";
var sftClearPressed = false;
var sftLoaded = false;
var sftProcessData = function(data) {
var dirty = false;
var t = time();
var dt = user_num + '.friends';
var fdata = GM_getValue(dt,"");
var friends = {};
if (fdata != "") {
try { friends = JSON.parse(fdata); } catch (e) { GM_log("Friends JSON data could not be parsed"); }
if (typeof friends.friends=="undefined") { friends.friends={}; }
if (typeof friends.unfriended=="undefined" || sftClearPressed) { friends.unfriended={}; }
if (typeof friends.refriended=="undefined" || sftClearPressed) { friends.refriended={}; }
if (sftClearPressed) dirty=true;
sftClearPressed = false;
var old_friends = friends.friends;
var unfriended = friends.unfriended;
var refriended = friends.refriended;
var count=0;
var friend_list = {};
try { friend_list = JSON.parse(data.replace(/for\s*\(\s*\;\s*\;\s*\)\s*\;/,'')); }
catch (e) { GM_log("Friends data returned from Facebook could not be parsed"); return false; }
if (!friend_list.payload || !friend_list.payload.entries) { return false; }
friend_list = friend_list.payload.entries;
if (friend_list && friend_list.length>5) {
sftLoaded = true;
var current_friends = {};
/* analyse each current friend in the returned data */
for (var i=0;i<friend_list.length;i++) {
if (friend_list[i].type=="user") {
var id = friend_list[i].uid;
if (id == user_num) continue;
var name = friend_list[i].text;
var f = {'name':name,'added':t};
if (typeof old_friends[id]=="undefined") {
old_friends[id] = f; /* this is a new friend */
dirty = true;
current_friends[id] = f;
if (typeof unfriended[id]!="undefined" && typeof refriended[id]  == "undefined") {
/* this friend was unfriended, but has returned */
refriended[id] = unfriended[id];
refriended[id].refriended = t;
refriended[id].id = id;
dirty = true;
/* now look for old friends who didn't appear in the data */
for (var id in old_friends) {
if (id==user_num) continue;
if (typeof current_friends[id]=="undefined") {
/* Gone! */
unfriended[id] = old_friends[id];
unfriended[id].deleted = t;
unfriended[id].id = id;
delete old_friends[id];
delete refriended[id];
dirty = true;
var dtk=user_num + '.keep_days';
var days=+GM_getValue(dtk,'5');
var duration = 1000*60*60*24*days;
var timeClass = " uiStreamSource timestamp ";
/* Report each current unfriend unless too old */
var unmsg="";
var unfriend_array = object_to_array( unfriended, 'deleted', true );
for (var i=0; i<unfriend_array.length; i++) {
var f = unfriend_array[i];
var id = f.id;
if (t-f.deleted > duration ) {
delete unfriended[id];
dirty = true;
} else {
if (unmsg=="") unmsg='You are <span class="sft_unfriended">no longer friends</span> with:';
unmsg += '<div><a href="/profile.php?id='+id+'" target="_blank" class="sft_unfriend_name">'+f.name+'</a> ' +
'<span class="'+timeClass+'">'+ago(f.deleted,t)+' <span class="sft_unfriend_reason"></span></span></div>';
/* Report each current refriend unless too old */
var remsg="";
var refriend_array = object_to_array( refriended, 'refriended', true );
for (var i=0; i<refriend_array.length; i++) {
var f = refriend_array[i];
var id = f.id;
if (t-f.refriended > duration ) {
delete refriended[id];
dirty = true;
} else {
if (remsg=="") remsg='You have been <span class="sft_friended">re-friended</span> by:';
remsg += '<div><a href="/profile.php?id='+id+'" target="_blank" class="sft_friend_name">'+f.name+'</a> ' +
'<span class="'+timeClass+'">'+ago(f.refriended,t)+'</span></div>';
var pagelet = document.getElementById('sft_pagelet');
if (unmsg!="" || remsg!="") {
var keepmsg = '<div class=sft_keep_msg>(These names will be remembered for <input id=sft_keep_days type=text size=1 value="'+days+'"> days or until the Clear button is pressed.)</div>';
pagelet.innerHTML = unmsg + remsg + keepmsg;
/* monitor the keep_days input for changes */
var elt=pagelet.querySelector('#sft_keep_days');
if (elt) elt.onchange=function () {
var days=document.getElementById('sft_keep_days').value;
if (+days>0) GM_setValue(dtk,''+days);
/* Find out whether the unfriended accounts have been deactivated */
var elts=pagelet.querySelectorAll('.sft_unfriend_name');
if (elts && elts.length>0){
for (var i=0; i<elts.length; i++) {
var a=elts[i];
GM_xmlhttpRequest({'method': 'GET', 'url':a.href,'onload':function(res){
if (res.status==404) {
if (elt) elt.innerHTML='(account inactive)';
} else {
pagelet.innerHTML = '<div class="sft_noactivity">No activity (When you are unfriended, names will show up here)</div>';
/* Update the friend count in the box header */
var elt = document.getElementById('sft_friend_number');
if (elt) elt.innerHTML=' (' + (count-1) + ')';
if (dirty) {
return true;
var sftFail = function() {
if (sftLoaded) return;
var pagelet = document.getElementById('sft_pagelet');
if (pagelet) {
if (!user_num) pagelet.innerHTML='Friend Tracker was unable to determine your Facebook user number.';
else pagelet.innerHTML='Friend Tracker failed to load.  Please check browser\'s setting for third party cookies.';
var sftLoadContent = function(force) {
var pagelet = document.getElementById('sft_pagelet');
if (pagelet) pagelet.innerHTML="Loading...";
var insertAfter = function(newelt,child) {
var parent=child.parentNode;
var sibling=child.nextSibling;
if (sibling) parent.insertBefore(newelt,sibling);
else parent.appendChild(newelt);
var sftMakePagelet = function() {
var rightCol = document.getElementById('rightCol');
if (!rightCol) return 0;
var div = document.createElement('DIV');
div.innerHTML='<div class="mbl">'+
'<div class="uiHeader uiHeaderBottomBorder uiHeaderTopAndBottomBorder uiSideHeader mbm mbs pbs">'+
'<div class="clearfix uiHeaderTop">'+
'<div class="uiTextSubtitle uiHeaderActions rfloat" id=sft_button_refresh><a href="#">Refresh</a>&nbsp;</div>'+
'<div class="uiTextSubtitle uiHeaderActions rfloat" id=sft_button_clear><a href="#">Clear</a>&nbsp;</div>'+
'<h4 class="uiHeaderTitle pagelet_title">Friend Tracker</h4><span id="sft_friend_number"></span>'+
'<div class="UIRequestBox phs">'+
'<div id="sft_pagelet" class="UIImageBlock clearfix UIRequestBox_Request UIRequestBox_RequestFirst UIRequestBox_RequestOdd">'+
var set_onclick = function(parent, id, func) { var elt = parent.querySelector('#'+id); if (elt) elt.onclick=func; }
set_onclick(div, 'sft_button_refresh', function () {sftLoadContent(true);});
set_onclick(div, 'sft_button_clear', function () {sftClearPressed=true; sftLoadContent();});
var rem = document.getElementById('pagelet_reminders');
if (rem) insertAfter(div,rem);
else {
var container=rightCol;
var get = function(selector){
var x = container.querySelector(selector);
if (x) container=x;
var first=container.firstChild;
if (first) insertAfter(div,first);
else container.appendChild(div);
return 1;